Ancient Carthage ˈ k ɑːr 8 ɪ dʒ KAR thij Punic 𐤒𐤓𐤕 𐤇𐤃𐤔𐤕 lit New City was an ancient Semitic civilisation based in North Africa Initially a settlement in present day Tunisia it later became a city state and then an empire Founded by the Phoenicians in the ninth century BC Carthage reached its height in the fourth century BC as one of the largest metropoleis in the world It was the centre of the Carthaginian Empire a major power led by the Punic people who dominated the ancient western and central Mediterranean Sea Following the Punic Wars Carthage was destroyed by the Romans in 146 BC who later rebuilt the city lavishly Carthage𐤒𐤓𐤕 𐤇𐤃𐤔𐤕 Qart ḥadastc 814 BC 146 BCSupposed military standard topped by the crescent moon and sun disc symbols Sign of Tanit the cultic or state insigniaCarthaginian Empire in 323 BCCapitalCarthageCommon languagesPunic Phoenician Berber Numidian Iberian Ancient GreekReligionPunic religionDemonym s CarthaginianGovernmentMonarchy until c 480 BC republic led by Shophets thereafterHistorical eraAntiquity Founded by Phoenician settlersc 814 BC Independence from Tyremiddle of the 6th century BC Destroyed by Roman Republic in the Third Punic War146 BCPopulation 221 BC3 700 000 4 300 000 entire empire CurrencyCarthaginian currencyPreceded by Succeeded byPhoenicia Africa Roman province Sicilia Roman province HispaniaMauretania Carthage was settled around 814 BC by colonists from Tyre a leading Phoenician city state located in present day Lebanon In the 7th century BC following Phoenicia s conquest by the Neo Assyrian Empire Carthage became independent gradually expanding its economic and political hegemony across the western Mediterranean By 300 BC through its vast patchwork of colonies vassal states and satellite states held together by its naval dominance of the western and central Mediterranean Sea Carthage controlled the largest territory in the region including the coast of northwest Africa southern and eastern Iberia and the islands of Sicily Sardinia Corsica Malta and the Balearic archipelago Tripoli remained autonomous under the authority of local Libyco Phoenicians who paid nominal tribute Among the ancient world s largest and richest cities Carthage s strategic location provided access to abundant fertile land and major maritime trade routes Its extensive mercantile network reached as far as west Asia and northern Europe providing an array of commodities from all over the ancient world in addition to lucrative exports of agricultural products and manufactured goods This commercial empire was secured by one of the largest and most powerful navies in the ancient Mediterranean and an army composed heavily of foreign mercenaries and auxiliaries particularly Iberians Balearics Gauls Britons Sicilians Italians Greeks Numidians and Libyans As the dominant power of the western Mediterranean Carthage inevitably came into conflict with many neighbours and rivals from the Berbers of North Africa to the nascent Roman Republic Following centuries of conflict with the Sicilian Greeks its growing competition with Rome culminated in the Punic Wars 264 146 BCE which saw some of the largest and most sophisticated battles in antiquity Carthage narrowly avoided destruction after the Second Punic War but was destroyed by the Romans in 146 BC after the Third Punic War The Romans later founded a new city in its place All remnants of Carthaginian civilization came under Roman rule by the first century AD and Rome subsequently became the dominant Mediterranean power paving the way for its rise as a major empire Despite the cosmopolitan character of its empire Carthage s culture and identity remained rooted in its Canaanite heritage albeit a localised variety known as Punic Like other Phoenician peoples its society was urban commercial and oriented towards seafaring and trade this is reflected in part by its notable innovations including serial production uncolored glass the threshing board and the cothon harbor Carthaginians were renowned for their commercial prowess ambitious explorations and unique system of government which combined elements of democracy oligarchy and republicanism including modern examples of checks and balances Despite having been one of the most influential civilizations of antiquity Carthage is mostly remembered for its long and bitter conflict with Rome which threatened the rise of the Roman Republic and almost changed the course of Western civilization Due to the destruction of virtually all Carthaginian texts after the Third Punic War much of what is known about its civilization comes from Roman and Greek sources many of whom wrote during or after the Punic Wars and to varying degrees were shaped by the hostilities Popular and scholarly attitudes towards Carthage historically reflected the prevailing Greco Roman view though archaeological research since the late 19th century has helped shed more light and nuance on Carthaginian civilization EtymologyThe name Carthage ˈ k ɑː r 8 ɪ dʒ is the Early Modern anglicisation of Middle French Carthage kar taʒ from Latin Carthagō and Karthagō cf Greek Karkhedōn Karxhdwn and Etruscan Car8aza from the Punic qrt ḥdst Punic 𐤒𐤓𐤕 𐤇𐤃𐤔𐤕 lit New City Punic which is sometimes used synonymously with Carthaginian derives from the Latin poenus and punicus based on the Ancient Greek word Foῖni3 Phoinix pl Foinikes Phoinikes an exonym used to describe the Canaanite port towns with which the Greeks traded Latin later borrowed the Greek term a second time as phoenix pl phoenices Both Punic and Phoenician were used by the Romans and Greeks to refer to Phoenicians across the Mediterranean modern scholars use the term Punic exclusively for Phoenicians in the western Mediterranean such as the Carthaginians Specific Punic groups are often referred to with hyphenated terms like Siculo Punic for Phoenicians in Sicily or Sardo Punic for those in Sardinia Ancient Greek authors sometimes referred to the mixed Punic inhabitants of North Africa Libya as Liby Phoenicians It is unclear what term if any the Carthaginians used to refer to themselves The Phoenician homeland in the Levant was natively known as 𐤐𐤕 Put and its people as the 𐤐𐤍𐤉𐤌 Pōnnim Ancient Egyptian accounts suggest the people from the region identified as Kenaani or Kinaani equivalent to Canaanite A passage from Augustine has often been interpreted as indicating that the Punic speakers in North Africa called themselves Chanani Canaanites but it has recently been argued that this is a misreading Numismatic evidence from Sicily shows that some western Phoenicians made use of the term Phoinix SourcesStele with a Phoenician votive inscription palm motif and sign of Tanit from the Carthage tophet now in the Museum of Fine Arts Lyon Compared to contemporaneous civilizations such as Rome and Greece far less is known about Carthage as most indigenous records were lost in the wholesale destruction of the city after the Third Punic War Sources of knowledge are limited to ancient translations of Punic into Greek and Latin Punic inscriptions on monuments and buildings and archaeological findings of Carthage s material culture The majority of available primary sources about Carthage were written by Greek and Roman historians most notably Livy Polybius Appian Cornelius Nepos Silius Italicus Plutarch Dio Cassius and Herodotus These authors came from cultures that were nearly always in competition with Carthage the Greeks with respect to Sicily and the Romans over dominance of the western Mediterranean Inevitably foreign accounts of Carthage usually reflect significant bias especially those written during or after the Punic Wars when the interpretatio Romana perpetuated a malicious and distorted view Excavations of ancient Carthaginian sites since the late 19th century has brought to light more material evidence that either contradict or confirm aspects of the traditional picture of Carthage however many of these findings remain ambiguous HistoryFoundation legends The specific date circumstances and motivations concerning Carthage s founding are unknown All surviving accounts of the city s origins come from Latin and Greek literature which are generally legendary in nature but may have some basis in fact The standard foundation myth across all sources is that the city was founded by colonists from the ancient Phoenician city state of Tyre led by its exiled princess Dido also known as Queen Elissa or Alissar Dido s brother Pygmalion Phoenician Pummayaton had murdered her husband the high priest of the city and taken power as a tyrant Dido and her allies escaped his reign and established Carthage which became a prosperous city under her rule as queen Several scholars have identified Baa li maanzer the king of Tyre who gave tribute to Shalmaneser III in 841 BC with 𐤁𐤏𐤋𐤏𐤑𐤅𐤓 Ba al azor Phoenician form of the name or Baal Eser Balazeros Greek form of the name Dido s grandfather The Nora Stone found on Sardinia has been interpreted by Frank Moore Cross as naming Pygmalion as the king of the general who was using the stone to record his victory over the local populace On paleographic grounds the stone is dated to the 9th century BC Cross s translation with a longer discussion of the Nora stone is found in the Pygmalion article If Cross s interpretation is correct this presents inscriptional evidence substantiating the existence of a 9th century BC king of Tyre named in Greek Pygmalion The Roman historian Justin writing in the second century AD provides an account of the city s founding based on the earlier work of Trogus Princess Dido is the daughter of King Belus II of Tyre who upon his death bequeaths the throne jointly to her and her brother Pygmalion After cheating his sister out of her share of political power Pygmalion murders her husband Acerbas Phoenician Zakarbaal also known as Sychaeus the High Priest of Melqart whose wealth and power he covets Before her tyrannical brother can take her late husband s wealth Dido immediately flees with her followers to establish a new city abroad Upon landing in North Africa she is greeted by the local Berber chieftain Iarbas also called Hiarbas who promises to cede as much land as could be covered by a single ox hide With her characteristic cleverness Dido cuts the hide into very thin strips and lays them end to end until they encircle the entire hill of Byrsa While digging to set the foundation of their new settlement the Tyrians discover the head of an ox an omen that the city would be wealthy but laborious and always enslaved In response they move the site of the city elsewhere where the head of a horse is found which in Phoenician culture is a symbol of courage and conquest The horse foretells where Dido s new city will rise becoming the emblem of Carthage derived from the Phoenician Qart Hadasht meaning New City The suicide of Queen Dido by Claude Augustin Cayot 1667 1722 The city s wealth and prosperity attracts both Phoenicians from nearby Utica and the indigenous Libyans whose king Iarbas now seeks Dido s hand in marriage Threatened with war should she refuse and also loyal to the memory of her deceased husband the queen orders a funeral pyre to be built where she commits suicide by stabbing herself with a sword She is thereafter worshiped as a goddess by the people of Carthage who are described as brave in battle but prone to the cruel religious ceremony of human sacrifice even of children whenever they seek divine relief from troubles of any kind Virgil s epic poem the Aeneid written over a century after the Third Punic War tells the mythical story of the Trojan hero Aeneas and his journey towards founding Rome inextricably tying together the founding myths and ultimate fates of both Rome and Carthage Its introduction begins by mentioning an ancient city that many readers likely assumed was Rome or Troy but goes on to describe it as a place held by colonists from Tyre opposite Italy a city of great wealth and ruthless in the pursuit of war Its name was Carthage and Juno is said to have loved it more than any other place But she had heard that there was rising from the blood of Troy a race of men who in days to come would overthrow this Tyrian citadel and sack the land of Libya Virgil describes Queen Elissa for whom he uses the ancient Greek name Dido meaning beloved as an esteemed clever but ultimately tragic character As in other legends the impetus for her escape is her tyrannical brother Pygmalion whose secret murder of her husband is revealed to her in a dream Cleverly exploiting her brother s greed Dido tricks Pygmalion into supporting her journey to find and bring back riches for him Through this ruse she sets sail with gold and allies secretly in search of a new home As in Justin s account upon landing in North Africa Dido is greeted by Iarbas and after he offers as much land as could be covered by a single ox hide she cuts the hide into very thin strips and encircles all of Byrsa While digging to set the foundation of their new settlement the Tyrians discover the head of a horse which in Phoenician culture is a symbol of courage and conquest The horse foretells where Dido s new city will rise becoming the emblem of the New City Carthage In just seven years since their exodus from Tyre the Carthaginians build a successful kingdom under Dido s rule She is adored by her subjects and presented with a festival of praise Virgil portrays her character as even more noble when she offers asylum to Aeneas and his men who had recently escaped from Troy The two fall in love during a hunting expedition and Dido comes to believe they will marry Jupiter sends a spirit in the form of the messenger god Mercury to remind Aeneas that his mission is not to stay in Carthage with his new found love Dido but to sail to Italy to found Rome The Trojan departs leaving Dido so heartbroken that she commits suicide by stabbing herself upon a funeral pyre with his sword As she lies dying she predicts eternal strife between Aeneas people and her own proclaiming rise up from my bones avenging spirit in an invocation of Hannibal Aeneas sees the smoke from the pyre as he sails away and though he does not know the fate of Dido he identifies it as a bad omen Ultimately his descendants go on to found the Roman Kingdom the predecessor of the Roman Empire Like Justin Virgil s story essentially conveys Rome s attitude towards Carthage as exemplified by Cato the Elder s famous utterance Carthago delenda est Carthage must be destroyed In essence Rome and Carthage were fated for conflict Aeneas chose Rome over Dido eliciting her dying curse upon his Roman descendants and thus providing a mythical fatalistic backdrop for a century of bitter conflict between Rome and Carthage These stories typify the Roman attitude towards Carthage a level of grudging respect and acknowledgement of their bravery prosperity and even their city s seniority to Rome along with derision of their cruelty deviousness and decadence as exemplified by their practice of human sacrifice citation needed Settlement as Tyrian colony c 814 BC To facilitate their commercial ventures the Phoenicians established numerous colonies and trading posts along the coasts of the Mediterranean Organized in fiercely independent city states the Phoenicians lacked the numbers or even the desire to expand overseas most colonies had fewer than 1 000 inhabitants and only a few including Carthage would grow larger Motives for colonization were usually practical such as seeking safe harbors for their merchant fleets maintaining a monopoly on an area s natural resources satisfying the demand for trade goods and finding areas where they could trade freely without outside interference Over time many Phoenicians also sought to escape their tributary obligations to foreign powers that had subjugated the Phoenician homeland Another motivating factor was competition with the Greeks who became a nascent maritime power and began establishing colonies across the Mediterranean and the Black Sea The first Phoenician colonies in the western Mediterranean grew up on the two paths to Iberia s mineral wealth along the northwest African coast and on Sicily Sardinia and the Balearic Islands As the largest and wealthiest city state among the Phoenicians Tyre led the way in settling or controlling coastal areas Strabo claims that the Tyrians alone founded three hundred colonies on the west African coast though clearly an exaggeration many colonies did arise in Tunisia Morocco Algeria Iberia and in Libya They were usually established as trading stations at intervals of about 30 to 50 kilometres along the African coast By the time they gained a foothold in Africa the Phoenicians were already present in Cyprus Crete Corsica the Balearic Islands Sardinia and Sicily as well as on the European mainland in what are today Genoa and Marseilles Foreshadowing the later Sicilian Wars settlements in Crete and Sicily continually clashed with the Greeks and Phoenician control over all of Sicily was brief Nearly all these areas would come under the leadership and protection of Carthage which eventually founded cities of its own especially after the decline of Tyre and Sidon Map of Ancient Carthage showing the peninsular location and the lake Tunis below and the lake Arina above The site of Carthage was likely chosen by the Tyrians for several reasons It was located in the central shore of the Gulf of Tunis which gave it access to the Mediterranean sea while shielding it from the region s infamously violent storms It was also close to the strategically vital Strait of Sicily a key bottleneck for maritime trade between the east and west The terrain proved as invaluable as the geography The city was built on a hilly triangular peninsula backed by the Lake of Tunis which provided abundant supplies of fish and a place for safe harbor The peninsula was connected to the mainland by a narrow strip of land which combined with the rough surrounding terrain made the city easily defensible a citadel was built on Byrsa a low hill overlooking the sea Finally Carthage would be conduit of two major trade routes one between the Tyrian colony of Cadiz in southern Spain which supplied raw materials for manufacturing in Tyre and the other between North Africa and the northern Mediterranean namely Sicily Italy and Greece Independence expansion and hegemony source source source source source source source track track Animation depicting Carthage in Latin with English subtitles In contrast to most Phoenician colonies Carthage grew larger and more quickly thanks to its combination of favorable climate arable land and lucrative trade routes Within just one century of its founding its population rose to 30 000 Meanwhile its mother city which for centuries was the preeminent economic and political center of Phoenician civilization saw its status begin to wane in the seventh century BC following a succession of sieges by the Babylonians By this time its Carthaginian colony had become immensely wealthy from its strategic location and extensive trade network Unlike many other Phoenician city states and dependencies Carthage grew prosperous not only from maritime commerce but from its proximity to fertile agricultural land and rich mineral deposits As the main hub for trade between Africa and the rest of the ancient world it also provided a myriad of rare and luxurious goods including terracotta figurines and masks jewelry delicately carved ivories ostrich eggs and a variety of foods and wine Carthage s growing economic prominence coincided with a nascent national identity Although Carthaginians remained staunchly Phoenician in their customs and faith by at least the seventh century BC they had developed a distinct Punic culture infused with local influences Certain deities became more prominent in the Carthaginian pantheon than in Phoenicia into the fifth century BC the Carthaginians were worshiping Greek deities such as Demeter These trends most likely precipitated the colony s emergence as an independent polity Though the specific date and circumstances are unknown Carthage became independent in the middle of the 6th century BC It had grown into a fully independent thalassocracy embarking its own colonization efforts across the western Mediterranean It nonetheless maintained amicable cultural political and commercial ties with its founding city and the Phoenician homeland it continued to receive migrants from Tyre and for a time continued the practice of sending annual tribute to Tyre s temple of Melqart albeit at irregular intervals By the sixth century BC Tyre s power declined further still after its voluntary submission to the Persian king Cambyses r 530 522 BC which resulted in the incorporation of the Phoenician homeland into the Persian empire Lacking sufficient naval strength Cambyses sought Tyrian assistance for his planned conquest of Carthage which may indicate that the former Tyrian colony had become wealthy enough to warrant a long and difficult expedition Herodotus claims that the Tyrians refused to cooperate due to their affinity for Carthage causing the Persian king to abort his campaign Though it escaped reprisal Tyre s status as Phoenicia s leading city was significantly circumscribed its rival Sidon subsequently garnered more support from the Persians However it too remained subjugated leading the way for Carthage to fill the vacuum as the leading Phoenician political power Formation and characteristics of the empire A Carthaginian ceramic perfume burner in the shape of a woman s head Kerkouane Archaeological Museum Although the Carthaginians retained the traditional Phoenician affinity for maritime trade and commerce they were distinguished by their imperial and military ambitions whereas the Phoenician city states rarely engaged in territorial conquest Carthage became an expansionist power driven by its desire to access new sources of wealth and trade It is unknown what factors influenced the citizens of Carthage unlike those of other Phoenician colonies to create an economic and political hegemony the nearby city of Utica was far older and enjoyed the same geographical and political advantages but never embarked on hegemonic conquest instead coming under Carthaginian influence One theory is that Babylonian and Persian domination of the Phoenician homeland produced refugees that swelled Carthage s population and transferred the culture wealth and traditions of Tyre to Carthage The threat to the Phoenician trade monopoly by Etruscan and Greek competition in the west and through foreign subjugation of its homeland in the east also created the conditions for Carthage to consolidate its power and further its commercial interests Another contributing factor may have been domestic politics while little is known of Carthage s government and leadership prior to the third century BC the reign of Mago I c 550 530 and the political dominance of the Magonid family in subsequent decades precipitated Carthage s rise as a dominant power Justin states that Mago who was also general of the army was the first Carthaginian leader to set in order the military system which may have entailed the introduction of new military strategies and technologies He is also credited with initiating or at least expanding the practice of recruiting subject peoples and mercenaries as Carthage s population was too small to secure and defend its scattered colonies Libyans Iberians Sardinians and Corsicans were soon enlisted for the Magonid expansionist campaigns across the region By the beginning of the fourth century BC the Carthaginians had become the superior power of the western Mediterranean and would remain so for roughly the next three centuries Carthage took control of all nearby Phoenician colonies including Hadrumetum Utica Hippo Diarrhytus and Kerkouane subjugated many neighboring Libyan tribes and occupied coastal North Africa from Morocco to western Libya It held Sardinia Malta the Balearic Islands and the western half of Sicily where coastal fortresses such as Motya and Lilybaeum secured their possessions The Iberian Peninsula which was rich in precious metals saw some of the largest and most important Carthaginian settlements outside North Africa though the degree of political influence before the conquest by Hamilcar Barca 237 228 BC is disputed Carthage s growing wealth and power along with the foreign subjugation of the Phoenician homeland led to its supplanting of Sidon as the supreme Phoenician city state Carthage s empire was largely informal and multifaceted consisting of varying levels of control exercised in equally variable ways It established new colonies repopulated and reinforced older ones formed defensive pacts with other Phoenician city states and acquired territories directly by conquest While some Phoenician colonies willingly submitted to Carthage paying tribute and giving up their foreign policy others in Iberia and Sardinia resisted Carthaginian efforts Whereas other Phoenician cities never exercised actual control of the colonies the Carthaginians appointed magistrates to directly control their own a policy that would lead to a number of Iberian towns siding with the Romans during the Punic Wars In many other instances Carthage s hegemony was established through treaties alliances tributary obligations and other such arrangements It had elements of the Delian League led by Athens allies shared funding and manpower for defense the Spartan Kingdom subject peoples serving as serfs for the Punic elite and state and to a lesser extent the Roman Republic allies contributing manpower and tribute for Rome s war machine In 509 BC Carthage and Rome signed the first of several treaties demarcating their respective influence and commercial activities This is the first textual source demonstrating Carthaginian control over Sicily and Sardinia The treaty also conveys the extent to which Carthage was at the very least on equal terms with Rome whose influence was limited to parts of central and southern Italy Carthaginian dominance of the sea reflected not only its Phoenician heritage but an approach to empire building that differed greatly from Rome Carthage emphasized maritime trade over territorial expansion and accordingly focused its settlements and influence on coastal areas while investing more on its navy For similar reasons its ambitions were more commercial than imperial which is why its empire took the form of a hegemony based on treaties and political arrangements more than conquest By contrast the Romans focused on expanding and consolidating their control over the rest of mainland Italy and would aim to extend its control well beyond its homeland These differences would prove key in the conduct and trajectory of the later Punic Wars By the third century BC Carthage was the center of a sprawling network of colonies and client states It controlled more territory than the Roman Republic and became one of the largest and most prosperous cities in the Mediterranean with a quarter of a million inhabitants Carthage did not focus on growing and conquering land instead it was found that Carthage was focused on growing trade and protecting trade routes The trades through Libya were territories and Carthage paid Libyans for access to this land in Cape Bon for agricultural purposes until about 550 BC In around 508 BC Carthage and Rome signed a treaty to keep their commercial planes separate from each other Carthage focused on growing their population by taking in Phoenicians colonies and soon began controlling Libyan African and Roman colonies Many Phoenician cities also had to pay or support the Carthaginian troops Punic troops would defend cities and these cities had few rights Conflict with the Greeks 580 265 BC Unlike the existential conflict of the later Punic Wars with Rome the conflict between Carthage and the Greeks centered on economic concerns as each side sought to advance their own commercial interests and influence by controlling key trade routes For centuries the Phoenician and Greek city states had embarked on maritime trade and colonization across the Mediterranean While the Phoenicians were initially dominant Greek competition increasingly undermined their monopoly Both sides had begun establishing colonies trading posts and commercial relations in the western Mediterranean roughly contemporaneously between the ninth and eighth centuries Phoenician and Greek settlements the increased presence of both peoples led to mounting tensions and ultimately open conflict especially in Sicily First Sicilian War 480 BC Carthage s economic successes buoyed by its vast maritime trade network led to the development of a powerful navy to protect and secure vital shipping lanes Its hegemony brought it into increasing conflict with the Greeks of Syracuse who also sought control of the central Mediterranean Founded in the mid seventh century BC Syracuse had risen to become one of the wealthiest and most powerful Greek city states and the preeminent Greek polity in the region The island of Sicily lying at Carthage s doorstep became the main arena on which this conflict played out From their earliest days both the Greeks and Phoenicians had been attracted to the large centrally located island each establishing a large number of colonies and trading posts along its coasts battles raged between these settlements for centuries with neither side ever having total long term control over the island In 480 BC Gelo the tyrant of Syracuse attempted to unite the island under his rule with the backing of other Greek city states Threatened by the potential power of a united Sicily Carthage intervened militarily led by King Hamilcar of the Magonid dynasty Traditional accounts including by Herodotus and Diodorus number Hamilcar s army at around 300 000 though likely exaggerated it was likely of formidable strength While sailing to Sicily Hamilcar suffered losses due to poor weather Landing at Panormus modern day Palermo he spent three days reorganizing his forces and repairing his battered fleet The Carthaginians marched along the coast to Himera making camp before engaging in battle against the forces of Syracuse and its ally Agrigentum The Greeks won a decisive victory inflicting heavy losses on the Carthaginians including their leader Hamilcar who was either killed during the battle or committed suicide in shame As a result the Carthaginian nobility sued for peace The conflict proved to be a major turning point for Carthage Though it would retain some presence in Sicily most of the island would remain in Greek and later Roman hands The Carthaginians would never again expand their territory or sphere of influence on the island to any meaningful degree instead turning their attention to securing or increasing their hold in North Africa and Iberia The death of King Hamilcar and the disastrous conduct of the war also prompted political reforms that established an oligarchic republic Carthage would henceforth constrain its rulers through assemblies of both nobles and the common people Second Sicilian War 410 404 BC Coin from Tarentum in southern Italy during the occupation by Hannibal c 212 209 BC KLH above SHRAM BOS below nude youth on horseback right placing a laurel wreath on his horse s head TARAS Taras riding dolphin left holding trident in right hand in his left hand By 410 BC Carthage had recovered from its serious defeats in Sicily It had conquered much of modern day Tunisia and founded new colonies across northern Africa It also extended its reach well beyond the Mediterranean Hanno the Navigator journeyed down the West African coast and Himilco the Navigator had explored the European Atlantic coast Expeditions were also led into Morocco and Senegal as well as the Atlantic The same year the Iberian colonies seceded cutting off Carthage from a major source of silver and copper The loss of such strategically important mineral wealth combined with the desire to exercise firmer control over shipping routes led Hannibal Mago grandson of Hamilcar to make preparations to reclaim Sicily In 409 BC Hannibal Mago set out for Sicily with his force He captured the smaller cities of Selinus modern Selinunte and Himera where the Carthaginians had been dealt a humiliating defeat seventy years prior before returning triumphantly to Carthage with the spoils of war But the primary enemy Syracuse remained untouched and in 405 BC Hannibal Mago led a second Carthaginian expedition to claim the rest of the island This time however he met with fiercer resistance as well as misfortune During the siege of Agrigentum Carthaginian forces were ravaged by plague which claimed Hannibal Mago himself His successor Himilco managed to extend the campaign capturing the city of Gela and repeatedly defeating the army of Dionysius of Syracuse But he too was struck with plague and forced to sue for peace before returning to Carthage By 398 BC Dionysius had regained his strength and broke the peace treaty striking at the Carthaginian stronghold of Motya in western Sicily Himilco responded decisively leading an expedition that not only reclaimed Motya but also captured Messene present day Messina Within a year the Carthaginians were besieging Syracuse itself and came close to victory until the plague once again ravaged and reduced their forces The fighting in Sicily swung in favor of Carthage less than a decade later in 387 BC After winning a naval battle off the coast of Catania Himilco laid siege to Syracuse with 50 000 Carthaginians but yet another epidemic struck down thousands of them With the enemy assault stalled and weakened Dionysius then launched a surprise counterattack by land and sea destroying all the Carthaginian ships while its crews were ashore At the same time his ground forces stormed the besiegers lines and routed them Himilco and his chief officers abandoned their army and fled Sicily Once again the Carthaginians were forced to press for peace Returning to Carthage in disgrace Himilco was met with contempt and committed suicide by starving himself Notwithstanding consistently poor luck and costly reversals Sicily remained an obsession for Carthage Over the next fifty years an uneasy peace reigned as Carthaginian and Greek forces engaged in constant skirmishes By 340 BC Carthage had been pushed entirely into the southwest corner of the island Romanticised representation of the Battle of Himera 480 BC Painted by Giuseppe Sciuti in 1873 Third Sicilian War In 315 BC Carthage found itself on the defensive in Sicily as Agathocles of Syracuse broke the terms of the peace treaty and sought to dominate the entire island Within four years he seized Messene laid siege to Agrigentum and invaded the last Carthaginian holdings on the island Hamilcar grandson of Hanno the Great led the Carthaginian response with great success Because of Carthage s power over the trade routes Carthage had a rich and strong navy that was able to lead Within a year of their arrival the Carthaginians controlled almost all of Sicily and were besieging Syracuse In desperation Agathocles secretly led an expedition of 14 000 men to attack Carthage forcing Hamilcar and most of his army to return home Although Agathocles forces were eventually defeated in 307 BC he managed to escape back to Sicily and negotiate peace thus maintaining the status quo and Syracuse as a stronghold of Greek power in Sicily Pyrrhic War 280 275 BC Routes taken against Rome and Carthage in the Pyrrhic War 280 275 BC Carthage was once again drawn into a war in Sicily this time by Pyrrhus of Epirus who challenged both Roman and Carthaginian supremacy over the Mediterranean The Greek city of Tarentum in southern Italy had come into conflict with an expansionist Rome and sought the aid of Pyrrhus Seeing an opportunity to forge a new empire Pyrrhus sent an advance guard of 3 000 infantry to Tarentum under the command of his adviser Cineaus Meanwhile he marched the main army across the Greek peninsula and won several victories over the Thessalians and Athenians After securing the Greek mainland Pyrrhus rejoined his advance guard in Tarentum to conquer southern Italy winning a decisive but costly victory at Asculum According to Justin the Carthaginians worried that Pyrrhus might get involved in Sicily Polybius confirms the existence of a mutual defense pact between Carthage and Rome ratified shortly after the battle of Asculum These concerns proved prescient during the Italian campaign Pyrrhus received envoys from the Sicilian Greek cities of Agrigentum Leontini and Syracuse which offered to submit to his rule if he aided their efforts to eject the Carthaginians from Sicily Having lost too many men in his conquest of Asculum Pyrrhus determined that a war with Rome could not be sustained making Sicily a more enticing prospect He thus responded to the plea with reinforcements consisting of 20 000 30 000 infantry 1 500 3 000 cavalry and 20 war elephants supported by some 200 ships The Ksour Essef cuirass decorated with low reliefs a 3rd century BC Italiote cuirass breastplate armor found in a Carthaginian tomb near Ksour Essef now in the Bardo National Museum The ensuing Sicilian campaign lasted three years during which the Carthaginians suffered several losses and reversals Pyrrhus overcame the Carthaginian garrison at Heraclea Minoa and seized Azones which prompted cities nominally allied to Carthage such as Selinus Halicyae and Segesta to join his side The Carthaginian stronghold of Eryx which had strong natural defenses and a large garrison held out for a long period of time but was eventually taken Iaetia surrendered without a fight while Panormus which had the best harbour in Sicily succumbed to a siege The Carthaginians were pushed back to the westernmost portion of the island holding only Lilybaeum which was put under siege Following these losses Carthage sued for peace offering large sums of money and even ships but Pyrrhus refused unless Carthage renounced its claims to Sicily entirely The siege of Lilybaeum continued with the Carthaginians successfully holding out due to the size of their forces their large quantities of siege weapons and the rocky terrain As Pyrrhus losses were mounting he set out to build more powerful war engines however after two more months of dogged resistance he abandoned the siege Plutarch claimed that the ambitious king of Epirus now had his sights on Carthage itself and began outfitting an expedition In preparation for his invasion he treated the Sicilian Greeks more ruthlessly even executing two of their rulers on false charges of treason The subsequent animosity among the Greeks of Sicily drove some to join forces with the Carthaginians who took up the war vigorously upon noticing Pyrrhus dwindling support Cassius Dio claimed that Carthage had harboured the exiled Syracusans and harassed Pyrrhus so severely that he abandoned not only Syracuse but Sicily as well A renewed Roman offensive also forced him to focus his attention on southern Italy According to both Plutarch and Appian while Pyrrhus army was being transported by ship to mainland Italy the Carthaginian navy inflicted a devastating blow in the Battle of the Strait of Messina sinking or disabling 98 out of 110 ships Carthage sent additional forces to Sicily and following Pyrrhus departure managed to regain control of their domains on the island Pyrrhus campaigns in Italy ultimately proved inconclusive and he eventually withdrew to Epirus For the Carthaginians the war meant a return to the status quo as they once again held the western and central regions of Sicily For the Romans however much of Magna Graecia gradually fell under their sphere of influence bringing them closer to complete domination of the Italian peninsula Rome s success against Pyrrhus solidified its status as a rising power which paved the way for conflict with Carthage In what is likely an apocryphal account Pyrrhus upon departing from Sicily told his companions What a wrestling ground we are leaving my friends for the Carthaginians and the Romans Punic Wars 264 146 BC Carthaginian dependencies and protectorates through the Punic Wars First Punic War 264 241 BC When Agathocles of Syracuse died in 288 BC a large company of Italian mercenaries previously in his service found themselves suddenly unemployed Naming themselves Mamertines Sons of Mars they seized the city of Messana and became a law unto themselves terrorizing the surrounding countryside The Mamertines became a growing threat to Carthage and Syracuse alike In 265 BC Hiero II of Syracuse former general of Pyrrhus took action against them Faced with a vastly superior force the Mamertines divided into two factions one advocating surrender to Carthage the other preferring to seek aid from Rome While the Roman Senate debated the best course of action the Carthaginians eagerly agreed to send a garrison to Messana Carthaginian forces were admitted to the city and a Carthaginian fleet sailed into the Messanan harbor However soon afterwards they began negotiating with Hiero Alarmed the Mamertines sent another embassy to Rome asking them to expel the Carthaginians Hamilcar Barca and The Oath of Hannibal Benjamin West 1738 1820 Hiero s intervention placed Carthage s military forces directly across the Strait of Messina the narrow channel of water that separated Sicily from Italy Moreover the presence of the Carthaginian fleet gave them effective control over this strategically important bottleneck and demonstrated a clear and present danger to nearby Rome and her interests As a result the Roman Assembly although reluctant to ally with a band of mercenaries sent an expeditionary force to return control of Messana to the Mamertines The subsequent Roman attack on Carthaginian forces at Messana triggered the first of the Punic Wars Over the course of the next century these three major conflicts between Rome and Carthage would determine the course of Western civilization The wars included a dramatic Carthaginian invasion led by Hannibal which nearly brought an end to Rome During the First Punic Wars the Romans under the command of Marcus Atilius Regulus managed to land in Africa though were ultimately repelled by the Carthaginians Notwithstanding the decisive defense of its homeland as well as some initial naval victories Carthage suffered a succession of losses that forced it to sue for peace Shortly thereafter Carthage also faced a major mercenary revolt that dramatically changed its internal political landscape bringing the influential Barcid family to prominence The war also impacted Carthage s international standing as Rome used the events of the war to back its claim over Sardinia and Corsica which it promptly seized Mercenary War 241 238 BC The Mercenary War also known as the Truceless War was a mutiny by troops that were employed by Carthage at the end of the First Punic War 264 241 BC supported by uprisings of African settlements revolting against Carthaginian control It lasted from 241 to late 238 or early 237 BC and ended with Carthage suppressing both the mutiny and the revolt This section needs expansion You can help by adding to it April 2021 Second Punic War 218 201 BC A Carthaginian silver shekel depicting a man wearing a laurel wreath on the obverse and a man riding a war elephant on the reverse circa 239 209 BC Lingering mutual animosity and renewed tensions along their borderlands led to the Second Punic War 218 201 BC which involved factions from across the western and eastern Mediterranean The war is marked by Hannibal s surprising overland journey to Rome particularly his costly and strategically bold crossing of the Alps His entrance into northern Italy was followed by his reinforcement by Gaulish allies and crushing victories over Roman armies in the Battle of the Trebia and the giant ambush at Trasimene Against his skill on the battlefield the Romans employed the Fabian strategy which resorted to skirmishes in lieu of direct engagement with the aim of delaying and gradually weakening his forces While effective this approach was politically unpopular as it ran contrary to traditional military strategy The Romans thus resorted to another major field battle at Cannae but despite their superior numbers suffered a crushing defeat with an estimated 60 000 casualties Hannibal Crossing of the Alps Consequently many Roman allies went over to Carthage prolonging the war in Italy for over a decade during which more Roman armies were nearly consistently destroyed on the battlefield Despite these setbacks the Romans had the manpower to absorb such losses and replenish their ranks Along with their superior capability in siegecraft they were able to recapture all the major cities that had joined the enemy as well as defeat a Carthaginian attempt to reinforce Hannibal at the Battle of the Metaurus Meanwhile in Iberia which served as the main source of manpower for the Carthaginian army a second Roman expedition under Scipio Africanus took New Carthage and ended Carthaginian rule over the peninsula in the Battle of Ilipa A Carthaginian shekel perhaps struck in a mint at Bruttium where it was circulated during the Carthaginian occupation 216 211 BC janiform female heads are shown on the obverse on the reverse Zeus wields a thunderbolt and sceptre while riding in a quadriga driven by Nike goddess of victory The final showdown was the Battle of Zama which took place in the Carthaginian heartland of Tunisia After trouncing Carthaginian forces at the battles of Utica and the Great Plains Scipio Africanus forced Hannibal to abandon his increasingly stalled campaign in Italy Despite the latter s superior numbers and innovative tactics the Carthaginians suffered a crushing and decisive defeat After years of costly fighting that brought them to the verge of destruction the Romans imposed harsh and retributive peace conditions on Carthage In addition to a large financial indemnity the Carthaginians were stripped of their once proud navy and reduced only to their North African territory In effect Carthage became a Roman client state Third Punic War 149 146 BC The third and final Punic War began in 149 BC largely due to the efforts of hawkish Roman senators led by Cato the Elder to finish Carthage off once and for all Cato was known for finishing nearly every speech in the Senate regardless of the subject with the phrase ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam Moreover I am of the opinion that Carthage ought to be destroyed In particular the growing Roman Republic sought the famously rich agricultural lands of Carthage and its African territories which had been known to the Romans following their invasion in the previous Punic War Carthage s border war with Rome s ally Numidia though initiated by the latter nonetheless provided the pretext for Rome to declare war The Third Punic War was a much smaller and shorter engagement than its predecessors primarily consisting of a single main action the Battle of Carthage However despite their significantly reduced size military and wealth the Carthaginians managed to mount a surprisingly strong initial defense The Roman invasion was soon stalled by defeats at Lake Tunis Nepheris and Hippagreta even the diminished Carthaginian navy managed to inflict severe losses on a Roman fleet through the use of fire ships Carthage itself managed to resist the Roman siege for three years until Scipio Aemilianus the adopted grandson of Scipio Africanus was appointed consul and took command of the assault Notwithstanding its impressive resistance Carthage s defeat was ultimately a foregone conclusion given the far larger size and strength of the Roman Republic Though it was the smallest of the Punic Wars the third war was to be the most decisive the complete destruction of the city of Carthage the annexation of all remaining Carthaginian territory by Rome and the death or enslavement of tens of thousands of Carthaginians The war ended Carthage s independent existence and consequently eliminated the last Phoenician political power Aftermath Following Carthage s destruction Rome established Africa Proconsularis its first province in Africa which roughly corresponded to Carthaginian territory Utica which had allied itself with Rome during the final war was granted tax privileges and made the regional capital subsequently becoming the leading center of Punic trade and culture In 122 BC Gaius Gracchus a populist Roman senator founded the short lived colony of Colonia Iunonia after the Latin name for the Punic goddess Tanit Iuno Caelestis Located near the site of Carthage its purpose was to provide arable land for impoverished farmers but it was soon abolished by the Roman Senate to undermine Gracchus power Nearly a century after the fall of Carthage a new Roman Carthage was built on the same site by Julius Caesar between 49 and 44 BC It soon became the center of the province of Africa which was a major breadbasket of the Roman Empire and one of its wealthiest provinces By the first century Carthago had grown to be the second largest city in the western Roman Empire with a peak population of 500 000 Punic language identity and culture persisted in Rome for several centuries Two Roman emperors in the third century Septimius Severus and his son and successor Caracalla were of Punic descent In the fourth century Augustine of Hippo himself of Berber heritage noted that Punic was still spoken in the region by people who identified as Kn nm or Chanani as the Carthaginians had called themselves Settlements across North Africa Sardinia and Sicily continued to speak and write Punic as evidenced by inscriptions on temples tombs public monuments and artwork dating well after the Roman conquest Punic names were still used until at least the fourth century even by prominent denizens of Roman Africa and some local officials in formerly Punic territories used the title Some Punic ideas and innovations survived Roman conquest and even became mainstream in Roman culture Mago s manual on farming and estate management was among the few Carthaginian texts to be spared from destruction and was even translated into Greek and Latin by order of the Senate Latin vernacular had several references to Punic culture including mala Punica Punic Apples for pomegranates pavimentum Punicum to describe the use of patterned terracotta pieces in mosaics and plostellum Punicum for the threshing board which had been introduced to the Romans by Carthage Reflecting the enduring hostility towards Carthage the phrase Punica fides or Punic faith was commonly used to describe acts of dishonesty perfidy and treachery Government and politicsPower and organization Ruins of the Punic district of Carthage Before the fourth century Carthage was most likely a monarchy although modern scholars debate whether Greek writers mislabeled political leaders as kings based on a misunderstanding or ignorance of the city s constitutional arrangements Traditionally most Phoenician kings did not exercise absolute power but consulted with a body of advisors called the Adirim mighty ones which was likely composed of the wealthiest members of society namely merchants Carthage seems to have been ruled by a similar body known as the Blm made up of nobles responsible for all important matters of state including religion administration and the military This cabal included a hierarchy topped by the dominant family usually the wealthiest members of the merchant class which had some sort of executive power Records indicate that different families held power at different times suggesting a non hereditary system of government dependent on the support or approval of the consultative body Carthage s political system changed dramatically after 480 BC with the death of King Hamilcar I following his disastrous foray into the First Sicilian War The subsequent political upheaval led to a gradual weakening of the monarchy by at least 308 BC Carthage was an oligarchic republic characterized by an intricate system of checks and balances a complex administrative system civil society and a fairly high degree of public accountability and participation The most detailed information about the Carthaginian government after this point comes from the Greek philosopher Aristotle whose fourth century BC treatise Politics discusses Carthage as its only non Greek example citation needed At the head of the Carthaginian state were two sufetes or judges who held judicial and executive power While sometimes referred to as kings by at least the late fifth century BC the sufetes were non hereditary officials elected annually from among the wealthiest and most influential families it is unknown how elections took place or who was eligible to serve Livy likens the sufetes to Roman consuls in that they ruled through collegiality and handled various routine matters of state such as convening and presiding over the Adirim supreme council submitting business to the popular assembly and adjudicating trials Modern scholarly consensus agrees with Livy s description of sufetes though some have argued the sufetes held an executive office closer to that of modern presidents in parliamentary republics in that they did not hold absolute power and exercised largely ceremonial functions This practice may have originated from plutocratic arrangements that limited the suffetes power in earlier Phoenician cities for example by the sixth century BC Tyre was a republic headed by elective magistrates with two suffetes chosen from among the most powerful noble families for short terms Unique among rulers in antiquity the suffetes had no power over the military From at least the sixth century BC generals rb mhnt or rab mahanet became separate political officials either appointed by the administration or elected by citizens In contrast to Rome and Greece military and political power were separate and it was rare for an individual to simultaneously serve as general and suffete Generals did not serve fixed terms but instead served for the duration of a war However a family that dominated the suffetes could install relatives or allies to the generalship as occurred with the Barcid dynasty Most political power rested in a council of elders variably called the supreme council or Adirim which classical writers likened to the Roman Senate or Spartan Gerousia The Adirim perhaps numbered thirty members and had a broad range of powers such as administering the treasury and conducting foreign affairs During the Second Punic War it reportedly exercised some military power Like the sufetes council members were elected from the wealthiest elements of Carthaginian society Important matters of state required unanimous agreement of the sufetes and of council members According to Aristotle Carthage s highest constitutional authority was a judicial tribunal known as the One Hundred and Four 𐤌𐤀𐤕 or miat Although he compares this body to the ephors of Sparta a council of elders that held considerable political power its primary function was overseeing the actions of generals and other officials to ensure they served the best interests of the republic The One Hundred and Four had the power to impose fines and even crucifixion as punishment It also formed panels of special commissioners called pentarchies to deal with various political matters Numerous junior officials and special commissioners had responsibilities over different aspects of government such as public works tax collection and the administration of the state treasury Although oligarchs exercised firm control over Carthage the government included some democratic elements including trade unions town meetings and a popular assembly Unlike in the Greek states of Sparta and Crete if the suffetes and the supreme council could not come to an agreement an assembly of the people had the deciding vote It is unclear whether this assembly was an ad hoc or formal institution but Aristotle claims that the voice of the people was predominant in the deliberations and that the people themselves solved problems He and Herodotus portray the Carthaginian government as more meritocratic than some Hellenistic counterparts with great men like Hamilcar being elected to royal office based on outstanding achievements and special merit Aristotle also praises Carthage s political system for its balanced elements of monarchy aristocracy and democracy His Athenian contemporary Isocrates elevates Carthage s political system as the best in antiquity equaled only by that of Sparta It is noteworthy that Aristotle ascribes to Carthage a position among the Greek states because the Greeks firmly believed that they alone had the ability to found poleis whereas the barbarians used to live in tribal societies ethne It is therefore remarkable that Aristotle maintained that the Carthaginians were the only non Greek people who had created a polis Like Crete and Sparta Aristotle considers Carthage as an outstanding example of an ideal society Confirming Aristotle s claims Polybius states that during the Punic Wars the Carthaginian public held more sway over the government than the Romans did over theirs However he regards this development as a fatal flaw since it led the Carthaginians to bicker and debate while the Romans through the more oligarchic Senate acted more quickly and decisively This may have been due to the influence and populism of the Barcid faction which from the end of the First Punic War until the conclusion of the Second Punic War dominated Carthage s government and military Carthage reportedly had a constitution of some form Aristotle compares Carthage s constitution favorably to its well regarded Spartan counterpart describing it as sophisticated functional and fulfilling all needs of moderation and justice Eratosthenes c 276 BC c 194 BC a Greek polymath and head of the Library of Alexandria praises the Carthaginians as among the few barbarians to be refined and admirably governed Some scholars suggest the Greeks generally held Carthage s institutions in high regard regarding the Carthaginians as close to equal Carthage s republican system appears to have extended to the rest of its empire though to what extent and in what form remains unknown The term sufet was used for officials throughout Carthaginian colonies and territories inscriptions from Punic era Sardinia are dated with four names the sufetes of the island as well as those of Carthage This suggests some degree of political coordination between local and colonial Carthaginians perhaps through a regional hierarchy of sufetes citation needed Carthage s emphasis on maritime trade and maritime power may have led Carthaginian traders to attempt keep trade routes secret from their Greek counterparts leading to wars between 600 500 BC citation needed Extant documentation from the early period of Carthaginian Greek contact and conflict suggest that Carthage was protectionist or mercantilist in economic policy with a goal of ensuring that its African harbors served as ports of export while simultaneously keeping Greek goods out citation needed Carthaginian colonization Ruins of the ancient Carthaginian city of Soluntum Sicily present day Italy At the time of its greatest territorial expansion 264 BC on the eve of the first war with Rome Carthage s area of influence consisted of most of the Western Mediterranean through its settlements in North Africa including western Libya with at least part of the Mauretanian coast Sicily Sardinia the Balearic Islands and Spain as well as small islands such as Malta the Aeolian Islands and the Pelagie Islands but also by the control it exercised over ancient Phoenician settlements such as Lixus near Tangier in Morocco Mogador present day Essaouira on Morocco s Atlantic coast Gades present day Cadiz in Andalusia and Utica Among the great Punic cities there are in addition to the capital Carthage Hadrumetum Ruspina Cartagena and Hippone Gades and Utica on the territory of present day Tunisia were founded by the Phoenicians between the 12th and 10th centuries BC Carthage was founded on a peninsula surrounded by lagoons northeast of present day Tunis At the height of its glory the African empire of the Carthaginians had a population of 3 4 million inhabitants Although the type of ties between Carthage and the various components of its possessions is largely unknown the city was likely concerned with directing foreign policy and trade The dynamics that led to the formation of the empire of Carthage and the typology of the links between it and its dominion do not seem to have been very different from those pursued and implemented by the Roman state in Italy and then in other areas A city state which directly dominates a certain territory and exercises a strong hegemony over allied or subjugated cities and peoples with some allies enjoying privileges which equate them to the hegemon However Sabatino Moscati hypothesized that Carthage s incapacity to create a solid and structured empire similar to the so called Roman Italic federation was the cause of its final defeat Citizenship Like the republics of the Latin and Hellenistic worlds Carthage may have had a notion of citizenship distinguishing those in society who could participate in the political process and who had certain rights privileges and duties However it remains uncertain whether such a distinction existed much less the specific criteria For example while the Popular Assembly is described as giving a political voice to the common people there is no mention of any restrictions based on citizenship Carthaginian society consisted of many classes including slaves peasants aristocrats merchants and various professionals Its empire consisted of an often nebulous network of Punic colonies subject peoples client states and allied tribes and kingdoms it is unknown whether individuals from these different realms and nationalities formed any particular social or political class in relation to the Carthaginian government Roman accounts suggest that Carthaginian citizens especially those allowed to run for high office had to prove their descent from the city s founders This would indicate that Phoenicians were privileged over other ethnic groups while those whose lineage traced back to the city s founding were privileged over fellow Phoenicians descended from later waves of settlers However it would also mean that someone of partial foreign ancestry could still be a citizen indeed Hamilcar who served as a sufete in 480 BC was half Greek Greek writers claimed that ancestry as well as wealth and merit were avenues to citizenship and political power As Carthage was a mercantile society this would imply that both citizenship and membership in the aristocracy were relatively accessible by ancient standards Aristotle mentions Carthaginian associations similar to the hetairiai of many Greek cities which were roughly analogous to political parties or interest groups These were most likely the mizrehim referenced in Carthaginian inscriptions of which little is known or attested but which appeared to have been numerous in number and subject from devotional cults to professional guilds It is unknown whether such an association was required of citizens as in some Greek states such as Sparta Aristotle also describes a Carthaginian equivalent to the syssitia communal meals that were the mark of citizenship and social class in Greek societies It is again unclear whether Carthaginians attributed any political significance to their equivalent practice Carthage s military provides a glimpse into the criteria of citizenship Greek accounts describe a Sacred Band of Carthage that fought in Sicily in the mid fourth century BC using the Hellenistic term for professional citizen soldiers selected on the basis of merit and ability Roman writings about the Punic Wars describe the core of the military including its commanders and officers as being made up of Liby Phoenicians a broad label that included ethnic Phoenicians those of mixed Punic North African descent and Libyans who had integrated into Phoenician culture During the Second Punic War Hannibal promised his foreign troops Carthaginian citizenship as a reward for victory At least two of his foreign officers both Greeks from Syracuse were citizens of Carthage Survival under Roman rule Aspects of Carthage s political system persisted well into the Roman period albeit to varying degrees and often in Romanized form Throughout the major settlements of Roman Sardinia inscriptions mention sufetes perhaps indicating that Punic descendants used the office or its name to resist both cultural and political assimilation with their Latin conquerors citation needed As late as the mid second century AD two sufetes wielded power in Bithia a Sardinian city in the Roman province of Sardinia and Corsica The Romans seemed to have actively tolerated if not adopted Carthaginian offices and institutions Official state terminology of the late Roman Republic and subsequent Empire re purposed the word sufet to refer to Roman style local magistrates serving in Africa Proconsularis which included Carthage and its core territories Sufetes are attested to have governed over forty post Carthaginian towns and cities including Althiburos Calama Capsa Cirta Gadiaufala Gales Limisa Mactar and Thugga Though many were former Carthaginian settlements some had little to no Carthaginian influence Volubilis in modern day Morocco had been part of the Kingdom of Mauretania which became a Roman client state after the fall of Carthage The use of sufetes persisted well into the late second century AD Sufetes were prevalent even in interior regions of Roman Africa which Carthage had never settled This suggests that unlike the Punic community of Roman Sardinia Punic settlers and refugees endeared themselves to Roman authorities by adopting a readily intelligible government need quotation to verify Three sufetes serving simultaneously appear in first century AD records at Althiburos Mactar and Thugga reflecting a choice to adopt Punic nomenclature for Romanized institutions without the actual traditionally balanced magistracy In those cases a third non annual position of tribal or communal chieftain marked an inflection point in the assimilation of external African groups into the Roman political fold Sufes the Latin approximation of the term sufet appears in at least six works of Latin literature Erroneous references to Carthaginian kings with the Latin term rex betray the translations of Roman authors from Greek sources who equated the sufet with the more monarchical basileus Greek basileys need quotation to verify Starting in the late second or early first century BC after the destruction of Carthage autonomous coinage with Punic inscriptions was minted in Leptis Magna Leptis Magna had free city status was governed by two sufetes and had public officials with titles such as mhzm ʽaddir ʽararim and nequim elim MilitaryThe military of Carthage was one of the largest in the ancient world Although Carthage s navy was always its main military force the army acquired a key role in extending Carthaginian power over the native peoples of northern Africa and the southern Iberian Peninsula from the sixth to third centuries BC Army Hannibal Barca counting the rings of the Roman knights killed at the Battle of Cannae 216 BC by Sebastien Slodtz 1704 Gardens of the Tuileries Louvre Museum Hannibal is regarded as one of the most brilliant military strategists in history Since at least the reign of Mago I in the early sixth century BC Carthage regularly utilized its military to advance its commercial and strategic interests According to Polybius Carthage relied heavily though not exclusively on foreign mercenaries especially in overseas warfare Modern historians regard this as an oversimplification as many foreign troops were actually auxiliaries from allied or client states provided through formal agreements tributary obligations or military pacts The Carthaginians maintained close relations sometimes through political marriages with the rulers of various tribes and kingdoms most notably the Numidians based in modern northern Algeria These leaders would in turn provide their respective contingent of forces sometimes even leading them in Carthaginian campaigns In any event Carthage leveraged its vast wealth and hegemony to help fill the ranks of its military Contrary to popular belief especially among the more martial Greeks and Romans Carthage did utilize citizen soldiers i e ethnic Punics Phoenicians particularly during the Sicilian Wars Moreover like their Greco Roman contemporaries the Carthaginians respected military valour with Aristotle reporting the practice of citizens wearing armbands to signify their combat experience Greek observers also described the Sacred Band of Carthage a Hellenistic term for professional citizen soldiers who fought in Sicily in the mid fourth century BC However after this force was destroyed by Agathocles in 310 BC foreign mercenaries and auxiliaries formed a more significant part of the army This indicates that the Carthaginians had a capacity to adapt their military as circumstances required when larger or more specialized forces were needed such as during the Punic Wars they would employ mercenaries or auxiliaries accordingly Carthaginian citizens would be enlisted in large numbers only by necessity such as for the pivotal Battle of Zama in the Second Punic War or in the final siege of the city in the Third Punic War The core of the Carthaginian army was always from its own territory in Northwest Africa namely ethnic Libyans Numidians and Liby Phoenicians a broad label that included ethnic Phoenicians those of mixed Punic North African descent and Libyans who had integrated into Phoenician culture These troops were supported by mercenaries from different ethnic groups and geographic locations across the Mediterranean who fought in their own national units For instance Celts Balearics and Iberians were recruited in significant numbers to fight in Sicily Greek mercenaries who were highly valued for their skill were hired for the Sicilian campaigns Carthage employed Iberian troops long before the Punic Wars Herodotus and Alcibiades both describe the fighting capabilities of the Iberians among the western Mediterranean mercenaries Later after the Barcids conquered large portions of Iberia modern Spain and Portugal Iberians came to form an even greater part of the Carthaginian forces albeit based more on their loyalty to the Barcid faction than to Carthage itself The Carthaginians also fielded slingers soldiers armed with straps of cloth used to toss small stones at high speeds for this they often recruited Balearic Islanders who were reputed for their accuracy The uniquely diverse makeup of Carthage s army particularly during the Second Punic War was noteworthy to the Romans Livy characterized Hannibal s army as a hotch potch of the riff raff of all nationalities He also observed that the Carthaginians at least under Hannibal never forced any uniformity upon their disparate forces which nonetheless had such a high degree of unity that they never quarreled amongst themselves nor mutinied even during difficult circumstances Punic officers at all levels maintained some degree of unity and coordination among these otherwise disparate forces They also dealt with the challenge of ensuring military commands were properly communicated and translated to their respective foreign troops Carthage used the diversity of its forces to its own advantage capitalizing on the particular strengths or capabilities of each nationality Celts and Iberians were often utilized as shock troops North Africans as cavalry and Campanians from southern Italy as heavy infantry Moreover these units would typically be deployed to nonnative lands which ensured they had no affinity for their opponents and could surprise them with unfamiliar tactics For example Hannibal used Iberians and Gauls from what is today France for campaigns in Italy and Africa Carthage seems to have fielded a formidable cavalry force especially in its Northwest African homeland a significant part of it was composed of light Numidian cavalry who were considered by far the best horsemen in Africa Their speed and agility proved pivotal to several Carthaginian victories most notably the Battle of Trebia the first major action in the Second Punic War The reputation and effectiveness of Numidian cavalry was such that the Romans utilized a contingent of their own in the decisive Battle of Zama where they reportedly turned the scales in Rome s favor Polybius suggests that cavalry remained the force in which Carthaginian citizens were most represented following the shift to mostly foreign troops after the third century BC Owing to Hannibal s campaigns in the Second Punic War Carthage is perhaps best remembered for its use of the now extinct North African elephant which was specially trained for warfare and among other uses was commonly utilized for frontal assaults or as anticavalry protection An army could field up to several hundred of these animals but on most reported occasions fewer than a hundred were deployed The riders of these elephants were armed with a spike and hammer to kill the elephants in case they charged toward their own army During the sixth century BC Carthaginian generals became a distinct political office known in Punic as rb mhnt or rab mahanet Unlike in other ancient societies Carthage maintained a separation of military and political power with generals either appointed by the administration or elected by citizens Generals did not serve fixed terms but were usually selected based on the length or scale of a war Initially the generalship was apparently occupied by two separate but equal offices such as an army commander and an admiral by the mid third century military campaigns were usually carried out by a supreme commander and a deputy During the Second Punic War Hannibal appears to have exercised total control over all military affairs and had up to seven subordinate generals divided along different theaters of war Navy Carthage s navy usually operated in support of its land campaigns which remained key to its expansion and defense The Carthaginians maintained the ancient Phoenicians reputation as skilled mariners navigators and shipbuilders Polybius wrote that the Carthaginians were more exercised in maritime affairs than any other people Its navy was one of the largest and most powerful in the Mediterranean using serial production to maintain high numbers at moderate cost During the Second Punic War at which point Carthage had lost most of its Mediterranean islands it still managed to field some 300 to 350 warships The sailors and marines of the Carthaginian navy were predominantly recruited from the Punic citizenry unlike the multiethnic allied and mercenary troops of the Carthaginian army The navy offered a stable profession and financial security for its sailors which helped contribute to the city s political stability since the unemployed debt ridden poor in other cities were frequently inclined to support revolutionary leaders in the hope of improving their own lot The reputation of Carthaginian sailors implies that the training of oarsmen and coxswains occurred in peacetime giving the navy a cutting edge In addition to its military functions the Carthaginian navy was key to the empire s commercial dominance helping secure trade routes protect harbors and even enforce trade monopolies against competitors Carthaginian fleets also served an exploratory function most likely for the purpose of finding new trade routes or markets Evidence exists of at least one expedition that of Hanno the Navigator possibly sailing along the West African coast to regions south of the Tropic of Cancer In addition to the use of serial production Carthage developed complex infrastructure to support and maintain its sizable fleet Cicero described the city as surrounded by harbours while accounts from Appian and Strabo describe a large and sophisticated harbor known as the Cothon Greek kw8wn lit drinking vessel Based on similar structures used for centuries across the Phoenician world the Cothon was a key factor in Carthaginian naval supremacy its prevalence throughout the empire is unknown but both Utica and Motya had comparable harbors According to both ancient descriptions and modern archaeological findings the Cothon was divided into a rectangular merchant harbor followed by an inner protected harbor reserved for military vessels The inner harbor was circular and surrounded by an outer ring of structures partitioned into docking bays along with an island structure at its centre that also housed naval ships Each individual docking bay featured a raised slipway allowing ships to be dry docked for maintenance and repair Above the raised docking bays was a second level consisting of warehouses where oars and rigging were kept along with supplies such as wood and canvas The island structure had a raised cabin where the admiral in command could observe the whole harbor along with the surrounding sea Altogether the inner docking complex could house up to 220 ships The entire harbor was protected by an outer wall while the main entrance could be closed off with iron chains The Romans who had little experience in naval warfare prior to the First Punic War managed to defeat Carthage in part by reverse engineering captured Carthaginian ships aided by the recruitment of experienced Greek sailors from conquered cities the unorthodox corvus device and their superior numbers in marines and rowers Polybius describes a tactical innovation of the Carthaginians during the Third Punic War consisting of augmenting their few triremes with small vessels that carried hooks to attack the oars and fire to attack the hulls With this new combination they were able to stand their ground against the numerically superior Romans for a whole day citation needed The Romans also utilized the Cothon in their rebuilding of the city which helped support the region s commercial and strategic development The One Hundred and Four Carthage was unique in antiquity for separating political and military offices and for having the former exercise control over the latter In addition to being appointed or elected by the state generals were subject to reviews of their performance The government was infamous for its severe attitude towards defeated commanders in some instances the penalty for failure was execution usually by crucifixion Before the fourth or fifth century BC generals were probably judged by the supreme council and or sufetes until a special tribunal was created specifically this function what Aristotle calls the One Hundred and Four Described by Justin as being established during the republican reforms led by the Magonids this body was responsible for scrutinizing and punishing generals following every military campaign Its harshness was such that some modern scholars describe it as the nemesis of generals Although the One Hundred and Four was intended to ensure that military leaders better served the interests of Carthage its draconian approach may also have led to generals being overly cautious for fear of reprisal However despite its notorious reputation punishments are rarely recorded although an admiral named Hanno was crucified for his disastrous defeat in the First Punic War other commanders including Hannibal escaped such a fate This has led some historians to speculate that the tribunal s decisions may have been influenced by familial or factional politics given that many high ranking military officers or their relatives and allies held political office LanguageCarthaginians spoke a variety of Phoenician called Punic a Semitic language originating in their ancestral homeland of Phoenicia present day Lebanon Like its parent language Punic was written from right to left in an alphabet consisting of 22 consonants without vowels It is known mostly through inscriptions During classical antiquity Punic was spoken throughout Carthage s territories and spheres of influence in the western Mediterranean namely northwest Africa and several Mediterranean islands Although the Carthaginians maintained ties and cultural affinity with their Phoenician homeland their Punic dialect gradually became influenced by various Berber languages spoken in and around Carthage by the ancient Libyans Following the fall of Carthage a Neo Punic dialect emerged that diverged from Punic in terms of spelling conventions and the use of non Semitic names mostly of Libyco Berber origin citation needed This dialect most likely spread through dominant merchants and trade stops throughout the Mediterranean Sea Notwithstanding the destruction of Carthage and assimilation of its people into the Roman Republic Punic appears to have persisted for centuries in the former Carthaginian homeland This is best attested by Augustine of Hippo himself of Berber descent who spoke and understood Punic and served as the primary source on the survival of late Punic He claims the language was still spoken in his region of North Africa in the fifth century and that there were still people who self identified as chanani Canaanite Carthaginian Contemporaneous funerary texts found in Christian catacombs in Sirte Libya bear inscriptions in Ancient Greek Latin and Punic suggesting a fusion of the cultures under Roman rule There is evidence that Punic was still spoken and written by commoners in Sardinia at least 400 years after the Roman conquest In addition to Augustine of Hippo Punic was known by some literate North Africans until the second or third centuries albeit written in Roman and Greek script and remained spoken among peasants at least until the end of the fourth century EconomyCarthaginian stater with the head of the goddess Tanit on the obverse and a standing horse on the reverse circa 350 320 BC Carthage s commerce extended by sea throughout the Mediterranean and perhaps as far as the Canary Islands and by land across the Sahara desert According to Aristotle the Carthaginians had commercial treaties with various trading partners to regulate their exports and imports Their merchant ships which surpassed in number even those of the original Phoenician city states visited every major port of the Mediterranean as well as Britain and the Atlantic coast of Africa These ships were able to carry over 100 tons of goods Archaeological discoveries show evidence of all kinds of exchanges from the vast quantities of tin needed for bronze based civilizations to all manner of textiles ceramics and fine metalwork Even between the punishing Punic wars Carthaginian merchants remained at every port in the Mediterranean trading in harbours with warehouses or from ships beached on the coast The empire of Carthage depended heavily on its trade with Tartessos and other cities of the Iberian Peninsula from which it obtained vast quantities of silver lead copper and most importantly tin ore which was essential to manufacture the bronze objects that were highly prized in antiquity Carthaginian trade relations with the Iberians and the naval might that enforced Carthage s monopoly on this trade and the Atlantic tin trade made it the sole significant broker of tin and maker of bronze in its day Maintaining this monopoly was one of the major sources of power and prosperity for Carthage Carthaginian merchants strove to keep the location of the tin mines secret In addition to its exclusive role as the main distributor of tin Carthage s central location in the Mediterranean and control of the waters between Sicily and Tunisia allowed it to control the eastern peoples supply of tin Carthage was also the Mediterranean s largest producer of silver mined in Iberia and on the Northwest African coast after the tin monopoly this was one of its most profitable trades One mine in Iberia provided Hannibal with 300 Roman pounds 3 75 talents of silver a day Sarcophagus of a priest showing a bearded man with his hand raised 4th century BC Carthaginian funerary art now located in the Louvre Paris Carthage s economy began as an extension of that of its parent city Tyre Its massive merchant fleet traversed the trade routes mapped out by Tyre and Carthage inherited from Tyre the trade in the extremely valuable dye Tyrian purple No evidence of purple dye manufacture has been found at Carthage but mounds of shells of the murex marine snails from which it derived have been found in excavations of the Punic town of Kerkouane at Dar Essafi on Cap Bon Similar mounds of murex have also been found at Djerba on the Gulf of Gabes in Tunisia Strabo mentions the purple dye works of Djerba as well as those of the ancient city of Zouchis The purple dye became one of the most highly valued commodities in the ancient Mediterranean being worth fifteen to twenty times its weight in gold In Roman society where adult males wore the toga as a national garment the use of the toga praetexta decorated with a stripe of Tyrian purple about two to three inches in width along its border was reserved for magistrates and high priests Broad purple stripes latus clavus were reserved for the togas of the senatorial class while the equestrian class had the right to wear narrow stripes angustus clavus In addition to its extensive trade network Carthage had a diversified and advanced manufacturing sector It produced finely embroidered silks dyed textiles of cotton linen and wool artistic and functional pottery faience incense and perfumes Its artisans worked expertly with ivory glassware and wood as well as with alabaster bronze brass lead gold silver and precious stones to create a wide array of goods including mirrors furniture and cabinetry beds bedding and pillows jewelry arms implements and household items It traded in salted Atlantic fish and fish sauce garum and brokered the manufactured agricultural and natural products of almost every Mediterranean people Punic amphorae containing salt fish were exported from Carthaginian territory at the Pillars of Hercules Spain and Morocco to Corinth Greece showing the long distance trade in the fifth century BC Bronze engraving and stone carving are described as having reached their zenith in the fourth and third centuries While primarily a maritime power Carthage also sent caravans into the interior of Africa and Persia It traded its manufactured and agricultural goods to the coastal and interior peoples of Africa for salt gold timber ivory ebony apes peacocks skins and hides Its merchants invented the practice of sale by auction and used it to trade with the African tribes In other ports they tried to establish permanent warehouses or sell their goods in open air markets They obtained amber from Scandinavia and from the Iberians Gauls and Celts received amber tin silver and furs Sardinia and Corsica produced gold and silver for Carthage and Phoenician settlements on Malta and the Balearic Islands produced commodities that would be sent back to Carthage for large scale distribution The city supplied poorer civilizations with simple products such as pottery metallic objects and ornamentations often displacing local manufacturing but brought its best works to wealthier ones such as the Greeks and Etruscans Carthage traded in almost every commodity wanted by the ancient world including spices from Arabia Africa and India as well as slaves the empire of Carthage temporarily held a portion of Europe and sent conquered barbarian warriors into North African slavery Herodotus wrote an account around 430 BC of Carthaginian trade on the Atlantic coast of Morocco The Punic explorer and sufete of Carthage Hanno the Navigator led an expedition to recolonise the Atlantic coast of Morocco that may have ventured as far down the coast of Africa as Senegal and perhaps even beyond The Greek version of the Periplus of Hanno describes his voyage Although it is not known just how far his fleet sailed on the African coastline this short report dating probably from the fifth or sixth century BC identifies distinguishing geographic features such as a coastal volcano and an encounter with hairy hominids The Etruscan language is imperfectly deciphered but bilingual inscriptions found in archaeological excavations at the sites of Etruscan cities indicate the Phoenicians had trading relations with the Etruscans for centuries In 1964 a shrine to Astarte a popular Phoenician deity was discovered in Italy containing three gold tablets with inscriptions in Etruscan and Phoenician giving tangible proof of the Phoenician presence in the Italian peninsula at the end of the sixth century BC long before the rise of Rome These inscriptions imply a political and commercial alliance between Carthage and the Etruscan city state of Caere which would corroborate Aristotle s statement that the Etruscans and Carthaginians were so close as to form almost one people The Etruscans were at times both commercial partners and military allies An excavation of Carthage in 1977 found many artifacts and structural ruins including urns beads and amulets among the bedrock below the ruins Excavators uncovered engraved limestones placed below the surface of the earth along with urns that held the charred remains of infants and sometimes animals The excavation team also found evidence of how boats and goods were moved through the city s channels of water the Carthaginians built quay walls that served as foundations for ship sheds used to drydock and maintain their ships The city s inhabitants also excavated several tons of sand beneath the water to form a deeper basin for their ships a method that would have been exceptionally difficult in ancient times This is especially important to the history and design of Carthage because of its importance on the trade routes Agriculture Carthage s North African hinterland was famed in antiquity for its fertile soil and ability to support abundant livestock and crops Diodorus shares an eyewitness account from the fourth century BC describing lush gardens verdant plantations large and luxurious estates and a complex network of canals and irrigation channels Roman envoys visiting in the mid second century BC including Cato the Censor known for his fondness for agriculture as much as for his low regard of foreign cultures described the Carthaginian countryside as thriving with both human and animal life Polybius writing of his visit during the same period claims that a greater number and variety of livestock were raised in Carthage than anywhere else in the known world Initially the Carthaginians like their Phoenician founders did not heavily engage in agriculture Like nearly all Phoenician cities and colonies Carthage was primarily settled along the coast evidence of settlement in the interior dates only to the late fourth century BC several centuries after its founding As they settled further inland the Carthaginians eventually made the most of the region s rich soil developing what may have been one of the most prosperous and diversified agricultural sectors of its time They practised highly advanced and productive agriculture using iron ploughs irrigation crop rotation threshing machines hand driven rotary mills and horse mills the latter two being invented by the Carthaginians in the sixth and fourth centuries BC respectively Carthaginians were adept at refining and reinventing their agricultural techniques even in the face of adversity After the Second Punic War Hannibal promoted agriculture to help restore Carthage s economy and pay the costly war indemnity to Rome 10 000 talents or 800 000 Roman pounds of silver which proved successful Strabo reports that even in the years leading up to the Third Punic War the otherwise devastated and impoverished Carthage had made its lands flourish once more A strong indication of agriculture s importance to Carthage can be inferred from the fact that of the few Carthaginian writers known to modern historians two the retired generals Hamilcar and Mago concerned themselves with agriculture and agronomy The latter wrote what was essentially an encyclopedia on farming and estate management that totaled twenty eight books its advice was so well regarded that following the destruction of the city it was one of the few if not only Carthaginian texts spared with the Roman Senate decreeing its translation into Latin Subsequently though the original work is lost fragments and references by Roman and Greek writers remain Circumstantial evidence suggests that Carthage developed viticulture and wine production before the fourth century BC and exported its wines widely as indicated by distinctive cigar shaped Carthaginian amphorae found at archaeological sites across the western Mediterranean although the contents of these vessels have not been conclusively analysed Carthage also shipped large quantities of raisin wine known in Latin as passum which was popular in antiquity including among the Romans Fruits such as figs pears and pomegranates which the Romans called Punic Apples as well as nuts grain grapes dates and olives were grown in the extensive hinterland olive oil was processed and exported all over the Mediterranean Carthage also raised fine horses the ancestors of today s Barb horses which are considered the most influential racing breed after the Arabian ReligionCharacter and origin Tanit the Carthaginian goddess of motherhood Statue at the Bardo National Museum The Carthaginians worshipped numerous gods and goddesses each controlling a particular theme or aspect of nature They practiced the Phoenician religion a polytheist belief system derived from ancient Semitic religions of the Levant Although most major deities were brought from the Phoenician homeland Carthage gradually developed unique customs divinities and styles of worship that became central to its identity Supreme gods Baal Hammon and Tanit Baal Hammon close up view of a Punic statue from the era of Roman Carthage 1st century BC Bardo National Museum of Tunis Presiding over the Carthaginian pantheon was the supreme divine couple Baal Ḥammon and Tanit Baal Hammon had been the most prominent aspect of the chief Phoenician god Baal but after Carthage s independence became the city s patron god and chief deity he was also responsible for the fertility of crops His consort Tanit known as the Face of Baal was the goddess of war a virginal mother goddess and nurse and a symbol of fertility Although a minor figure in Phoenicia she was venerated as a patroness and protector of Carthage and was also known by the title rabat the female form of rab chief while usually coupled with Baal she was always mentioned first The symbol of Tanit a stylized female form with outstretched arms appears frequently in tombs mosaics religious stelae and various household items like figurines and pottery vessels The ubiquity of her symbol and the fact that she is the only Carthaginian deity with an icon strongly suggests she was Carthage s paramount deity at least in later centuries In the Third Punic War the Romans identified her as Carthage s protector Adorned statue of the Punic goddess Tanit 5th 3rd centuries BC from the necropolis of Puig des Molins Ibiza Spain now housed in the Archaeology Museum of Catalonia Barcelona Other deities Other Carthaginian deities attested in Punic inscriptions were Eshmun the god of health and healing Resheph associated with plague war or thunder Kusor god of knowledge and Hawot goddess of death Astarte a goddess connected with fertility sexuality and war seems to have been popular in early times but became increasingly identified through Tanit Similarly Melqart the patron deity of Tyre was less prominent in Carthage though he remained fairly popular His cult was especially prominent in Punic Sicily of which he was a protector and which was subsequently known during Carthaginian rule as Cape Melqart As in Tyre Melqart was subject to an important religious rite of death and rebirth undertaken either daily or annually by a specialised priest known as an awakener of the god Organisation temples priests services Contrary to the frequent charge of impiety by Greek and Roman authors religion was central to both political and social life in Carthage the city had as many sacred places as Athens and Rome Surviving Punic texts indicate a very well organized priesthood class who were drawn mostly from the elite class and distinguished from most of the population by being clean shaven As in the Levant temples were among the wealthiest and most powerful institutions in Carthage and were deeply integrated into public and political life Religious rituals served as a source of political unity and legitimacy and were typically performed in public or in relation to state functions Temples were also important to the economy as they supported a large number of specialised personnel to ensure rituals were performed properly Priests and acolytes performed different functions for a variety of prices and purposes the costs of various offerings or molk were listed in great detail and sometimes bundled into different price categories Supplicants were even accorded a measure of consumer protection with temples giving notice that priests would be fined for abusing the pricing structure of offerings Interaction and syncretism The Carthaginians had a high degree of religious syncretism incorporating deities and practices from the many cultures they interacted with including Greece Egypt Mesopotamia and Italy conversely many of its cults and practices spread across the Mediterranean via trade and colonisation Carthage also had communities of Jews Greeks Romans and Libyans The Egyptian god Bes was popular for warding off evil spirits and is featured prominently in Punic mausoleums Isis the ancient Egyptian goddess whose cult spread across the Mediterranean had a temple in Carthage a well preserved sarcophagus depicts one of her priestesses in Hellenistic style The Greek goddesses Demeter and Kore became prominent in the late fourth century following the war with Syracuse and were worshiped into the second century AD Their cults attracted priests and priestesses from high ranking Carthaginian families and the Carthaginians placed enough importance on their veneration to enlist Greek residents to ensure their rituals were conducted properly Melqart was increasingly identified with his Greek counterpart Heracles and from at least the sixth century BC he was revered by both Greeks and Carthaginians an inscription in Malta honors him in both Greek and Punic Melqart became popular enough to serve as a unifying figure among Carthage s disparate allies in the wars against Rome His awakening rite may have persisted in Numidia as late as the second century AD In their treaty with Macedon in 215 BC Carthaginian officials and generals swore an oath to both the Greek and Carthaginian gods Stelae and cippi Cippi and stelae of limestone are characteristic monuments of Punic art and religion found throughout the western Phoenician world in unbroken continuity both historically and geographically Most of them were set up over urns containing cremated human remains placed within open air sanctuaries Such sanctuaries constitute some of the best preserved and striking relics of Punic civilization Rituals and theology Little is known about Carthaginian rituals or theology For Melqart s awakening rite see above here and here Mayumas festival Punic inscriptions found in Carthage attest to a mayumas festival probably involving the ritual portage of water the word itself is arguably a Semitic calque on the Greek hydrophoria ὑdroforia Each text ends with the words for the Lady for Tanit Face of Baal and for the Lord for Baal of the Amanus that which so and so vowed Belief in afterlife Excavations of tombs reveal utensils for food and drink as well as paintings depicting what appears to be a person s soul approaching a walled city These findings strongly suggest a belief in life after death Human sacrifice Carthage was accused by both contemporary historians and its adversaries of child sacrifice Plutarch Tertullian Orosius Philo and Diodorus Siculus all allege the practice although Herodotus and Polybius do not Sceptics contend that if Carthage s critics were aware of such a practice however limited they would have been horrified by it and exaggerated its extent due to their polemical treatment of the Carthaginians According to Charles Picard Greek and Roman critics objected not to the killing of children but to its religious context in both ancient Greece and Rome inconvenient newborns were commonly killed by exposure to the elements The Hebrew Bible mentions child sacrifice practiced by the Canaanites ancestors of the Carthaginians and Jews while Greek sources allege that the Phoenicians sacrificed the sons of princes during times of grave peril However archaeological evidence of human sacrifice in the Levant remains sparse Accounts of child sacrifice in Carthage date the practice to the city s founding in about 814 BC Sacrificing children was apparently distasteful even to Carthaginians and according to Plutarch they began to seek alternatives to offering up their own children such as buying children from poor families or raising servant children instead However Carthage s priests reportedly demanded youth in times of crisis such as war drought or famine Contrary to Plutarch Diodorus implies that noble children were preferred extreme crisis warranted special ceremonies where up to 200 children of the most affluent and powerful families were slain and tossed into the burning pyre Ancient Carthaginian stone stelae dedicated to Tanit in the Carthage tophet Modern archaeology in formerly Punic areas has discovered a number of large cemeteries for children and infants representing a civic and religious institution for worship and sacrifice these sites are called the tophet by archaeologists as their Punic name is unknown These cemeteries may have been used as graves for stillborn infants or children who died very early Excavations have been interpreted by many scholars as confirming Plutarch s reports of Carthaginian child sacrifice An estimated 20 000 urns were deposited between 400 and 200 BC in the tophet discovered in the Salammbo neighbourhood of present day Carthage with the practice continuing until the second century The majority of urns in this site as well as in similar sites in Motya and Tharros contained the charred bones of infants or fetuses in rarer instances the remains of children between the ages of two and four have been found The bones of animals particularly lambs are also common especially in earlier deposits There is a clear correlation between the frequency of cremation and the well being of the city during crises cremations appear more frequent albeit for unclear reasons One explanation is that the Carthaginians sacrificed children in return for divine intervention However such crises would naturally lead to increased child mortality and consequently more child burials via cremation Sceptics maintain that the bodies of children found in Carthaginian and Phoenician cemeteries were merely the cremated remains of children who died naturally Sergio Ribichini has argued that the tophet was a child necropolis designed to receive the remains of infants who had died prematurely of sickness or other natural causes and who for this reason were offered to specific deities and buried in a place different from the one reserved for the ordinary dead Forensic evidence further suggests that most of the infants had died prior to cremation Dexter Hoyos argues that it is impossible to determine a definitive answer to the question of child sacrifice He notes that infant and child mortality were high in ancient times with perhaps a third of Roman infants dying of natural causes in the first three centuries AD which not only would explain the frequency of child burials but would make the regular large scale sacrificing of children an existential threat to communal survival Hoyos also notes contradictions between the various historical descriptions of the practice many of which have not been backed by modern archaeology However a 2014 study argued that archaeological evidence confirms that the Carthaginians practiced human sacrifice Society and cultureAs with most other aspects of Carthaginian civilization little is known about its culture and society beyond what can be inferred from foreign accounts and archaeological findings As a Phoenician people the Carthaginians had an affinity for trade seafaring and exploration most foreign accounts about their society focus on their commercial and maritime prowess Unlike the Phoenicians however the Carthaginians also became known for their military expertise and sophisticated republican government their approach to warfare and politics feature heavily in foreign accounts During the peak of its wealth and power in the fourth and third centuries BC Carthage was among the largest metropolises in antiquity its free male population alone may have numbered roughly 200 000 in 241 BC excluding resident foreigners Strabo estimates a total population of 700 000 a figure that was possibly drawn from Polybius it is unclear if this number includes all residents or just free citizens Contemporary scholarship places the peak of its population at 500 000 by 300 BC which would make Carthage the largest city in the world at the time Descriptions about Carthage s commercial vessels markets and trading techniques are disproportionately more common and detailed The Carthaginians were equal parts renowned and infamous for their wealth and mercantile skills which garnered respect and admiration as well as derision Cicero claimed that Carthage s love of trade and money led to its downfall and many Greek and Roman writers regularly described Carthaginians as perfidious greedy and treacherous In the early fifth century BC the Syracusan leader Hermocrates reportedly described Carthage as the richest city in the world centuries later even in its weakened state following the First Punic War the universal view was that Carthage was the richest city in world The most well known Carthaginian in the Greco Roman world aside from military and political leaders was probably the fictional Hanno of the Roman comedy Poenulus The Little Carthaginian or Our Carthaginian Friend who is portrayed as a garish crafty and wealthy merchant While a simplistic stereotype the Carthaginians do appear to have had a rich material culture excavations of Carthage and its hinterland have discovered goods from all over the Mediterranean and even sub Saharan Africa Polybius claims that the city s rich countryside supported all the individual lifestyle needs of its people Foreign visitors including otherwise hostile figures like Cato the Censor and Agathocles of Syracuse consistently described the Carthaginian countryside as prosperous and verdant with large private estates beautified for their enjoyment Diodorus Siculus provides a glimpse of Carthaginian lifestyle in his description of agricultural land near the city circa 310 BC It was divided into market gardens and orchards of all sorts of fruit trees with many streams of water flowing in channels irrigating every part There were country homes everywhere lavishly built and covered with stucco Part of the land was planted with vines part with olives and other productive trees Beyond these cattle and sheep were pastured on the plains and there were meadows with grazing horses Indeed the Carthaginians became as distinguished for their agricultural expertise as for their maritime commerce They appeared to have placed considerable social and cultural value on farming gardening and livestock Surviving fragments of Mago s work concern the planting and management of olive trees e g grafting fruit trees pomegranate almond fig date palm viniculture bees cattle sheep poultry and the art of wine making namely a type of sherry Following the Second Punic War and the loss of several lucrative overseas territories the Carthaginians embraced agriculture to restore the economy and pay the costly war indemnity to Rome which ultimately proved successful this most likely heightened the importance of agriculture in Carthaginian society Class and social stratification Ancient accounts coupled with archaeological findings suggest that Carthage had a complex urbanized society similar to the Hellenistic polis or Latin civitas it was characterized by strong civic engagement an active civil society and class stratification Inscriptions on Punic tombs and gravestones describe a wide variety of professions including artisans dock workers farmers cooks potters and others indicating a complex diversified economy that most likely supported a variety of lifestyles Carthage had a sizable and centrally located agora which served as a hub of business politics and social life The agora likely included public squares and plazas where the people might gather for festivals or assemble for political functions it is possible that the district was where government institutions operated and where various affairs of state such as trials were conducted in public Excavations have revealed numerous artisan workshops including three metal working sites pottery kilns and a fuller s shop for preparing woolen cloth Mago s writings about Punic farm management provide a glimpse into Carthaginian social dynamics Small estate owners appeared to have been the chief producers and were counselled by Mago to treat well and fairly their managers farm workers overseers and even slaves Some ancient historians suggest that rural land ownership provided a new power base among the city s nobility which was traditionally dominated by merchants A 20th century historian opined that urban merchants owned rural farmland as an alternative source of profit or even to escape the summer heat Mago provides some indication about the attitudes towards agriculture and land ownership The man who acquires an estate must sell his house lest he prefer to live in the town rather than in the country Anyone who prefers to live in a town has no need of an estate in the country One who has bought land should sell his town house so that he will have no desire to worship the household gods of the city rather than those of the country the man who takes greater delight in his city residence will have no need of a country estate Hired workers were likely local Berbers some of whom became sharecroppers slaves were often prisoners of war In lands outside direct Punic control independent Berbers cultivated grain and raised horses within the lands immediately surrounding Carthage there were ethnic divisions that overlapped with semi feudal distinctions between lord and peasant or master and serf The inherent instability of the countryside drew the attention of potential invaders although Carthage was generally able to manage and contain these social difficulties According to Aristotle the Carthaginians had associations akin to the Greek hetairiai which were organizations roughly analogous to political parties or interest groups Punic inscriptions reference mizrehim which appeared to have been numerous in number and subject ranging from devotional cults to professional guilds Aristotle also describes a Carthaginian practice comparable to the syssitia communal meals that promoted kinship and reinforced social and political status However their specific purpose in Carthaginian society is unknown Literature Aside from some ancient translations of Punic texts into Greek and Latin as well as inscriptions on monuments and buildings discovered in Northwest Africa not much remains of Carthaginian literature When Carthage was sacked in 146 BC its libraries and texts were either systematically destroyed or according to Pliny the Elder given to the minor kings of Africa The only noteworthy Punic writing to survive is Mago s voluminous treatise on agriculture which was preserved and translated by order of the Roman Senate however there remains only some excerpts and references in Latin and Greek The late Roman historian Ammianus claims that Juba II of Numidia read Punici libri or Punic books which may have been Carthaginian in origin Ammianus also makes reference to Punic books existing even during his lifetime in the fourth century AD which suggests that some works survived or at least that Punic remained a literary language Other Roman and Greek authors reference the existence of Carthaginian literature most notably Hannibal s writings about his military campaigns The Roman comedy Poenulus which was apparently written and performed shortly after the Second Punic War had as its central protagonist a wealthy and elderly Carthaginian merchant named Hanno Several of Hanno s lines are in Punic representing the only lengthy examples of the language in Greco Roman literature possibly indicating a level of popular knowledge about Carthaginian culture Cleitomachus a prolific philosopher who headed the Academy of Athens in the early second century BC was born Hasdrubal in Carthage He studied philosophy under the Skeptic Carneades and authored over 400 works most of which are lost He was highly regarded by Cicero who based parts of his De Natura Deorum De Divinatione and De Fato on a work of Cleitomachus he calls De Sustinendis Offensionibus On the Withholding of Assent Cleitomachus dedicates many of his writings to prominent Romans such as the poet Gaius Lucilius and the consul Lucius Marcius Censorinus suggesting his work was known and appreciated in Rome Although he spent most of his life in Athens Cleitomachus maintained an affinity for his home city upon its destruction in 146 BC he wrote a treatise addressed to his countrymen that proposed consolation through philosophy LegacyCarthage is best remembered for its conflicts with the Roman Republic which was almost defeated in the Second Punic War an event that likely would have changed the course of human history given Rome s subsequent central role in Christianity European history and Western civilization At the height of its power before the First Punic War Greek and Roman observers often wrote admiringly about Carthage s wealth prosperity and sophisticated republican government But during the Punic Wars and the years following Carthage s destruction accounts of its civilization generally reflected biases and even propaganda shaped by these conflicts Aside from some grudging respect for the military brilliance of Hannibal or for its economic and naval prowess Carthage was often portrayed as the political cultural and military foil to Rome a place where cruelty treachery and irreligion reigned The dominant influence of Greco Roman perspectives in Western history left in place this slanted depiction of Carthage for centuries At least since the 20th century a more critical and comprehensive account of historical records backed by archaeological findings across the Mediterranean reveal Carthaginian civilization to be far more complex nuanced and progressive than previously believed Its vast and lucrative commercial network touched almost every corner of the ancient world from the British Isles to western and central Africa and possibly beyond Like their Phoenician ancestors whose identity and culture they rigorously maintained its people were enterprising and pragmatic demonstrating a remarkable capacity to adapt and innovate as circumstances changed even during the existential threat of the Punic Wars While little remains of its literature and art circumstantial evidence suggests that Carthage was a multicultural and sophisticated civilization that formed enduring links with peoples across the ancient world incorporating their ideas cultures and societies into its own cosmopolitan framework Portrayal in fiction Carthage features in Gustave Flaubert s historical novel Salammbo 1862 Set around the time of the Mercenary War it includes a dramatic description of child sacrifice and the boy Hannibal narrowly avoiding being sacrificed Giovanni Pastrone s epic silent film Cabiria is narrowly based on Flaubert s novel The Young Carthaginian 1887 by G A Henty is a boys adventure novel told from the perspective of Malchus a fictional teenage lieutenant of Hannibal during the Second Punic War In The Dead Past a science fiction short story by Isaac Asimov a main character is a historian of antiquity trying to disprove the allegation that the Carthaginians carried out child sacrifice The Purple Quest by Frank G Slaughter is a fictionalised account of the founding of Carthage Die Sterwende Stad The Dying City is a novel written in Afrikaans by Antonie P Roux and published in 1956 It is a fictional account of life in Carthage and includes the defeat of Hannibal by Scipio Africanus at the Battle of Zama For several years it was prescribed reading for South African year 11 and 12 high school students studying the Afrikaans language citation needed Alternate history Delenda Est a short story in Poul Anderson s Time Patrol series is an alternate history where Hannibal won the Second Punic War and Carthage exists in the 20th century A duology by John Maddox Roberts comprising Hannibal s Children 2002 and The Seven Hills 2005 is set in an alternate history where Hannibal defeated Rome in the Second Punic War and Carthage is still a major Mediterranean power in 100 BC Mary Gentle used an alternate history version of Carthage as a setting in her novels Ash A Secret History and Ilario A Story of the First History In these books Carthage is dominated by Germanic tribes which conquered Carthage and set up a huge empire that repelled the Muslim conquest In these novels titles such as lord amir and scientist magus indicate a fusion of European and Northwest African cultures and Arian Christianity is the state religion Stephen Baxter also features Carthage in his alternate history Northland trilogy where Carthage prevails over and subjugates Rome See alsoCarthage Carthaginian coinage Carthaginian Iberia History of Carthage History of Tunisia Roman Carthage Ancient Rome Ancient Egypt Sanctuary of ThinissutNotesThus rendered in Latin by Livy 30 7 5 attested in Punic inscriptions as SP8M ʃuftˤim meaning judges and obviously related to the Biblical Hebrew ruler title Shophet Judge Punic 𐤔𐤐𐤈 sufeṭ Phoenician P8 ʃufitˤ Punic 𐤓𐤔 𐤌𐤋𐤒𐤓𐤕 rs mlqrt ReferencesBased on R Hook s illustrations for Wise s Armies of the Carthaginian Wars 265 146 BC Carthage and the Carthaginians R Bosworth Smith p 16 Hoyos 2003 pp 225 226 Farina William 21 November 2014 Perpetua of Carthage Portrait of a Third Century Martyr McFarland p 35 ISBN 978 0 7864 8263 4 George Modelski World Cities 3000 to 2000 Washington DC FAROS 2000 2003 ISBN 0 9676230 1 4 Figures in main tables are preferentially cited Part of former estimates can be read at Evolutionary World Politics Homepage Archived 2008 12 28 at the Wayback Machine Glenn Markoe 2000 Phoenicians University of California Press p 55 ISBN 978 0 520 22614 2 Maria Eugenia Aubet 2008 PDF Universidad Pompeu Fabra p 179 Archived from the original PDF on 11 December 2013 Retrieved 24 February 2013 The recent radiocarbon dates from the earliest levels in Carthage situate the founding of this Tyrian colony in the years 835 800 cal BC which coincides with the dates handed down by Flavius Josephus and Timeus for the founding of the city Sabatino Moscati 2001 Colonization of the Mediterranean In Sabatino Moscati ed The Phoenicians I B Tauris p 48 ISBN 978 1 85043 533 4 Goldsworthy Adrian Ch 1 The Opposing Sides The Fall of Carthage The Punic Wars 265 146 BC Markoe Glenn January 2000 Phoenicians University of California Press ISBN 9780520226142 Carthage History Location amp Facts Encyclopedia Britannica Retrieved 18 June 2021 John Iliffe 13 August 2007 Africans The History of a Continent Cambridge University Press p 31 ISBN 978 1 139 46424 6 H H Scullard 1 September 2010 From the Gracchi to Nero A History of Rome 133 BC to AD 68 Taylor amp Francis p 4 ISBN 978 0 415 58488 3 Brett Mulligan 2015 Cornelius Nepos Life of Hannibal Latin Texts Notes Maps Illustrations and Vocabulary Cambridge Open Book Publishers Retrieved 31 January 2016 Archaeological evidence confirms that Phoenician traders from Tyre founded the city of Qart Ḥadast or New City as Carthage was known in its native language in the second half of the ninth century BC Krahmalkov Charles R 2000 Phoenician Punic Dictionary Leuven Peeters Departement Oosterse Studies p 434 ISBN 90 429 0770 3 s v QRTḤDST Prag Jonathan R W 2006 Poenus Plane Est but Who Were the Punickes Papers of the British School at Rome 74 1 37 doi 10 1017 S0068246200003214 S2CID 162396151 Goldsworthy Adrian Keith 2000 The Punic wars London Cassell p 29 ISBN 0 304 35284 5 Krahmalkov Charles R 28 November 2000 A Phoenician Punic Grammar BRILL p 1 ISBN 978 90 04 29420 2 Augustine Unfinished Commentary on Paul s Letter to the Romans 13 Quinn Josephine Crawley 2019 In Search of the Phoenicians Princeton University Press pp 33 35 ISBN 978 0 691 19596 4 Jenkins G Kenneth 1974 Coins of Punic Sicily Part II Schweizerische Numismatische Rundschau 53 27 29 K Jongeling 2005 University of Leiden Archived from the original on 29 June 2006 Retrieved 14 April 2006 Herodotus V2 pp 165 7 Polybius World History 1 7 1 60 Pedro Barcelo THE PERCEPTION OF CARTHAGE IN CLASSICAL GREEK HISTORIOGRAPHY Acta Classica Vol 37 1994 pp 1 14 Classical Association of South Africa http www jstor org stable 24594338 p 1 Pedro Barcelo THE PERCEPTION OF CARTHAGE IN CLASSICAL GREEK HISTORIOGRAPHY Acta Classica Vol 37 1994 pp 1 14 Classical Association of South Africa www jstor org stable 24594338 p 3 Sabatino Moscati January 2001 The Phoenicians I B Tauris p 654 ISBN 978 1 85043 533 4 Liver J 1953 The Chronology of Tyre at the Beginning of the First Millennium B C Israel Exploration Journal 3 2 113 120 JSTOR 27924517 Penuela Joaquin M 1953 La Inscripcion Asiria IM 55644 y la Cronologia de los Reyes de Tiro The Assyrian Inscription IM 55644 and the Chronology of the Kings of Tire Sefarad in Spanish 13 2 217 237 ProQuest 1300698169 Cross 1972 p 17 n 11 Barnes William Hamilton 1991 The Tyrian King List An External Synchronism from Phoenicia Studies in the Chronology of the Divided Monarchy of Israel pp 29 55 doi 10 1163 9789004369573 003 ISBN 978 1 55540 527 4 Cross Frank Moore 1972 An Interpretation of the Nora Stone Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 208 13 19 doi 10 2307 1356374 JSTOR 1356374 S2CID 163533512 Maria Eugenia Aubet 6 September 2001 The Phoenicians and the West Politics Colonies and Trade Cambridge University Press p 215 ISBN 978 0 521 79543 2 Ben Kiernan The First Genocide Carthage 146 BC DIOGENES 203 27 39 ISSN 0392 1921 p 34 4 625 trans Fitzgerald Carthage and the Carthaginians R Bosworth Smith p 16 Mogens Herman Hansen 2000 Conclusion The Impact of City State Cultures on World History A Comparative Study of Thirty City state Cultures An Investigation Kgl Danske Videnskabernes Selskab pp 601 602 ISBN 978 87 7876 177 4 Hodos Tamar June 2009 Colonial Engagements in the Global Mediterranean Iron Age Cambridge Archaeological Journal 19 2 221 241 doi 10 1017 S0959774309000286 hdl 1983 49da5a29 8176 4afb a4c9 bc4a118e216f S2CID 162479420 A J Graham 2001 Collected Papers on Greek Colonization Brill p 226 ISBN 978 90 04 11634 4 Susan Rebecca Martin 2007 Hellenization and Southern Phoenicia Reconsidering the Impact of Greece Before Alexander p 115 ISBN 978 0 549 52890 6 Eric H Cline Mark W Graham 2011 Ancient Empires From Mesopotamia to the Rise of Islam Cambridge University Press p 70 ISBN 978 0 521 88911 7 Richard L Smith 31 July 2008 Premodern Trade in World History Routledge p 65 ISBN 978 0 203 89352 4 Phillip Chiviges Naylor 2009 North Africa A History from Antiquity to the Present University of Texas Press p 25 ISBN 978 0 292 77878 8 Picard Life and Death of Carthage 1969 at 18 and at 27 30 km being a good day s sailing Carl Waldman Catherine Mason 2006 Encyclopedia of European Peoples Infobase Publishing p 586 ISBN 978 1 4381 2918 1 David Sacks Oswyn Murray Lisa R Brody 1 January 2009 Encyclopedia of the Ancient Greek World Infobase Publishing p 76 ISBN 978 1 4381 1020 2 P D A Garnsey C R Whittaker 15 February 2007 Imperialism in the Ancient World The Cambridge University Research Seminar in Ancient History Cambridge University Press p 80 ISBN 978 0 521 03390 9 B K Swartz Raymond E Dumett 1 January 1980 West African Culture Dynamics Archaeological and Historical Perspectives Walter de Gruyter p 236 ISBN 978 3 11 080068 5 Warmington Carthage 1960 1964 at Sommer Michael 1 June 2007 Networks of Commerce and Knowledge in the Iron Age The Case of the Phoenicians Mediterranean Historical Review 22 1 102 doi 10 1080 09518960701539232 S2CID 153480218 Henry Charles Boren 1992 Roman Society A Social Economic and Cultural History D C Heath p 50 ISBN 978 0 669 17801 2 Retrieved 25 February 2013 Robert Rollinger Christoph Ulf Kordula Schnegg 2004 Commerce and Monetary Systems in the Ancient World Means of Transmission and Cultural Interaction Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Symposium of the Assyrian and Babylonian Intellectual Heritage Project Held in Innsbruck Austria October 3rd 8th 2002 Franz Steiner Verlag p 143 ISBN 978 3 515 08379 9 Lancel Serge Carthage A History pp 81 83 ISBN 1 57718 103 4 Katzenstein H Jacob 1979 Tyre in the Early Persian Period 539 486 B C E The Biblical Archaeologist 42 1 23 24 doi 10 2307 3209545 ISSN 0006 0895 JSTOR 3209545 S2CID 165757132 George Rawlinson 2004 The History of Phoenicia Kessinger Publishing p 228 ISBN 978 1 4191 2402 0 Baker G P Hannibal pp 10 11 ISBN 0 8154 1005 0 Hoyos The Carthaginians p 129 Warmington Carthage 1960 2d ed 1969 at 45 quote 52 the enlisted Markoe 2000 p 56 Matthew Dillon Lynda Garland 2005 Ancient Rome Taylor amp Francis US p 173 ISBN 978 0 415 22458 1 Maria Eugenia Aubet 2001 The Phoenicians and the West Politics Colonies and Trade Cambridge University Press p 226 ISBN 978 0 521 79543 2 Nigel Bagnall 2002 The Punic Wars 264 146 BC Osprey Publishing pp 84 85 ISBN 978 1 84176 355 2 Maria Belen Deamos 1997 Antonio Gilman ed Encounters and Transformations The Archaeology of Iberia in Transition Lourdes Prados Torreira Continuum International Publishing Group pp 121 130 ISBN 978 1 85075 593 7 Michael Dietler Carolina Lopez Ruiz 2009 Colonial Encounters in Ancient Iberia Phoenician Greek and Indigenous Relations University of Chicago Press p 183 ISBN 978 0 226 14848 9 Arthur M Eckstein 7 April 2009 Mediterranean Anarchy Interstate War and the Rise of Rome University of California Press p 161 ISBN 978 0 520 93230 2 P Roberts 1 October 2004 HSC Ancient History Pascal Press p 64 ISBN 978 1 74125 179 1 Allan Chester Johnson Paul R Coleman Norton Frank Card Bourne 1 October 2003 Ancient Roman Statutes The Lawbook Exchange Ltd p 7 ISBN 978 1 58477 291 0 Zofia H Archibald John Davies Vincent Gabrielsen Graham Oliver 26 October 2000 Hellenistic Economies Routledge p 143 ISBN 978 0 203 99592 1 Garrett G Fagan Matthew Trundle 2010 New Perspectives on Ancient Warfare BRILL p 273 ISBN 978 90 04 18598 2 Theodore Ayrault Dodge 2012 III Carthaginian Wars 480 277 BC Hannibal A History of the Art of War Among the Carthaginians and Romans Down to the Battle of Pydna 168 B C With a Detailed Account of the Second Punic War Tales End Press ISBN 978 1 62358 005 6 Richard A Gabriel 2008 Scipio Africanus Rome s Greatest General Potomac Books Inc ISBN 978 1 59797 998 6 Franco De Angelis 2003 Megara Hyblaia and Selinous the development of two Greek city states in archaic Sicily Oxford University School of Archaeology p 66 ISBN 978 0 947816 56 8 John Van Antwerp Fine 1983 The Ancient Greeks A Critical History Harvard University Press ISBN 978 0 674 03314 6 Retrieved 17 February 2013 Iain Spence 2002 Historical Dictionary of Ancient Greek Warfare Scarecrow Press p 166 ISBN 978 0 8108 6612 6 Andŕew Robert Burn 1984 Persia amp the Greeks The Defense of the West 546 478 B C Stanford University Press p 481 ISBN 978 0 8047 1235 4 Baker G P 1999 Hannibal pp 15 17 ISBN 0 8154 1005 0 Cambridge Ancient History Vol IV p 775 Michael D Chan 1 December 2006 Aristotle and Hamilton on Commerce and Statesmanship 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Courier Dover Publications p 424 ISBN 978 0 486 14201 2 P J Rhodes 2011 A History of the Classical Greek World 478 323 BC John Wiley amp Sons p 197 ISBN 978 1 4443 5858 2 Moses I Finley 1979 Ancient Sicily Rowman and Littlefield p 104 ISBN 978 0 7011 2463 2 Carl J Richard 1 May 2003 12 Greeks and Romans who Changed the World Rowman amp Littlefield p 139 ISBN 978 0 7425 2791 1 Encyclopaedia Britannica Pyrrhus 2013 Pyrrhus Encarta Microsoft Corporation 2008 Polybius The Histories 3 25 Plutarch Life of Pyrrhus 22 1 22 3 Walter Ameling 2011 3 The Rise of Carthage to 264 BC Part I In Dexter Hoyos ed A Companion to the Punic Wars John Wiley amp Sons ISBN 978 1 4443 9370 5 Plutarch Parallel Lives the Life of Pyrrhus 21 8 10 Ross Cowan 2007 For the Glory of Rome A History of Warriors and Warfare MBI Publishing Company p 36 ISBN 978 1 85367 733 5 John M Kistler Richard Lair 2007 War Elephants U of Nebraska Press p 83 ISBN 978 0 8032 6004 7 Plutarch Life of Pyrrhus 22 4 22 6 Diodorus Siculus Library of History 22 10 Plutarch Parallel Lives Pyrrhus 23 2 3 Plutarch Life of Pyrrhus Chapter 23 Spencer C Tucker 2009 A Global Chronology of Conflict From the Ancient World to the Modern Middle East From the Ancient World to the Modern Middle East ABC CLIO p 72 ISBN 978 1 85109 672 5 Garouphalias 1979 pp 109 112 Plutarch Parallel Lives Pyrrhus 23 6 Nigel Bagnall 2008 The Punic Wars Rome Carthage and the Struggle for the Mediterranean Random House p 42 ISBN 978 1 4090 2253 4 B Dexter Hoyos 2007 Truceless War Carthage s Fight for Survival 241 to 237 BRILL p xiv ISBN 978 90 04 16076 7 John Boardman 18 January 2001 The Oxford Illustrated History of the Roman World Oxford University Press p 27 ISBN 978 0 19 285436 0 A E Astin M W Frederiksen 1990 The Cambridge Ancient History Cambridge University Press pp 566 567 ISBN 978 0 521 23446 7 Gregory Daly 2003 Cannae The Experience of Battle in the Second Punic War The Experience of Battle in the Second Punic War Routledge pp 84 85 ISBN 978 0 203 98750 6 Admiral Cyprian Bridges Sir Admiral Sir Cyprian G C B Bridges 2006 Sea power And Other Studies Echo Library p 8 ISBN 978 1 84702 873 0 Michael P Fronda 2010 Between Rome and Carthage Southern Italy During the Second Punic War Cambridge University Press p 41 ISBN 978 1 139 48862 4 Gregory Daly 2003 Cannae The Experience of Battle in the Second Punic War The Experience of Battle in the Second Punic War Routledge p 17 ISBN 978 0 203 98750 6 Paul B Kern 1999 Ancient Siege Warfare Indiana University Press p 262 ISBN 978 0 253 33546 3 Kern 1999 pp 269 270 Daniel J Gargola 2011 Mediterranean Empire In Nathan Rosenstein ed A Companion to the Roman Republic Robert Morstein Marx John Wiley amp Sons p 153 ISBN 978 1 4443 5720 2 David Abulafia 2011 The Great Sea A Human History of the Mediterranean Oxford University Press p 188 ISBN 978 0 19 532334 4 Punic Wars HISTORY Retrieved 27 May 2020 French Peter 2010 War and Moral Dissonance Cambridge UK Cambridge University Press pp 302 303 ISBN 978 0 521 16903 5 Appian History of Rome 66 70 Livius org from the original on 13 October 2012 Retrieved 3 November 2013 Polybius The Histories Fordham University Retrieved 3 November 2013 Appian Punica 2011 09 19 at the Wayback Machine 97 99 Unesco International Scientific Committee for the Drafting of a General History of Africa 1981 Ancient Civilizations of Africa University of California Press p 460 ISBN 978 0 435 94805 4 J D Fage 1975 The Cambridge History of Africa Cambridge University Press p 175 ISBN 978 0 521 21592 3 Dillon Garland 2005 p 228 Duncan Campbell Adam Hook 2005 Siege Warfare in the Roman World 146 BC AD 378 Osprey Publishing pp 4 5 ISBN 978 1 84176 782 6 George Mousourakis 2007 A Legal History of Rome Routledge p 39 ISBN 978 0 203 08934 7 Miles Richard 2010 Carthage Must Be Destroyed The Rise and Fall of an Ancient Civilization United States Penguin Books p 13 ISBN 978 0 14 312129 9 Blazquez Jose Maria 1983 Capitulo XVI Colonizacion cartaginesa en la peninsula Iberica Historia de Espana antigua Tomo I Protohistoria in Spanish Second ed Madrid Ediciones Catedra ISBN 84 376 0232 7 pagina 421 J A S Evans THE LAND OF THE CARTHAGINIANS Vergilius No 6 Fall 1960 p 14 www jstor org stable 41591541 Richard Miles Carthage Must be Destroyed Penguin p 67 Hoyos The Carthaginians pp 20 22 Richard Miles 2011 Carthage Must Be Destroyed The Rise and Fall of an Ancient Civilization Penguin pp 115 116 ISBN 978 1 101 51703 1 Lewis D M and Boardman John 1994 The Cambridge ancient history The fourth century B C Cambridge University Press p 365 ISBN 0 521 23348 8 Bell Brenda 1989 Roman Literary Attitudes to Foreign Terms and the Carthaginian sufetes Classical Association of South Africa 32 29 36 JSTOR 24591869 Crawley Quinn Josephine 2018 A New Phoenician World In Search of the Phoenicians Princeton University Press pp 153 175 doi 10 2307 j ctvc77kkd 13 ISBN 978 0 691 19596 4 JSTOR j ctvc77kkd 13 Richard Miles 21 July 2011 Carthage Must Be Destroyed The Rise and Fall of an Ancient Civilization Penguin p 130 ISBN 978 1 101 51703 1 Moises Silva 11 May 2010 Biblical Words and Their Meaning An Introduction to Lexical Semantics Zondervan ISBN 978 0 310 87151 4 Aristotle 2012 Politics A Treatise on Government CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform p 97 ISBN 978 1 4802 6588 2 Bondi S F 2001 Political and Administrative Organization in Moscati S ed The Phoenicians London I B Tauris Stephen Stockwell Before Athens Early Popular Government in Phoenician and Greek City States Geopolitics History and International Relations 2 2010 128 Hoyos The Carthaginians p 33 Dridi Hedi 2006 Carthage et le monde punique Carthage and the Punic World Guide Belles lettres des civilisations Vol 21 Belles lettres p 261 ISBN 978 2 251 41033 3 ISSN 1295 1625 Retrieved 9 May 2021 Miat cent Dridi Edie Glossary Carthage and the Punic World Carthage et Le Monde Punique Veche 2008 p 400 ISBN 978 5 9533 3781 6 Aristotle p 2 11 3 70 Aristotle 2012 Politics A Treatise on Government CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform pp 98 100 ISBN 978 1 4802 6588 2 Pedro Barcelo THE PERCEPTION OF CARTHAGE IN CLASSICAL GREEK HISTORIOGRAPHY Acta Classica Vol 37 1994 pp 1 14 Classical Association of South Africa http www jstor org stable 24594338 p 8 Dexter Hoyos The Carthaginians Routledge pp 32 41 Histories book 6 Craige B Champion 2004 Cultural Politics in Polybius s Histories University of California Press p 118 ISBN 978 0 520 92989 0 J C Yardley 2009 Hannibal s War Oxford University Press pp xiv xvi ISBN 978 0 19 162330 1 Richard Miles 2011 Carthage Must Be Destroyed The Rise and Fall of an Ancient Civilization Penguin ISBN 978 1 101 51703 1 Aristotle 5 November 2012 Chapter 11 Politics A Treatise on Government Vol Book II CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform pp 97 99 ISBN 978 1 4802 6588 2 Benjamin Jowett The Politics of Aristotle Colonial Press 1900 pp 49 51 http www fordham edu Halsall ancient aristotle carthage html Eratosthenes on Alexander 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Cities in the Sand Leptis Magna penelope uchicago edu Retrieved 11 April 2021 Dexter Hoyos The Carthaginians Routledge p 153 Polybius Book 6 52 On the Perseus project Gibson Bruce Harrison Thomas 2013 Polybius and His World Essays in Memory of F W Walbank Oxford Oxford University Press p 173 ISBN 978 0 19 960840 9 Daly Gregory 2005 Cannae The Experience of Battle in the Second Punic War London Routledge p 95 ISBN 978 0 415 26147 0 Livy The War with Hannibal The History of Rome from its Foundation Books 21 30 Livy Ab Urbe Condita 29 35 8 Second Punic War UNRV com Roman History http www unrv com Retrieved 2020 05 26 Fuller J F C Julius Caesar Man Soldier and Tyrant p 28 ISBN 0 306 80422 0 Sidnell Philip Warhorse Cavalry in the Ancient World p 194 Dodge Theodore Hannibal All World Wars Retrieved 25 November 2020 Hoyos The Carthaginians p 34 Polybius History Book 6 Trawinski Allan 25 June 2017 The Clash of Civilizations Page Publishing Inc ISBN 978 1 63568 712 5 Adrian Goldsworthy The Fall of Carthage Encyclopaedia Britannica Inc 1 February 2011 World Exploration From Ancient Times Encyclopaedia Britannica Inc p 63 ISBN 978 1 61535 455 9 succincta portibus in Latin De lege agraria II Chapter 32 Section 87 2021 12 09 at the Wayback Machine Tracy Theodore James Carthage Her Civilization and Culture 1942 Master s Theses 404 Loyola University https ecommons luc edu luc theses 404 pp 63 67 Cecil Torr The Harbours of Carthage The Classical Review Vol 5 No 6 Jun 1891 280 284 Cambridge University Press on behalf of The Classical Association www jstor org stable 693421 ISSERLIN B S J Isserlin J B S 1974 The Cothon at Motya Phoenician Harbor Works Archaeology 27 3 188 194 ISSN 0003 8113 JSTOR 41685558 Franco Leopoldo 1996 Ancient Mediterranean harbours A heritage to preserve Ocean amp Coastal Management 30 2 3 115 151 Bibcode 1996OCM 30 115F doi 10 1016 0964 5691 95 00062 3 Torr Cecil 1 January 1891 The Harbours of Carthage The Classical Review 5 6 280 284 doi 10 1017 s0009840x0016737x JSTOR 693421 S2CID 246877862 Henry Hurst 2019 Understanding Carthage as a Roman Port https bollettinodiarcheologiaonline beniculturali it wp content uploads 2019 01 6 Hurst paper pdf Hoyos The Carthaginians pp 35 36 Stefan Weninger 2011 Semitic Languages An International Handbook Walter de Gruyter p 420 ISBN 978 3 11 025158 6 Robert M Kerr 2010 Latino Punic Epigraphy A Descriptive Study of the Inscriptions Mohr Siebeck pp 5 6 ISBN 978 3 16 150271 2 Aristotle Politics Book 3 IX Barry W Cunliffe 2001 The Oxford Illustrated History of Prehistoric Europe Oxford University Press p 339 ISBN 978 0 19 285441 4 Professor Iain Stewart BBC series How the Earth Made Us episode 1 Deep Earth 2010 Fage 1975 p 296 Illustrated Encyclopaedia of World History Mittal Publications p 1639 GGKEY C6Z1Y8ZWS0N Retrieved 27 February 2013 Amy McKenna 15 January 2011 The History of Northern Africa The Rosen Publishing Group p 10 ISBN 978 1 61530 318 2 Markoe 2000 p 103 Michael Dietler Carolina Lopez Ruiz 2009 Colonial Encounters in Ancient Iberia Phoenician Greek and Indigenous Relations University of Chicago Press p 267 ISBN 978 0 226 14848 9 Jack Goody 2012 Metals Culture and Capitalism An Essay on the Origins of the Modern World Cambridge University Press p 72 ISBN 978 1 107 02962 0 Lionel Casson 1991 The Ancient Mariners Seafarers and Sea Fighters of the Mediterranean in Ancient Times Princeton University Press p 75 ISBN 978 0 691 01477 7 Duane W Roller 2006 Through the Pillars of Herakles Greco Roman Exploration of the Atlantic Taylor amp Francis US p 13 ISBN 978 0 415 37287 9 Maria Eugenia Aubet 2002 The Tartessian Orientalizing Period In Marilyn R Bierling ed The Phoenicians in Spain An Archaeological Review of the Eighth Sixth Centuries B C E a Collection of Articles Translated from Spanish Seymour Gitin Eisenbrauns pp 204 205 ISBN 978 1 57506 056 9 Pliny Nat His 33 96 Karl Moore David Lewis 2009 The Origins of Globalization Taylor amp Francis p 257 ISBN 978 0 415 80598 8 H S Geyer 2009 International Handbook of Urban Policy Issues in the Developed World Edward Elgar Publishing p 219 ISBN 978 1 84980 202 4 SorenKhader 1991 p 90 Gilbert Charles Picard Colette Picard 1961 Daily Life in Carthage at the Time of Hannibal George Allen and Unwin p 46 Excavations at Carthage University of Michigan Kelsey Museum of Archaeology 1977 p 145 Unesco International Scientific Committee for the Drafting of a General History of Africa 1981 Ancient Civilizations of Africa University of California Press p 446 ISBN 978 0 435 94805 4 Libyan Studies Annual Report of the Society for Libyan Studies The Society 1983 p 83 Strabo Geography XVII 3 18 Edward Lipinski 2004 Itineraria Phoenicia Peeters Publishers p 354 ISBN 978 90 429 1344 8 Brian Herbert Warmington 1993 Carthage Barnes amp Noble Books p 63 ISBN 978 1 56619 210 1 Judith Lynn Sebesta 1994 Judith Lynn Sebesta ed The World of Roman Costume Larissa Bonfante Univ of Wisconsin Press p 69 ISBN 978 0 299 13854 7 SebestaBonfante 1994 pp 13 15 John R Clarke 2003 Art in the Lives of Ordinary Romans Visual Representation and Non Elite Viewers in Italy 100 B C A D 315 University of California Press p 133 ISBN 978 0 520 21976 2 Aicha Ben Abed Ben Khader 2006 Tunisian Mosaics Treasures from Roman Africa Getty Publications p 13 ISBN 978 0 89236 857 0 Irmtraud Reswick 1985 Traditional textiles of Tunisia and related North African weavings Craft amp Folk Art Museum p 18 ISBN 978 0 295 96281 8 J D Fage 1979 From 500 B C to A Cambridge University Press p 124 ISBN 978 0 521 21592 3 Warmington 1993 p 136 Stefan Goodwin 2008 Africas Legacy of Urbanization Unfolding Saga of a Continent Lexington Books p 41 ISBN 978 0 7391 5176 1 William E Dunstan 2010 Ancient Rome Rowman amp Littlefield Publishers p 65 ISBN 978 0 7425 6834 1 Luc Normand Tellier 2009 Urban World History An Economic and Geographical Perspective PUQ p 146 ISBN 978 2 7605 2209 1 Peter I Bogucki 2008 Encyclopedia of society and culture in the ancient world Facts on File p 389 ISBN 978 0 8160 6941 5 David Abulafia 2011 The Great Sea A Human History of the Mediterranean Oxford University Press p 76 ISBN 978 0 19 975263 8 Bogucki 2008 p 290 Alan Lloyd 1977 Destroy Carthage the death throes of an ancient culture Souvenir Press p 96 ISBN 978 0 285 62235 7 Fantuzzi Leandro Kiriatzi Evangelia Saez Romero Antonio M Muller Noemi S Williams Charles K 21 July 2020 Punic amphorae found at Corinth provenance analysis and implications for the study of long distance salt fish trade in the Classical period Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 12 8 179 Bibcode 2020ArAnS 12 179F doi 10 1007 s12520 020 01093 3 hdl 2445 187223 ISSN 1866 9565 S2CID 220656432 Picard The Life and Death of Carthage Paris 1970 New York 1968 at 162 165 carvings described 176 178 quote Bogucki 2008 p 390 Dierk Lange 2004 Ancient Kingdoms of West Africa Africa centred and Canaanite Israelite Perspectives a Collection of Published and Unpublished Studies in English and French J H Roll Verlag p 278 ISBN 978 3 89754 115 3 G Mokhtar 1981 Ancient civilizations of Africa 2 UNESCO pp 448 449 ISBN 978 92 3 101708 7 Lipinski 2004 pp 435 437 Susan Raven 2002 Rome in Africa Psychology Press p 11 ISBN 978 0 203 41844 4 Giuliano Bonfante Larissa Bonfante 2002 The Etruscan Language An Introduction Revised Edition Manchester University Press pp 65 68 ISBN 978 0 7190 5540 9 BonfanteBonfante 2002 p 68 Brian Caven 1990 Dionysius I War Lord of Sicily Yale University Press p 191 ISBN 978 0 300 04507 9 Sybille Haynes 2005 Etruscan Civilization A Cultural History Getty Publications p 202 ISBN 978 0 89236 600 2 Lawrence E Stager Excavations at Carthage p 35 Dexter Hoyos The Carthaginians Routledge pp 65 67 Peter Alexander Rene van Dommelen Carlos Gomez Bellard Roald F Docter 2008 Rural Landscapes of the Punic World Isd p 23 ISBN 978 1 84553 270 3 John B Thornes John Wainwright 25 September 2003 Environmental Issues in the Mediterranean Processes and Perspectives from the Past and Present Routledge p 264 ISBN 978 0 203 49549 0 Curtis 2008 pp 375 376 de Vos 2011 p 178 Pliny 33 51 Nic Fields Peter Dennis 15 February 2011 Hannibal Osprey Publishing p 54 ISBN 978 1 84908 349 2 Christopher S Mackay 2004 Ancient Rome Cambridge University Press p 72 ISBN 978 0 521 80918 4 Nathan Rosenstein Robert Morstein Marx 1 February 2010 A Companion to the Roman Republic John Wiley amp Sons p 470 ISBN 978 1 4443 3413 5 Patrick E McGovern Stuart J Fleming Solomon H Katz 19 June 2004 The Origins and Ancient History of Wine Food and Nutrition in History and Anthropology Routledge pp 324 326 ISBN 978 0 203 39283 6 Smith 2008 p 66 Plato c 427 c 347 in his Laws at 674 a b mentions regulations at Carthage restricting the consumption of wine in specified circumstances Cf Lancel Carthage 1997 at 276 Andrew Dalby 2003 Food in the Ancient World From A to Z Psychology Press p 250 ISBN 978 0 415 23259 3 Jean Louis Flandrin Massimo Montanari 1999 Food Culinary History from Antiquity to the Present Columbia University Press pp 59 60 ISBN 978 0 231 11154 6 Jane Waldron Grutz The Barb 2007 06 06 at the Wayback Machine Saudi Aramco World January February 2007 Retrieved 23 February 2011 Fran Lynghaug 15 October 2009 The Official Horse Breeds Standards Guide The Complete Guide to the Standards of All North American Equine Breed Associations Voyageur Press p 551 ISBN 978 1 61673 171 7 Hoyos The Carthaginians p 94 Ephraim Stern William G Dever November 2006 Goddesses and Cults at Tel Dor In Seymour Gitin ed Confronting the Past Archaeological and Historical Essays on Ancient Israel in Honor of William G Dever J Edward Wright J P Dessel Eisenbrauns p 177 ISBN 978 1 57506 117 7 Moscati Sabatino 2001 The Phoenicians Tauris ISBN 1 85043 533 2 p 132 Richard Miles Carthage Must be Destroyed Penguin p 68 Hoyos The Carthaginians p 95 Fernand Braudel 9 February 2011 6 Colonization The Discovery of the Mediterranean Far West in the Tenth to Sixth Centuries B C Memory and the Mediterranean Random House Digital Inc ISBN 978 0 307 77336 4 Frank Moore Cross 30 June 2009 Canaanite Myth and Hebrew Epic Essays in the History of the Religion of Israel Harvard University Press pp 29 30 ISBN 978 0 674 03008 4 Hoyos The Carthaginians p 99 Hoyos The Carthaginians p 96 Charles Picard 1961 p 131 Stephanie Binder apud Dan Jaffe 31 July 2010 Studies in Rabbinic Judaism and Early Christianity Text and Context BRILL p 221 ISBN 978 90 04 18410 7 Hoyos The Carthaginians p 97 D M Lewis John Boardman Simon Hornblower M Ostwald 1994 The Cambridge Ancient History Cambridge University Press pp 375 377 ISBN 978 0 521 23348 4 Hoyos The Carthaginians pp 99 100 Good Robert McClive 1986 The Carthaginian mayumas PDF SEL 3 Verona Italy Essedue Edizioni 99 114 ISSN 2239 5393 Plutarch July 2004 Plutarch on the Delay of the Divine Justice Kessinger Publishing p 15 20 14 4 6 ISBN 978 1 4179 2911 5 Aubet 2001 p 249 Apolog 9 2 3 Diodorus 1970 The library of history Books IV 59 VIII Harvard University Press ISBN 978 0 674 99375 4 Serge Lancel 1999 Hannibal Wiley p 22 ISBN 978 0 631 21848 7 Gilbert Charles Picard Colette Picard 1968 The life and death of Carthage a survey of Punic history and culture from its birth to the final tragedy Pan Macmillan pp 46 48 153 ISBN 978 0 283 35255 3 Miles Carthage Must be Destroyed p 69 Richard Miles 2011 Carthage Must Be Destroyed The Rise and Fall of an Ancient Civilization Penguin p 1797 ISBN 978 1 101 51703 1 Hoyos The Carthaginians p 101 F W Walbank A E Astin M W Frederiksen R M Ogilvie 1990 The Cambridge Ancient History Cambridge University Press p 514 ISBN 978 0 521 23446 7 Carthage a History S Lancel trans A Nevill p 251 Susanna Shelby Brown 1991 Late Carthaginian child sacrifice and sacrificial monuments in their Mediterranean context JSOT p 64 ISBN 978 1 85075 240 0 Eric M Meyers American Schools of Oriental Research 1997 The Oxford encyclopedia of archaeology in the Near East Oxford University Press p 159 ISBN 978 0 19 511218 4 Aubet 2001 p 252 Hoyos The Carthaginians p 102 Moscati 2001 p 141 Hoyos The Carthaginians p 103 Hoyos The Carthaginians p 105 Kennedy Maev 21 January 2014 Carthaginians sacrificed own children archaeologists say The Guardian Accessed 4 February 2016 Dexter Hoyos The Carthaginians Routledge pp 58 61 Hoyos Dexter 2005 Hannibal s Dynasty Power and Politics in the Western Mediterranean 247 183 BC Psychology Press p 28 ISBN 978 0 415 35958 0 Dexter Hoyos The Carthaginians Routledge p 63 Diodorus Siculus Bibleoteca at XX 8 1 4 transl as Library of History Harvard University 1962 vol 10 Loeb Classics no 390 per Soren Khader Slim Carthage 1990 at 88 Lancel Carthage Paris 1992 Oxford 1997 at 277 Gilbert and Colette Picard La vie quotidienne a Carthage au temps d Hannibal Paris Librairie Hachette 1958 translated as Daily Life in Carthage London George Allen amp Unwin 1961 reprint Macmillan New York 1968 at 83 93 88 Mago as retired general 89 91 fruit trees 90 grafting 89 90 vineyards 91 93 livestock and bees 148 149 wine making Elephants also of course were captured and reared for war at 92 Sabatino Moscati Il mondo dei Fenici 1966 translated as The World of the Phoenicians London Cardinal 1973 at 219 223 Hamilcar is named as another Carthaginian writing on agriculture at 219 Serge Lancel Carthage Paris Artheme Fayard 1992 Oxford Blackwell 1995 discussion of wine making and its marketing at 273 276 Lancel says at 274 that about wine making Mago was silent Punic agriculture and rural life are addressed at 269 302 Cf Warmington Carthage 1960 1964 at 141 Modern archeologists on the site have not yet discovered the ancient agora Lancel Carthage Paris 1992 Oxford 1997 at 141 Lancel Carthage Paris 1992 Oxford 1997 at 138 140 These findings mostly relate to the third century BC, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library, article, read, download, free, free download, mp3, video, mp4, 3gp, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, picture, music, song, movie, book, game, games, mobile, 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