The Bengal famine of 1943 was a famine in the Bengal province of British India present day Bangladesh West Bengal and eastern India during World War II An estimated 0 8 3 8 million people died in the Bengal region present day Bangladesh and West Bengal from starvation malaria and other diseases aggravated by malnutrition population displacement unsanitary conditions poor British wartime policies and lack of health care Millions were impoverished as the crisis overwhelmed large segments of the economy and catastrophically disrupted the social fabric Eventually families disintegrated men sold their small farms and left home to look for work or to join the British Indian Army and women and children became homeless migrants often travelling to Calcutta or other large cities in search of organised relief Bengal famine of 1943From the photo spread in The Statesman on 22 August 1943 showing famine conditions in Calcutta These photographs made world headlines and spurred government action CountryBritish IndiaLocationBengal OrissaPeriod1943 1944Total deathsEstimated 0 8 to 3 8 million in Bengal alone Bengal s economy had been predominantly agrarian with between half and three quarters of the rural poor subsisting in a semi starved condition Stagnant agricultural productivity and a stable land base were unable to cope with a rapidly increasing population resulting in both long term decline in per capita availability of rice and growing numbers of the land poor and landless labourers A high proportion laboured beneath a chronic and spiralling cycle of debt that ended in debt bondage and the loss of their landholdings due to land grabbing The British inflation policy during World War II aimed to reduce the consumption of the poor to free up resources for British and American troops exacerbated the famine in Bengal This policy along with other economic measures led to a forced transfer of purchasing power from ordinary people to the military diverting food supplies and resources to support military operations during the war with Japan John Maynard Keynes in his capacity as advisor on Indian financial and monetary affairs for the British Government had remarked that the intention of the policy was reduce the consumption of the poor in order to extract wealth to better finance Allied war spending According to Indian economist Utsa Patnaik this inflationary strategy caused food prices to soar sixfold while wages had remained stagnant resulting in widespread starvation and the deaths of three million people Patnaik argues that this economic manipulation that deliberately pushed food out of reach of the poor was part of a broader systematic colonial exploitation prioritizing British interests over the welfare of the colonized populations Many workers received monetary wages rather than payment in kind and when prices rose sharply their wages did not keep pace leaving them less able to purchase food During the Japanese occupation of Burma rice imports were lost due to disrupted market supplies and British denial policies including scorched earth The Bengal Chamber of Commerce with the approval of the Government of Bengal had devised a Foodstuffs Scheme to ensure preferential distribution to high priority workers further restricting access to grain Aid from Churchill s war cabinet was limited and domestic sources were constrained by trade barriers and natural disasters compounding the crisis Additional proximate causes included large scale natural disasters in south western Bengal a cyclone tidal waves and flooding and rice crop disease The relative impact of each of these factors on the death toll is a matter of debate The provincial government never formally declared a state of famine and its humanitarian aid was ineffective through the worst months of the crisis It attempted to fix the price of rice paddy through price controls which resulted in a black market which encouraged sellers to withhold stocks leading to hyperinflation from speculation and hoarding after controls were abandoned Aid increased significantly when the British Indian Army took control of funding in October 1943 but effective relief arrived after a record rice harvest that December Deaths from starvation declined yet over half the famine related deaths occurred in 1944 after the food security crisis had abated as a result of disease British Prime Minister Winston Churchill has been criticized for his role in the famine with critics arguing that his war priorities and the refusal to divert food supplies to Bengal significantly worsened the situation BackgroundFrom the late 19th century through the Great Depression social and economic forces exerted a harmful impact on the structure of Bengal s income distribution and the ability of its agricultural sector to sustain the populace These processes included increasing household debt a rapidly growing population stagnant agricultural productivity increased social stratification and alienation of the peasant class from their landholdings The interaction of these left clearly defined social and economic groups mired in poverty and indebtedness unable to cope with economic shocks or maintain their access to food beyond the near term In 1942 and 1943 in the immediate and central context of the Second World War the shocks Bengalis faced were numerous complex and sometimes sudden Millions were vulnerable to starvation Rice farmers ploughing a rice field with water buffaloes near Gushkara Bengal 1944 The Government of India s Famine Inquiry Commission report 1945 described Bengal as a land of rice growers and rice eaters Rice dominated the agricultural output of the province accounting for nearly 88 of its arable land use and 75 of its crops Overall Bengal produced one third of India s rice more than any other single province Rice accounted for 75 85 of daily food consumption with fish being the second major food source supplemented by small amounts of wheat There are three seasonal rice crops in Bengal By far the most important is the winter crop of aman rice Sown in May and June and harvested in November and December it produces about 70 of the total annual crop Crucially the debated shortfall in rice production in 1942 occurred during the all important aman harvest Rice yield per acre had been stagnant since the beginning of the twentieth century coupled with a rising population this created pressures that were a leading factor in the famine Bengal had a population of about 60 million in an area of 77 442 square miles according to a 1941 census Declining mortality rates induced in part by the pre 1943 success of the British Raj in famine reduction caused its population to increase by 43 between 1901 and 1941 from 42 1 million to 60 3 million Over the same period India s population as a whole increased by 37 The economy was almost solely agrarian but agricultural productivity was among the lowest in the world Agricultural technology was undeveloped access to credit was limited and expensive and any potential for government aid was hampered by political and financial constraints Land quality and fertility had been deteriorating in Bengal and other regions of India but the loss was especially severe here Agricultural expansion required deforestation and land reclamation These activities damaged the natural drainage courses silting up rivers and the channels that fed them leaving them and their fertile deltas moribund The combination of these factors caused stubbornly low agricultural productivity Prior to about 1920 the food demands of Bengal s growing population could be met in part by cultivating unused scrub lands No later than the first quarter of the twentieth century Bengal began to experience an acute shortage of such land leading to a chronic and growing shortage of rice Its inability to keep pace with rapid population growth changed it from a net exporter of foodgrains to a net importer Imports were a small portion of the total available food crops however and did little to alleviate problems of food supply Bengali doctor and chemist Chunilal Bose a professor in Calcutta s medical college estimated in 1930 that both the ingredients and the small total amount of food in the Bengali diet made it among the least nutritious in India and the world and greatly harmful to the physical health of the populace Economic historian Cormac o Grada writes Bengal s rice output in normal years was barely enough for bare bones subsistence the province s margin over subsistence on the eve of the famine was slender These conditions left a large proportion of the population continually on the brink of malnutrition or even starvation Land grabbing Structural changes in the credit market and land transfer rights pushed Bengal into recurring danger of famine and dictated which economic groups would suffer greatest hardship The British Indian system of land tenure particularly in Bengal was very complex with rights unequally divided among three diverse economic and social groups traditional absentee large landowners or zamindars the upper tier wealthy peasant jotedars and at the lower socioeconomic level the ryot peasant smallholders and dwarfholders bargadars sharecroppers and agricultural labourers Zamindar and jotedar landowners were protected by law and custom but those who cultivated the soil with small or no landholdings suffered persistent and increasing losses of land rights and welfare During the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries the power and influence of the landowners fell and that of the jotedars rose Particularly in less developed regions jotedars gained power as grain or jute traders and more importantly by making loans to sharecroppers agricultural labourers and ryots They gained power over their tenants using a combination of debt bondage through the transfer of debts and mortgages and parcel by parcel land grabbing Land grabbing usually took place via informal credit markets Many financial entities had disappeared during the Great Depression peasants with small landholdings generally had to resort to informal local lenders to purchase basic necessities during lean months between harvests As influential Bengali businessman M A Ispahani testified the Bengal cultivator even before the war had three months of feasting five months of subsistence diet and four months of starvation Moreover if a labourer did not possess goods recoverable as cash such as seed or cattle for ploughing he would go into debt Particularly during poor crops smallholders fell into cycles of debt often eventually forfeiting land to creditors Small landholders and sharecroppers acquired debts swollen by usurious rates of interest Any poor harvest exacted a heavy toll the accumulation of consumer debt seasonal loans and crisis loans began a cycle of spiralling perpetual indebtedness It was then relatively easy for the jotedars to use litigation to force debtors to sell all or part of their landholdings at a low price or forfeit them at auction Debtors then became landless or land poor sharecroppers and labourers usually working the same fields they had once owned The accumulation of household debt to a single local informal creditor bound the debtor almost inescapably to the creditor landlord it became nearly impossible to settle the debt after a good harvest and simply walk away In this way the jotedars effectively dominated and impoverished the lowest tier of economic classes in several districts of Bengal Such exploitation exacerbated by Muslim inheritance practices that divided land among multiple siblings widened inequalities in land ownership At the time millions of Bengali agriculturalists held little or no land In absolute terms the social group which suffered by far the most of every form of impoverishment and death during the Bengal famine of 1943 were the landless agricultural labourers Transport Satellite view of the Sundarbans Water provided the main source of transport during rainy seasons and throughout the year in areas such as the vast delta of the coastal southeastern Sundarbans River transport was integral to Bengal s economy an irreplaceable factor in the production and distribution of rice Roads were generally scarce and in poor condition and Bengal s extensive railway system was employed largely for military purposes until the very late stages of the crisis The development of railways in Bengal in the 1890s disrupted natural drainage and divided the region into innumerable poorly drained compartments Rail indirectly brought about excessive silting which increased flooding and created stagnant water areas damaging crop production and sometimes contributing to a partial shift away from the productive aman rice cultivar towards less productive cultivars and also created a more hospitable environment for water borne diseases such as cholera and malaria Soil and water supply East Bengal and west Bengal have different soils The sandy soil of the east and the lighter sedimentary earth of the Sundarbans tended to drain more rapidly after the monsoon season than the laterite or heavy clay regions of western Bengal Soil exhaustion necessitated that large tracts in western and central Bengal be left fallow eastern Bengal had far fewer uncultivated fields The annual flooding of these fallow fields created a breeding place for malaria carrying mosquitoes malaria epidemics lasted a month longer in the central and western areas with slower drainage Rural areas lacked access to safe water supplies Water came primarily from large earthen tanks rivers and tube wells In the dry season partially drained tanks became a further breeding area for malaria vector mosquitoes Tank and river water was susceptible to contamination by cholera with tube wells being much safer However as many as one third of the existing wells in wartime Bengal were in disrepair Pre famine shocks and distressThroughout 1942 and early 1943 military and political events combined with natural disasters and plant disease to place widespread stress on Bengal s economy While Bengal s food needs rose from increased military presence and an influx of refugees from Burma its ability to obtain rice and other grains was restricted by inter provincial trade barriers Japanese invasion of Burma Indian refugees flee Burma along the Prome Road from Rangoon to Mandalay and eventually on to India January 1942 The Japanese campaign for Burma set off an exodus of more than half of the one million Indians from Burma for India The flow began after the bombing of Rangoon 1941 1942 and for months thereafter desperate people poured across the borders escaping into India through Bengal and Assam On 26 April 1942 all Allied forces were ordered to retreat from Burma into India Military transport and other supplies were dedicated to military use and unavailable for use by the refugees By mid May 1942 the monsoon rains became heavy in the Manipur hills further inhibiting civilian movement The number of refugees who successfully reached India totalled at least 500 000 tens of thousands died along the way In later months 70 to 80 of these refugees were afflicted with diseases such as dysentery smallpox malaria or cholera with 30 desperately so The influx of refugees created several conditions that may have contributed to the famine Their arrival created an increased demand for food clothing and medical aid further straining the resources of the province The poor hygienic conditions of their forced journey sparked official fears of a public health risk due to epidemics caused by social disruption Finally their distraught state after their struggles bred foreboding uncertainty and panic amongst the populace of Bengal this aggravated panic buying and hoarding that may have contributed to the onset of the famine By April 1942 Japanese warships and aircraft had sunk approximately 100 000 tons of merchant shipping in the Bay of Bengal According to General Archibald Wavell Commander in Chief of the army in India both the War Office in London and the commander of the British Eastern Fleet acknowledged that the fleet was powerless to mount serious opposition to Japanese naval attacks on Ceylon southern or eastern India or on shipping in the Bay of Bengal For decades rail transport had been integral to successful efforts by the Raj to forestall famine in India However Japanese raids put additional strain on railways which also endured flooding in the Brahmaputra a malaria epidemic and the Quit India movement targeting road and rail communication Throughout this period transportation of civil supplies was compromised by the railways increased military obligations and the dismantling of tracks carried out in areas of eastern Bengal in 1942 to hamper a potential Japanese invasion Map of Indian civilian exodus from Burma into Manipur Bengal and Assam between January and July 1942 The fall of Rangoon in March 1942 cut off the import of Burmese rice into India and Ceylon Due in part to increases in local populations prices for rice were already 69 higher in September 1941 than in August 1939 The loss of Burmese imports led to further increased demand on the rice producing regions This according to the Famine Commission was in a market in which the progress of the war made sellers who could afford to wait reluctant to sell The loss of imports from Burma provoked an aggressive scramble for rice across India which sparked a dramatic and unprecedented surge in demand pull price inflation in Bengal and other rice producing regions of India Across India and particularly in Bengal this caused a derangement of the rice markets Particularly in Bengal the price effect of the loss of Burmese rice was vastly disproportionate to the relatively modest size of the loss in terms of total consumption Despite this Bengal continued to export rice to Ceylon for months afterwards even as the beginning of a food crisis began to become apparent All this together with transport problems created by the government s boat denial policy were the direct causes of inter provincial trade barriers on the movement of food grains and contributed to a series of failed government policies that further exacerbated the food crisis 1942 1945 Military build up inflation and displacement American soldiers at the Calcutta Jain Temple July 1943 Calcutta became a hub for hundreds of thousands of Allied troops The fall of Burma brought Bengal close to the war front its impact fell more strongly on Bengal than elsewhere in India Major urban areas especially Calcutta drew increasing numbers of workers into military industries and troops from many nations Unskilled labourers from Bengal and nearby provinces were employed by military contractors particularly for the construction of American and British airfields Hundreds of thousands of American British Indian and Chinese troops arrived in the province straining domestic supplies and leading to scarcities across wide ranges of daily necessities The general inflationary pressures of a war time economy caused prices to rise rapidly across the entire spectrum of goods and services The rise in prices was not disturbing until 1941 when it became more alarming Then in early 1943 the rate of inflation for foodgrains in particular took an unprecedented upward turn Nearly the full output of India s cloth wool leather and silk industries were sold to the military In the system that the British Government used to procure goods through the Government of India industries were left in private ownership rather than facing outright requisitioning of their productive capacity Firms were required to sell goods to the military on credit and at fixed low prices However firms were left free to charge any price they desired in their domestic market for whatever they had left over In the case of the textiles industries that supplied cloth for the uniforms of the British military for example they charged a very high price in domestic markets By the end of 1942 cloth prices had more than tripled from their pre war levels they had more than quadrupled by mid 1943 Much of the goods left over for civilian use were purchased by speculators As a result civilian consumption of cotton goods fell by more than 23 from the peace time level by 1943 44 The hardships that were felt by the rural population through a severe cloth famine were alleviated when military forces began distributing relief supplies between October 1942 and April 1943 Hawker Hurricane Mark IIBs and IICs of No 67 Squadron RAF lined up at Chittagong Construction of airfields displaced the civilian population and increased inflation The method of credit financing was tailored to UK wartime needs Britain agreed to pay for defence expenditures above the amount that India had paid in peacetime adjusted for inflation However their purchases were made entirely on credit accumulated in the Bank of England and not redeemable until after the war At the same time the Bank of India was permitted to treat those credits as assets against which it could print currency up to two and a half times more than the total debt incurred India s money printing presses then began running overtime printing the currency that paid for all these massive expenditures The tremendous rise in nominal money supply coupled with a scarcity of consumption goods spurred monetary inflation reaching its peak in 1944 45 The accompanying rise in incomes and purchasing power fell disproportionately into the hands of industries in Calcutta in particular munitions industries Military build up caused massive displacement of Bengalis from their homes Farmland purchased for airstrip and camp construction is estimated to have driven between 30 000 and 36 000 families about 150 000 to 180 000 persons off their land according to the historian Paul Greenough They were paid for the land but they had lost their employment The urgent need for housing for the immense influx of workers and soldiers from 1942 onward created further problems Military barracks were scattered around Calcutta The Famine Commission report of 1945 stated that the owners had been paid for these homes but there is little doubt that the members of many of these families became famine victims in 1943 March 1942 Denial policies Anticipating a Japanese invasion of British India via the eastern border of Bengal the British military launched a pre emptive two pronged scorched earth initiative in eastern and coastal Bengal Its goal was to deny the expected invaders access to food supplies transport and other resources First a denial of rice policy was carried out in three southern districts along the coast of the Bay of Bengal Bakarganj or Barisal Midnapore and Khulna that were expected to have surpluses of rice John Herbert the governor of Bengal issued an urgent directive in late March 1942 immediately requiring stocks of paddy unmilled rice deemed surplus and other food items to be removed or destroyed in these districts Official figures for the amounts impounded were relatively small and would have contributed only modestly to local scarcities However evidence that fraudulent corrupt and coercive practices by the purchasing agents removed far more rice than officially recorded not only from designated districts but also in unauthorised areas suggests a greater impact Far more damaging were the policy s disturbing impact on regional market relationships and contribution to a sense of public alarm Disruption of deeply intertwined relationships of trust and trade credit created an immediate freeze in informal lending This credit freeze greatly restricted the flow of rice into trade The second prong a boat denial policy was designed to deny Bengali transport to any invading Japanese army It applied to districts readily accessible via the Bay of Bengal and the larger rivers that flow into it Implemented on 1 May after an initial registration period the policy authorised the Army to confiscate relocate or destroy any boats large enough to carry more than ten people and allowed them to requisition other means of transport such as bicycles bullock carts and elephants Under this policy the Army confiscated approximately 45 000 rural boats severely disrupting river borne movement of labour supplies and food and compromising the livelihoods of boatmen and fishermen Leonard G Pinnell a British civil servant who headed the Bengal government s Department of Civil Supplies told the Famine Commission that the policy completely broke the economy of the fishing class Transport was generally unavailable to carry seed and equipment to distant fields or rice to the market hubs Artisans and other groups who relied on boat transport to carry goods to market were offered no recompense neither were rice growers nor the network of migratory labourers The large scale removal or destruction of rural boats caused a near complete breakdown of the existing transport and administration infrastructure and market system for movement of rice paddy 128 No steps were taken to provide for the maintenance or repair of the confiscated boats and many fishermen were unable to return to their trade The Army took no steps to distribute food rations to make up for the interruption of supplies These policies had important political ramifications The Indian National Congress among other groups staged protests denouncing the denial policies for placing draconian burdens on Bengali peasants these were part of a nationalist sentiment and outpouring that later peaked in the Quit India movement The policies wider impact the extent to which they compounded or even caused the famine to occur one year later has been the subject of much discussion Provincial trade barriers Many Indian provinces and princely states imposed inter provincial trade barriers from mid 1942 preventing trade in domestic rice Anxiety and soaring rice prices triggered by the fall of Burma were one underlying reason for the trade barriers Trade imbalances brought on by price controls were another The power to restrict inter provincial trade was given to provincial governments in November 1941 under the Defence of India Act 1939 Provincial governments began setting up trade barriers that prevented the flow of foodgrains especially rice and other goods between provinces These barriers reflected a desire to see that local populations were well fed thus forestalling local emergencies In January 1942 Punjab banned exports of wheat this increased the perception of food insecurity and led the enclave of wheat eaters in Greater Calcutta to increase their demand for rice precisely when an impending rice shortage was feared The Central Provinces prohibited the export of foodgrains outside the province two months later Madras banned rice exports in June followed by export bans in Bengal and its neighbouring provinces of Bihar and Orissa that July The Famine Inquiry Commission of 1945 characterised this critical and potentially most dangerous stage as a key policy failure As one deponent to the Commission put it Every province every district every administrative division in the east of India had become a food republic unto itself The trade machinery for the distribution of food between provinces throughout the east of India was slowly strangled and by the spring of 1943 was dead Bengal was unable to import domestic rice this policy helped transform market failures and food shortage into famine and widespread death Mid 1942 Prioritised distribution The loss of Burma reinforced the strategic importance of Calcutta as the hub of heavy industry and the main supplier of armaments and textiles for the entire Asian theatre To support its wartime mobilisation the British Indian Government categorised the population into socioeconomic groups of priority and non priority classes according to their relative importance to the war effort Members of the priority classes were largely composed of bhadraloks who were upper class or bourgeois middle class socially mobile educated urban and sympathetic to Western values and modernisation Protecting their interests was a major concern of both private and public relief efforts This placed the rural poor in direct competition for scarce basic supplies with workers in public agencies war related industries and in some cases even politically well connected middle class agriculturalists As food prices rose and the signs of famine became apparent from July 1942 the Bengal Chamber of Commerce composed mainly of British owned firms devised a Foodstuffs Scheme to provide preferential distribution of goods and services to workers in high priority war industries to prevent them from leaving their positions The scheme was approved by Government of Bengal Rice was directed away from the starving rural districts to workers in industries considered vital to the military effort particularly in the area around Greater Calcutta Workers in prioritised sectors private and government wartime industries military and civilian construction paper and textile mills engineering firms the Indian Railways coal mining and government workers of various levels were given significant advantages and benefits Essential workers received subsidised food and were frequently paid in part in weekly allotments of rice sufficient to feed their immediate families further protecting them from inflation Essential workers also benefited from ration cards a network of cheap shops which provided essential supplies at discounted rates and direct preferential allocation of supplies such as water medical care and antimalarial supplies They also received subsidised food free transportation access to superior housing regular wages and even mobile cinema units catering to recreational needs By December of that year the total number of individuals covered workers and their families was approximately a million Medical care was directed to the priority groups particularly the military Public and private medical staff at all levels were transferred to military duty while medical supplies were monopolised Rural labourers and civilians not members of these groups received severely reduced access to food and medical care generally available only to those who migrated to selected population centres Otherwise according to medical historian Sanjoy Bhattacharya vast areas of rural eastern India were denied any lasting state sponsored distributive schemes For this reason the policy of prioritised distribution is sometimes discussed as one cause of the famine Civil unrest Secret Cipher Telegram from C in C India to the UK War Office dated 17 August 1942 describing the civil unrest in wake of the Quit India Resolution 9 August 1942 The war escalated resentment and fear of the Raj among rural agriculturalists and business and industrial leaders in Greater Calcutta The unfavourable military situation of the Allies after the fall of Burma led the US and China to urge the UK to enlist India s full cooperation in the war by negotiating a peaceful transfer of political power to an elected Indian body this goal was also supported by the Labour Party in Britain Winston Churchill the British prime minister responded to the new pressure through the Cripps mission broaching the post war possibility of an autonomous political status for India in exchange for its full military support but negotiations collapsed in early April 1942 On 8 August 1942 the Indian National Congress launched the Quit India movement as a nationwide display of nonviolent resistance The British authorities reacted by imprisoning the Congress leaders Without its leadership the movement changed its character and took to sabotaging factories bridges telegraph and railway lines and other government property thereby threatening the British Raj s war enterprise The British acted forcefully to suppress the movement taking around 66 000 in custody of whom just over 19 000 were still convicted under civil law or detained under the Defence of India Act in early 1944 More than 2 500 Indians were shot when police fired upon protesters many of whom were killed In Bengal the movement was strongest in the Tamluk and Contai subdivisions of Midnapore district where rural discontent was well established and deep In Tamluk by April 1942 the government had destroyed some 18 000 boats in pursuit of its denial policy while war related inflation further alienated the rural population who became eager volunteers when local Congress recruiters proposed open rebellion The violence during the Quit India movement was internationally condemned and hardened some sectors of British opinion against India The historians Christopher Bayly and Tim Harper believe it reduced the British War Cabinet s willingness to provide famine aid at a time when supplies were also needed for the war effort In several ways the political and social disorder and distrust that were the effects and after effects of rebellion and civil unrest placed political logistical and infrastructural constraints on the Government of India that contributed to later famine driven woes 1942 1943 Price chaos Throughout April 1942 British and Indian refugees fled Burma many through Bengal as the cessation of Burmese imports continued to drive up rice prices In June the Bengal government established price controls for rice and on 1 July fixed prices at a level considerably lower than the prevailing market price The principal result of the fixed low price was to make sellers reluctant to sell stocks disappeared either on to the black market or into storage The government then let it be known that the price control law would not be enforced except in the most egregious cases of war profiteering This easing of restrictions plus the ban on exports created about four months of relative price stability In mid October though south west Bengal was struck by a series of natural disasters that destabilised prices again causing another rushed scramble for rice greatly to the benefit of the Calcutta black market Between December 1942 and March 1943 the government made several attempts to break the Calcutta market by bringing in rice supplies from various districts around the province however these attempts to drive down prices by increasing supply were unsuccessful On 11 March 1943 the provincial government rescinded its price controls resulting in dramatic rises in the price of rice due in part to soaring levels of speculation The period of inflation between March and May 1943 was especially intense May was the month of the first reports of death by starvation in Bengal The government attempted to re establish public confidence by insisting that the crisis was being caused almost solely by speculation and hoarding but their propaganda failed to dispel the widespread belief that there was a shortage of rice The provincial government never formally declared a state of famine even though its Famine Code would have mandated a sizable increase in aid In the early stages of the famine the rationale for this was that the provincial government was expecting aid from the Government of India It felt then its duty lay in maintaining confidence through propaganda that asserted that there was no shortage After it became clear that aid from central government was not forthcoming the provincial government felt they simply did not have the amount of food supplies that a declaration of famine would require them to distribute while distributing more money might make inflation worse When inter provincial trade barriers were abolished on 18 May prices temporarily fell in Calcutta but soared in the neighbouring provinces of Bihar and Orissa when traders rushed to purchase stocks The provincial government s attempts to locate and seize any hoarded stocks failed to find significant hoarding In Bengal prices were soon five to six times higher than they had been before April 1942 Free trade was abandoned in July 1943 and price controls were reinstated in August Despite this there were unofficial reports of rice being sold in late 1943 at roughly eight to ten times the prices of late 1942 Purchasing agents were sent out by the government to obtain rice but their attempts largely failed Prices remained high and the black market was not brought under control October 1942 Natural disasters Brown spot disease symptoms of Cochliobolus miyabeanus on rice Bengal was affected by a series of natural disasters late in 1942 The winter rice crop was afflicted by a severe outbreak of fungal brown spot disease while on 16 17 October a cyclone and three storm surges ravaged croplands destroyed houses and killing thousands at the same time dispersing high levels of fungal spores across the region and increasing the spread of the crop disease The fungus reduced the crop yield even more than the cyclone After describing the horrific conditions he had witnessed the mycologist S Y Padmanabhan wrote that the outbreak was similar in impact to the potato blight that caused the Irish Great Famine Though administrative failures were immediately responsible for this human suffering the principal cause of the short crop production of 1942 was the plant epidemic nothing as devastating has been recorded in plant pathological literature The Bengal cyclone came through the Bay of Bengal landing on the coastal areas of Midnapore and 24 Parganas It killed 14 500 people and 190 000 cattle whilst rice paddy stocks in the hands of cultivators consumers and dealers were destroyed It also created local atmospheric conditions that contributed to an increased incidence of malaria The three storm surges which followed the cyclone destroyed the seawalls of Midnapore and flooded large areas of Contai and Tamluk Waves swept an area of 450 square miles 1 200 km2 floods affected 400 square miles 1 000 km2 and wind and torrential rain damaged 3 200 square miles 8 300 km2 For nearly 2 5 million Bengalis the accumulative damage of the cyclone and storm surges to homes crops and livelihoods was catastrophic Corpses lay scattered over several thousand square miles of devastated land 7 400 villages were partly or wholly destroyed and standing flood waters remained for weeks in at least 1 600 villages Cholera dysentery and other water borne diseases flourished 527 000 houses and 1 900 schools were lost over 1 000 square miles of the most fertile paddy land in the province was entirely destroyed and the standing crop over an additional 3 000 square miles was damaged The cyclone floods plant disease and warm humid weather reinforced each other and combined to have a substantial impact on the aman rice crop of 1942 Their impact was felt in other aspects as well as in some districts the cyclone was responsible for an increased incidence of malaria with deadly effect October 1942 Unreliable crop forecasts At about the same time official forecasts of crop yields predicted a significant shortfall However crop statistics of the time were scant and unreliable Administrators and statisticians had known for decades that India s agricultural production statistics were completely inadequate and not merely guesses but frequently demonstrably absurd guesses There was little or no internal bureaucracy for creating and maintaining such reports and the low ranking police officers or village officials charged with gathering local statistics were often poorly supplied with maps and other necessary information poorly educated and poorly motivated to be accurate The Bengal Government thus did not act on these predictions doubting their accuracy and observing that forecasts had predicted a shortfall several times in previous years while no significant problems had occurred Air raids on Calcutta The Famine Inquiry Commission s 1945 report singled out the first Japanese air raids on Calcutta in December 1942 as a causation The attacks largely unchallenged by Allied defences continued throughout the week triggering an exodus of thousands from the city As evacuees travelled to the countryside food grain dealers closed their shops To ensure that workers in the prioritised industries in Calcutta would be fed the authorities seized rice stocks from wholesale dealers breaking any trust the rice traders had in the government From that moment the 1945 report stated the ordinary trade machinery could not be relied upon to feed Calcutta The food security crisis had begun 1942 1943 Shortfall and carryover Whether the famine resulted from crop shortfall or failure of land distribution has been much debated According to Amartya Sen The rice paddy supply for 1943 was only about 5 lower than the average of the preceding five years It was in fact 13 higher than in 1941 and there was of course no famine in 1941 The Famine Inquiry Commission report concluded that the overall deficit in rice in Bengal in 1943 taking into account an estimate of the amount of carryover of rice from the previous harvest was about three weeks supply In any circumstances this was a significant shortfall requiring a considerable amount of food relief but not a deficit large enough to create widespread deaths by starvation According to this view the famine was not a crisis of food availability but of the unequal distribution of food and income There has been very considerable debate about the amount of carryover available for use at the onset of the famine Several contemporary experts cite evidence of a much larger shortfall Commission member Wallace Aykroyd argued in 1974 that there had been a 25 shortfall in the harvest of the winter of 1942 while L G Pinnell responsible to the Government of Bengal from August 1942 to April 1943 for managing food supplies estimated the crop loss at 20 with disease accounting for more of the loss than the cyclone other government sources privately admitted the shortfall was 2 million tons The economist George Blyn argues that with the cyclone and floods of October and the loss of imports from Burma the 1942 Bengal rice harvest had been reduced by one third 1942 1944 Refusal of imports Beginning as early as December 1942 high ranking government officials and military officers including John Herbert the Governor of Bengal Viceroy Linlithgow Leo Amery the Secretary of State for India General Claude Auchinleck Commander in Chief of British forces in India and Admiral Louis Mountbatten Supreme Commander of South East Asia began requesting food imports for India through government and military channels but for months these requests were either rejected or reduced to a fraction of the original amount by Churchill s War Cabinet The colony was also not permitted to spend its own sterling reserves or even use its own ships to import food Although Viceroy Linlithgow appealed for imports from mid December 1942 he did so on the understanding that the military would be given preference over civilians The Secretary of State for India Leo Amery was on one side of a cycle of requests for food aid and subsequent refusals from the British War Cabinet that continued through 1943 and into 1944 Amery did not mention worsening conditions in the countryside stressing that Calcutta s industries must be fed or its workers would return to the countryside Rather than meeting this request the UK promised a relatively small amount of wheat that was specifically intended for western India that is not for Bengal in exchange for an increase in rice exports from Bengal to Ceylon The tone of Linlithgow s warnings to Amery grew increasingly serious over the first half of 1943 as did Amery s requests to the War Cabinet on 4 August 1943 Amery noted the spread of famine and specifically stressed the effect upon Calcutta and the potential effect on the morale of European troops The cabinet again offered only a relatively small amount explicitly referring to it as a token shipment The explanation generally offered for the refusals included insufficient shipping particularly in light of Allied plans to invade Normandy The Cabinet also refused offers of food shipments from several different nations When such shipments did begin to increase modestly in late 1943 the transport and storage facilities were understaffed and inadequate When Viscount Archibald Wavell replaced Linlithgow as Viceroy in the latter half of 1943 he too began a series of exasperated demands to the War Cabinet for very large quantities of grain His requests were again repeatedly denied causing him to decry the current crisis as one of the greatest disasters that has befallen any people under British rule and the damage to our reputation both among Indians and foreigners in India is incalculable Churchill wrote to Franklin D Roosevelt at the end of April 1944 asking for aid from the United States in shipping wheat in from Australia but Roosevelt replied apologetically on 1 June that he was unable on military grounds to consent to the diversion of shipping Experts disagreement over political issues can be found in differing explanations of the War Cabinet s refusal to allocate funds to import grain Lizzie Collingham holds the massive global dislocations of supplies caused by World War II virtually guaranteed that hunger would occur somewhere in the world yet Churchill s animosity and perhaps racism toward Indians decided the exact location where famine would fall Similarly Madhusree Mukerjee makes a stark accusation The War Cabinet s shipping assignments made in August 1943 shortly after Amery had pleaded for famine relief show Australian wheat flour travelling to Ceylon the Middle East and Southern Africa everywhere in the Indian Ocean but to India Those assignments show a will to punish In contrast Mark Tauger strikes a more supportive stance In the Indian Ocean alone from January 1942 to May 1943 the Axis powers sank 230 British and Allied merchant ships totalling 873 000 tons in other words a substantial boat every other day British hesitation to allocate shipping concerned not only potential diversion of shipping from other war related needs but also the prospect of losing the shipping to attacks without actually bringing help to India at all Peter Bowbrick elaborates further on the British government s delay in shipping food stating that Linlithgow s request for food shipments in December 1942 was half hearted and that it was made on the assumption that Bengal already had a food surplus but that it was being hoarded which is why it was ignored by the British metropolitan government Further delays after April 1943 stemmed from the refusal to divert ships away from the preparations for Operation Overlord whose failure would have been disastrous for the world and whose success was as a result prioritised above aid to India Famine disease and the death tollAn estimated 0 8 3 8 million Bengalis died out of a population of 60 3 million According to Irish historian Cormac o Grada the scholarly consensus is about 2 1 million Contemporary mortality statistics were to some degree under recorded particularly for the rural areas where data collecting and reporting was rudimentary even in normal times Thus many of those who died or migrated were unreported The principal causes of death also changed as the famine progressed in two waves Early on conditions drifted towards famine at different rates in different Bengal districts The Government of India dated the beginning of the Bengal food crisis from the air raids on Calcutta in December 1942 blaming the acceleration to full scale famine by May 1943 on the effects of price decontrol However in some districts the food crisis had begun as early as mid 1942 The earliest indications were somewhat obscured since rural poor were able to draw upon various survival strategies for a few months After December 1942 reports from various commissioners and district officers began to cite a sudden and alarming inflation nearly doubling the price of rice this was followed in January by reports of distress caused by serious food supply problems In May 1943 six districts Rangpur Mymensingh Bakarganj Chittagong Noakhali and Tipperah were the first to report deaths by starvation Chittagong and Noakhali both boat denial districts in the Ganges Delta or Sundarbans Delta area were the hardest hit In this first wave from May to October 1943 starvation was the principal cause of excess mortality that is those attributable to the famine over and above the normal death rates filling the emergency hospitals in Calcutta and accounting for the majority of deaths in some districts According to the Famine Inquiry Commission report many victims on the streets and in the hospitals were so emaciated that they resembled living skeletons While some districts of Bengal were relatively less affected throughout the crisis no demographic or geographic group was completely immune to increased mortality rates caused by disease but deaths from starvation were confined to the rural poor Deaths by starvation had peaked by November 1943 Disease began its sharp upward turn around October 1943 and overtook starvation as the most common cause of death around December Disease related mortality then continued to take its toll through early to mid 1944 Among diseases malaria was the biggest killer From July 1943 to June 1944 the monthly death toll from malaria averaged 125 above rates from the previous five years reaching 203 above average in December 1943 Malaria parasites were found in nearly 52 of blood samples examined at Calcutta hospitals during the peak period November December 1944 Statistics for malaria deaths are almost certainly inaccurate since the symptoms often resemble those of other fatal fevers but there is little doubt that it was the main killer Other famine related deaths resulted from dysentery and diarrhoea typically through consumption of poor quality food or deterioration of the digestive system caused by malnutrition Cholera is a waterborne disease associated with social disruption poor sanitation contaminated water crowded living conditions as in refugee camps and a wandering population problems brought on after the October cyclone and flooding and then continuing through the crisis The epidemic of smallpox largely resulted from a result of lack of vaccinations and the inability to quarantine patients caused by general social disruption According to social demographer Arup Maharatna statistics for smallpox and cholera are probably more reliable than those for malaria since their symptoms are more easily recognisable Map of Bengal districts 1943 The mortality statistics present a confused picture of the distribution of deaths among age and gender groups Although very young children and the elderly are usually more susceptible to the effects of starvation and disease overall in Bengal it was adults and older children who suffered the highest proportional mortality rises However this picture was inverted in some urban areas perhaps because the cities attracted large numbers of very young and very old migrants In general males suffered generally higher death rates than females although the rate of female infant death was higher than for males perhaps reflecting a discriminatory bias A relatively lower death rate for females of child bearing age may have reflected a reduction in fertility brought on by malnutrition which in turn reduced maternal deaths Regional differences in mortality rates were influenced by the effects of migration and of natural disasters In general excess mortality was higher in the east followed by west centre and north of Bengal in that order even though the relative shortfall in the rice crop was worst in the western districts of Bengal Eastern districts were relatively densely populated failed verification were closest to the Burma war zone and normally ran grain deficits in pre famine times These districts also were subject to the boat denial policy and had a relatively high proportion of jute production instead of rice Workers in the east were more likely to receive monetary wages than payment in kind with a portion of the harvest a common practice in the western districts When prices rose sharply their wages failed to follow suit this drop in real wages left them less able to purchase food The following table derived from Arup Maharatna 1992 shows trends in excess mortality for 1943 44 as compared to prior non famine years Death rate is total number of deaths in a year mid year population from all causes per 1000 All death rates are with respect to the population in 1941 Percentages for 1943 44 are of excess deaths that is those attributable to the famine over and above the normal incidence as compared to rates from 1937 to 1941 Cause specific death rates during pre famine and famine periods relative importance of different causes of death during famine Bengal Cause of death Pre famine 1937 41 1943 1944Rate Rate Rate Cholera 0 73 3 60 23 88 0 82 0 99Smallpox 0 21 0 37 1 30 2 34 23 69Fever 6 14 7 56 11 83 6 22 0 91Malaria 6 29 11 46 43 06 12 71 71 41Dysentery diarrhoea 0 88 1 58 5 83 1 08 2 27All other 5 21 7 2 14 11 5 57 0 74All causes 19 46 31 77 100 00 28 75 100 00 Overall the table shows the dominance of malaria as the cause of death throughout the famine accounting for roughly 43 of the excess deaths in 1943 and 71 in 1944 Cholera was a major source of famine caused deaths in 1943 24 but dropped to a negligible percentage 1 the next year Smallpox deaths were almost a mirror image they made up a small percentage of excess deaths in 1943 1 but jumped in 1944 24 Finally the sharp jump in the death rate from All other causes in 1943 is almost certainly due to deaths from pure starvation which were negligible in 1944 Though excess mortality due to malarial deaths peaked in December 1943 rates remained high throughout the following year Scarce supplies of quinine the most common malaria medication were very frequently diverted to the black market Advanced anti malarial drugs such as mepacrine Atabrine were distributed almost solely to the military and to priority classes DDT then relatively new and considered miraculous and pyrethrum were sprayed only around military installations Paris Green was used as an insecticide in some other areas This unequal distribution of anti malarial measures may explain a lower incidence of malarial deaths in population centres where the greatest cause of death was all other probably migrants dying from starvation Deaths from dysentery and diarrhoea peaked in December 1943 the same month as for malaria Cholera deaths peaked in October 1943 but receded dramatically in the following year brought under control by a vaccination program overseen by military medical workers A similar smallpox vaccine campaign started later and was pursued less effectively smallpox deaths peaked in April 1944 Starvation was generally not listed as a cause of death at the time many deaths by starvation may have been listed under the all other category Here the death rates rather than per cents reveal the peak in 1943 The two waves starvation and disease also interacted and amplified one another increasing the excess mortality Widespread starvation and malnutrition first compromised immune systems and reduced resistance to disease led to death by opportunistic infections Second the social disruption and dismal conditions caused by a cascading breakdown of social systems brought mass migration overcrowding poor sanitation poor water quality and waste disposal increased vermin and unburied dead All of these factors are closely associated with the increased spread of infectious disease Social disruptionA family on the sidewalk in Calcutta during the Bengal famine of 1943 Despite the organised and sometimes violent civil unrest immediately before the famine there was no organised rioting when the famine took hold However the crisis overwhelmed the provision of health care and key supplies food relief and medical rehabilitation were supplied too late whilst medical facilities across the province were utterly insufficient for the task at hand A long standing system of rural patronage in which peasants relied on large landowners to supply subsistence in times of crisis collapsed as patrons exhausted their own resources and abandoned the peasants Families also disintegrated with cases of abandonment child selling prostitution and sexual exploitation Lines of small children begging stretched for miles outside cities at night children could be heard crying bitterly and coughing terribly in the pouring monsoon rain stark naked homeless motherless fatherless and friendless Their sole possession was an empty tin A schoolteacher in Mahisadal witnessed children picking and eating undigested grains out of a beggar s diarrheal discharge Author Freda Bedi wrote that it was not just the problem of rice and the availability of rice It was the problem of society in fragments Population displacement The famine fell hardest on the rural poor As the distress continued families adopted increasingly desperate means for survival First they reduced their food intake and began to sell jewellery ornaments and smaller items of personal property As expenses for food or burials became more urgent the items sold became larger and less replaceable Eventually families disintegrated men sold their small farms and left home to look for work or to join the army and women and children became homeless migrants often travelling to Calcutta or another large city in search of organised relief Husbands deserted wives and wives husbands elderly dependents were left behind in the villages babies and young children were sometimes abandoned According to a survey carried out in Calcutta during the latter half of 1943 some breaking up of the family had occurred in about half the destitute population which reached the city In Calcutta evidence of the famine was mainly in the form of masses of rural destitutes trekking into the city and dying on the streets Estimates of the number of the sick who flocked to Calcutta ranged between 100 000 and 150 000 Once they left their rural villages in search of food their outlook for survival was grim Many died by the roadside witness the skulls and bones which were to be seen there in the months following the famine Sanitation and undisposed dead Image of Midnapore famine victim from Chittaprosad s Hungry Bengal five thousand copies of which were burned by Indian police The caption read His name was Kshetramohan Naik The disruption of core elements of society brought a catastrophic breakdown of sanitary conditions and hygiene standards Large scale migration resulted in the abandonment of the facilities and sale of the utensils necessary for washing clothes or preparation of food Many people drank contaminated rainwater from streets and open spaces where others had urinated or defecated Particularly in the early months of the crisis conditions did not improve for those under medical care Conditions in certain famine hospitals at this time were indescribably bad Visitors were horrified by the state of the wards and patients the ubiquitous filth and the lack of adequate care and treatment In hospitals all across Bengal the condition of patients was usually appalling a large proportion suffering from acute emaciation with famine diarrhoea Sanitary conditions in nearly all temporary indoor institutions were very bad to start with The desperate condition of the healthcare did not improve appreciably until the army under Viscount Wavell took over the provision of relief supplies in October 1943 At that time medical resources were made far more available Disposal of corpses soon became a problem for the government and the public as numbers overwhelmed cremation houses burial grounds and those collecting and disposing of the dead Corpses lay scattered throughout the pavements and streets of Calcutta In only two days of August 1943 at least 120 were removed from public thoroughfares In the countryside bodies were often disposed of in rivers and water supplies As one survivor explained We couldn t bury them or anything No one had the strength to perform rites People would tie a rope around the necks and drag them over to a ditch Corpses were also left to rot and putrefy in open spaces The bodies were picked over by vultures and dragged away by jackals Sometimes this happened while the victim was still living The sight of corpses beside canals ravaged by dogs and jackals was common during a seven mile boat ride in Midnapore in November 1943 a journalist counted at least five hundred such sets of skeletal remains The weekly newspaper Biplabi commented in November 1943 on the levels of putrefaction contamination and vermin infestation Bengal is a vast cremation ground a meeting place for ghosts and evil spirits a land so overrun by dogs jackals and vultures that it makes one wonder whether the Bengalis are really alive or have become ghosts from some distant epoch By the summer of 1943 many districts of Bengal especially in the countryside had taken on the look of a vast charnel house Cloth famine Mother with child on a Calcutta street Bengal famine 1943 As a further consequence of the crisis a cloth famine left the poorest in Bengal clothed in scraps or naked through the winter The British military consumed nearly all the textiles produced in India by purchasing Indian made boots parachutes uniforms blankets and other goods at heavily discounted rates India produced 600 000 miles of cotton fabric during the war from which it made two million parachutes and 415 million items of military clothing It exported 177 million yards of cotton in 1938 1939 and 819 million in 1942 1943 The country s production of silk wool and leather was also used up by the military The small proportion of material left over was purchased by speculators for sale to civilians subject to similarly steep inflation in May 1943 prices were 425 higher than in August 1939 With the supply of cloth crowded out by commitments to Britain and price levels affected by profiteering those not among the priority classes faced increasingly dire scarcity Swami Sambudhanand president of the Ramakrishna Mission in Bombay stated in July 1943 The robbing of graveyards for clothes disrobing of men and women in out of way places for clothes and minor riotings here and there have been reported Stray news has also come that women have committed suicide for want of cloth Thousands of men and women cannot go out to attend their usual work outside for want of a piece of cloth to wrap round their loins Many women took to staying inside a room all day long emerging only when it was their turn to wear the single fragment of cloth shared with female relatives Exploitation of women and children One of the classic effects of famine is that it intensifies the exploitation of women the sale of women and girls for example tends to increase The sexual exploitation of poor rural lower caste and tribal women by the jotedars had been difficult to escape even before the crisis In the wake of the cyclone and later famine many women lost or sold all their possessions and lost a male guardian due to abandonment or death Those who migrated to Calcutta frequently had only begging or prostitution available as strategies for survival often regular meals were the only payment Tarakchandra Das suggests that a large proportion of the girls aged 15 and younger who migrated to Calcutta during the famine disappeared into brothels in late 1943 entire boatloads of girls for sale were reported in ports of East Bengal Girls were also prostituted to soldiers with boys acting as pimps Families sent their young girls to wealthy landowners overnight in exchange for very small amounts of money or rice or sold them outright into prostitution girls were sometimes enticed with sweet treats and kidnapped by pimps Very often these girls lived in constant fear of injury or death but the brothels were their sole means of survival or they were unable to escape Women who had been sexually exploited could not later expect any social acceptance or a return to their home or family Bina Agarwal writes that such women became permanent outcastes in a society that highly values female chastity rejected by both their birth family and husband s family An unknown number of children some tens of thousands were orphaned Many others were abandoned sometimes by the roadside or at orphanages or sold for as much as two maunds one maund was roughly equal to 37 kilograms 82 lb or as little as one seer 1 kilogram 2 2 lb of unhusked rice or for trifling amounts of cash Sometimes they were purchased as household servants where they would grow up as little better than domestic slaves They were also purchased by sexual predators Altogether according to Greenough the victimisation and exploitation of these women and children was an immense social cost of the famine Relief effortsOrphans who survived the famine Aside from the relatively prompt but inadequate provision of humanitarian aid for the cyclone stricken areas around Midnapore beginning in October 1942 the response of both the Bengal Provincial Government and the Government of India was slow A non trivial yet pitifully inadequate amount of aid began to be distributed from private charitable organisations in the early months of 1943 and increased through time mainly in Calcutta but to a limited extent in the countryside In April more government relief began to flow to the outlying areas but these efforts were restricted in scope and largely misdirected with most of the cash and grain supplies flowing to the relatively wealthy landowners and urban middle class and typically Hindu bhadraloks This initial period of relief included three forms of aid agricultural loans cash for the purchase of paddy seed plough cattle and maintenance expenses grain given as gratuitous relief and test works that offered food and perhaps a small amount of money in exchange for strenuous work The test aspect arose because there was an assumption that if relatively large numbers of people took the offer that indicated that famine conditions were prevalent Agricultural loans offered no assistance to the large numbers of rural poor who had little or no land Grain relief was divided between cheap grain shops and the open market with far more going to the markets Supplying grain to the markets was intended to lower grain prices but in practice gave little help to the rural poor instead placing them into direct purchasing competition with wealthier Bengalis at greatly inflated prices Thus from the beginning of the crisis until around August 1943 private charity was the principal form of relief available to the very poor According to Paul Greenough the Provincial Government of Bengal delayed its relief efforts primarily because they had no idea how to deal with a provincial rice market crippled by the interaction of man made shocks as opposed to the far more familiar case of localised shortage due to natural disaster Moreover the urban middle class were their overriding concern not the rural poor They were also expecting the Government of India to rescue Bengal by bringing food in from outside the province 350 000 tons had been promised but not delivered And finally they had long stood by a public propaganda campaign declaring sufficiency in Bengal s rice supply and were afraid that speaking of scarcity rather than sufficiency would lead to increased hoarding and speculation There was also rampant corruption and nepotism in the distribution of government aid often as much as half of the goods disappeared into the black market or into the hands of friends or relatives Despite a long established and detailed Famine Code that would have triggered a sizable increase in aid and a statement privately circulated by the government in June 1943 that a state of famine might need to be formally declared this declaration never happened Since government relief efforts were initially limited at best a large and diverse number of private groups and voluntary workers attempted to meet the alarming needs caused by deprivation Communists socialists wealthy merchants women s groups private citizens from distant Karachi and Indian expatriates from as far away as east Africa aided in relief efforts or sent donations of money food and cloth Markedly diverse political groups including pro war allies of the Raj and anti war nationalists each set up separate relief funds or aid groups Though the efforts of these diverse groups were sometimes marred by Hindu and Muslim communalism with bitter accusations and counter accusations of unfair treatment and favouritism collectively they provided substantial aid Grain began to flow to buyers in Calcutta after the inter provincial trade barriers were abolished in May 1943 but on 17 July a flood of the Damodar River in Midnapore breached major rail lines severely hampering import by rail As the depth and scope of the famine became unmistakable the Provincial Government began setting up gruel kitchens in August 1943 the gruel which often provided barely a survival level caloric intake was sometimes unfit for consumption decayed or contaminated with dirt and filler Unfamiliar and indigestible grains were often substituted for rice causing intestinal distress that frequently resulted in death among the weakest Nevertheless food distributed from government gruel kitchens immediately became the main source of aid for the rural poor The rails had been repaired in August and pressure from the Government of India brought substantial supplies into Calcutta during September Linlithgow s final month as Viceroy However a second problem emerged the Civil Supplies Department of Bengal was undermanned and under equipped to distribute the supplies and the resulting transportation bottleneck left very large piles of grain accumulating in the open air in several locations including Calcutta s Botanical Garden Field Marshal Archibald Wavell replaced Linlithgow that October within two weeks he had requested military support for the transport and distribution of crucial supplies This assistance was delivered promptly including a full division of 15 000 British soldiers military lorries and the Royal Air Force and distribution to even the most distant rural areas began on a large scale In particular grain was imported from the Punjab and medical resources were made far more available Rank and file soldiers who had sometimes fed the destitute from their rations defying orders not to do so were held in esteem by Bengalis for the efficiency of their work in distributing relief That December the largest rice paddy crop ever seen in Bengal was harvested According to Greenough large amounts of land previously used for other crops had been switched to rice production The price of rice began to fall Survivors of the famine and epidemics gathered the harvest themselves though in some villages there were no survivors capable of doing the work Wavell went on to make several other key policy steps including promising that aid from other provinces would continue to feed the Bengal countryside setting up a minimum rations scheme and after considerable effort prevailing upon Great Britain to increase international imports He has been widely praised for his decisive and effective response to the crisis All official food relief work ended in December 1943 and January 1944 Economic and political effectsThe famine s aftermath greatly accelerated pre existing socioeconomic processes leading to poverty and income inequality severely disrupted important elements of Bengal s economy and social fabric and ruined millions of families The crisis overwhelmed and impoverished large segments of the economy A key source of impoverishment was the widespread coping strategy of selling assets including land In 1943 alone in one village in east Bengal for example 54 out of a total of 168 families sold all or part of their landholdings among these 39 or very nearly 3 out of 4 did so as a coping strategy in reaction to the scarcity of food As the famine wore on across Bengal nearly 1 6 million families roughly one quarter of all landholders sold or mortgaged their paddy lands in whole or in part Some did so to profit from skyrocketing prices but many others were trying to save themselves from crisis driven distress A total of 260 000 families sold all their landholdings outright thus falling from the status of landholders to that of labourers The table below illustrates that land transfers increased significantly in each of four successive years When compared to the base period of 1940 41 the 1941 42 increase was 504 1942 43 was 665 1943 44 was 1 057 and the increase of 1944 45 compared to 1940 41 was 872 Land alienation in Bengal 1940 41 to 1944 45 number of sales of occupancy holdings 1940 41 1941 42 1942 43 1943 44 1944 45141 000 711 000 938 000 1 491 000 1 230 000 This fall into lower income groups happened across a number of occupations In absolute numbers the hardest hit by post famine impoverishment were women and landless agricultural labourers In relative terms those engaged in rural trade fishing and transport boatmen and bullock cart drivers suffered the most In absolute numbers agricultural labourers faced the highest rates of destitution and mortality The panicky responses of the colonial state as it controlled the distribution of medical and food supplies in the wake of the fall of Burma had profound political consequences It was soon obvious to the bureaucrats in New Delhi and the provinces as well as the GHQ India wrote Sanjoy Bhattacharya that the disruption caused by these short term policies and the political capital being made out of their effects would necessarily lead to a situation where major constitutional concessions leading to the dissolution of the Raj would be unavoidable Similarly nationwide opposition to the boat denial policy as typified by Mahatma Gandhi s vehement editorials helped strengthen the Indian independence movement The denial of boats alarmed the public the resulting dispute was one point that helped to shape the Quit India movement of 1942 and harden the War Cabinet s response An Indian National Congress INC resolution sharply decrying the destruction of boats and seizure of homes was considered treasonous by Churchill s War Cabinet and was instrumental in the later arrest of the INC s top leadership Public thought in India shaped by impulses such as media coverage and charity efforts converged into a set of closely related conclusions the famine had been a national injustice preventing any recurrence was a national imperative and the human tragedy left in its wake was as Jawaharlal Nehru said the final judgment on British rule in India According to historian Benjamin R Siegel at a national level famine had transformed India s political landscape underscoring the need for self rule to Indian citizens far away from its epicenter Photographs and journalism and the affective bonds of charity tied Indians inextricably to Bengal and made their suffering its own a provincial famine was turned in the midst of war into a national case against imperial rule Media coverage and other depictionsThe People s War an organ of the Communist Party of India published graphic photos of the famine by Sunil Janah Calcutta s two leading English language newspapers were The Statesman at the time British owned and Amrita Bazar Patrika edited by independence campaigner Tushar Kanti Ghosh In the early months of the famine the government applied pressure on newspapers to calm public fears about the food supply and follow the official stance that there was no rice shortage This effort had some success The Statesman published editorials asserting that the famine was due solely to speculation and hoarding while berating local traders and producers and praising ministerial efforts News of the famine was also subject to strict war time censorship even use of the word famine was prohibited leading The Statesman later to remark that the UK government seems virtually to have withheld from the British public knowledge that there was famine in Bengal at all Beginning in mid July 1943 and more so in August however these two newspapers began publishing detailed and increasingly critical accounts of the depth and scope of the famine its impact on society and the nature of British Hindu and Muslim political responses A turning point in news coverage came on 22 August 1943 when the editor of The Statesman Ian Stephens solicited and published a series of graphic photos of the victims These made world headlines and marked the beginning of domestic and international consciousness of the famine The next morning in Delhi second hand copies of the paper were selling at several times the news stand price and soon in Washington the State Department circulated them among policy makers In Britain The Guardian called the situation horrible beyond description The images had a profound effect and marked for many the beginning of the end of colonial rule Stephens decision to publish them and to adopt a defiant editorial stance won accolades from many including the Famine Inquiry Commission and has been described as a singular act of journalistic courage without which many more lives would have surely been lost The publication of the images along with Stephens editorials not only helped to bring the famine to an end by driving the British government to supply adequate relief to the victims but also inspired Amartya Sen s influential contention that the presence of a free press prevents famines in democratic countries The photographs also spurred Amrita Bazar Patrika and the Indian Communist Party s organ People s War to publish similar images the latter would make photographer Sunil Janah famous Women journalists who covered the famine included Freda Bedi reporting for Lahore s The Tribune and and Kalyani Bhattacharjee who wrote from a nationalist perspective The famine has been portrayed in novels films and art The novel Ashani Sanket by Bibhutibhushan Bandyopadhyay is a fictional account of a young doctor and his wife in rural Bengal during the famine It was adapted into a film of the same name Distant Thunder by director Satyajit Ray in 1973 The film is listed in The New York Times Guide to the Best 1 000 Movies Ever Made Also well known are the novel So Many Hungers 1947 by Bhabani Bhattacharya and the 1980 film Akaler Shandhaney by Mrinal Sen s collection of stories based on reality Darkening Days Being a Narrative of Famine Stricken Bengal recounts horrific events from a woman s point of view A contemporary sketchbook of iconic scenes of famine victims Hungry Bengal a tour through Midnapur District in November 1943 by Chittaprosad was immediately banned by the British and 5 000 copies were seized and destroyed One copy was hidden by Chittaprosad s family and is now in the possession of the Delhi Art Gallery Another artist famed for his sketches of the famine was Zainul Abedin HistoriographyControversy about the causes of the famine has continued in the decades since Attempting to determine culpability research and analysis has covered complex issues such as the impacts of natural forces market failures failed policies or even malfeasance by governmental institutions and war profiteering or other unscrupulous acts by private business The questionable accuracy of much of the available contemporary statistical and anecdotal data is a complicating factor as is the fact that the analyses and their conclusions are political and politicised The degree of crop shortfall in late 1942 and its impact in 1943 has dominated the historiography of the famine The issue reflects a larger debate between two perspectives one emphasises the importance of food availability decline FAD as a cause for famine and another focuses on the failure of exchange entitlements FEE The FAD explanation blames famine on crop failures brought on principally by crises such as drought flood or man made devastation from war The FEE account agrees that such external factors are in some cases important but holds that famine is primarily the interaction between pre existing structural vulnerability such as poverty and a shock event such as war or political interference in markets that disrupts the economic market for food When these interact some groups within society can become unable to purchase or acquire food even though sufficient supplies are available Both the FAD and the FEE perspectives would agree that Bengal experienced at least some grain shortage in 1943 due to the loss of imports from Burma damage from the cyclone and brown spot infestation However the FEE analyses do not consider shortage the main factor while FAD oriented scholars such as Peter Bowbrick hold that a sharp drop in the food supply was the pivotal determining factor S Y Padmanabhan and later Mark Tauger in particular argue that the impact of brown spot disease was vastly underestimated both during the famine and in later analyses The signs of crop infestation by the fungus are subtle given the social and administrative conditions at the time local officials would very likely have overlooked them Academic consensus generally follows the FEE account citation needed as formulated by Amartya Sen in describing the Bengal famine of 1943 as an entitlements famine On this view the prelude to the famine was generalised war time inflation and the problem was exacerbated by prioritised distribution and abortive attempts at price control but the death blow was devastating leaps in the inflation rate due to heavy speculative buying and panic driven hoarding This in turn caused a fatal decline in the real wages of landless agricultural workers transforming what should have been a local shortage into a major famine More recent analyses often stress political factors Discussions of the government s role split into two broad camps those which suggest that the government unwittingly caused or was unable to respond to the crisis and those which assert that the government wilfully caused or ignored the plight of starving Indians The former see the problem as a series of avoidable war time policy failures and panicky responses from a government that was inept overwhelmed and in disarray the latter being a product of wartime priorities by the ruling colonial elite which left the poor of Bengal unprovided for due to military considerations British Prime Minister Winston Churchill in 1943 Sen does not deny that British misgovernment contributed to the crisis but sees the policy failure as a complete misunderstanding of the cause of the famine This misunderstanding led to a wholly misguided emphasis on measuring non existent food shortages rather than addressing the very real and devastating inflation driven imbalances in exchange entitlements In stark contrast although Cormac o Grada notes that the exchange entitlements view of this famine is generally accepted he lends greater weight to the importance of a crop shortfall than does Sen and goes on to largely reject Sen s emphasis on hoarding and speculation He does not stop there but emphasises a lack of political will and the pressure of wartime priorities that drove the British government and the provincial government of Bengal to make fateful decisions the denial policies the use of heavy shipping for war supplies rather than food the refusal to officially declare a state of famine and the Balkanisation of grain markets through inter provincial trade barriers On this view these policies were designed to serve British military goals at the expense of Indian interests reflecting the War Cabinet s willingness to supply the Army s needs and let the Indian people starve if necessary Far from being accidental these dislocations were fully recognised beforehand as fatal for identifiable Indian groups whose economic activities did not directly actively or adequately advance British military goals The policies may have met their intended wartime goals but only at the cost of large scale dislocations in the domestic economy The British government this argument maintains thus bears moral responsibility for the rural deaths Auriol Law Smith s discussion of contributing causes of the famine also lays blame on the British government of India primarily emphasising Viceroy Linlithgow s lack of political will to infringe provincial autonomy by using his authority to remove interprovincial barriers which would have ensured the free movement of life saving grain Utsa Patnaik s view is that the famine occurred due to high prices which reduced food consumption of the general population According to Patnaik this was caused by the British government s profit inflation policies which were designed to finance war spending A related argument present since the days of the famine but expressed at length by journalist Madhusree Mukerjee accuses key figures in the British government particularly Prime Minister Winston Churchill of genuine antipathy toward Indians and Indian independence an antipathy arising mainly from a desire to protect imperialist power but sourced from racist attitudes towards Indian people This is sometimes attributed to British anger over widespread Bengali nationalist sentiment and the perceived treachery of the violent Quit India uprising Others have critiqued this view with Tirthankar Roy referring to it as naive Instead Roy attributes the delayed response to rivalry and misinformation spread about the famine within the local government particularly by the Minister of Civil Supplies Huseyn Shaheed Suhrawardy who maintained there was no food shortage throughout the famine while noting that there is little evidence of Churchill s views influencing War Cabinet policy For its part the report of the Famine Commission its members appointed in 1944 by the British Government of India and chaired by Sir John Woodhead a former Indian Civil Service official in Bengal absolved the British government from all major blame It acknowledged some failures in its price controls and transportation efforts and laid additional responsibility at the feet of unavoidable fate but reserved its broadest and most forceful finger pointing for local politicians in the largely Muslim failed verification provincial Government of Bengal As it stated after considering all the circumstances we cannot avoid the conclusion that it lay in the power of the Government of Bengal by bold resolute and well conceived measures at the right time to have largely prevented the tragedy of the famine as it actually took place For example the position of the Famine Inquiry Commission with respect to charges that prioritised distribution aggravated the famine is that the Government of Bengal s lack of control over supplies was the more serious matter Some sources allege that the Famine Commission deliberately declined to blame the UK or was even designed to do so however Bowbrick defends the report s overall accuracy stating it was undertaken without any preconceptions and twice describing it as excellent Meanwhile he repeatedly and rather forcefully favors its analyses over Sen s British accusations that Indian officials were responsible began as early as 1943 as an editorial in The Statesman on 5 October noted disapprovingly Paul Greenough stands somewhat apart from other analysts by emphasising a pattern of victimization In his account Bengal was at base susceptible to famine because of population pressures and market inefficiencies and these were exacerbated by a dire combination of war political strife and natural causes Above all else direct blame should be laid on a series of government interventions that disrupted the wholesale rice market Once the crisis began morbidity rates were driven by a series of cultural decisions as dependents were abandoned by their providers at every level of society male heads of peasant households abandoned weaker family members landholders abandoned the various forms of patronage that according to Greenough had traditionally been maintained and the government abandoned the rural poor These abandoned groups had been socially and politically selected for death A final line of blaming holds that major industrialists either caused or at least significantly exacerbated the famine through speculation war profiteering hoarding and corruption unscrupulous heartless grain traders forcing up prices based on false rumors Working from an assumption that the Bengal famine claimed 1 5 million lives the Famine Inquiry Commission made a gruesome calculation that nearly a thousand rupees 88 in 1944 equivalent to 4 896 or 1 523 in 2023 of profits were accrued per death As the Famine Inquiry Commission put it a large part of the community lived in plenty while others starved corruption was widespread throughout the province and in many classes of society See alsoChinese famine of 1942 1943 Dutch famine of 1944 1945 Great famine of Greece Famine in India List of Bangladesh tropical cyclones Drought in India British Raj Famines epidemics public health Persian famine of 1917 1919 Tebhaga movement Vietnamese famine of 1944 1945 HolodomorFootnotesThe estimates do not include Orissa There has been a wide range of estimates since the famine See Maharatna 1996 pp 214 231 especially table 5 1 on page 215 for a review of the data Devereux 2000 p 6 suggested a range of 2 1 3 million deriving the lower figure from Dyson amp Maharatna 1991 and the upper from Amartya Sen s widely quoted figure of 3 million Sen estimated between 2 7 and 3 million deaths for the period 1943 1946 Cormac o Grada 2007 E stimates of mortality in Bengal range from 0 8 million to 3 8 million today the scholarly consensus is about 2 1 million Hall Matthews 2005 Sen 1981 Maharatna 1996 Paul R Greenough 1982 suggested a total of 3 5 to 3 8 million famine related deaths Contemporaneous estimates included in 1945 that of the Famine Inquiry Commission appointed in 1944 by the Government of India and chaired by Sir John Woodhead of around 1 5 million famine related deaths out of Bengal s population of 60 3 million That figure covered January 1943 to June 1944 K P Chattopadhyay a University of Calcutta anthropologist estimated in 1944 that 3 5 million famine related deaths had occurred in 1943 this was widely believed at the time but subsequently rejected by many scholars as too high Greenough 1982 pp 300 301 Dyson amp Maharatna 1991 p 281 Famine Inquiry Commission 1945a p 5 The total extent of the cultivated land in Bengal is nearly 29 million acres Some of this is cropped more than once and the total area sown under various crops is normally 35 million acres The principal crop is rice which accounts for a little less than 26 million acres In fact Bengal may be described as a land of rice growers and rice eaters The area under other staple foodgrains is small that under wheat for instance is less than 200 000 acres and the total area under food crops of all kinds other than rice is somewhat over 4 million acres This includes land devoted to the cultivation of fruits and vegetables The most important non food crop is jute which accounts normally for between 2 million and 2 5 million acres Some land produced more than one crop a year sometimes rice in one season and other crops in another reducing rice s yearly proportion of its total crops sown Famine Inquiry Commission 1945a p 10 Wheat was considered a staple by many in Calcutta but nowhere else in Bengal Knight 1954 p 78 The wheat eating enclave in Calcutta were industrial workers who had come there from other provinces Famine Inquiry Commission 1945a p 31 Famine Inquiry Commission 1945a p 4 describes the ratio of population to land in European terms The area of the province is 77 442 square miles rather more than the area of England Wales and one half of Scotland The population is a little over 60 millions which is well in excess of that of the entire United Kingdom and not much less than the aggregate population of France Belgium Holland and Denmark In terms of US states Bengal was roughly the size of Idaho Bulletin of the U S Army 1943 p 28 Census statistics were considerably more accurate than those for foodgrain production Knight 1954 p 22 a peasant i e ryot differs from a landless labourer in terms of ownership since he owns land which the labourer does not the landless share cropper differs from the landless labourer not in their respective ownerships but in the way they can use the only resource they own viz labour power The landless labourer will be employed in exchange for a wage while the share cropper will do the cultivation and own a part of the product including especially rice A Sen 1981a p 5 For example over and above the half share of the product that was the customary rent the jotedars commonly recovered grain loans with 50 interest and seed loans with 100 interest at the time of harvest they also arbitrarily levied a wide variety of extra charges Bose 1986 pp 256 257 Two contemporary reports the 1940 Report of the Land Revenue Commission of Bengal Government of Bengal 1940b and the field survey published in Mahalanobis Mukherjea amp Ghosh 1946 agree that even before the famine of 1943 at least half of the nearly 46 million in Bengal who depended on agriculture for their livelihood were landless or land poor labourers under consistent threat of food insecurity Approximately two acres of farmland would provide subsistence level food for an average family Mahalanobis Mukherjea amp Ghosh 1946 pp 372 374 According to the 1940 Land Revenue Board report 46 of rural families owned two acres or less or were landless tenants The 1946 survey by the Indian Statistical Institute found that 77 did not own sufficient land to provide subsistence for themselves Ceylon now Sri Lanka was a vital asset in the Allied war effort It was one of the very few sources of natural rubber still controlled by the Allies Axelrod amp Kingston 2007 p 220 Further it was a vital link in British supply lines around the southern tip of Africa to the Middle East India and Australia Lyons 2016 p 150 Churchill noted Ceylon s importance in maintaining the flow of oil from the Middle East and considered its port of Colombo the only really good base for the Eastern Fleet and the defence of India Churchill 1986 pp 152 155 162 In late January 1943 for example the Viceroy Linlithgow wrote to the Secretary of State for India Leo Amery Mindful of our difficulties about food I told the Premier of Bengal A K Fazlul Huq that he simply must produce some more rice out of Bengal for Ceylon even if Bengal itself went short He was by no means unsympathetic and it is possible that I may in the result screw a little out of them The Chief Churchill continues to press me most strongly about both rice and labour for Ceylon Mansergh 1971 p 544 Document no 362 Quoted in many sources for example A Sen 1977 p 53 o Grada 2008 pp 30 31 Mukerjee 2010 p 129 and J Mukherjee 2015 p 93 Sources agree that the impetus came from the military see for example o Grada 2009 p 154 Some such as J Mukherjee 2015 p 58 add that Herbert was instructed through central government channels At least two sources have suggested that the avowed objective of denying supplies to an invading Japanese army was less important than a covert goal of controlling available rice stocks and means of transport so the rice supplies could be directed toward the armed forces see Iqbal 2010 p 282 and De 2006 p 12 On 29 November 1941 the central government conferred by notification concurrent powers on the provincial governments under the Defence of India Rules DIR to restrict prohibit the movement of food grains and to requisition both food grains and any other commodity they considered necessary With regard to food grains the provincial governments had the power to restrict stop seize them and regulate their price divert them from their usual channels of transportation and as stated their movement De 2006 p 8 Note that this was not due to any shortage of wheat on the contrary the Punjab ran a huge surplus A shortage of rice throughout India in 1941 caused foodgrain prices in general to rise Agriculturalists in the Punjab wished to hold onto stocks to a small extent to cover their own rice deficit but more importantly to profit from the price increases To aid food purchases in the rest of India the Indian government placed price controls on Punjabi wheat The response was swift the majority of wheat farmers held onto their stocks so wheat disappeared and the Punjab government began to assert that it now faced famine conditions Yong 2005 pp 291 294 Bengal as a whole in 1943 was subject to acts of sabotage against institutions or offices of colonial rule including 151 bomb explosions 153 cases of severe damage to police stations or other public buildings 4 police stations destroyed and 57 cases of sabotage to roads Chakrabarty 1992a p 813 In this context carryover is not the same as excess supply or surplus Rice stocks were typically aged for at least two or three months after harvest since the grain became much more palatable after this period This ongoing process of deferred consumption had been interrupted by a rice shortfall two years before the famine and some speculate that supplies had not yet fully recovered Mukerjee 2010 p 139 states At no recorded instance did either the Bengal governor or the viceroy express concern for their subjects their every request for grain would be phrased in terms of the war effort Contemporaries attested that Herbert cared about the starvation in Bengal so prioritising the war effort may reflect his and Linlithgow s estimation of which concerns might possibly have moved their superiors In the table the rate of total excess deaths from All causes for 1943 would be the figure over and above the 1937 41 baseline specifically it would be 31 77 19 46 11 46 6 29 31 77 19 46 then multiplied by 100 41 998 or approximately 42 Discrepancy presumably due to rounding or truncation of tabular data presented in Maharatna 1992 p 243 Table 5 5 The Statesman was the only major newspaper that had acquiesced to or been persuaded by government pressure to present the Quit India movement in a negative light Greenough 1983 p 355 note 7 Greenough 1999 p 43 note 7 See for example A Sen 1977 A Sen 1981a A Sen 1981b Bowbrick 1986 Tauger 2003 Islam 2007a and Devereux 2001 For example in the 1937 Bengal Congress elections Hindus won only 60 out of a total of 250 seats Prayer 2001 p 141 n 122 The provincial government of Bengal was essentially under Muslim control from 1937 until 1947 Fraser 2006 p 13 including the office of Prime Minister of Bengal ReferencesNotes Devereux 2000 p 5 A Sen 1980 p 202 A Sen 1981a p 201 o Grada 2007 p 19 Greenough 1982 pp 299 309 Famine Inquiry Commission 1945a pp 109 110 Greenough 1982 p 300 Churchill s legacy leaves Indians questioning his hero status 20 July 2020 Retrieved 19 June 2024 Monbiot George 30 March 2022 Putin exploits the lie machine but didn t invent it British history is also full of untruths The Guardian ISSN 0261 3077 Retrieved 1 July 2024 Profit Inflation Keynes and the Holocaust in Bengal 1943 44 Economic and Political Weekly www epw in 17 October 2018 Retrieved 1 July 2024 Patnaik Utsa December 2017 Mr Keynes and the forgotten holocaust in Bengal 1943 44 Or the macroeconomics of extreme demand compression Studies in People s History 4 2 197 210 doi 10 1177 2348448917725856 ISSN 2348 4489 Profit Inflation Keynes and the Holocaust in Bengal 1943 44 New Cold War Know Better 15 November 2018 Retrieved 19 June 2024 Safi Michael 29 March 2019 Churchill s policies contributed to 1943 Bengal famine study The Guardian ISSN 0261 3077 Retrieved 19 June 2024 Churchill s legacy leaves Indians questioning his hero status 20 July 2020 Retrieved 19 June 2024 Remembering WW2 s forgotten famine BBC News Retrieved 19 June 2024 Osborne Samuel 14 August 2017 5 of the worst atrocities carried out by British Empire after historical amnesia claims The Independent The Independent Retrieved 19 June 2024 Arnold 1991 p 68 Bose 1986 pp 33 37 o Grada 2008 p 20 J Mukherjee 2015 pp 6 7 Mahalanobis Mukherjea amp Ghosh 1946 p 338 Famine Inquiry Commission 1945a p 10 De 2006 p 13 Bayly amp Harper 2005 pp 284 285 A Sen 1977 p 36 Tauger 2009 pp 167 168 Famine Inquiry Commission 1945a pp 32 33 Islam 2007a p 433 Das 2008 p 61 Islam 2007a pp 433 434 Dyson 1991 p 279 Weigold 1999 p 73 Famine Inquiry Commission 1945a p 4 Dyson 2018 p 158 Roy 2019 p 113 Famine Inquiry Commission 1945a pp 4 203 Greenough 1982 p 84 Islam 2007b p 185 Islam 2007b pp 200 204 Roy 2006 pp 5393 5394 Roy 2007 p 244 Islam 2007b pp 203 204 Greenough 1982 pp 61 84 Das 1949 pp Chapter XI pp 96 111 Washbrook 1981 p 670 Mahalanobis Mukherjea amp Ghosh 1946 p 382 S Bose 1982b p 469 Mahalanobis 1944 p 70 Islam 2007b pp 55 56 C Bose 1930 pp 2 3 92 96 o Grada 2015 p 12 Mukherji 1986 p PE 21 Iqbal 2009 pp 1346 1351 Chaudhuri 1975 Chatterjee 1986 pp 170 172 Arnold 1991 p 68 In Bengal More serious and intractable than population growth was the continuing subdivision of landholdings and the chronic burden of indebtedness on the peasants which left them by the late 1930s in a permanently semi starved condition without the resources to endure a major crop failure or survive the drying up of credit that invariably accompanied the prospect of famine in rural India With no fresh land to bring under cultivation peasants holdings shrank as the output of rice per capita dwindled Bekker 1951 pp 319 326 Das 2008 p 60 Cooper 1983 p 230 Ray amp Ray 1975 p 84 Brennan Heathcote amp Lucas 1984 p 9 Mukherji 1986 S Bose 1982b pp 472 473 Ali 2012 pp 135 140 Ali 2012 p 29 Chatterjee 1986 pp 176 177 J Mukherjee 2015 p 60 Greenough 1982 p 66 Mukherji 1986 p PE 18 J Mukherjee 2015 p 39 S Bose 1982b pp 471 472 o Grada 2009 p 75 Chatterjee 1986 p 179 S Bose 1982b pp 472 473 Das 2008 p 60 Ali 2012 p 128 S Bose 1982b p 469 Hunt 1987 p 42 Iqbal 2010 chapter 5 particularly p 107 Mahalanobis Mukherjea amp Ghosh 1946 p 341 A Sen 1981a p 73 J Mukherjee 2015 pp 63 64 Iqbal 2011 pp 272 273 Famine Inquiry Commission 1945a pp 8 9 Natarajan 1946 pp 542 548 note 12 Brennan 1988 pp 10 11 Mukerjee 2014 p 73 Iqbal 2011 pp 273 274 Iqbal 2010 pp 14 15 Kazi 2004 pp 154 157 Iqbal 2010 chapter 6 see for example the map on page 187 McClelland 1859 pp 32 38 as cited in Iqbal 2010 p 58 Hunt 1987 p 127 Learmonth 1957 p 56 Roy 2006 p 5394 Famine Inquiry Commission 1945a p 128 Tauger 2009 pp 194 195 Maharatna 1992 p 206 Famine Inquiry Commission 1945a p 98 Tinker 1975 p 2 Rodger 1942 p 67 Tinker 1975 p 8 Tinker 1975 pp 8 10 Tinker 1975 p 11 Tinker 1975 pp 2 4 11 12 Famine Inquiry Commission 1945a pp 23 24 28 29 103 Bhattacharya 2002b p 101 Famine Inquiry Commission 1945a p 25 Wavell 2015 pp 96 97 Wavell 2015 pp 99 100 Iqbal 2011 pp 273 274 Famine Inquiry Commission 1945a p 23 Famine Inquiry Commission 1945a p 28 Greenough 1982 p 103 When Burma fell in April 1942 the hidden mechanism which had for years kept supply and demand in Bengal was rudely jarred The transport network was already stretched thin by military demands no other provinces were willing to accept loss of supply The result was a derangement of the entire rice market of India S Bose 1990 pp 703 715 o Grada 2008 p 20 Famine Inquiry Commission 1945a p 24 Famine Inquiry Commission 1945a p 29 Famine Inquiry Commission 1945a p 103 Iqbal 2011 p 278 J Mukherjee 2015 pp 131 132 Famine Inquiry Commission 1945a pp 170 171 Greenough 1980 p 222 J Mukherjee 2015 pp 40 41 110 191 De 2006 p 2 A Sen 1981a pp 50 67 70 Famine Inquiry Commission 1945a pp 19 20 S Bose 1990 p 715 Mukerjee 2010 pp 221 222 Rothermund 2002 pp 115 122 Natarajan 1946 p 49 Mukerjee 2010 p 222 Mukherji 1986 p PE 25 Knight 1954 p 101 S Bose 1990 p 715 Rothermund 2002 pp 115 122 A Sen 1977 p 50 Mukherji 1986 p PE 25 Brennan Heathcote amp Lucas 1984 p 12 Greenough 1982 p 90 J Mukherjee 2015 p 150 Famine Inquiry Commission 1945a p 27 as cited in J Mukherjee 2015 p 66 Mukerjee 2010 p 66 J Mukherjee 2015 p 217 note 23 note refers to page 59 Famine Inquiry Commission 1945a pp 25 26 Iqbal 2011 p 282 o Grada 2009 p 154 A Sen 1977 p 45 S Bose 1990 p 717 Weigold 1999 p 67 J Mukherjee 2015 pp 62 272 Greenough 1982 pp 94 95 J Mukherjee 2015 pp 61 63 Ghosh 1944 p 52 Greenough 1982 pp 120 121 J Mukherjee 2015 pp 63 65 De 2006 p 13 A Sen 1977 p 45 Bayly amp Harper 2005 pp 284 285 Iqbal 2011 p 274 J Mukherjee 2015 p 67 Instructions were given in May for the confiscation destruction or removal of all mechanical transport private cars bicycles carriages and bullock carts not required for Military of Civil Defense purposes the Victoria Memorial was camouflaged in cow dung andplans were hatched to blow up as many as seventeen bridges in and around Calcutta J Mukherjee 2015 p 9 o Grada 2009 p 154 Brennan 1988 pp 542 543 note 3 Mukerjee 2010 pp 98 139 Iqbal 2011 p 272 S Bose 1990 p 717 J Mukherjee 2015 p 9 Pinnell 1944 p 5 Army Proposal of 23 April submitted to Chief Civil Defence Commissioner Bengal as cited in Greenough 1982 p 89 Iqbal 2011 p 276 J Mukherjee 2015 pp 67 74 Bhattacharya 2013 pp 21 23 J Mukherjee 2015 pp 58 67 Iqbal 2011 Knight 1954 p 270 Famine Inquiry Commission 1945a pp 17 192 Knight 1954 p 279 Yong 2005 pp 291 294 Famine Inquiry Commission 1945a p 32 Famine Inquiry Commission 1945a pp 23 193 Knight 1954 p 280 Famine Inquiry Commission 1945a p 24 Knight 1954 pp 48 280 Famine Inquiry Commission 1945a pp 16 17 A Sen 1977 p 51 Brennan 1988 p 563 J Mukherjee 2015 pp 47 131 Bhattacharya amp Zachariah 1999 p 77 Greenough 1982 Brennan 1988 pp 559 560 Bhattacharya 2002a p 103 A Sen 1977 pp 36 38 Dyson amp Maharatna 1991 p 287 Mukerjee 2010 p 95 Famine Inquiry Commission 1945a p 30 as cited in A Sen 1981a p 56 Famine Inquiry Commission 1945a p 101 Bhattacharya 2002a p 39 J Mukherjee 2015 p 42 Bhattacharya 2002a p 39 Greenough 1980 pp 211 212 J Mukherjee 2015 p 89 Famine Inquiry Commission 1945a p 30 o Grada 2015 p 40 Bhattacharya 2002b pp 101 102 Bhattacharya 2002b p 102 S Bose 1990 pp 716 717 Bhattacharya amp Zachariah 1999 p 99 Datta 2002 pp 644 646 Bayly amp Harper 2005 p 247 Bayly amp Harper 2005 p 248 Brown 1991 p 340 Bandyopadhyay 2004 p 418 Chakrabarty 1992a p 791 Chatterjee 1986 pp 180 181 Bandyopadhyay 2004 pp 418 419 Panigrahi 2004 pp 239 240 Bayly amp Harper 2005 p 286 De 2006 pp 2 5 Law Smith 1989 p 49 Greenough 1982 pp 105 quoting Navanati Papers Memo of Rice Mills Association pp 181 82 Once the black market was introduced it was easily found out that the government had neither any reserve of stock for dumping on the market to preserve their controlled price rate nor an effective organisation to punish breaches of the control Famine Inquiry Commission 1945a pp 1 144 145 Greenough 1982 pp 104 105 Greenough 1982 p 106 Famine Inquiry Commission 1945a p 33 Greenough 1982 pp 106 107 Famine Inquiry Commission 1945a p 34 A Sen 1977 pp 36 38 Famine Inquiry Commission 1945a p 58 as cited in Weigold 1999 p 71 A Sen 1977 pp 38 50 A Sen 1976 p 1280 Famine Inquiry Commission 1945a p 112 Aykroyd 1975 p 74 Iqbal 2011 p 282 Famine Inquiry Commission 1945a pp 55 98 A Sen 1977 p 50 o Grada 2015 pp 55 57 Brennan 1988 p 543 note 5 A Sen 1977 p 32 J Mukherjee 2015 p 111 Famine Inquiry Commission 1945a pp 55 58 Famine Inquiry Commission 1945a pp 40 104 A Sen 1977 p 51 A Sen 1977 p 36 S Bose 1990 pp 716 717 Famine Inquiry Commission 1945a pp 58 59 o Grada 2007 p 10 Braund 1944 Famine Inquiry Commission 1945a p 32 Padmanabhan 1973 pp 11 23 as cited in Dyson 2018 p 185 Also cited in Tauger 2003 Tauger 2009 pp 176 179 and Iqbal 2010 among others Brennan 1988 p 543 Famine Inquiry Commission 1945a pp 32 65 66 236 Brennan 1988 p 552 note 14 Brennan 1988 p 548 Greenough 1982 pp 93 96 J Mukherjee 2015 pp 78 79 Tauger 2003 p 66 Brennan 1988 p 552 note 12 Mahalanobis 1944 p 71 Mansergh 1971 p 357 Mahalanobis Mukherjea amp Ghosh 1946 p 338 Dewey 1978 Mahalanobis 1944 Mahalanobis 1944 pp 69 71 Tauger 2009 pp 173 174 Dewey 1978 pp 282 312 313 Mahalanobis 1944 p 71 Mahalanobis 1944 p 72 Famine Inquiry Commission 1945a pp 34 37 J Mukherjee 2015 p 10 o Grada 2015 p 40 Greenough 1982 p 109 o Grada 2015 p 40 Greenough 1982 p 109 note 60 o Grada 2015 p 12 Mahalanobis 1944 p 71 A Sen 1977 p 39 A Sen 1981a p 58 Famine Inquiry Commission 1945a p 15 Rothermund 2002 p 119 A Sen 1977 pp 47 52 De 2006 p 30 Mukerjee 2014 p 73 De 2006 p 34 Aykroyd 1975 p 73 Braund 1944 as cited in o Grada 2015 p 50 Blyn 1966 pp 253 254 as cited in Islam 2007a pp 423 424 Tauger 2009 p 174 o Grada 2009 pp 174 179 J Mukherjee 2015 pp 186 187 A Sen 1981b p 441 Mukerjee 2010 p 205 Mansergh amp Lumby 1973 Documents 59 71 72 74 98 139 157 207 219 as cited in A Sen 1977 p 53 J Mukherjee 2015 pp 122 123 o Grada 2015 p 53 Mansergh amp Lumby 1973 pp 133 141 155 158 A Sen 1977 p 52 J Mukherjee 2015 pp 128 142 185 188 Collingham 2012 p 152 J Mukherjee 2015 pp 141 142 Mukerjee 2010 pp 191 218 Famine Inquiry Commission 1945a pp 223 225 Annexures I and II to Appendix V as cited in Greenough 1980 p 214 Tauger 2009 p 194 o Grada 2008 p 32 Did Churchill Cause the Bengal Famine The Churchill Project Hillsdale College 8 April 2015 Collingham 2012 p 153 Mukerjee 2010 pp 112 114 273 Tauger 2009 p 193 Bowbrick Peter 2 March 2022 Falsehoods and myths in famine research The Bengal famine and Daoud Journal of International Development jid 3635 doi 10 1002 jid 3635 S2CID 247336051 Famine Inquiry Commission 1945a pp 108 109 Famine Inquiry Commission 1945a p 116 Famine Inquiry Commission 1945a pp 40 41 Brennan 1988 p 555 Greenough 1980 pp 205 207 W hen crops begin to fail the cultivator sells or barters his wife s jewelry grain cattle or reduces his current food intake Starving Indian peasants once they fail in the market forage in fields ponds and jungles they beg on a large scale they migrate often over long distances by travelling ticketless on the railways and they take shelter in the protection of a rural patron Famine Inquiry Commission 1945a p Appendix VI Extracts of Reports from Commissioners and District Officers pp 225 27 Maharatna 1992 p 210 Famine Inquiry Commission 1945a pp 41 116 Maharatna 1993 p 4 Famine Inquiry Commission 1945a p 2 S Bose 1990 p 701 Famine Inquiry Commission 1945a p 118 Famine Inquiry Commission 1945a p 1 J Mukherjee 2015 p 194 Maharatna 1992 pp 41 42 211 Famine Inquiry Commission 1945a p 120 J Mukherjee 2015 p 78 Maharatna 1992 pp 268 383 384 Famine Inquiry Commission 1945a pp 121 137 Maharatna 1992 p 41 Maharatna 1992 pp 263 264 Maharatna 1992 pp 262 263 Dyson 1991 p 284 Maharatna 1992 p 270 Maharatna 1992 pp 260 263 Maharatna 1992 p 279 Brennan Heathcote amp Lucas 1984 p 13 Maharatna 1992 p 282 Famine Inquiry Commission 1945a p 87 o Grada 2015 o Grada 2009 p 146 S Bose 1990 p 711 Ali 2012 pp 31 136 Greenough 1980 p 212 A Sen 1981a p 75 Brennan 1988 p 542 Brennan Heathcote amp Lucas 1984 p 12 Maharatna 1992 pp 257 227 Maharatna 1992 p 243 Derived from Maharatna 1992 p 243 Table 5 5 Maharatna 1992 pp 249 251 Maharatna 1992 p 268 J Mukherjee 2015 pp 142 174 Bhattacharya 2002a p 102 Maharatna 1992 p 268 Famine Inquiry Commission 1945a p 136 Famine Inquiry Commission 1945a pp 136 137 Maharatna 1992 p 240 Maharatna 1992 pp 41 251 Greenough 1982 p 141 Maharatna 1992 p 378 J Mukherjee 2015 pp 128 129 Famine Inquiry Commission 1945a p 68 Maharatna 1992 pp 243 244 Greenough 1980 pp 207 208 218 225 Greenough 1980 pp 225 233 o Grada 2009 Mukerjee 2010 pp 170 186 187 Mukerjee 2010 p 248 Bedi 1944 p 13 Famine Inquiry Commission 1945a p 67 Greenough 1980 pp 227 228 Maharatna 1992 p 265 note 92 Famine Inquiry Commission 1945a p 68 Famine Inquiry Commission 1945a p 2 J Mukherjee 2015 p 135 A Sen 1981a p 196 Greenough 1980 p 342 Bowbrick 1986 p 27 Das 1949 pp 5 6 Famine Inquiry Commission 1945a p 138 J Mukherjee 2015 p 141 Famine Inquiry Commission 1945a pp 139 140 J Mukherjee 2015 p 125 J Mukherjee 2015 pp 239 240 Greenough 1982 pp 166 167 Mukerjee 2010 pp 229 230 J Mukherjee 2015 pp 239 240 Mukerjee 2010 p 236 S Bose 1990 p 699 Natarajan 1946 pp 48 50 J Mukherjee 2015 pp 133 221 Natarajan 1946 p 48 Mukerjee 2010 pp 220 221 Ray 2005 p 397 o Grada 2015 p 45 Cooper 1983 p 248 Greenough 1980 p 229 Das 1949 p 44 Bedi 1944 p 87 as cited in Greenough 1980 p 229 B Sen 1945 p 29 as cited in Greenough 1980 pp 229 230 A section of the contractors has made a profession of selling girls to soldiers There are places in Chittagong Comilla and Noakhali where women sell themselves literally in hordes and young boys act as pimps Collingham 2012 pp 147 148 Mukerjee 2010 pp 158 183 86 Greenough 1982 pp 221 223 177 178 155 157 Greenough 1980 p 233 Agarwal 2008 p 162 Famine Inquiry Commission 1945a p 166 Greenough 1980 pp 230 233 Greenough 1980 p 210 Greenough 1980 p 231 Greenough 1980 p 232 Greenough 1980 p 232 Greenough 1982 p 235 Brennan 1988 pp 548 551 Greenough 1982 p 127 Brennan 1988 pp 547 548 562 563 Greenough 1982 pp 127 137 Maharatna 1992 pp 236 238 A Sen 1990 p 185 Greenough 1982 p 127 Greenough 1982 pp 133 136 Brennan 1988 pp 559 560 Maharatna 1992 p 236 Brennan 1988 pp 557 558 J Mukherjee 2015 p 29 Brennan 1988 p 553 Brennan 1988 p 545 Brennan 1988 p 559 A Sen 1977 p 38 Greenough 1982 pp 127 128 Finally and perhaps most compellingly responsible officials in the Revenue and Civil Supplies ministries simply did not know how to proceed with relief under the bizarre conditions that had developed by mid 1943 Brennan 1988 pp 555 557 Greenough 1982 p 169 J Mukherjee 2015 p 174 Famine Inquiry Commission 1945a p 75 Famine Inquiry Commission 1945a p 69 J Mukherjee 2015 p 176 Siegel 2018 pp 34 35 Siegel 2018 p 41 o Grada 2015 p 77 J Mukherjee 2015 pp 14 175 176 Greenough 1980 p 213 Greenough 1982 p 129 Brennan 1988 p 552 J Mukherjee 2015 p 180 De 2006 p 40 Greenough 1982 pp 131 132 Greenough 1982 p 136 Famine Inquiry Commission 1945a pp 61 62 Greenough 1980 p 214 as cited in Schneer 1947 p 176 Famine Inquiry Commission 1945a pp 62 63 J Mukherjee 2015 pp 140 142 Famine Inquiry Commission 1945a pp 62 63 75 139 40 Brennan 1988 p 558 Mukerjee 2010 p 194 Khan 2015 p 215 Greenough 1982 p 140 Mukerjee 2010 p 213 Callahan 2011 p 323 Famine Inquiry Commission 1945a pp 2 106 J Mukherjee 2015 pp 140 142 Greenough 1982 pp 136 137 A Sen 1977 p 36 A Sen 1981a pp 55 215 Mahalanobis Mukherjea amp Ghosh 1946 p 342 Greenough 1980 pp 218 233 Greenough 1982 pp 184ff o Grada 2009 p 172 Mahalanobis Mukherjea amp Ghosh 1946 pp 339 340 S Bose 1993 p 134 Table 8 Mahalanobis Mukherjea amp Ghosh 1946 pp 361 393 Maharatna 1992 p 212 J Mukherjee 2015 pp 67 71 Siegel 2018 pp 23 24 48 Siegel 2018 p 48 A Sen 1977 p 52 fourth footnote o Grada 2015 p 42 Newspaper baron 2014 o Grada 2015 p 4 o Grada 2015 p 57 o Grada 2015 p 43 J Mukherjee 2015 p 125 Mukerjee 2010 p 261 Mukerjee 2010 p 261 Vernon 2009 p 148 A Sen 1977 o Grada 2015 p 42 A Sen 2011 p 341 Schiffrin 2014 pp 177 179 Schiffrin 2014 p 177 o Grada 2015 p 42 note 13 p 77 note 132 J Mukherjee 2015 p 173 Siegel 2018 p 36 Best movies 2003 Siegel 2018 p 37 J Mukherjee 2015 p 139 Chittaprosad s Bengal Famine o Grada 2009 p 42 Tauger 2009 p 175 Siegel 2018 p 43 Devereux 2000 p 23 Devereux 2001 p 256 A Sen 1976 A Sen 1981a o Grada 2015 p 90 Devereux 2000 pp 19 21 Islam 2007a p 424 Bowbrick 1986 pp 111 114 Padmanabhan 1973 pp 11 23 Tauger 2003 pp 65 67 Tauger 2009 pp 178 179 A Sen 1977 A Sen 1981a Greenough 1982 pp 127 138 A Sen 1977 A Sen 1976 p 1280 A Sen 1977 p 50 A Sen 1981a p 76 Aykroyd 1975 p 74 o Grada 2015 pp 39 40 Devereux 2000 pp 21 23 The conclusion is inescapable famines are always political Brennan Heathcote amp Lucas 1984 p 18 A Sen 1977 p 50 S Bose 1990 p 717 Famine Inquiry Commission 1945a p 195 o Grada 2015 p 91 o Grada 2009 p 10 A Sen 1977 pp 52 53 o Grada 2015 p 90 The 1943 44 famine has become paradigmatic as an entitlements famine whereby speculation born of greed and panic produced an artificial shortage of rice the staple food o Grada 2008 pp 25 28 o Grada 2015 p 90 o Grada 2015 p 90 the lack of political will to divert foodstuffs from the war effort rather than market speculation was mainly responsible for the famine o Grada 2008 pp 20 33 o Grada 2009 pp 190 191 Wavell 1973 pp 68 122 S Bose 1990 pp 716 717 J Mukherjee 2015 pp 251 252 o Grada 2010 p 39 Law Smith 1989 p 64 Patnaik 2018 p 33 34 38 39 Limaye Yogita 20 July 2020 Churchill s legacy leaves Indians questioning his hero status BBC News Retrieved 18 October 2022 Greenough 1983 p 375 Hickman 2008 pp 238 240 Mukerjee 2010 pp 274 275 Mukerjee 2010 p 273 Bayly amp Harper 2005 p 286 Collingham 2012 pp 144 145 Herman 2010 Roy 2019 pp 129 130 Roy 2019 pp 129 130 Islam 2007a p 423 o Grada 2009 p 161 Siegel 2018 p 43 o Grada 2008 p 24 note 78 Siegel 2018 p 43 J Mukherjee 2015 p 185 o Grada 2015 p 39 Famine Inquiry Commission 1945a p 105 Famine Inquiry Commission 1945a pp 100 102 o Grada 2009 p 179 Rangasami 1985 Cited approvingly in Osmani 1993 and Mukerjee 2014 p 71 Bowbrick 1985 pp 18 53 57 In my opinion the Famine Commission wrote an excellent report They sought the truth rather than evidence in favour of their own hypotheses They entered into their study with no preconceived ideas as to whether it was a FAD or a distribution famine and they reached a conclusion that was not in accordance with the official view p 18 A Sen 1977 p 50 Greenough 1982 p 138 Bowbrick 1986 Tauger 2003 Greenough 1982 p 262 Greenough 1982 pp 261 275 S Bose 1990 pp 721 724 Tauger 2009 p 185 J Mukherjee 2015 pp 2 6 UK Retail Price Index inflation figures are based on data from Clark Gregory 2017 The Annual RPI and Average Earnings for Britain 1209 to Present New Series MeasuringWorth Retrieved 7 May 2024 1634 1699 McCusker J J 1997 How Much Is That in Real Money A Historical Price Index for Use as a Deflator of Money Values in the Economy of the United States Addenda et Corrigenda PDF American Antiquarian Society 1700 1799 McCusker J J 1992 How Much Is That in Real Money A Historical Price Index for Use as a Deflator of Money Values in the Economy of the United States PDF American Antiquarian Society 1800 present Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis Consumer Price Index estimate 1800 Retrieved 29 February 2024 Famine Inquiry Commission 1945a p 83 details in note 1 Aykroyd 1975 p 79 Famine Inquiry Commission 1945a p 107 as cited in Brennan Heathcote amp Lucas 1984 p 13 Works cited Primary sources Bedi Freda 1944 Bengal Lamenting Lahore India Lion Press OCLC 579534205 Braund H B L 1944 Famine in Bengal typescript British Library Doc D792 Das Tarakchandra 1949 Bengal Famine 1943 As Revealed in a Survey of the Destitutes in Calcutta 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