The European wildcat Felis silvestris is a small wildcat species native to continental Europe Scotland Turkey and the Caucasus It inhabits forests from the Iberian Peninsula Italy Central and Eastern Europe to the Caucasus Its fur is brownish to grey with stripes on the forehead and on the sides and has a bushy tail with a black tip It reaches a head to body length of up to 65 cm 26 in with a 34 5 cm 13 6 in long tail and weighs up to 7 5 kg 17 lb European wildcatConservation statusLeast Concern IUCN 3 1 CITES Appendix II CITES Scientific classificationDomain EukaryotaKingdom AnimaliaPhylum ChordataClass MammaliaOrder CarnivoraSuborder FeliformiaFamily FelidaeSubfamily FelinaeGenus FelisSpecies F silvestrisBinomial nameFelis silvestris Schreber 1777Distribution of the European wildcat In France and Italy the European wildcat is predominantly nocturnal but also active in the daytime when undisturbed by human activities It preys foremost on small mammals such as lagomorphs and rodents but also on ground dwelling birds TaxonomyEuropean wildcat in a zoo in Decin Czech Republic Felis catus silvestris was the scientific name proposed in 1778 by Johann von Schreber when he described a wild cat based on texts from the early 18th century and before In the 19th and 20th centuries several wildcat type specimens were described and proposed as subspecies including Felis silvestris caucasica proposed by Konstantin Satunin in 1905 was a skin of a female cat collected near Borjomi in Georgia Felis grampia proposed by Gerrit Smith Miller Jr in 1907 was a skin and a skull of a male wildcat from Invermoriston in Scotland Miller revised his classification in 1912 proposing Felis silvestris grampia after reviewing more wildcat skins from Scotland Felis tartessia also proposed by Miller in 1907 was a skin and a skull of a male wildcat from Jerez de la Frontera in southern Spain The wildcats north of the Douro and Ebro Rivers are said to be smaller than in the rest of the region The disputed Tartessian wildcat has kept the same size and proportions as the form that was found in mainland Europe during the Pleistocene Ice Ages As of 2017 two subspecies are recognised as valid taxa F s silvestris in continental Europe Scotland and Sicily F s caucasica in Turkey and the Caucasus Zoological specimens of cats that originated on Mediterranean islands are not considered native but introduced including Felis lybica var sarda proposed in 1885 by Fernand Lataste was a skin and a skull of a male cat from Sarrabus in Sardinia Felis reyi proposed in 1929 by Louis Lavauden who described a skin and a skull of a specimen from Biguglia F s cretensis proposed in 1953 by Theodor Haltenorth who described two cat skins that were purchased in a bazaar in Chania PhylogenyPhylogenetic analysis of the nuclear DNA in tissue samples from all Felidae species revealed that the evolutionary radiation of the Felidae began in Asia in the Miocene around 14 45 to 8 38 million years ago Analysis of mitochondrial DNA of all Felidae species indicates a radiation at around 16 76 to 6 46 million years ago The European wildcat is part of an evolutionary lineage that is estimated to have genetically diverged from the common ancestor of the Felis species around 1 62 to 0 59 million years ago based on analysis of their nuclear DNA Analysis of their mitochondrial DNA indicates a genetic divergence from Felis at around 4 14 to 0 02 million years ago Both models agree in the jungle cat F chaus having been the first Felis species that diverged followed by the black footed cat F nigripes the sand cat F margarita the African wildcat F lybica and then the European wildcat Fossil remains of small wild cats found in Europe indicate that the European wildcat probably descended from Felis lunensis in the Villafranchian more than 1 million years ago a transition that was completed by the Holstein interglacial about 340 000 to 325 000 years ago Phylogenetic relationships of the European wildcat as derived through analysis ofnuclear DNA Felis Domestic cat F catus European wildcatAfrican wildcatChinese mountain cat F bieti Sand catBlack footed catJungle catmitochondrial DNA Felis African wildcat Domestic catNear Eastern wildcatAsiatic wildcat F l ornata Southern African wildcat F l cafra European wildcatChinese mountain catSand catCharacteristicsSkull of a European wildcat The European wildcat s fur varies in colour from brownish to grey with paler contour hairs It has five stripes on the forehead which are broken up into small spots A dark stripe behind the shoulders expands into a spinal stripe running up to the base of the tail On the sides it has irregular dark stripes which break up on the hind legs thus forming a blotched pattern Its tail is bushy with two to three black transverse rings and rounded at the black tip The top of the head and the forehead bear four well developed dark bands that split into small spots Two short and narrow stripes are usually present in the shoulder region in front of the dorsal band Some individuals have a few light spots on the throat between the forelegs or in the inguinal region The dorsal surface of the neck and head are the same colour as that of the trunk but is lighter grey around the eyes lips cheeks and chin A slight ochreous shade is visible on the undersides of the flanks A black and narrow dorsal band starts on the shoulders and runs along the back up to the base of the tail In some animals the summer coat is ashen coloured The patterns on the head and neck are as well developed as those on the tail though the patterns on the flanks are almost imperceptible Guard hairs measure 7 cm 3 in the tip hairs 5 5 6 cm 2 1 8 2 3 8 in and the underfur 11 14 cm 4 1 2 5 1 2 in Corresponding measurements in the summer are 5 6 7 cm 2 2 5 8 in 4 5 6 cm 1 3 4 2 1 4 in and 5 3 cm 2 1 8 in Large males in Spain reach 65 cm 26 in in length with a 34 5 cm 13 1 2 in long tail and weigh up to 7 5 kg 17 lb They also have a less diffuse stripe pattern proportionally larger teeth and feed more often on rabbits than the wildcats north of the Douro Ebro which are more dependent on small rodents The European wildcat is on average bigger and stouter than the domestic cat has longer fur and a shorter non tapering bushy tail It has striped fur and a dark dorsal band Males average a weight of 5 kg 11 lb up to 8 kg 18 lb and females 3 5 kg 8 lb Their weight fluctuates seasonally up to 2 5 kg 6 lb European wildcats have proportionately shorter cheek tooth rows with smaller teeth but a broader muzzle than African wildcats Since European wildcats and domestic cats opportunistically interbreed it is difficult to distinguish wildcats and striped hybrids correctly on the basis of only morphological characteristics Distribution and habitatEuropean wildcat in a German game park The European wildcat lives primarily in broad leaved and mixed forests It avoids intensively cultivated areas and settlements The northernmost population lives in northern and eastern Scotland It has been extirpated in England and Wales There are two disconnected populations in France The one in the Ardennes in the country s north east extends to Luxembourg Germany and Belgium The other in southern France may be connected via the Pyrenees to populations in Spain and Portugal In the Netherlands European wildcats were recorded in 1999 near Nijmegen and in 2004 in North Brabant these individuals had possibly dispersed from Germany In Germany the Rhine is a major barrier between the population in Eifel and Hunsruck mountains west of the river and populations east of the river where a six lane highway hampers dispersal In Switzerland European wildcats are present in the Jura Mountains Three fragmented populations in Italy comprise one in the country s central and southern part one in the eastern Alps that may be connected to populations in Slovenia and Croatia The Sicilian population is the only Mediterranean insular population that has not been introduced The population in the Polish Carpathian Mountains extends to northern Slovakia and western Ukraine Behaviour and ecologyIn France and Italy the European wildcat is active foremost at night in undisturbed sites it is also active by day In Sicily an individual was photographed in 2009 and again in 2018 at about the same location It was probably at least 10 years old at the time of recapture Hunting and diet In Western Europe the wildcat feeds on hamsters brown rats dormice water voles voles and wood mice From time to time it also preys on small carnivores like martens European polecat stoat and least weasel Mustela nivalis as well as fawns of red deer Cervus elaphus roe deer Capreolus capreolus and chamois Rupicapra rupicapra In the Carpathians the wildcat feeds primarily on yellow necked mouse Apodemus flavicollis northern red backed vole Clethrionomys rutilus Tatra pine vole Microtus tatricus and occasionally also European hare Lepus europaeus In Transcarpathia the wildcat s diet consists of mouse like rodents galliformes and squirrels In the Dnestr swamps it preys on Microtus water voles and birds while those living in the Prut swamps primarily target water vole brown rat and muskrat Ondatra zibethicus Birds taken by Prut wildcats include warblers ferruginous duck Eurasian coot spotted crake and gadwall In Moldavia the wildcat s winter diet consists primarily of rodents while it preys on birds fish and crayfish in summer Brown rats and water voles as well as muskrats and waterfowl are the main sources of food for wildcats in the Kuban River delta Wildcats in the northern Caucasus feed on mouse like rodents and European edible dormice as well as birds young chamois and roe deer on rare occasions Wildcats on the Black Sea coast are thought to feed on small birds shrews and hares On one occasion the feathers of a white tailed eagle and the skull of a kid were found at a den site In Transcaucasia the wildcat s diet consists of gerbils voles birds and reptiles in the summer and birds mouse like rodents and hares in winter The Scottish wildcat mainly preys on European rabbit Oryctolagus cuniculus field vole Microtus agrestis bank vole Clethrionomys glareolus wood mouse Apodemus sylvaticus and birds ThreatsIn most European countries European wildcats have become rare Although legally protected they are still shot by some people mistaking them for feral cats In the Scottish Highlands where approximately 400 were thought to remain in the wild in 2004 interbreeding with feral cats is a significant threat to the wild population s distinctiveness The population in Portugal and Spain is also threatened by interbreeding with feral cats and loss of habitat The extent of hybridization is low in Germany Italy and Luxembourg In the 1990s the easternmost population in Ukraine Moldova and the Caucasus was threatened by destruction of broad leaved forests entailing a reduction of their range Only small numbers occur in protected areas Conservation effortsA closeup of a European wildcat in a German gamepark The European wildcat is protected in most European range countries It is listed in CITES Appendix II in Appendix II of the Berne Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats and in the European Union s Habitats and Species Directive Germany In 2004 the Friends of the Earth Germany initiated the project Safety Net for the European Wildcat This project aimed at relinking Germany s forests by planting bushes and trees between areas inhabited by and suitable for European wildcat and which are larger than 500 km2 190 sq mi They developed the Wildcat Routing Map a map depicting the 20 000 km 12 000 mi long network of corridors An Action Plan for the Protection of the European Wildcat in Germany was developed in 2009 aiming at doubling the area inhabited by European wildcat and linking populations within Germany and with neighbouring countries until 2019 Scotland Scottish wildcat at the British Wildlife Centre In 2013 the Scottish Wildcat Conservation Action Group developed the Scottish Wildcat Conservation Action Plan With this plan the group set national action priorities and defined responsibilities of agencies and funding priorities for conservation efforts between 2013 and 2019 Its implementation is coordinated by Scottish Natural Heritage now NatureScot However the population has been deemed no longer viable In 2023 a license was approved by NatureScot to release captive bred wildcats into the Cairngorms region in June of that year 19 cats were released in early June 2023 with a further 40 expected to follow in 2024 and 2025 In spring 2024 at least two of the cats released the previous year gave birth to kittens England Conservationists plan to start a captive breeding programme in 2019 with the aim to reintroduce cats into the wild by 2022 needs update In 2023 it was announced that beginning in 2024 wildcats would be reintroduced in Devon and Cornwall for the first time in 500 years as part of a conservation project Switzerland The European wildcat population has been protected since 1963 After a period of population decline it appears to be increasing or stabilizing once again It is unknown whether it was truly on the verge of extinction if it has returned from France or if it was reintroduced by private individuals or official services In the 21st century it has appeared in new locations such as the shores of Lake Neuchatel Its distribution and population size is assessed using hair traps stakes coated with Valerian are placed in potential habitats and the collected hairs are sorted and analyzed Out of 655 hair samples 525 were from cats including 136 from wild cats Photos also contribute to the investigation with 716 portraits including 268 of wild cats or their look alikes These results highlight the challenge of close coexistence between populations of wild cats and domestic cats and the resulting hybridization It is estimated that 15 to 20 of Jura cats are hybrids France In mainland France the wildcat species used to be widespread from ancient times until the Middle Ages However its populations began to decline during that period Although it almost disappeared in the 20th century there has been a slow resurgence in recent years As of 2012 the presence of wildcats has been confirmed in 44 departments across metropolitan France However they are considered rare in 9 of those departments In the Vosges and Jura departments they are slightly more commonly found In mainland France as of 2012 wildcats inhabit two distinct areas the northeastern region of the country and the Pyrenean region They are primarily observed in the foothills and can be found at altitudes of up to 1 700 1 800 metres 5 600 5 900 ft This population extends further south into Spain and Portugal A small remaining population of wildcats is believed to survive in the Var department particularly in the Esterel Massif In 2022 there was a notable reappearance of wildcats in the Bauges Massif Savoie department after being absent for a century In captivity The European wildcat has the reputation for being effectively impossible to raise as a pet Naturalist Frances Pitt wrote there was a time when I did not believe this my optimism was daunted by trying to keep a wildcat she named Beelzebina See alsoKellas catReferencesGerngross P Ambarli H Angelici F M Anile S Campbell R Ferreras de Andres P Gil Sanchez J M Gotz M Jerosch S Mengulluoglu D Monterroso P Zlatanova D 2023 amended version of 2022 assessment Felis silvestris IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2023 e T181049859A224982454 doi 10 2305 IUCN UK 2023 1 RLTS T181049859A224982454 en Schreber J C D 1778 Die wilde Kaze The wild Cat Die Saugthiere in Abbildungen nach der Natur mit Beschreibungen Dritter Theil Mammals illustrated from nature with descriptions Erlangen Expedition des Schreber schen Saugthier und des Esper schen Schmetterlingswerkes pp 397 402 Satunin K A 1905 Die Saugetiere des Talyschgebietes und der Mughansteppe The Mammals of the Talysh area and the Mughan steppe Mitteilungen des Kaukasischen Museums 2 87 402 Miller G S 1907 Some new European Insectivora and Carnivora Annals and Magazine of Natural History Seventh Series 20 119 389 401 doi 10 1080 00222930709487354 Miller G S 1912 Felis silvestris grampia Miller Catalogue of the Mammals of Western Europe in the collection of the British Museum London British Museum Natural History pp 464 465 Purroy F J amp Varela J M 2003 Guia de los Mamiferos de Espana Peninsula Baleares y Canarias Barcelona Lynx Edicions Kurten B 1965 On the evolution of the European Wild Cat Felis silvestris Schreber PDF Acta Zoologica Fennica 111 3 34 Kitchener A C Breitenmoser Wursten C Eizirik E Gentry A Werdelin L Wilting A Yamaguchi N Abramov A V Christiansen P Driscoll C Duckworth J W Johnson W Luo S J Meijaard E O Donoghue P Sanderson J Seymour K Bruford M Groves C Hoffmann M Nowell K Timmons Z amp Tobe S 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PDF Report IUCN Cat Specialist Group Retrieved 31 May 2019 Scottish wildcats to be released in Cairngorms BBC News 2023 Retrieved 25 March 2023 First ever Scottish wildcat release approved NatureScot 2023n Retrieved 25 March 2023 Historic milestone reached as critically endangered wildcats released into the Cairngorms National Park NatureScot Retrieved 15 June 2023 Wildcats bred in captivity released into Cairngorms BBC News 15 June 2023 Retrieved 15 June 2023 Wildcats released in Scottish Highlands in effort to prevent extinction in UK The Guardian 2023 Retrieved 18 October 2023 Kittens born in Cairngorms to captive bred Scottish wildcats BBC News 2024 Retrieved 30 June 2024 Brooks L 2024 Wildcat kittens born outside captivity in Cairngorms a major milestone The Guardian Retrieved 30 June 2024 Weston Phoebe 25 May 2019 Return of England s wildcats animals to be reintroduced after being declared extinct in 19th century The Independent Reporters Telegraph 16 February 2023 Wildcats to be released in England for first time in 500 years The Telegraph ISSN 0307 1235 Retrieved 18 February 2023 Le chat sauvage est l Animal de l annee 2020 Pro Natura in French Retrieved 8 August 2021 Le chat forestier a la reconquete de la Suisse 20 minutes in French 18 April 2019 Retrieved 8 August 2021 Hintermann amp Weber Projets www hintermannweber ch Retrieved 8 August 2021 Couleurs locales Le chat sauvage fait son retour en Suisse Play RTS in French Retrieved 8 August 2021 Nguồn gốc giống cho Dingo đong dương BestForPets vtv vn Retrieved 9 June 2023 Romain Sordello Le chat forestier Felis silvestris MNHN SPN Janvier 2012 Savoie Le chat sauvage fait son retour dans le massif des Bauges une premiere depuis un siecle Ouest France Bradshaw J 2013 The Cat at the Threshold Cat Sense The Feline Enigma Revealed Penguin Books Limited pp 36 37 ISBN 978 0 241 96046 2 External linksWikimedia Commons has media related to Felis silvestris silvestris Wikispecies has information related to Felis silvestris silvestris European wildcat Cat Specialist Group Wildcat Routing Map Friends of the Earth Germany Archived from the original on 11 February 2017 Retrieved 13 August 2019 The Scottish Wildcat Wildcat Haven Portals CatsMammalsAnimalsBiologyEurope, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library, article, read, download, free, free download, mp3, video, mp4, 3gp, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, picture, music, song, movie, book, game, games, mobile, phone, android, ios, apple, mobile phone, samsung, iphone, xiomi, xiaomi, redmi, honor, oppo, nokia, sonya, mi, pc, web, computer