In optics and in wave propagation in general dispersion is the phenomenon in which the phase velocity of a wave depends on its frequency sometimes the term chromatic dispersion is used for specificity to optics in particular A medium having this common property may be termed a dispersive medium plural dispersive media In a dispersive prism material dispersion a wavelength dependent refractive index causes different colors to refract at different angles splitting white light into a spectrum A compact fluorescent lamp seen through an Amici prism Although the term is used in the field of optics to describe light and other electromagnetic waves dispersion in the same sense can apply to any sort of wave motion such as acoustic dispersion in the case of sound and seismic waves and in gravity waves ocean waves Within optics dispersion is a property of telecommunication signals along transmission lines such as microwaves in coaxial cable or the pulses of light in optical fiber In optics one important and familiar consequence of dispersion is the change in the angle of refraction of different colors of light as seen in the spectrum produced by a dispersive prism and in chromatic aberration of lenses Design of compound achromatic lenses in which chromatic aberration is largely cancelled uses a quantification of a glass s dispersion given by its Abbe number V where lower Abbe numbers correspond to greater dispersion over the visible spectrum In some applications such as telecommunications the absolute phase of a wave is often not important but only the propagation of wave packets or pulses in that case one is interested only in variations of group velocity with frequency so called group velocity dispersion All common transmission media also vary in attenuation normalized to transmission length as a function of frequency leading to attenuation distortion this is not dispersion although sometimes reflections at closely spaced impedance boundaries e g crimped segments in a cable can produce signal distortion which further aggravates inconsistent transit time as observed across signal bandwidth ExamplesThe most familiar example of dispersion is probably a rainbow in which dispersion causes the spatial separation of a white light into components of different wavelengths different colors However dispersion also has an effect in many other circumstances for example group velocity dispersion causes pulses to spread in optical fibers degrading signals over long distances also a cancellation between group velocity dispersion and nonlinear effects leads to soliton waves Material and waveguide dispersionMost often chromatic dispersion refers to bulk material dispersion that is the change in refractive index with optical frequency However in a waveguide there is also the phenomenon of waveguide dispersion in which case a wave s phase velocity in a structure depends on its frequency simply due to the structure s geometry More generally waveguide dispersion can occur for waves propagating through any inhomogeneous structure e g a photonic crystal whether or not the waves are confined to some region dubious discuss In a waveguide both types of dispersion will generally be present although they are not strictly additive citation needed For example in fiber optics the material and waveguide dispersion can effectively cancel each other out to produce a zero dispersion wavelength important for fast fiber optic communication Material dispersion in opticsThe variation of refractive index vs vacuum wavelength for various glasses The wavelengths of visible light are shaded in grey Influences of selected glass component additions on the mean dispersion of a specific base glass nF valid for l 486 nm blue nC valid for l 656 nm red Material dispersion can be a desirable or undesirable effect in optical applications The dispersion of light by glass prisms is used to construct spectrometers and spectroradiometers However in lenses dispersion causes chromatic aberration an undesired effect that may degrade images in microscopes telescopes and photographic objectives The phase velocity v of a wave in a given uniform medium is given by v cn displaystyle v frac c n where c is the speed of light in vacuum and n is the refractive index of the medium In general the refractive index is some function of the frequency f of the light thus n n f or alternatively with respect to the wave s wavelength n n l The wavelength dependence of a material s refractive index is usually quantified by its Abbe number or its coefficients in an empirical formula such as the Cauchy or Sellmeier equations Because of the Kramers Kronig relations the wavelength dependence of the real part of the refractive index is related to the material absorption described by the imaginary part of the refractive index also called the extinction coefficient In particular for non magnetic materials m m0 the susceptibility x that appears in the Kramers Kronig relations is the electric susceptibility xe n2 1 The most commonly seen consequence of dispersion in optics is the separation of white light into a color spectrum by a prism From Snell s law it can be seen that the angle of refraction of light in a prism depends on the refractive index of the prism material Since that refractive index varies with wavelength it follows that the angle that the light is refracted by will also vary with wavelength causing an angular separation of the colors known as angular dispersion For visible light refraction indices n of most transparent materials e g air glasses decrease with increasing wavelength l 1 lt n lred lt n lyellow lt n lblue displaystyle 1 lt n lambda text red lt n lambda text yellow lt n lambda text blue or generally dndl lt 0 displaystyle frac dn d lambda lt 0 In this case the medium is said to have normal dispersion Whereas if the index increases with increasing wavelength which is typically the case in the ultraviolet the medium is said to have anomalous dispersion At the interface of such a material with air or vacuum index of 1 Snell s law predicts that light incident at an angle 8 to the normal will be refracted at an angle arcsin sin 8 n Thus blue light with a higher refractive index will be bent more strongly than red light resulting in the well known rainbow pattern Group velocity dispersionTime evolution of a short pulse in a hypothetical dispersive medium k w2 showing that the longer wavelength components travel faster than the shorter wavelength components positive GVD resulting in chirping and pulse broadening Beyond simply describing a change in the phase velocity over wavelength a more serious consequence of dispersion in many applications is termed group velocity dispersion GVD While phase velocity v is defined as v c n this describes only one frequency component When different frequency components are combined as when considering a signal or a pulse one is often more interested in the group velocity which describes the speed at which a pulse or information superimposed on a wave modulation propagates In the accompanying animation it can be seen that the wave itself orange brown travels at a phase velocity much faster than the speed of the envelope black which corresponds to the group velocity This pulse might be a communications signal for instance and its information only travels at the group velocity rate even though it consists of wavefronts advancing at a faster rate the phase velocity It is possible to calculate the group velocity from the refractive index curve n w or more directly from the wavenumber k wn c where w is the radian frequency w 2pf Whereas one expression for the phase velocity is vp w k the group velocity can be expressed using the derivative vg dw dk Or in terms of the phase velocity vp vg vp1 wvpdvpdw displaystyle v text g frac v text p 1 dfrac omega v text p dfrac dv text p d omega When dispersion is present not only the group velocity is not equal to the phase velocity but generally it itself varies with wavelength This is known as group velocity dispersion and causes a short pulse of light to be broadened as the different frequency components within the pulse travel at different velocities Group velocity dispersion is quantified as the derivative of the reciprocal of the group velocity with respect to angular frequency which results in group velocity dispersion d2k dw2 If a light pulse is propagated through a material with positive group velocity dispersion then the shorter wavelength components travel slower than the longer wavelength components The pulse therefore becomes positively chirped or up chirped increasing in frequency with time On the other hand if a pulse travels through a material with negative group velocity dispersion shorter wavelength components travel faster than the longer ones and the pulse becomes negatively chirped or down chirped decreasing in frequency with time An everyday example of a negatively chirped signal in the acoustic domain is that of an approaching train hitting deformities on a welded track The sound caused by the train itself is impulsive and travels much faster in the metal tracks than in air so that the train can be heard well before it arrives However from afar it is not heard as causing impulses but leads to a distinctive descending chirp amidst reverberation caused by the complexity of the vibrational modes of the track Group velocity dispersion can be heard in that the volume of the sounds stays audible for a surprisingly long time up to several seconds Dispersion controlThis section does not cite any sources Please help improve this section by adding citations to reliable sources Unsourced material may be challenged and removed March 2023 Learn how and when to remove this message The result of GVD whether negative or positive is ultimately temporal spreading of the pulse This makes dispersion management extremely important in optical communications systems based on optical fiber since if dispersion is too high a group of pulses representing a bit stream will spread in time and merge rendering the bit stream unintelligible This limits the length of fiber that a signal can be sent down without regeneration One possible answer to this problem is to send signals down the optical fibre at a wavelength where the GVD is zero e g around 1 3 1 5 mm in silica fibres so pulses at this wavelength suffer minimal spreading from dispersion In practice however this approach causes more problems than it solves because zero GVD unacceptably amplifies other nonlinear effects such as four wave mixing Another possible option is to use soliton pulses in the regime of negative dispersion a form of optical pulse which uses a nonlinear optical effect to self maintain its shape Solitons have the practical problem however that they require a certain power level to be maintained in the pulse for the nonlinear effect to be of the correct strength Instead the solution that is currently used in practice is to perform dispersion compensation typically by matching the fiber with another fiber of opposite sign dispersion so that the dispersion effects cancel such compensation is ultimately limited by nonlinear effects such as self phase modulation which interact with dispersion to make it very difficult to undo Dispersion control is also important in lasers that produce short pulses The overall dispersion of the optical resonator is a major factor in determining the duration of the pulses emitted by the laser A pair of prisms can be arranged to produce net negative dispersion which can be used to balance the usually positive dispersion of the laser medium Diffraction gratings can also be used to produce dispersive effects these are often used in high power laser amplifier systems Recently an alternative to prisms and gratings has been developed chirped mirrors These dielectric mirrors are coated so that different wavelengths have different penetration lengths and therefore different group delays The coating layers can be tailored to achieve a net negative dispersion In waveguidesWaveguides are highly dispersive due to their geometry rather than just to their material composition Optical fibers are a sort of waveguide for optical frequencies light widely used in modern telecommunications systems The rate at which data can be transported on a single fiber is limited by pulse broadening due to chromatic dispersion among other phenomena In general for a waveguide mode with an angular frequency w b at a propagation constant b so that the electromagnetic fields in the propagation direction z oscillate proportional to ei bz wt the group velocity dispersion parameter D is defined as D 2pcl2d2bdw2 2pcvg2l2dvgdw displaystyle D frac 2 pi c lambda 2 frac d 2 beta d omega 2 frac 2 pi c v g 2 lambda 2 frac dv g d omega where l 2p c w is the vacuum wavelength and vg dw db is the group velocity This formula generalizes the one in the previous section for homogeneous media and includes both waveguide dispersion and material dispersion The reason for defining the dispersion in this way is that D is the asymptotic temporal pulse spreading Dt per unit bandwidth Dl per unit distance travelled commonly reported in ps nm km for optical fibers In the case of multi mode optical fibers so called modal dispersion will also lead to pulse broadening Even in single mode fibers pulse broadening can occur as a result of polarization mode dispersion since there are still two polarization modes These are not examples of chromatic dispersion as they are not dependent on the wavelength or bandwidth of the pulses propagated Higher order dispersion over broad bandwidthsWhen a broad range of frequencies a broad bandwidth is present in a single wavepacket such as in an ultrashort pulse or a chirped pulse or other forms of spread spectrum transmission it may not be accurate to approximate the dispersion by a constant over the entire bandwidth and more complex calculations are required to compute effects such as pulse spreading In particular the dispersion parameter D defined above is obtained from only one derivative of the group velocity Higher derivatives are known as higher order dispersion These terms are simply a Taylor series expansion of the dispersion relation b w of the medium or waveguide around some particular frequency Their effects can be computed via numerical evaluation of Fourier transforms of the waveform via integration of higher order slowly varying envelope approximations by a split step method which can use the exact dispersion relation rather than a Taylor series or by direct simulation of the full Maxwell s equations rather than an approximate envelope equation Generalized formulation of the high orders of dispersion Lah Laguerre opticsThe description of the chromatic dispersion in a perturbative manner through Taylor coefficients is advantageous for optimization problems where the dispersion from several different systems needs to be balanced For example in chirp pulse laser amplifiers the pulses are first stretched in time by a stretcher to avoid optical damage Then in the amplification process the pulses accumulate inevitably linear and nonlinear phase passing through materials And lastly the pulses are compressed in various types of compressors To cancel any residual higher orders in the accumulated phase usually individual orders are measured and balanced However for uniform systems such perturbative description is often not needed i e propagation in waveguides The dispersion orders have been generalized in a computationally friendly manner in the form of Lah Laguerre type transforms The dispersion orders are defined by the Taylor expansion of the phase or the wavevector f w f w0 f w w0 w w0 12 2f w2 w0 w w0 2 1p pf wp w0 w w0 p displaystyle varphi mathrm omega mathrm varphi left right omega 0 left frac partial varphi partial omega right omega 0 left omega omega 0 right frac 1 2 left frac partial 2 varphi partial omega 2 right omega 0 left omega omega 0 right 2 ldots frac 1 p left frac partial p varphi partial omega p right omega 0 left omega omega 0 right p cdots k w k w0 k w w0 w w0 12 2k w2 w0 w w0 2 1p pk wp w0 w w0 p displaystyle k mathrm omega mathrm k left right omega 0 left frac partial k partial omega right omega 0 left omega omega 0 right frac 1 2 left frac partial 2 k partial omega 2 right omega 0 left omega omega 0 right 2 ldots frac 1 p left frac partial p k partial omega p right omega 0 left omega omega 0 right p cdots The dispersion relations for the wavector k w wcn w displaystyle k mathrm omega mathrm frac omega c n mathrm omega mathrm and the phase f w wcOP w displaystyle varphi mathrm omega mathrm frac omega c it OP mathrm omega mathrm can be expressed as p wpk w 1c p p 1 wp 1n w w p wpn w displaystyle begin array c frac partial p partial omega p k mathrm omega mathrm frac 1 c left p frac partial p 1 partial omega p 1 n mathrm omega mathrm omega frac partial p partial omega p n mathrm omega mathrm right end array p wpf w 1c p p 1 wp 1OP w w p wpOP w 1 displaystyle begin array c frac partial p partial omega p varphi mathrm omega mathrm frac 1 c left p frac partial p 1 partial omega p 1 it OP mathrm omega mathrm omega frac partial p partial omega p it OP mathrm omega mathrm right end array 1 The derivatives of any differentiable function f w l displaystyle f mathrm omega mathrm lambda mathrm in the wavelength or the frequency space is specified through a Lah transform as p wpf w 1 p l2pc p m 0pA p m lm m lmf l displaystyle begin array l frac partial p partial omega p f mathrm omega mathrm left mathrm mathrm 1 right p left frac lambda mathrm 2 pi c right p sum limits m 0 p mathcal A mathrm p m mathrm lambda m frac partial m partial lambda m f mathrm lambda mathrm end array displaystyle p lpf l 1 p w2pc p m 0pA p m wm m wmf w 2 displaystyle begin array c frac partial p partial lambda p f mathrm lambda mathrm left mathrm mathrm 1 right p left frac omega mathrm 2 pi c right p sum limits m 0 p mathcal A mathrm p m mathrm omega m frac partial m partial omega m f mathrm omega mathrm end array 2 The matrix elements of the transformation are the Lah coefficients A p m p p m m p 1 m 1 displaystyle mathcal A mathrm p m mathrm frac p mathrm left p mathrm m right mathrm m mathrm frac mathrm p mathrm mathrm 1 mathrm m mathrm mathrm 1 Written for the GDD the above expression states that a constant with wavelength GGD will have zero higher orders The higher orders evaluated from the GDD are p wpGDD w 1 p l2pc p m 0pA p m lm m lmGDD l displaystyle begin array c frac partial p partial omega p GDD mathrm omega mathrm left mathrm mathrm 1 right p left frac lambda mathrm 2 pi c right p sum limits m 0 p mathcal A mathrm p m mathrm lambda m frac partial m partial lambda m GDD mathrm lambda mathrm end array Substituting equation 2 expressed for the refractive index n displaystyle n or optical path OP displaystyle OP into equation 1 results in closed form expressions for the dispersion orders In general the pth displaystyle p th order dispersion POD is a Laguerre type transform of negative order two POD dpf w dwp 1 p l2pc p 1 m 0pB p m l mdmOP l dlm displaystyle POD frac d p varphi omega d omega p 1 p frac lambda 2 pi c p 1 sum m 0 p mathcal B p m lambda m frac d m OP lambda d lambda m displaystyle First ten dispersion orders of fused silica p 2 GDD p 3 TOD p 4 FOD p 5 FiOD p 6 SiOD p 7 SeOD p 8 EOD p 9 NOD p 10 TeOD POD dpk w dwp 1 p l2pc p 1 m 0pB p m l mdmn l dlm displaystyle POD frac d p k omega d omega p 1 p frac lambda 2 pi c p 1 sum m 0 p mathcal B p m lambda m frac d m n lambda d lambda m The matrix elements of the transforms are the unsigned Laguerre coefficients of order minus 2 and are given as B p m p p m m p 2 m 2 displaystyle mathcal B mathrm p m mathrm frac p mathrm left p mathrm m right mathrm m mathrm frac mathrm p mathrm mathrm 2 mathrm m mathrm mathrm 2 The first ten dispersion orders explicitly written for the wavevector are GD wk w 1c n w w n w w 1c n l l n l l vgr 1 displaystyle begin array l boldsymbol it GD frac partial partial omega k mathrm omega mathrm frac mathrm 1 c left n mathrm omega mathrm omega frac partial n mathrm omega mathrm partial omega right frac mathrm 1 c left n mathrm lambda mathrm lambda frac partial n mathrm lambda mathrm partial lambda right v gr mathrm mathrm 1 end array The group refractive index ng displaystyle n g is defined as ng cvgr 1 displaystyle n g cv gr mathrm mathrm 1 GDD 2 w2k w 1c 2 n w w w 2n w w2 1c l2pc l2 2n l l2 displaystyle begin array l boldsymbol it GDD frac partial 2 partial omega mathrm 2 k mathrm omega mathrm frac mathrm 1 c left mathrm 2 frac partial n mathrm omega mathrm partial omega omega frac partial 2 n mathrm omega mathrm partial omega mathrm 2 right frac mathrm 1 c left frac lambda mathrm 2 pi c right left lambda mathrm 2 frac partial 2 n mathrm lambda mathrm partial lambda mathrm 2 right end array TOD 3 w3k w 1c 3 2n w w2 w 3n w w3 1c l2pc 2 3l2 2n l l2 l3 3n l l3 displaystyle begin array l boldsymbol it TOD frac partial 3 partial omega mathrm 3 k mathrm omega mathrm frac mathrm 1 c left mathrm 3 frac partial 2 n mathrm omega mathrm partial omega mathrm 2 omega frac partial 3 n mathrm omega mathrm partial omega mathrm 3 right frac mathrm 1 c left frac lambda mathrm 2 pi c right mathrm 2 Bigl mathrm 3 lambda mathrm 2 frac partial 2 n mathrm lambda mathrm partial lambda mathrm 2 lambda mathrm 3 frac partial 3 n mathrm lambda mathrm partial lambda mathrm 3 Bigr end array FOD 4 w4k w 1c 4 3n w w3 w 4n w w4 1c l2pc 3 12l2 2n l l2 8l3 3n l l3 l4 4n l l4 displaystyle begin array l boldsymbol it FOD frac partial 4 partial omega mathrm 4 k mathrm omega mathrm frac mathrm 1 c left mathrm 4 frac partial 3 n mathrm omega mathrm partial omega mathrm 3 omega frac partial 4 n mathrm omega mathrm partial omega mathrm 4 right frac mathrm 1 c left frac lambda mathrm 2 pi c right mathrm 3 Bigl mathrm 12 lambda mathrm 2 frac partial 2 n mathrm lambda mathrm partial lambda mathrm 2 mathrm 8 lambda mathrm 3 frac partial 3 n mathrm lambda mathrm partial lambda mathrm 3 lambda mathrm 4 frac partial 4 n mathrm lambda mathrm partial lambda mathrm 4 Bigr end array FiOD 5 w5k w 1c 5 4n w w4 w 5n w w5 1c l2pc 4 60l2 2n l l2 60l3 3n l l3 15l4 4n l l4 l5 5n l l5 displaystyle begin array l boldsymbol it FiOD frac partial 5 partial omega mathrm 5 k mathrm omega mathrm frac mathrm 1 c left mathrm 5 frac partial 4 n mathrm omega mathrm partial omega mathrm 4 omega frac partial 5 n mathrm omega mathrm partial omega mathrm 5 right frac mathrm 1 c left frac lambda mathrm 2 pi c right mathrm 4 Bigl mathrm 60 lambda mathrm 2 frac partial 2 n mathrm lambda mathrm partial lambda mathrm 2 mathrm 60 lambda mathrm 3 frac partial 3 n mathrm lambda mathrm partial lambda mathrm 3 mathrm 15 lambda mathrm 4 frac partial 4 n mathrm lambda mathrm partial lambda mathrm 4 lambda mathrm 5 frac partial 5 n mathrm lambda mathrm partial lambda mathrm 5 Bigr end array SiOD 6 w6k w 1c 6 5n w w5 w 6n w w6 1c l2pc 5 360l2 2n l l2 480l3 3n l l3 180l4 4n l l4 24l5 5n l l5 l6 6n l l6 displaystyle begin array l boldsymbol it SiOD frac partial 6 partial omega mathrm 6 k mathrm omega mathrm frac mathrm 1 c left mathrm 6 frac partial 5 n mathrm omega mathrm partial omega mathrm 5 omega frac partial 6 n mathrm omega mathrm partial omega mathrm 6 right frac mathrm 1 c left frac lambda mathrm 2 pi c right mathrm 5 Bigl mathrm 360 lambda mathrm 2 frac partial 2 n mathrm lambda mathrm partial lambda mathrm 2 mathrm 480 lambda mathrm 3 frac partial 3 n mathrm lambda mathrm partial lambda mathrm 3 mathrm 180 lambda mathrm 4 frac partial 4 n mathrm lambda mathrm partial lambda mathrm 4 mathrm 24 lambda mathrm 5 frac partial 5 n mathrm lambda mathrm partial lambda mathrm 5 lambda mathrm 6 frac partial 6 n mathrm lambda mathrm partial lambda mathrm 6 Bigr end array SeOD 7 w7k w 1c 7 6n w w6 w 7n w w7 1c l2pc 6 2520l2 2n l l2 4200l3 3n l l3 2100l4 4n l l4 420l5 5n l l5 35l6 6n l l6 l7 7n l l7 displaystyle begin array l boldsymbol it SeOD frac partial 7 partial omega mathrm 7 k mathrm omega mathrm frac mathrm 1 c left mathrm 7 frac partial 6 n mathrm omega mathrm partial omega mathrm 6 omega frac partial 7 n mathrm omega mathrm partial omega mathrm 7 right frac mathrm 1 c left frac lambda mathrm 2 pi c right mathrm 6 Bigl mathrm 2520 lambda mathrm 2 frac partial 2 n mathrm lambda mathrm partial lambda mathrm 2 mathrm 4200 lambda mathrm 3 frac partial 3 n mathrm lambda mathrm partial lambda mathrm 3 mathrm 2100 lambda mathrm 4 frac partial 4 n mathrm lambda mathrm partial lambda mathrm 4 mathrm 420 lambda mathrm 5 frac partial 5 n mathrm lambda mathrm partial lambda mathrm 5 mathrm 35 lambda mathrm 6 frac partial 6 n mathrm lambda mathrm partial lambda mathrm 6 lambda mathrm 7 frac partial 7 n mathrm lambda mathrm partial lambda mathrm 7 Bigr end array EOD 8 w8k w 1c 8 7n w w7 w 8n w w8 1c l2pc 7 20160l2 2n l l2 40320l3 3n l l3 25200l4 4n l l4 6720l5 5n l l5 840l6 6n l l6 48l7 7n l l7 l8 8n l l8 displaystyle begin array l boldsymbol it EOD frac partial 8 partial omega mathrm 8 k mathrm omega mathrm frac mathrm 1 c left mathrm 8 frac partial 7 n mathrm omega mathrm partial omega mathrm 7 omega frac partial 8 n mathrm omega mathrm partial omega mathrm 8 right frac mathrm 1 c left frac lambda mathrm 2 pi c right mathrm 7 Bigl mathrm 20160 lambda mathrm 2 frac partial 2 n mathrm lambda mathrm partial lambda mathrm 2 mathrm 40320 lambda mathrm 3 frac partial 3 n mathrm lambda mathrm partial lambda mathrm 3 mathrm 25200 lambda mathrm 4 frac partial 4 n mathrm lambda mathrm partial lambda mathrm 4 mathrm 6720 lambda mathrm 5 frac partial 5 n mathrm lambda mathrm partial lambda mathrm 5 mathrm 840 lambda mathrm 6 frac partial 6 n mathrm lambda mathrm partial lambda mathrm 6 mathrm 48 lambda mathrm 7 frac partial 7 n mathrm lambda mathrm partial lambda mathrm 7 lambda mathrm 8 frac partial 8 n mathrm lambda mathrm partial lambda mathrm 8 Bigr end array NOD 9 w9k w 1c 9 8n w w8 w 9n w w9 1c l2pc 8 181440l2 2n l l2 423360l3 3n l l3 317520l4 4n l l4 105840l5 5n l l5 17640l6 6n l l6 1512l7 7n l l7 63l8 8n l l8 l9 9n l l9 displaystyle begin array l boldsymbol it NOD frac partial 9 partial omega mathrm 9 k mathrm omega mathrm frac mathrm 1 c left mathrm 9 frac partial 8 n mathrm omega mathrm partial omega mathrm 8 omega frac partial 9 n mathrm omega mathrm partial omega mathrm 9 right frac mathrm 1 c left frac lambda mathrm 2 pi c right mathrm 8 Bigl mathrm 181440 lambda mathrm 2 frac partial 2 n mathrm lambda mathrm partial lambda mathrm 2 mathrm 423360 lambda mathrm 3 frac partial 3 n mathrm lambda mathrm partial lambda mathrm 3 mathrm 317520 lambda mathrm 4 frac partial 4 n mathrm lambda mathrm partial lambda mathrm 4 mathrm 105840 lambda mathrm 5 frac partial 5 n mathrm lambda mathrm partial lambda mathrm 5 mathrm 17640 lambda mathrm 6 frac partial 6 n mathrm lambda mathrm partial lambda mathrm 6 mathrm 1512 lambda mathrm 7 frac partial 7 n mathrm lambda mathrm partial lambda mathrm 7 mathrm 63 lambda mathrm 8 frac partial 8 n mathrm lambda mathrm partial lambda mathrm 8 lambda mathrm 9 frac partial 9 n mathrm lambda mathrm partial lambda mathrm 9 Bigr end array TeOD 10 w10k w 1c 10 9n w w9 w 10n w w10 1c l2pc 9 1814400l2 2n l l2 4838400l3 3n l l3 4233600l4 4n l l4 1693440l5 5n l l5 352800l6 6n l l6 40320l7 7n l l7 2520l8 8n l l8 80l9 9n l l9 l10 10n l l10 displaystyle begin array l boldsymbol it TeOD frac partial 10 partial omega mathrm 10 k mathrm omega mathrm frac mathrm 1 c left mathrm 10 frac partial 9 n mathrm omega mathrm partial omega mathrm 9 omega frac partial 10 n mathrm omega mathrm partial omega mathrm 10 right frac mathrm 1 c left frac lambda mathrm 2 pi c right mathrm 9 Bigl mathrm 1814400 lambda mathrm 2 frac partial 2 n mathrm lambda mathrm partial lambda mathrm 2 mathrm 4838400 lambda mathrm 3 frac partial 3 n mathrm lambda mathrm partial lambda mathrm 3 mathrm 4233600 lambda mathrm 4 frac partial 4 n mathrm lambda mathrm partial lambda mathrm 4 1693440 lambda mathrm 5 frac partial 5 n mathrm lambda mathrm partial lambda mathrm 5 mathrm 352800 lambda mathrm 6 frac partial 6 n mathrm lambda mathrm partial lambda mathrm 6 mathrm 40320 lambda mathrm 7 frac partial 7 n mathrm lambda mathrm partial lambda mathrm 7 mathrm 2520 lambda mathrm 8 frac partial 8 n mathrm lambda mathrm partial lambda mathrm 8 mathrm 80 lambda mathrm 9 frac partial 9 n mathrm lambda mathrm partial lambda mathrm 9 lambda mathrm 10 frac partial 10 n mathrm lambda mathrm partial lambda mathrm 10 Bigr end array Explicitly written for the phase f displaystyle varphi the first ten dispersion orders can be expressed as a function of wavelength using the Lah transforms equation 2 as p wpf w 1 p l2pc p m 0pA p m lm m lmf l displaystyle begin array l frac partial p partial omega p f mathrm omega mathrm left mathrm mathrm 1 right p left frac lambda mathrm 2 pi c right p sum limits m 0 p mathcal A mathrm p m mathrm lambda m frac partial m partial lambda m f mathrm lambda mathrm end array displaystyle p lpf l 1 p w2pc p m 0pA p m wm m wmf w displaystyle begin array c frac partial p partial lambda p f mathrm lambda mathrm left mathrm mathrm 1 right p left frac omega mathrm 2 pi c right p sum limits m 0 p mathcal A mathrm p m mathrm omega m frac partial m partial omega m f mathrm omega mathrm end array f w w 2pcw2 f w l l22pc f l l displaystyle frac partial varphi mathrm omega mathrm partial omega left frac mathrm 2 pi c omega mathrm 2 right frac partial varphi mathrm omega mathrm partial lambda left frac lambda mathrm 2 mathrm 2 pi c right frac partial varphi mathrm lambda mathrm partial lambda 2f w w2 w f w w l2pc 2 2l f l l l2 2f l l2 displaystyle frac partial 2 varphi mathrm omega mathrm partial omega mathrm 2 frac partial partial omega left frac partial varphi mathrm omega mathrm partial omega right left frac lambda mathrm 2 pi c right mathrm 2 left mathrm 2 lambda frac partial varphi mathrm lambda mathrm partial lambda lambda mathrm 2 frac partial 2 varphi mathrm lambda mathrm partial lambda mathrm 2 right 3f w w3 l2pc 3 6l f l l 6l2 2f l l2 l3 3f l l3 displaystyle frac partial 3 varphi mathrm omega mathrm partial omega mathrm 3 left frac lambda mathrm 2 pi c right mathrm 3 left mathrm 6 lambda frac partial varphi mathrm lambda mathrm partial lambda mathrm 6 lambda mathrm 2 frac partial 2 varphi mathrm lambda mathrm partial lambda mathrm 2 lambda mathrm 3 frac partial 3 varphi mathrm lambda mathrm partial lambda mathrm 3 right 4f w w4 l2pc 4 24l f l l 36l2 2f l l2 12l3 3f l l3 l4 4f l l4 displaystyle frac partial 4 varphi mathrm omega mathrm partial omega mathrm 4 left frac lambda mathrm 2 pi c right mathrm 4 Bigl mathrm 24 lambda frac partial varphi mathrm lambda mathrm partial lambda mathrm 36 lambda mathrm 2 frac partial 2 varphi mathrm lambda mathrm partial lambda mathrm 2 mathrm 12 lambda mathrm 3 frac partial 3 varphi mathrm lambda mathrm partial lambda mathrm 3 lambda mathrm 4 frac partial 4 varphi mathrm lambda mathrm partial lambda mathrm 4 Bigr 5f w w5 l2pc 5 120l f l l 240l2 2f l l2 120l3 3f l l3 20l4 4f l l4 l5 5f l l5 displaystyle frac partial mathrm 5 varphi mathrm omega mathrm partial omega mathrm 5 left frac lambda mathrm 2 pi c right mathrm 5 Bigl mathrm 120 lambda frac partial varphi mathrm lambda mathrm partial lambda mathrm 240 lambda mathrm 2 frac partial 2 varphi mathrm lambda mathrm partial lambda mathrm 2 mathrm 120 lambda mathrm 3 frac partial 3 varphi mathrm lambda mathrm partial lambda mathrm 3 mathrm 20 lambda mathrm 4 frac partial 4 varphi mathrm lambda mathrm partial lambda mathrm 4 lambda mathrm 5 frac partial 5 varphi mathrm lambda mathrm partial lambda mathrm 5 Bigr 6f w w6 l2pc 6 720l f l l 1800l2 2f l l2 1200l3 3f l l3 300l4 4f l l4 30l5 5f l l5 l6 6f l l6 displaystyle frac partial 6 varphi mathrm omega mathrm partial omega mathrm 6 left frac lambda mathrm 2 pi c right mathrm 6 Bigl mathrm 720 lambda frac partial varphi mathrm lambda mathrm partial lambda mathrm 1800 lambda mathrm 2 frac partial 2 varphi mathrm lambda mathrm partial lambda mathrm 2 mathrm 1200 lambda mathrm 3 frac partial 3 varphi mathrm lambda mathrm partial lambda mathrm 3 mathrm 300 lambda mathrm 4 frac partial 4 varphi mathrm lambda mathrm partial lambda mathrm 4 mathrm 30 lambda mathrm 5 frac partial 5 varphi mathrm lambda mathrm partial lambda mathrm 5 mathrm lambda mathrm 6 frac partial 6 varphi mathrm lambda mathrm partial lambda mathrm 6 Bigr 7f w w7 l2pc 7 5040l f l l 15120l2 2f l l2 12600l3 3f l l3 4200l4 4f l l4 630l5 5f l l5 42l6 6f l l6 l7 7f l l7 displaystyle frac partial 7 varphi mathrm omega mathrm partial omega mathrm 7 left frac lambda mathrm 2 pi c right mathrm 7 Bigl mathrm 5040 lambda frac partial varphi mathrm lambda mathrm partial lambda mathrm 15120 lambda mathrm 2 frac partial 2 varphi mathrm lambda mathrm partial lambda mathrm 2 mathrm 12600 lambda mathrm 3 frac partial 3 varphi mathrm lambda mathrm partial lambda mathrm 3 mathrm 4200 lambda mathrm 4 frac partial 4 varphi mathrm lambda mathrm partial lambda mathrm 4 mathrm 630 lambda mathrm 5 frac partial 5 varphi mathrm lambda mathrm partial lambda mathrm 5 mathrm 42 lambda mathrm 6 frac partial 6 varphi mathrm lambda mathrm partial lambda mathrm 6 lambda mathrm 7 frac partial 7 varphi mathrm lambda mathrm partial lambda mathrm 7 Bigr 8f w w8 l2pc 8 40320l f l l 141120l2 2f l l2 141120l3 3f l l3 58800l4 4f l l4 11760l5 5f l l5 1176l6 6f l l6 56l7 7f l l7 l8 8f l l8 displaystyle begin array l displaystyle frac partial 8 varphi mathrm omega mathrm partial omega mathrm 8 left frac lambda mathrm 2 pi c right mathrm 8 Bigl mathrm 40320 lambda frac partial varphi mathrm lambda mathrm partial lambda mathrm 141120 lambda mathrm 2 frac partial 2 varphi mathrm lambda mathrm partial lambda mathrm 2 mathrm 141120 lambda mathrm 3 frac partial 3 varphi mathrm lambda mathrm partial lambda 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lambda mathrm 3 frac partial 3 varphi mathrm lambda mathrm partial lambda mathrm 3 mathrm 846720 lambda mathrm 4 frac partial 4 varphi mathrm lambda mathrm partial lambda mathrm 4 mathrm 211680 lambda mathrm 5 frac partial 5 varphi mathrm lambda mathrm partial lambda mathrm 5 mathrm 28224 lambda mathrm 6 frac partial 6 varphi mathrm lambda mathrm partial lambda mathrm 6 displaystyle mathrm 2016 lambda mathrm 7 frac partial 7 varphi mathrm lambda mathrm partial lambda mathrm 7 mathrm 72 lambda mathrm 8 frac partial 8 varphi mathrm lambda mathrm partial lambda mathrm 8 lambda mathrm 9 frac partial mathrm 9 varphi mathrm lambda mathrm partial lambda mathrm 9 Bigr end array 10f w w10 l2pc 10 3628800l f l l 16329600l2 2f l l2 21772800l3 3f l l3 12700800l4 4f l l4 3810240l5 5f l l5 635040l6 6f l l6 60480l7 7f l l7 3240l8 8f l l8 90l9 9f l l9 l10 10f l l10 displaystyle begin array l displaystyle frac partial 10 varphi mathrm omega mathrm partial omega mathrm 10 left frac lambda mathrm 2 pi c right mathrm 10 Bigl mathrm 3628800 lambda frac partial varphi mathrm lambda mathrm partial lambda mathrm 16329600 lambda mathrm 2 frac partial 2 varphi mathrm lambda mathrm partial lambda mathrm 2 mathrm 21772800 lambda mathrm 3 frac partial 3 varphi mathrm lambda mathrm partial lambda mathrm 3 mathrm 12700800 lambda mathrm 4 frac partial 4 varphi mathrm lambda mathrm partial lambda mathrm 4 mathrm 3810240 lambda mathrm 5 frac partial 5 varphi mathrm lambda mathrm partial lambda mathrm 5 mathrm 635040 lambda mathrm 6 frac partial 6 varphi mathrm lambda mathrm partial lambda mathrm 6 displaystyle mathrm 60480 lambda mathrm 7 frac partial 7 varphi mathrm lambda mathrm partial lambda mathrm 7 mathrm 3240 lambda mathrm 8 frac partial 8 varphi mathrm lambda mathrm partial lambda mathrm 8 mathrm 90 lambda mathrm 9 frac partial 9 varphi mathrm lambda mathrm partial lambda mathrm 9 lambda mathrm 10 frac partial 10 varphi mathrm lambda mathrm partial lambda mathrm 10 Bigr end array Spatial dispersionIn electromagnetics and optics the term dispersion generally refers to aforementioned temporal or frequency dispersion Spatial dispersion refers to the non local response of the medium to the space this can be reworded as the wavevector dependence of the permittivity For an exemplary anisotropic medium the spatial relation between electric and electric displacement field can be expressed as a convolution Di t r Ei t r 0 fik t r r Ek t t r dV dt displaystyle D i t r E i t r int 0 infty int f ik tau r r E k t tau r dV d tau where the kernel fik displaystyle f ik is dielectric response susceptibility its indices make it in general a tensor to account for the anisotropy of the medium Spatial dispersion is negligible in most macroscopic cases where the scale of variation of Ek t t r displaystyle E k t tau r is much larger than atomic dimensions because the dielectric kernel dies out at macroscopic distances Nevertheless it can result in non negligible macroscopic effects particularly in conducting media such as metals electrolytes and plasmas Spatial dispersion also plays role in optical activity and Doppler broadening as well as in the theory of metamaterials In gemologyDispersion values of minerals Mineral name n B n G n C n FHematite 0 500 Cinnabar HgS 0 40 synth Rutile 0 330 0 190Rutile TiO2 0 280 0 120 0 180Anatase TiO2 0 213 0 259 Wulfenite 0 203 0 133Vanadinite 0 202 Fabulite 0 190 0 109Sphalerite ZnS 0 156 0 088Sulfur S 0 155 Stibiotantalite 0 146 Goethite FeO OH 0 14 Brookite TiO2 0 131 0 12 1 80Linobate 0 13 0 075Zincite ZnO 0 127 synth Moissanite SiC 0 104 Cassiterite SnO2 0 071 0 035Zirconia ZrO2 0 060 0 035Powellite CaMoO4 0 058 Andradite 0 057 Demantoid 0 057 0 034Cerussite 0 055 0 033 0 050Titanite 0 051 0 019 0 038Benitoite 0 046 0 026Anglesite 0 044 0 025Diamond C 0 044 0 025synth Cassiterite SnO2 0 041 Flint glass 0 041 Hyacinth 0 039 Jargoon 0 039 Starlite 0 039 Scheelite 0 038 0 026Zircon ZrSiO4 0 039 0 022GGG 0 038 0 022Dioptase 0 036 0 0210 034 Gypsum 0 033 0 008Alabaster 0 033 Epidote 0 03 0 012 0 027Tanzanite 0 030 0 011Thulite 0 03 0 011Zoisite 0 03 YAG 0 028 0 015Spessartine 0 027 0 015Uvarovite 0 027 0 014 0 021Almandine 0 027 0 013 0 016Hessonite 0 027 0 013 0 015Willemite 0 027 Pleonaste 0 026 Rhodolite 0 026 Boracite 0 024 0 012Cryolite 0 024 Staurolite 0 023 0 012 0 013Pyrope 0 022 0 013 0 016Diaspore 0 02 Grossular 0 020 0 012Hemimorphite 0 020 0 013Kyanite 0 020 0 011Peridot 0 020 0 012 0 013Spinel 0 020 0 011Vesuvianite 0 019 0 025 0 014Gahnite 0 019 0 021 Clinozoisite 0 019 0 011 0 014Labradorite 0 019 0 010Axinite 0 018 0 020 0 011Diopside 0 018 0 020 0 01Ekanite 0 018 0 012Corundum Al2O3 0 018 0 011synth Corundum 0 018 0 011Ruby Al2O3 0 018 0 011Sapphire Al2O3 0 018 0 011Kornerupine 0 018 0 010Sinhalite 0 018 0 010Sodalite 0 018 0 009Rhodizite 0 018 Hiddenite 0 017 0 010Kunzite 0 017 0 010Spodumene 0 017 0 010Tourmaline 0 017 0 009 0 011Cordierite 0 017 0 009Danburite 0 017 0 009Herderite 0 017 0 008 0 009Rubellite 0 017 0 008 0 0090 017 Dravite 0 017 Elbaite 0 017 Indicolite 0 017 Liddicoatite 0 017 Scapolite 0 017 Schorl 0 017 0 017 Andalusite 0 016 0 009Baryte BaSO4 0 016 0 009Euclase 0 016 0 009Datolite 0 016 Alexandrite 0 015 0 011Chrysoberyl 0 015 0 011Rhodochrosite 0 015 0 010 0 020Sillimanite 0 015 0 009 0 012Hambergite 0 015 0 009 0 010Pyroxmangite 0 015 synth Scheelite 0 015 Smithsonite 0 014 0 031 0 008 0 017Amblygonite 0 014 0 015 0 008Aquamarine 0 014 0 009 0 013Beryl 0 014 0 009 0 013Emerald 0 014 0 009 0 013Heliodor 0 014 0 009 0 013Morganite 0 014 0 009 0 013Brazilianite 0 014 0 008Celestine 0 014 0 008Topaz 0 014 0 008Goshenite 0 014 Apatite 0 013 0 008 0 010Aventurine 0 013 0 008Amethyst SiO2 0 013 0 008Citrine quartz 0 013 0 008Prasiolite 0 013 0 008Quartz SiO2 0 013 0 008Rose quartz SiO2 0 013 0 008Smoky quartz SiO2 0 013 0 008Anhydrite 0 013 Dolomite 0 013 Morion 0 013 Feldspar 0 012 0 008Moonstone 0 012 0 008Orthoclase 0 012 0 008Pollucite 0 012 0 007Albite 0 012 Bytownite 0 012 synth Emerald 0 012 Magnesite MgCO3 0 012 Sanidine 0 012 Sunstone 0 012 synth Alexandrite 0 011 synth Sapphire Al2O3 0 011 Phosphophyllite 0 010 0 011 Phenakite 0 01 0 009Cancrinite 0 010 0 008 0 009Leucite 0 010 0 008Enstatite 0 010 Obsidian 0 010 Anorthite 0 009 0 010 Actinolite 0 009 Jeremejevite 0 009 Nepheline 0 008 0 009 Apophyllite 0 008 Hauyne 0 008 Natrolite 0 008 synth Quartz SiO2 0 008 Aragonite 0 007 0 012 Augelite 0 007 Beryllonite 0 010 0 007Strontianite 0 008 0 028 Calcite CaCO3 0 008 0 017 0 013 0 014Fluorite CaF2 0 007 0 004Tremolite 0 006 0 007 In the technical terminology of gemology dispersion is the difference in the refractive index of a material at the B and G 686 7 nm and 430 8 nm or C and F 656 3 nm and 486 1 nm Fraunhofer wavelengths and is meant to express the degree to which a prism cut from the gemstone demonstrates fire Fire is a colloquial term used by gemologists to describe a gemstone s dispersive nature or lack thereof Dispersion is a material property The amount of fire demonstrated by a given gemstone is a function of the gemstone s facet angles the polish quality the lighting environment the material s refractive index the saturation of color and the orientation of the viewer relative to the gemstone In imagingIn photographic and microscopic lenses dispersion causes chromatic aberration which causes the different colors in the image not to overlap properly Various techniques have been developed to counteract this such as the use of achromats multielement lenses with glasses of different dispersion They are constructed in such a way that the chromatic aberrations of the different parts cancel out Pulsar emissionsPulsars are spinning neutron stars that emit pulses at very regular intervals ranging from milliseconds to seconds Astronomers believe that the pulses are emitted simultaneously over a wide range of frequencies However as observed on Earth the components of each pulse emitted at higher radio frequencies arrive before those emitted at lower frequencies This dispersion occurs because of the ionized component of the interstellar medium mainly the free electrons which make the group velocity frequency dependent The extra delay added at a frequency n is t kDM DMn2 displaystyle t k text DM cdot left frac text DM nu 2 right, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library, article, read, download, free, free download, mp3, video, mp4, 3gp, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, picture, music, song, movie, book, game, games, mobile, phone, android, ios, apple, mobile phone, samsung, iphone, xiomi, xiaomi, redmi, honor, oppo, nokia, sonya, mi, pc, web, computer