The environmental impacts of animal agriculture vary because of the wide variety of agricultural practices employed around the world Despite this all agricultural practices have been found to have a variety of effects on the environment to some extent Animal agriculture in particular meat production can cause pollution greenhouse gas emissions biodiversity loss disease and significant consumption of land food and water Meat is obtained through a variety of methods including organic farming free range farming intensive livestock production and subsistence agriculture The livestock sector also includes wool egg and dairy production the livestock used for tillage and fish farming Examples of environmental impacts of animal agriculture Meat production is a main driver of deforestation in Venezuela Pigs in intensive farming Testing Australian sheep for exhaled methane production to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture Farms often pump their animal waste directly into a large lagoon which has environmental consequences Animal agriculture is a significant contributor to greenhouse gas emissions Cows sheep and other ruminants digest their food by enteric fermentation and their burps are the main source of methane emissions from land use land use change and forestry Together with methane and nitrous oxide from manure this makes livestock the main source of greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture A significant reduction in meat consumption is essential to mitigate climate change especially as the human population increases by a projected 2 3 billion by the middle of the century Consumption and production trendsTotal annual meat consumption by type of meatCereal use statistic show an estimated large fraction of crops used as fodderNutritional value and environmental impact of animal products compared to agriculture overall Categories Contribution of farmed animal product Calories 18Proteins 37Land use 83Greenhouse gases 58Water pollution 57Air pollution 56Freshwater withdrawals 33 Multiple studies have found that increases in meat consumption are currently associated with human population growth and rising individual incomes or GDP and therefore the environmental impacts of meat production and consumption will increase unless current behaviours change Changes in demand for meat will influence how much is produced thus changing the environmental impact of meat production It has been estimated that global meat consumption may double from 2000 to 2050 mostly as a consequence of the increasing world population but also partly because of increased per capita meat consumption with much of the per capita consumption increase occurring in the developing world The human population is projected to grow to 9 billion by 2050 and meat production is expected to increase by 40 Global production and consumption of poultry meat have been growing recently at more than 5 annually Meat consumption typically increases as people and countries get richer Trends also vary among livestock sectors For example global pork consumption per capita has increased recently almost entirely due to changes in consumption within China while global consumption per capita of ruminant meats has been declining Per capita annual meat consumption by regionTotal annual meat consumption by regionResource useFood production efficiency About 85 of the world s soybean crop is processed into meal and vegetable oil and virtually all of that meal is used in animal feed Approximately 6 of soybeans are used directly as human food mostly in Asia For every 100 kilograms of food made for humans from crops 37 kilograms byproducts unsuitable for direct human consumption are generated Many countries then repurpose these human inedible crop byproducts as livestock feed for cattle Raising animals for human consumption accounts for approximately 40 of total agricultural output in industrialized nations Moreover the efficiency of meat production varies depending on the specific production system as well as the type of feed It may require anywhere from 0 9 and 7 9 kilograms of grain to produce 1 kilogram of beef between 0 1 to 4 3 kilograms of grain to produce 1 kilogram of pork and 0 to 3 5 kilograms of grains to produce 1 kilogram of chicken Field of crops for animal consumption These fields occupy a large amount of land This limits the land available for local people to grow crops for their own consumption FAO estimates however that about 2 thirds of the pasture area used by livestock is not convertible to crop land Major corporations purchase land in different developing nations in Latin America and Asia to support large scale production of animal feed crops mainly corn and soybeans This practice reduces the amount of land available for growing crops that are fit for human consumption in these countries putting the local population at risk of food security According to a study conducted in Jiangsu China individuals with higher incomes tend to consume more food than those with lower incomes and larger families Consequently it is unlikely that those employed in animal feed production in these regions do not consume the animals that eat the crops they produce The lack of space for growing crops for consumption coupled with the need to feed larger families only exacerbates their food insecurity According to FAO crop residues and by products account for 24 of the total dry matter intake of the global livestock sector A 2018 study found that Currently 70 of the feedstock used in the Dutch feed industry originates from the food processing industry Examples of grain based waste conversion in the United States include feeding livestock the distillers grains with solubles remaining from ethanol production For the marketing year 2009 2010 dried distillers grains used as livestock feed and residual in the US was estimated at 25 5 million metric tons Examples of waste roughages include straw from barley and wheat crops edible especially to large ruminant breeding stock when on maintenance diets and corn stover Land use Mean land use of different foods Food Types Land Use m2year per 100g protein Lamb and mutton 185Beef 164Cheese 41Pork 11Poultry 7 1Eggs 5 7Farmed fish 3 7Groundnuts 3 5Peas 3 4Tofu 2 2 Permanent meadows and pastures grazed or not occupy 26 of the Earth s ice free terrestrial surface Feed crop production uses about one third of all arable land More than one third of U S land is used for pasture making it the largest land use type in the contiguous United States The amount of globally needed agricultural land would be reduced by almost half if no beef or mutton would be eaten In many countries livestock graze from the land which mostly cannot be used for growing human edible crops as seen by the fact that there is three times as much agricultural land as arable land A 2023 study found that a vegan diet reduced land use by 75 Free range animal production particularly beef production has also caused tropical deforestation because it requires land for grazing The livestock sector is also the primary driver of deforestation in the Amazon with around 80 of all deforested land being used for cattle farming Additionally 91 of deforested land since 1970 has been used for cattle farming Research has argued that a shift to meat free diets could provide a safe option to feed a growing population without further deforestation and for different yields scenarios However according to FAO grazing livestock in drylands removes vegetation including dry and flammable plants and mobilizes stored biomass through depositions which is partly transferred to the soil improving fertility Livestock is key to creating and maintaining specific habitats and green infrastructures providing resources for other species and dispersing seeds Water use Globally the amount of water used for agricultural purposes exceeds any other industrialized purpose of water consumption About 80 of water resources globally are used for agricultural ecosystems In developed countries up to 60 of total water consumption can be used for irrigation in developing countries it can be up to 90 depending on the region s economic status and climate According to the projected increase in food production by 2050 water consumption would need to increase by 53 to satisfy the world population s demands for meat and agricultural production Groundwater depletion is a concern in some areas because of sustainability issues and in some cases land subsidence and or saltwater intrusion A particularly important North American example of depletion is the High Plains Ogallala Aquifer which underlies about 174 000 square miles in parts of eight states of the USA and supplies 30 percent of the groundwater withdrawn for irrigation there Some irrigated livestock feed production is not hydrologically sustainable in the long run because of aquifer depletion Rainfed agriculture which cannot deplete its water source produces much of the livestock feed in North America Corn maize is of particular interest accounting for about 91 8 of the grain fed to US livestock and poultry in 2010 table 1 75 About 14 percent of US corn for grain land is irrigated accounting for about 17 of US corn for grain production and 13 of US irrigation water use but only about 40 of US corn grain is fed to US livestock and poultry table 1 38 Irrigation accounts for about 37 of US withdrawn freshwater use and groundwater provides about 42 of US irrigation water Irrigation water applied in the production of livestock feed and forage has been estimated to account for about 9 percent of withdrawn freshwater use in the United States Almost one third of the water used in the western United States goes to crops that feed cattle This is despite the claim that withdrawn surface water and groundwater used for crop irrigation in the US exceeds that for livestock by about a ratio of 60 1 This excessive use of river water distresses ecosystems and communities and drives scores of species of fish closer to extinction during times of drought A 2023 study found that a vegan diet reduced water usage by 54 A study in 2019 focused on linkages between water usage and animal agricultural practices in China The results of the study showed that water resources were being used primarily for animal agriculture the highest categories were animal husbandry agriculture slaughtering and processing of meat fisheries and other foods Together they accounted for the consumption of over 2400 billion m3 embodied water roughly equating to 40 of total embodied clarification needed water by the whole system This means that more than one third of China s entire water consumption is being used for food processing purposes and mostly for animal agricultural practices Estimated water requirements for various foods Foodstuff Litres perkilocalorie gram of protein kg of foodstuff gram of fatSugar crops 0 69 N A 197 N AVegetables 1 34 26 322 154Starchy roots 0 47 31 387 226Fruits 2 09 180 962 348Cereals 0 51 21 1644 112Oil crops 0 81 16 2364 11Pulses 1 19 19 4055 180Nuts 3 63 139 9063 47Milk 1 82 31 1020 33Eggs 2 29 29 3265 33Chicken meat 3 00 34 4325 43Butter 0 72 N A 5553 6 4Pig meat 2 15 57 5988 23Sheep goat meat 4 25 63 8763 54Bovine meat 10 19 112 15415 153Water pollution Water pollution due to animal waste is a common problem in both developed and developing nations The USA Canada India Greece Switzerland and several other countries are experiencing major environmental degradation due to water pollution via animal waste Table I 1 Concerns about such problems are particularly acute in the case of CAFOs concentrated animal feeding operations In the US a permit for a CAFO requires the implementation of a plan for the management of manure nutrients contaminants wastewater etc as applicable to meet requirements under the Clean Water Act There were about 19 000 CAFOs in the US as of 2008 In fiscal 2014 the United States Environmental Protection Agency EPA concluded 26 enforcement actions for various violations by CAFOs A 2023 study found that a vegan diet reduced water pollution by 75 A green algae bloom has been observed in Sichuan China In normal conditions river water is transparent but algae blooms result in green algae covering the surface This prevents other plants at the bottom of the river from getting sunlight causing them to lose their ability to photosynthesise Oxygen levels in rivers fall when there is no other vegetation resulting in the death of other species Effective use of fertilizer is crucial to accelerate the growth of animal feed production which in turn increases the amount of feed available for livestock However excess fertilizer can enter water bodies via runoff after rainfall resulting in eutrophication The addition of nitrogen and phosphorus can cause the rapid growth of algae also known as an algae bloom The reduction of oxygen and nutrients in the water caused by the growth of algae ultimately leads to the death of other species in the ecosystem This ecological harm has consequences not only for the native animals in the affected water body but also for the water supply for people To dispose of animal waste and other pollutants animal production farms often spray manure often contaminated with potentially toxic bacteria onto empty fields called spray fields via sprinkler systems The toxins within these spray fields oftentimes run into creeks ponds lakes and other bodies of water contaminating bodies of water This process has also led to the contamination of drinking water reserves harming the environment and citizens alike Air pollution Mean acidifying emissions air pollution of different foods per 100g of protein Food Types Acidifying Emissions g SO2eq per 100g protein Beef 343 6Cheese 165 5Pork 142 7Lamb and Mutton 139 0Farmed Crustaceans 133 1Poultry 102 4Farmed Fish 65 9Eggs 53 7Groundnuts 22 6Peas 8 5Tofu 6 7 Animal agriculture is a cause of harmful particulate matter pollution in the atmosphere This type of production chain produces byproducts endotoxin hydrogen sulfide ammonia and particulate matter PM such as dust all of which can negatively impact human respiratory health Furthermore methane and CO2 the primary greenhouse gas emissions associated with meat production have also been associated with respiratory diseases like asthma bronchitis and COPD A study found that concentrated animal feeding operations CAFOs could increase perceived asthma like symptoms for residents within 500 meters Concentrated hog feeding operations release air pollutants from confinement buildings manure holding pits and land application of waste Air pollutants from these operations have caused acute physical symptoms such as respiratory illnesses wheezing increased breath rate and irritation of the eyes and nose That prolonged exposure to airborne animal particulate such as swine dust induces a large influx of inflammatory cells into the airways Those in close proximity to CAFOs could be exposed to elevated levels of these byproducts which may lead to poor health and respiratory outcomes Additionally since CAFOs tend to be located in primarily rural and low income communities low income people are disproportionately affected by these environmental health consequences 1 Especially when modified by high temperatures air pollution can harm all regions socioeconomic groups sexes and age groups Approximately seven million people die from air pollution exposure every year Air pollution often exacerbates respiratory disease by permeating into the lung tissue and damaging the lungs Despite the wealth of environmental consequences listed above local US governments tend to support the harmful practices of the animal production industry due to its strong economic benefits Due to this protective legislature it is extremely difficult for activists to regulate industry practices and diminish environmental impacts Climate change aspectsEnergy consumption Energy efficiency of meat and dairy production An important aspect of energy use in livestock production is the energy consumption that the animals contribute Feed Conversion Ratio is an animal s ability to convert feed into meat The Feed Conversion Ratio FCR is calculated by taking the energy protein or mass input of the feed divided by the output of meat provided by the animal A lower FCR corresponds with a smaller requirement of feed per meat output and therefore the animal contributes less GHG emissions Chickens and pigs usually have a lower FCR compared to ruminants Intensification and other changes in the livestock industries influence energy use emissions and other environmental effects of meat production Manure can also have environmental benefits as a renewable energy source in digester systems yielding biogas for heating and or electricity generation Manure biogas operations can be found in Asia Europe North America and elsewhere System cost is substantial relative to US energy values which may be a deterrent to more widespread use Additional factors such as odour control and carbon credits may improve benefit to cost ratios Manure can be mixed with other organic wastes in anaerobic digesters to take advantage of economies of scale Digested waste is more uniform in consistency than untreated organic wastes and can have higher proportions of nutrients that are more available to plants which enhances the utility of digestate as a fertiliser product This encourages circularity in meat production which is typically difficult to achieve due to environmental and food safety concerns Greenhouse gas emissions This section is an excerpt from Greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture Livestock edit Livestock produces the majority of greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture and demands around 30 of agricultural fresh water needs while only supplying 18 of the global calorie intake Animal derived food plays a larger role in meeting human protein needs yet is still a minority of supply at 39 with crops providing the rest 746 747 Out of the Shared Socioeconomic Pathways used by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change only SSP1 offers any realistic possibility of meeting the 1 5 C 2 7 F target Together with measures like a massive deployment of green technology this pathway assumes animal derived food will play a lower role in the global diets relative to now As a result there have been calls for phasing out subsidies currently offered to livestock farmers in many places worldwide and net zero transition plans now involve limits on total livestock headcounts including substantial reductions of existing stocks in some countries with extensive animal agriculture sectors like Ireland Yet an outright end to human consumption of meat and or animal products is not currently considered a realistic goal Therefore any comprehensive plan of adaptation to effects of climate change particularly the present and future effects of climate change on agriculture must also consider livestock Livestock activities also contribute disproportionately to land use effects since crops such as corn and alfalfa are cultivated in order to feed the animals In 2010 enteric fermentation accounted for 43 of the total greenhouse gas emissions from all agricultural activity in the world The meat from ruminants has a higher carbon equivalent footprint than other meats or vegetarian sources of protein based on a global meta analysis of lifecycle assessment studies Small ruminants such as sheep and goats contribute approximately 475 million tons of carbon dioxide equivalent to GHG emissions which constitutes around 6 5 of world agriculture sector emissions Methane production by animals principally ruminants makes up an estimated 15 20 global production of methane Methane and nitrous oxide emissions from cattle The Food and Agriculture Organization estimates that in 2015 around 7 of global greenhouse gas emissions GHG were due to cattle but this is uncertain Another estimate is 12 of global GHG More recently Climate Trace estimates 4 5 directly from cattle in 2022 Reducing methane emissions quickly helps limit climate change Beef and lamb have the largest carbon footprint of protein rich foods Estimates by Climate TRACE Billion tonnes CO2eq of total global emissions 2022 2023Enteric fermentation cattle feedlot 7 95 1 76 Enteric fermentation cattle pasture 8 55 1 90 Manure left on pasture cattle 2 91 0 65 Manure management cattle feedlot 0 70 0 16 Total 20 11 4 47 Methane production from cows and land conversion for grazing and animal feed means beef from dedicated beef herds has a very high carbon footprint Gut flora in cattle include methanogens that produce methane as a byproduct of enteric fermentation which cattle belch out Additional methane is produced by anaerobic fermentation of manure in manure lagoons and other manure storage structures Manure can also release nitrous oxide Over 20 years atmospheric methane has 81 times the global warming potential of the same amount of atmospheric carbon dioxide As conditions vary a lot the IPCC would like these taken into account when estimating methane emissions in other words countries where cattle are significant should use Tier 3 methods in their national greenhouse gas inventories Although well managed perennial pastures sequester carbon in the soil as of 2023 update life cycle assessments are required to fully assess pastoral dairy farms in all environments Mitigation options Per capita meat consumption and GDP 1990 2017 Mitigation options for reducing methane emission from livestock include a change in diet that is consuming less meat and dairy A significant reduction in meat consumption will be essential to mitigate climate change especially as the human population increases by a projected 2 3 billion by the middle of the century A 2019 report in The Lancet recommended that global meat consumption be halved to mitigate climate change A study quantified climate change mitigation potentials of high income nations shifting diets away from meat consumption and restoration of the spared land finding that if these were combined they could reduce annual agricultural production emissions of high income nations diets by 61 In addition to reduced consumption emissions can also be reduced by changes in practice One study found that shifting compositions of current feeds production areas and informed land restoration could enable greenhouse gas emissions reductions of 34 85 annually 612 1 506 megatons CO2 equivalent per year without increasing costs or changing diets Producers can reduce ruminant enteric fermentation using genetic selection immunization rumen defaunation competition of methanogenic archaea with acetogens introduction of methanotrophic bacteria into the rumen diet modification and grazing management among others The principal mitigation strategies identified for reduction of agricultural nitrous oxide emissions are avoiding over application of nitrogen fertilizers and adopting suitable manure management practices Mitigation strategies for reducing carbon dioxide emissions in the livestock sector include adopting more efficient production practices to reduce agricultural pressure for deforestation such as in Latin America reducing fossil fuel consumption and increasing carbon sequestration in soils Methane belching from cattle might be reduced by intensification of farming selective breeding immunization against the many methanogens rumen defaunation killing the bacteria killing protozoa diet modification e g seaweed fortification decreased antibiotic use and grazing management Measures that increase state revenues from meat consumption production could enable the use of these funds for related research and development and to cushion social hardships among low income consumers Meat and livestock are important sectors of the contemporary socioeconomic system with livestock value chains employing an estimated gt 1 3 billion people Sequestering carbon into soil is currently not feasible to cancel out planet warming emissions caused by the livestock sector The global livestock annually emits 135 billion metric tons of carbon way more than can be returned to the soil Despite this the idea of sequestering carbon to the soil is currently advocated by livestock industry as well as grassroots groups Agricultural subsidies for cattle and their feedstock could be stopped A more controversial suggestion advocated by George Monbiot in the documentary Apocalypse Cow is to stop farming cattle completely however farmers often have political power so might be able to resist such a big change Effects on ecosystemsSoils Clearings for cattle grazing in the Chaco region of Paraguay Grazing can have positive or negative effects on rangeland health depending on management quality and grazing can have different effects on different soils and different plant communities Grazing can sometimes reduce and other times increase biodiversity of grassland ecosystems In beef production cattle ranching helps preserve and improve the natural environment by maintaining habitats that are well suited for grazing animals Lightly grazed grasslands also tend to have higher biodiversity than overgrazed or non grazed grasslands Overgrazing can decrease soil quality by constantly depleting it of necessary nutrients By the end of 2002 the US Bureau of Land Management BLM found that 16 of the evaluated 7 437 grazing allotments had failed to meet rangeland health standards because of their excessive grazing use Overgrazing appears to cause soil erosion in many dry regions of the world However on US farmland soil erosion is much less on land used for livestock grazing than on land used for crop production According to the US Natural Resources Conservation Service on 95 1 of US pastureland sheet and rill erosion are within the estimated soil loss tolerance and on 99 4 of US pastureland wind erosion is within the estimated soil loss tolerance Dryland grazing on the Great Plains in Colorado Grazing can affect the sequestration of carbon and nitrogen in the soil This sequestration helps mitigate the effects of greenhouse gas emissions and in some cases increases ecosystem productivity by affecting nutrient cycling A 2017 meta study of the scientific literature estimated that the total global soil carbon sequestration potential from grazing management ranges from 0 3 0 8 gigatons CO2eq per year which is equivalent to 4 11 of total global livestock emissions but that Expansion or intensification in the grazing sector as an approach to sequestering more carbon would lead to substantial increases in methane nitrous oxide and land use change induced CO2 emissions Project Drawdown estimates the total carbon sequestration potential of improved managed grazing at 13 72 20 92 gigatons CO2eq between 2020 2050 equal to 0 46 0 70 gigatons CO2eq per year A 2022 peer reviewed paper estimated the carbon sequestration potential of improved grazing management at a similar level of 0 15 0 70 gigatons CO2eq per year A 2021 peer reviewed paper found that sparsely grazed and natural grasslands account for 80 of the total cumulative carbon sink of the world s grasslands whereas managed grasslands have been a net greenhouse gas source over the past decade Another peer reviewed paper found that if current pastureland was restored to its former state as wild grasslands shrublands and sparse savannas without livestock this could store an estimated 15 2 59 9 gigatons additional carbon A study found that grazing in US virgin grasslands causes the soil to have lower soil organic carbon but higher soil nitrogen content In contrast at the High Plains Grasslands Research Station in Wyoming the soil in the grazed pastures had more organic carbon and nitrogen in the top 30 cm than the soil in non grazed pastures Additionally in the Piedmont region of the US well managed grazing of livestock on previously eroded soil resulted in high rates of beneficial carbon and nitrogen sequestration compared to non grazed grass In Canada a review highlighted that the methane and nitrous oxide emitted from manure management comprised 17 of agricultural greenhouse gas emissions while nitrous oxide emitted from soils after application of manure accounted for 50 of total emissions Manure provides environmental benefits when properly managed Deposition of manure on pastures by grazing animals is an effective way to preserve soil fertility Many nutrients are recycled in crop cultivation by collecting animal manure from barns and concentrated feeding sites sometimes after composting For many areas with high livestock density manure application substantially replaces the application of synthetic fertilizers on surrounding cropland Manure is also spread on forage producing land that is grazed rather than cropped Also small ruminant flocks in North America and elsewhere are sometimes used on fields for removal of various crop residues inedible by humans converting them to food Small ruminants such as sheep and goats can control some invasive or noxious weeds such as spotted knapweed tansy ragwort leafy spurge yellow starthistle tall larkspur etc on rangeland Small ruminants are also useful for vegetation management in forest plantations and for clearing brush on rights of way Other ruminants like Nublang cattle are used in Bhutan to help remove a species of bamboo Yushania microphylla which tends to crowd out indigenous plant species These represent alternatives to herbicide use Biodiversity Biomass of mammals on Earth Livestock mostly cattle and pigs 60 Humans 36 Wild mammals 4 Meat production is considered one of the prime factors contributing to the current biodiversity loss crisis The 2019 IPBES Global Assessment Report on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services found that industrial agriculture and overfishing are the primary drivers of the extinction with the meat and dairy industries having a substantial impact The global livestock sector contributes a significant share to anthropogenic GHG emissions but it can also deliver a significant share of the necessary mitigation effort FAO estimates that the adoption of already available best practices can reduce emissions by up to 30 Grazing especially overgrazing may detrimentally affect certain wildlife species e g by altering cover and food supplies The growing demand for meat is contributing to significant biodiversity loss as it is a significant driver of deforestation and habitat destruction species rich habitats such as significant portions of the Amazon region are being converted to agriculture for meat production World Resource Institute WRI website mentions that 30 percent of global forest cover has been cleared while another 20 percent has been degraded Most of the rest has been fragmented leaving only about 15 percent intact WRI also states that around the world there is an estimated 1 5 billion hectares 3 7 billion acres of once productive croplands and pasturelands an area nearly the size of Russia are degraded Restoring productivity can improve food supplies water security and the ability to fight climate change Around 25 to nearly 40 of global land surface is being used for livestock farming A 2022 report from World Animal Protection and the Center for Biological Diversity found that based on 2018 data some 235 million pounds or 117 500 tons of pesticides are used for animal feed purposes annually in the United States alone in particular glyphosate and atrazine The report emphasizes that 100 000 pounds of glyphosate has the potential to harm or kill some 93 of species listed under the Endangered Species Act Atrazine which is banned in 35 countries could harm or kill at least 1 000 listed species Both groups involved in the report advocate for consumers to reduce their consumption of animal products and to transition towards plant based diets in order to reduce the growth of factory farming and protect endangered species of wildlife A 2023 study found that a vegan diet reduced wildlife destruction by 66 In North America various studies have found that grazing sometimes improves habitat for elk blacktailed prairie dogs sage grouse and mule deer A survey of refuge managers on 123 National Wildlife Refuges in the US tallied 86 species of wildlife considered positively affected and 82 considered negatively affected by refuge cattle grazing or haying The kind of grazing system employed e g rest rotation deferred grazing HILF grazing is often important in achieving grazing benefits for particular wildlife species The biologists Rodolfo Dirzo Gerardo Ceballos and Paul R Ehrlich write in an opinion piece for Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B that reductions in meat consumption can translate not only into less heat but also more space for biodiversity They insist that it is the massive planetary monopoly of industrial meat production that needs to be curbed while respecting the cultural traditions of indigenous peoples for whom meat is an important source of protein Aquatic ecosystems Mean eutrophying emissions water pollution by phosphates of different foods per 100g of protein Food type Eutrophying emissions g PO43 eq per 100g protein Beef 301 4Farmed Fish 235 1Farmed Crustaceans 227 2Cheese 98 4Lamb and Mutton 97 1Pork 76 4Poultry 48 7Eggs 21 8Groundnuts 14 1Peas 7 5Tofu 6 2 Global agricultural practices are known to be one of the main reasons for environmental degradation Animal agriculture worldwide encompasses 83 of farmland but only accounts for 18 of the global calorie intake and the direct consumption of animals as well as over harvesting them is causing environmental degradation through habitat alteration biodiversity loss climate change pollution and trophic interactions These pressures are enough to drive biodiversity loss in any habitat however freshwater ecosystems are showing to be more sensitive and less protected than others and show a very high effect on biodiversity loss when faced with these impacts In the Western United States many stream and riparian habitats have been negatively affected by livestock grazing This has resulted in increased phosphates nitrates decreased dissolved oxygen increased temperature turbidity and eutrophication events and reduced species diversity Livestock management options for riparian protection include salt and mineral placement limiting seasonal access use of alternative water sources provision of hardened stream crossings herding and fencing In the Eastern United States a 1997 study found that waste release from pork farms has also been shown to cause large scale eutrophication of bodies of water including the Mississippi River and Atlantic Ocean Palmquist et al 1997 In North Carolina where the study was done measures have since been taken to reduce the risk of accidental discharges from manure lagoons and since then there has been evidence of improved environmental management in US hog production Implementation of manure and wastewater management planning can help assure low risk of problematic discharge into aquatic systems In Central Eastern Argentina a 2017 study found large quantities of metal pollutants chromium copper arsenic and lead in their freshwater streams disrupting the aquatic biota The level of chromium in the freshwater systems exceeded 181 5 the recommended guidelines necessary for survival of aquatic life while lead was 41 6 copper was 57 5 and arsenic exceeded 12 9 The results showed excess metal accumulation due to agricultural runoff the use of pesticides and poor mitigation efforts to stop the excess runoff Animal agriculture contributes to global warming which leads to ocean acidification This occurs because as carbon emissions increase a chemical reaction occurs between carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and ocean water causing seawater acidification The process is also known as the dissolution of inorganic carbon in seawater This chemical reaction creates an environment that makes it difficult for calcifying organisms to produce protective shells and causes seagrass overpopulation A reduction in marine life can have an adverse effect on people s way of life since limited sea life may reduce food availability and reduce coastal protection against storms Effects on antibiotic resistanceThis section is an excerpt from Antibiotic use in livestock edit A CDC infographic on how antibiotic resistant bacteria have the potential to spread from farm animals Antibiotic use in livestock is the use of antibiotics for any purpose in the husbandry of livestock which includes treatment when ill therapeutic treatment of a group of animals when at least one is diagnosed with clinical infection metaphylaxis and preventative treatment prophylaxis Antibiotics are an important tool to treat animal as well as human disease safeguard animal health and welfare and support food safety However used irresponsibly this may lead to antibiotic resistance which may impact human animal and environmental health While levels of use vary dramatically from country to country for example some Northern European countries use very low quantities to treat animals compared with humans worldwide an estimated 73 of antimicrobials mainly antibiotics are consumed by farm animals Furthermore a 2015 study also estimates that global agricultural antibiotic usage will increase by 67 from 2010 to 2030 mainly from increases in use in developing BRIC countries Increased antibiotic use is a matter of concern as antibiotic resistance is considered to be a serious threat to human and animal welfare in the future and growing levels of antibiotics or antibiotic resistant bacteria in the environment could increase the numbers of drug resistant infections in both Bacterial diseases are a leading cause of death and a future without effective antibiotics would fundamentally change the way modern human as well as veterinary medicine is practised However legislation and other curbs on antibiotic use in farm animals are now being introduced across the globe In 2017 the World Health Organization strongly suggested reducing antibiotic use in animals used in the food industry The use of antibiotics for growth promotion purposes was banned in the European Union from 2006 and the use of sub therapeutic doses of medically important antibiotics in animal feed and water to promote growth and improve feed efficiency became illegal in the United States on 1 January 2017 through regulatory change enacted by the Food and Drug Administration FDA which sought voluntary compliance from drug manufacturers to re label their antibiotics There are concerns about meat production s potential to spread diseases as an environmental impact Alternatives to meat production and consumptionA study shows that novel foods such as cultured meat and dairy algae existing microbial foods and ground up insects are shown to have the potential to reduce environmental impacts by over 80 Various combinations may further reduce the environmental impacts of these alternatives for example a study explored solar energy driven production of microbial foods from direct air capture Alternatives are not only relevant for human consumption but also for pet food and other animal feed Meat reduction and health An insight to a vegetarian diet With care meat can be substituted in most diets with a wide variety of foods such as fungi or meat substitutes However substantially reducing meat intake could result in nutritional deficiencies if done inadequately especially for children adolescents and pregnant and lactating women in low income countries A review suggests that the reduction of meat in people s diets should be accompanied by an increase in alternative sources of protein and micronutrients to avoid nutritional deficiencies for healthy diets such as iron and zinc Meats notably also contain vitamin B12 collagen and creatine This could be achieved with specific types of foods such as iron rich beans and a diverse variety of protein rich foods like red lentils plant based protein powders and high protein wraps and or dietary supplements Dairy and fish and or specific types of other foods and or supplements contain omega 3 vitamin K2 vitamin D3 iodine magnesium and calcium many of which were generally lower in people consuming types of plant based diets in studies Nevertheless observational studies find beneficial effects from plant based diets compared to consumption of meat products on health and mortality rates Meat reduction strategies Strategies for implementing meat reduction among populations include large scale education and awareness building to promote more sustainable consumption styles Other types of policy interventions could accelerate these shifts and might include restrictions or fiscal mechanisms such as meat taxes In the case of fiscal mechanisms these could be based on forms of scientific calculation of external costs externalities currently not reflected in any way in the monetary price to make the polluter pay e g for the damage done by excess nitrogen In the case of restrictions this could be based on limited domestic supply or Personal Carbon Allowances certificates and credits which would reward sustainable behavior Relevant to such a strategy estimating the environmental impacts of food products in a standardized way as has been done with a dataset of more than 57 000 food products in supermarkets could also be used to inform consumers or in policy making consumers more aware of the environmental impacts of animal based products or requiring them to take such into consideration Young adults that are faced with new physical or social environments for example moving away from home are also more likely to make dietary changes and reduce their meat intake Another strategy includes increasing the prices of meat while also reducing the prices of plant based products which could show a significant impact on meat reduction Meat reduction and increased plant based preferences seen based on social and other life changes A reduction in meat portion sizes could potentially be more beneficial than cutting out meat entirely from ones diet according to a 2022 study This study revolved around young Dutch adults and showed that the adults were more reluctant to cut out meat entirely to make the change to plant based diets due to habitual behaviours Increasing and improving plant based alternatives as well as the education about plant based alternatives proved to be one of the most effective ways to combat these behaviours The lack of education about plant based alternatives is a road block for most people most adults do not know how to properly cook plant based meals or know the health risks benefits associated with a vegetarian diet which is why education among adults is important in meat reduction strategies In the Netherlands a meat tax of 15 to 30 could show a reduction of meat consumption by 8 to 16 as well as reducing the amount of livestock by buying out farmers In 2022 the city of Haarlem Netherlands announced that advertisements for factory farmed meat will be banned in public places starting in 2024 A 2022 review concluded that low and moderate meat consumption levels are compatible with the climate targets and broader sustainable development even for 10 billion people In June 2023 the European Commission s Scientific Advice Mechanism published a review of all available evidence and accompanying policy recommendations to promote sustainable food consumption and reducing meat intake They reported that the evidence supports policy interventions on pricing including meat taxes and pricing products according to their environmental impacts as well as lower taxes on healthy and sustainable alternatives availability and visibility food composition labelling and the social environment They also stated People choose food not just through rational reflection but also based on many other factors food availability habits and routines emotional and impulsive reactions and their financial and social situation So we should consider ways to unburden the consumer and make sustainable healthy food an easy and affordable choice By type of animalCattle The production of cattle has a significant environmental impact whether measured in terms of methane emissions land use consumption of water discharge of pollutants or eutrophication of waterways Estimated virtual water requirements for various foods m3 water ton Hoekstra amp Hung 2003 Chapagain amp Hoekstra 2003 Zimmer amp Renault 2003 Oki et al 2003 AverageBeef 15 977 13 500 20 700 16 730Pork 5 906 4 600 5 900 5 470Cheese 5 288 5 290Poultry 2 828 4 100 4 500 3 810Eggs 4 657 2 700 3 200 3 520Rice 2 656 1 400 3 600 2 550Soybeans 2 300 2 750 2 500 2 520Wheat 1 150 1 160 2 000 1 440Maize 450 710 1 900 1 020Milk 865 790 560 740Potatoes 160 105 130Mean land use of different foods Food Types Land Use m2 year per 100 g protein Lamb and Mutton 185Beef 164Cheese 41Pork 11Poultry 7 1Eggs 5 7Farmed Fish 3 7Peanuts 3 5Peas 3 4Tofu 2 2 Significant numbers of dairy as well as beef cattle are confined in concentrated animal feeding operations CAFOs defined as new and existing operations which stable or confine and feed or maintain for a total of 45 days or more in any 12 month period more than the number of animals specified where c rops vegetation forage growth or post harvest residues are not sustained in the normal growing season over any portion of the lot or facility They may be designated as small medium and large Such designation of cattle CAFOs is according to cattle type mature dairy cows veal calves or other and cattle numbers but medium CAFOs are so designated only if they meet certain discharge criteria and small CAFOs are designated only on a case by case basis A CAFO that discharges pollutants is required to obtain a permit which requires a plan to manage nutrient runoff manure chemicals contaminants and other wastewater pursuant to the US Clean Water Act The regulations involving CAFO permitting have been extensively litigated Commonly CAFO wastewater and manure nutrients are applied to land at agronomic rates for use by forages or crops and it is often assumed that various constituents of wastewater and manure e g organic contaminants and pathogens will be retained inactivated or degraded on the land with application at such rates however additional evidence is needed to test reliability of such assumptions Concerns raised by opponents of CAFOs have included risks of contaminated water due to feedlot runoff soil erosion human and animal exposure to toxic chemicals development of antibiotic resistant bacteria and an increase in E coli contamination While research suggests some of these impacts can be mitigated by developing wastewater treatment systems and planting cover crops in larger setback zones the Union of Concerned Scientists released a report in 2008 concluding that CAFOs are generally unsustainable and externalize costs Another concern is manure which if not well managed can lead to adverse environmental consequences However manure also is a valuable source of nutrients and organic matter when used as a fertilizer Manure was used as a fertilizer on about 6 400 000 hectares 15 8 million acres of US cropland in 2006 with manure from cattle accounting for nearly 70 of manure applications to soybeans and about 80 or more of manure applications to corn wheat barley oats and sorghum Substitution of manure for synthetic fertilizers in crop production can be environmentally significant as between 43 and 88 megajoules of fossil fuel energy would be used per kg of nitrogen in manufacture of synthetic nitrogenous fertilizers Grazing by cattle at low intensities can create a favourable environment for native herbs and forbs by mimicking the native grazers who they displaced in many world regions though cattle are reducing biodiversity due to overgrazing A survey of refuge managers on 123 National Wildlife Refuges in the US tallied 86 species of wildlife considered positively affected and 82 considered negatively affected by refuge cattle grazing or haying Proper management of pastures notably managed intensive rotational grazing and grazing at low intensities can lead to less use of fossil fuel energy increased recapture of carbon dioxide fewer ammonia emissions into the atmosphere reduced soil erosion better air quality and less water pollution Pigs This section is an excerpt from Environmental impact of pig farming edit The environmental impact of pig farming is mainly driven by the spread of feces and waste to surrounding neighborhoods polluting air and water with toxic waste particles Waste from pig farms can carry pathogens bacteria often antibiotic resistant and heavy metals that can be toxic when ingested Pig waste also contributes to groundwater pollution in the forms of groundwater seepage and waste spray into neighboring areas with sprinklers The contents in the spray and waste drift have been shown to cause mucosal irritation respiratory ailment increased stress decreased quality of life and higher blood pressure This form of waste disposal is an attempt for factory farms to be cost efficient The environmental degradation resulting from pig farming presents an environmental injustice problem since the communities do not receive any benefit from the operations and instead suffer negative externalities such as pollution and health problems The United States Agriculture and Consumer Health Department has stated that the main direct environmental impact of pig production is related to the manure produced See alsoEnvironment portalAgriculture portalAgroecology Animal free agriculture Animal industrial complex Carbon tax Meat price Cultured meat Economic vegetarianism Factory farming divestment Environmental impact of agriculture Environmental impact of fishing Environmental vegetarianism Food vs feed Stranded assets in the agriculture and forestry sector Sustainable agriculture Sustainable diet VeganismNotesFAO say that in 2015 livestock production created around 12 of greenhouse gas emissions some 62 of which is due to cattle thus 7 ReferencesMitigation of Climate Change Full report Report IPCC Sixth Assessment Report 2022 7 3 2 1 page 771 Carrington Damian October 10 2018 Huge reduction in meat eating essential to avoid climate breakdown The Guardian Retrieved October 16 2017 Eisen Michael B Brown Patrick O 2022 02 01 Rapid global phaseout of animal agriculture has the potential to stabilize greenhouse gas levels for 30 years and offset 68 percent of CO2 emissions this century PLOS Climate 1 2 e0000010 doi 10 1371 journal pclm 0000010 ISSN 2767 3200 S2CID 246499803 Damian Carrington Avoiding meat and dairy is single biggest way to reduce your impact on Earth The Guardian 31 May 2018 page visited on 19 August 2018 Parlasca Martin 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