In linguistics grammatical number is a feature of nouns pronouns adjectives and verb agreement that expresses count distinctions such as one two or three or more English and other languages present number categories of singular or plural both of which are cited by using the hash sign or by the numero signs No and Nos respectively Some languages also have a dual trial and paucal number or other arrangements The word number is also used in linguistics to describe the distinction between certain grammatical aspects that indicate the number of times an event occurs such as the semelfactive aspect the iterative aspect etc For that use of the term see Grammatical aspect OverviewMost languages of the world have formal means to express differences of number One widespread distinction found in English and many other languages involves a simple two way number contrast between singular and plural car cars child children etc Discussion of other more elaborate systems of number appears below Grammatical number is a morphological category characterized by the expression of quantity through inflection or agreement As an example consider the English sentences below That apple on the table is fresh Those two apples on the table are fresh The number of apples is marked on the noun apple singular number one item vs apples plural number more than one item on the demonstrative that those and on the verb is are In the second sentence all this information is redundant since quantity is already indicated by the numeral two A language has grammatical number when its nouns are subdivided into morphological classes according to the quantity they express such that Every noun belongs to a unique number class nouns are partitioned into disjoint classes by number Noun modifiers such as adjectives and verbs may also have different forms for each number class and be inflected to match the number of the nouns to which they refer number is an agreement category This is partly the case in English every noun is either singular or plural a few forms such as fish and cannon can be either according to context and at least some modifiers of nouns namely the demonstratives the personal pronouns the articles and verbs are inflected to agree with the number of the nouns to which they refer this car and these cars are correct while this cars or these car are ungrammatical and therefore incorrect However adjectives are not inflected and some verb forms do not distinguish between singular and plural She They went She They can go She They had gone She They will go Only count nouns can be freely used in the singular and in the plural Mass nouns like milk gold and furniture are normally invariable in number In some cases a normally mass noun X may be used as a count noun to collect several distinct kinds of X into an enumerable group for example a cheesemaker might speak of goat sheep and cow milk as milks Many languages distinguish between count nouns and mass nouns Not all languages have number as a grammatical category In those that do not quantity must be expressed either directly with numerals or indirectly through optional quantifiers However many of these languages compensate clarification needed for the lack of grammatical number with an extensive system of measure words Joseph Greenberg has proposed a number category hierarchy as a linguistic universal No language has a trial number unless it has a dual No language has a dual unless it has a plural This hierarchy does not account for the paucal Geographical distributionObligatory plural marking of all nouns is found throughout western and northern Eurasia and in most parts of Africa The rest of the world presents a heterogeneous picture Optional plural marking is particularly common in Southeast and East Asia and Australian languages and complete lack of plural marking is particularly found in New Guinea and Australian languages In addition to the areal correlations there also seems to be at least one correlation with morphological typology isolating languages appear to favor no or non obligatory plural marking This can be seen particularly in Africa where optionality or absence of plural marking is found particularly in the isolating languages of West Africa Types of numberSingular and plural One of the simplest number distinctions a language can make is singular and plural Singular denotes exactly one referent while plural denotes more than one referent For example in English dog singular one dogs plural two or more To mark number English has different singular and plural forms for both nouns and verbs in the third person as in my dog watches television singular and my dogs watch television plural This is not universal Wambaya marks number on nouns but not verbs and Onondaga marks number on verbs but not nouns Latin has different singular and plural forms for nouns verbs and adjectives in contrast with English where adjectives do not change for number Tundra Nenets can mark singular and plural on nouns verbs adjectives adverbs and postpositions However the most common part of speech to show a number distinction is pronouns An example of a simple pronoun system distinguishing singular and plural is that of Wayoro Wayoro pronouns Singular PluralFirst exc on oteFirst inc txireSecond en djatThird ndeke ndeatDual Like the singular denotes exactly one item the dual number denotes exactly two items For example in Camsa kes dog singular kes at two dogs dual kes eng dogs plural In languages with a singular dual plural paradigm the exact meaning of plural depends on whether the dual is obligatory or facultative optional In contrast to English and other singular plural languages where plural means two or more in languages with an obligatory dual plural strictly means three or more This is the case for Sanskrit North Mansi and Alutiiq In languages with a facultative dual two of something can be referred to using either the dual or the plural and so plural means two or more This is the case for modern Arabic dialects at least some Inuktitut dialects and Yandruwandha In some languages the dual is obligatory in certain cases but facultative in others In Slovene it is obligatory for pronouns but facultative for nouns In Comanche it is obligatory when referring to humans facultative for other animate nouns and rarely used for inanimate nouns There are also languages where the possibility of using the dual at all is restricted more than singular or plural In the possessive noun forms of Northern Sami the possessor can be in the dual number but the noun possessed can only be singular or plural Pronouns are the only part of speech with a dual form in some Polynesian languages including Samoan Tuvaluan and Maori In Maltese the dual only exists for about 30 specific nouns of which it is obligatory for only 8 hour day week month year once hundred and thousand Words that can take a facultative dual in Maltese include egg branch tear and wicker basket In Mezquital Otomi the dual can only be used by an adult male speaking to another adult male Maori pronouns Singular Dual PluralFirst exc au ahau maaua maatouFirst inc taaua taatouSecond koe koorua koutouThird ia raaua raatou Dual number existed in all nouns and adjectives of Proto Indo European around 4000 BCE and was inherited in some form in many of its prehistoric protohistoric ancient and medieval descendents Only rarely has it persisted in Indo European languages to the modern day It survived in Proto Germanic in the first and second person pronouns where it was then inherited by Old English Old High German Old Low German Early Old Swedish Old Norwegian Old Icelandic and Gothic It continued in Icelandic until the 1700s some dialects of Faroese until at least the late 1800s and some dialects of North Frisian through the 1900s From Proto Greek it entered Ancient Greek and from Proto Indo Iranian it entered Sanskrit From Proto Slavic it still exists today in Slovene and the Sorbian languages Indo European languages that have long ago lost the dual still sometimes have residual traces of it such as the English distinctions both vs all either vs any and neither vs none The Norwegian bade cognate with English both has further evolved to be able to refer to more than two items as in bade epler paerer og druer literally both apples pears and grapes Trial The trial number denotes exactly three items For example in Awa iya dog singular iyatade two dogs dual iyatado three dogs trial iyamadi dogs plural It is rare for a language to mark the trial on nouns and some sources even claim that trial marking on nouns does not exist However it has been recorded for a few languages besides Awa this includes Arabana Urama and Angaataha It is much more common for languages to have trial pronouns which is the case in the Austronesian languages of Larike Tolai Raga and Wamesa A minimal example is Nukna which has only a single trial pronoun nanggula which can be either 2nd or 3rd person The trial may also be marked on verbs such as in Lenakel Larike pronouns Singular Dual Trial PluralFirst exc aʔu arua aridu amiFirst inc itua itidu iteSecond ane irua iridu imiThird mane matua matidu mati While the dual can be obligatory or facultative according to Greville Corbett there are no known cases of an obligatory trial and the trial might always be facultative However languages may have both a facultative dual and a facultative trial like in Larike or an obligatory dual and a facultative trial like in Ngan gi Most languages with a trial are in the Austronesian family and most non Austronesian languages with a trial are still in Oceania The latter category includes the Austronesian influenced English creole languages of Tok Pisin Bislama and Pijin In Australia the trial can also be found in Aboriginal languages of many different language families In Indonesia trial pronouns are common in the storytelling of Abun a possible language isolate In the Solomon Islands trial pronouns are used very frequently in Touo either a Central Solomon language or a language isolate As a result bilingual speakers of Touo and Pijin will use trial pronouns a lot more commonly in Pijin than other speakers for whom the trial is usually a lot less common than the dual A very rare example of a spoken language with the trial in both pronouns and verbs outside of Oceania is Muklom Tangsa spoken in northeast India Paucal The paucal number represents a few a small inexactly numbered group of items For example in Motuna mahkata dog singular mahkatakaro two dogs dual mahkatanaa a few dogs paucal mahkatangung dogs plural Almost all languages with a paucal also have a dual However this is not universal Nouns in Mocovi only have singular paucal and plural On the other hand the pronouns in Mussau and Lihir have dual trial and paucal Lihir pronouns Singular Dual Trial Paucal PluralFirst exc yo gel getol gehet geFirst inc kito kitol kitahet gietSecond wa gol gotol gohet goThird e dul dietol diehet die The lower bound of the paucal is usually defined by what other number categories exist in the language In singular paucal plural paradigms use of the paucal begins at two but with the addition of the dual the paucal begins at three There is usually no exact upper bound on how many paucal refers to and its approximate range depends on both language and context It has been recorded as going up to about 5 in Warndarrang about 6 in Baiso 10 in Arabic and about 10 or 15 in Murrinh patha In Manam the primary factor for using the paucal is not a specific number range but the referents forming a single group although the paucal is most common between 3 and 5 it has been used with more than 20 In Paamese a major factor is relative group size compared to the plural such that even though the paucal generally means 12 or fewer a group of 2 000 people may be referred to in the paucal when contrasted with a group of 100 000 referred to in the plural Much like the dual it is crosslinguistically variable which words and parts of speech may be marked with the paucal Baiso has the paucal only for nouns and not pronouns whereas Yimas has the paucal only for pronouns and not nouns In Meryam Mir the paucal is mostly marked on the verbs Avar has the paucal for only about 90 specific nouns including brush spade snake and daughter in law the only kin term that can take the paucal in Avar Takivatan Bunun has a paucal only in its distal demonstratives used in reference to people It is common for former trials to evolve in meaning to become paucals and many Austronesian languages have paucal markers that are etymologically derived from the numeral three indicating the old usage It is less common for duals to evolve into paucals but this has been observed in some dialects of Arabic Paucals that are etymologically trials are sometimes incorrectly described as being trials For example trial pronouns were once described as being found in all the Kiwaian languages but it is now recognized that many actually have a paucal instead Linguist Michael Cysouw has suggested that most languages reported to have trials in fact have mislabelled paucals and that true trials are very rare On the other hand Luise Hercus stated in her published grammar of Arabana that the language s trial which can be marked on nouns is a true trial which cannot act as a paucal Similar things have been said about trial pronouns in Larike and Anejom Russian has what has variably been called paucal numerals the count form the adnumerative or the genitive of quantification When a noun in the nominative case has a numeral added to quantify it the noun becomes genitive singular with 2 3 or 4 but genitive plural with 5 or above Many linguists have described these as paucal constructions However some have disagreed on the grounds that a Russian noun cannot be declined to stand by itself and mean anywhere between 2 and 4 Similar constructions can be found in other Slavic languages including Polish Serbo Croatian and Slovene Because Slovene also has a regular dual there is a four way distinction of nouns being singular with 1 dual with 2 plural with 3 or 4 and genitive plural with 5 or more Greater paucal The greater paucal number is a larger paucal category for an inexactly numbered group that is larger in size than a smaller paucal It can be found in the pronouns of the Austronesian language of Sursurunga which exhibit a five way distinction described as singular dual paucal greater paucal and plural The Sursurunga paucal is used for smaller groups usually of about three or four or for nuclear families of any size The Sursurunga greater paucal is used for groups of four or more and must be used instead of the plural for a group of two or more dyads There is thus some overlap between the two groups a family of four can be referred to in Sursurunga by either of the paucals This distinction is found both in Sursurunga s personal pronouns and in two different sets of possessive pronouns one for edible things and one for non edible things Sursurunga pronouns Singular Dual Paucal Greater Paucal PluralFirst exc iau giur gimtul gimhat gimFirst inc gitar gitul githat gitSecond iau gaur gamtul gamhat gamThird ai on diar ditul dihat diQuadral The quadral number denotes exactly four items Apparent examples of its use are almost entirely confined to pronouns and specifically those in the languages of Oceania or in sign languages It has been contested whether the quadral truly exists in natural language some linguists have rejected it as an extant category while others have accepted it Some languages that have previously been described as having a quadral like Sursurunga have since been reanalyzed as having a paucal instead Like trial forms quadral forms of pronouns have been said to be attested in the Melanesian pidgins of Tok Pisin Bislama and Pijin However while these are grammatically possible they are rare and plural forms are almost always used in their place Many different sign languages have been explicitly described as having quadral pronoun forms Estonian Sign Language has even been described as having the quadral for nouns Marshallese has been said to have the quadral as a regular feature in its pronoun system While the apparent Marshallese quadral can mean exactly four it also has an alternate rhetorical use in speeches to larger groups in order to impart a sense of individual intimacy According to Greville Corbett this means it is better classified as a paucal However there is not consensus that this alternate use means Marshallese does not truly have a quadral the final 2016 reference grammar of Marshallese by Byron W Bender a linguist whose expertise was the language still refers to it as having a quadral Besides singular dual trial and quadral or paucal Marshallese additionally has two different plural forms one for five or more and one for two or more referred to as multiple and plural absolute respectively creating a partially overlapping six way number distinction Kove has been recorded as having a similar pronoun system as Marshallese with one addition the plural 2 is split between two categories one for members of the same family and one for members of different families creating a seven way distinction Marshallese pronouns Ralik dialect Singular Dual Trial Quadral or Paucal Multiple 5 Plural 2 First exc na kōmro kōmjeel kōm je ean kōmwōj kōmFirst inc kōjro kōjjeel kōjean kōjwōj kōjSecond kwe koṃro koṃjeel koṃ je ean koṃwōj koṃThird e erro erjeel er je jean erwōj er A few other languages have also been claimed to have quadral pronouns Robert Blust and others have said they exist in some of the Austronesian Kenyah languages specifically the highland Lepoʼ Sawa dialect spoken in Long Anap There seems to be no other published sources of info on this dialect s pronouns and an investigation into the lowland Lebo Vo dialect has revealed a paucal instead of a quadral A quadral claim has also been made for the animate demonstrative pronouns in Nauruan Outside the Austronesian family Abun storytelling reportedly frequently contains quadral pronouns in addition to trial ones Perhaps the only known spoken language outside Oceania to have a claimed quadral is Apinaye of Brazil recorded as having a third person pronominal prefix meaning they four although this has been little researched or described In some Austronesian languages with a singular dual trial plural pronoun system the plural forms are etymologically related to the number four This has led to suggestions or assertions that historically a true quadral did exist but it has since morphed into a plural form It has thus been hypothesized that the quadral existed in Proto Oceanic and Proto Southern Vanuatu Quintal The quintal number denotes exactly five items Apparent examples of its use can mostly only be found in pronouns of sign languages Like the quadral its existence has been contested and only some classifications accept it Like trial and quadral forms rare quintal forms of pronouns have been said to be attested in Tok Pisin and Bislama These languages insert numerals to represent exact numbers of referents For example in Bislama the numerals tu two and tri three are contained within the second person pronouns yutufala dual and yutrifala trial These forms theoretically have no specific limit but in practicality usually stop at three Bislama pronouns Standard Rare StandardSingular Dual Trial Quadral Quintal PluralFirst exc mi mitufala mitrifala mifofala mifaefala mifalaFirst inc yumitufala yumitrifala yumifofala yumifaefala yumiSecond yu yutufala yutrifala yufofala yufaefala yufalaThird em tufala trifala fofala faefala olgeta Sign languages described as having a quintal in addition to the quadral include American Sign Language Argentine Sign Language British Sign Language German Sign Language Levantine Arabic Sign Language and Ugandan Sign Language The validity has been debated of categorizing sign language pronouns as having a quadral or a quintal Linguist Susan McBurney has contended that American Sign Language has a true dual but that the trial quadral and quintal should instead be classified as numeral incorporation rather than grammatical number This is motivated by the dual marker handshape being distinct from the handshape for the numeral two in contrast to higher number markers the ability to also incorporate these numerals into other words including those for times and amounts and the use of markers higher than the dual not being obligatory with replacement by the plural being acceptable There was not enough data available to McBurney to argue whether or not these reasons equally applied to other sign languages Linguist Raquel Veiga Busto has argued they do not equally apply to Catalan Sign Language and has applied the terms quadral and quintal to the language s pronouns for convenience without taking an official stance as to whether they are grammatical number or numeral incorporation A third model is to categorize the apparent trial quadral quintal forms as cardinal plurals or forms of the grammatical plural number where the number of people is specified Other authors have treated these concepts as perfectly equivalent referring to pronoun numeral incorporation while still applying the terms quadral and quintal There are also cases of sign language pronouns indicating specific numbers of referents above five Ugandan Sign Language has a rare pronoun form for exactly six people Some American Sign Language speakers have incorporated numerals up to nine into inclusive pronouns upon solicitation Israeli Sign Language theoretically has the grammatical ability to incorporate numerals up to ten into pronouns Greater plural Greater plural is a number larger than and beyond plural In various forms across different languages it has also been called the global plural the remote plural the plural of abundance the unlimited plural and the superplural For example in Tswana ntsa dog singular dintsa dogs plural mantsa a very large number of dogs greater plural The greater plural may also be a component of larger number systems Nouns in Barngarla have a four way distinction of singular dual plural and greater plural The same four way distinction is found in Mokilese pronouns where a former trial has evolved to become a plural leaving the former plural with a greater plural meaning A different four way distinction of singular paucal plural and greater plural can be found in some verbs of Hualapai A more complex system is found in Mele Fila pronouns distinguish singular dual plural and greater plural but articles attached to nouns distinguish singular paucal and plural The result is that for full sentences there is a combined five way distinction of singular dual paucal plural and greater plural Singular and plural have straightforward number agreements whereas dual has dual pronouns but paucal articles paucal has plural pronouns but paucal articles and greater plural has greater plural pronouns but plural articles Mokilese pronouns Singular Dual Plural Greater PluralFirst exc ngoah ngoahi kama kamai kimiFirst inc kisa kisai kihsSecond koah koawoa kamwa kamwai kimwiThird ih ara ira arai irai ihr The exact meaning of and terminology for the greater plural differs between languages In some languages like Miya it represents a large number of something and has been called the plural of abundance In other languages like Kaytetye it can refer to all of something in existence and has been called the global plural Like some other grammatical numbers languages also vary as to which cases the greater plural may be used in The greater plural is more common in nouns than in pronouns Accordingly in Kaytetye the greater plural exists only in nouns and not pronouns Oppositely Mokilese has the greater plural in pronouns but not nouns Chamacoco has the greater plural only in first person inclusive pronouns second person pronouns and first person inclusive verb inflections Tigre has the greater plural only in a single word nalat which means a large number of deer Greatest plural Greatest plural is a number larger than and beyond greater plural It has also been called the even greater plural For example in Warekena ʧinu dog singular ʧinune dogs plural ʧinunawi very many dogs greater plural ʧinunenawi very many dogs indeed so many one cannot count them greatest plural A similar system is found in Banyun where the greater plural represents unlimitedness and the greatest plural represents a higher degree of unlimitedness Linguist Daniel Harbour has represented the paucal greater paucal plural greater plural and greatest plural as collectively definable by cuts that divide the range of possible numbers into different sections One low cut defines paucal and plural and one high cut defines plural and greater plural Two low cuts define paucal greater paucal and plural one low cut and one high cut define paucal plural and greater plural and two high cuts define plural greater plural and greatest plural There does not appear to be any language with three such cuts and so no language with three paucal categories and an even greater paucal Because they are inexactly defined the existence of multiple plural categories may blur the line between paucal and plural For example Mele Fila is said to have a paucal plural and greater plural However the transition between plural and greater plural occurs around 15 to 20 This puts the Mele Fila plural in range of some larger paucals described in other languages Thus the distinction is muddied between a system of paucal plural greater plural and a system of paucal greater paucal plural Other examples can be found in the related languages of Northern Gumuz and Daatsʼiin Northern Gumuz is said to mark the plural and greater plural on verbs and Daatsʼiin is said to mark three degrees of plurality plural greater plural and greatest plural on verbs In both languages though the plural is often actually a paucal understood to mean about two to four However in neither language is this always the case The Northern Gumuz paucal plural may sometimes refer to much greater than four General singulative and plurative In some languages the default form of a noun is not singular but rather general which does not specify number and could mean one or more than one Singular and plural forms are marked from the general form The general is used when the specific number is deemed irrelevant or unimportant In this system the singular is often called the singulative to distinguish it as derived from a different form Similarly the plural derived from the general has been called the plurative For example in Pular bare dog s general any number bareeru dog singulative bareeji dogs plurative However some languages only have a two way difference between general and plurative like in Japanese inu 犬 dog s general inutachi 犬たち dogs plurative Less common is a two way distinction between general and singulative No language has this as its default number contrast although some languages have specific nouns with this distinction For example in Sidama goto hyena s general gotiicco hyena singulative In some languages like Afar few nouns have a three way contrast of general singulative plurative but nouns with two way contrasts of general singulative and general plurative are both common There are also languages which regularly employ different number systems with a dual trial paucal or greater plural in addition to a general Hamer general singulative and paucal qaski dog s general qaskino dog singulative qaskina a few dogs paucal Warlpiri general dual and paucal maliki dog s general malikijarra two dogs dual malikipatu a few dogs paucal Bambassi general dual and plurative kane dog s general kankuwe two dogs dual kanole dogs plurative Baiso general singulative paucal and plurative ker dog s general kertiti dog singulative kerdʒedʒa a few dogs paucal keroor dogs plurative Arabana general dual trial and plurative madla dog s general madlapula two dogs dual madlakarikari three dogs trial madlakari dogs plurative Kaytetye general dual plurative and greater plural aleke dog s general aleketherre two dogs dual alekamerne dogs plurative alekeynenge all dogs greater plural Additional other systems can be seen in some languages only for specific nouns In Burushaski for nouns that have the same form in the singular and the plural the plural marker signifies a greater plural chumo fish general chumomuc a quite large number of fish greater plural In addition to general singulative and paucal some nouns in Hamer have an additional distinction that has been analyzed either as a greater plural or a collective plural It seems to unambiguously be a greater plural in specific cases such as hamar Hamer person people general hamarta m hamartono f Hamer person singulative hamarra a few Hamer people paucal hamarro all Hamer people greater plural Some dialects of Arabic have a few nouns that exhibit a five way distinction of general singulative dual plurative and greater plural In Damascus Arabic debban fly flies general debbane fly singulative debbanten two flies dual debbanat flies plurative dababin many flies greater plural Minimal unit augmented and augmented Minimal unit augmented and augmented are a different set of number categories for pronouns in languages that grammatically treat a first person dual inclusive pronoun identically to singular pronouns and a first person trial inclusive pronoun identically to dual pronouns It is a relative paradigm that replaces the absolute paradigm of singular dual trial and plural for languages where absolute classification is ill fitting For example under a singular dual trial plural analysis the pronouns in Ilocano and Bininj Kunwok are Ilocano pronouns Singular Dual PluralFirst exc co miFirst inc ta tayoSecond mo yoThird na da Bininj Kunwok pronouns Singular Dual Trial PluralFirst exc ngarduk ngarrewoneng ngadberreFirst inc ngarrgu garriwoneng gadberreSecond nguddanggi ngurriwoneng ngudberreThird nuye ngarre berrewoneng bedberre Singular does not exist for first person inclusive which is by definition at least two people In Ilocano the dual only exists for first person inclusive and likewise for the trial in Bininj Kunwok Such categorization has been called inelegant It can also poorly reflect the grammatical structure using the suffix woneng Bininj Kunwok treats the first person inclusive trial identically to the duals in other persons even though it refers to three people The alternate analysis is thus Ilocano pronouns Minimal AugmentedFirst exc co miFirst inc ta tayoSecond mo yoThird na da Bininj Kunwok pronouns Minimal Unit augmented AugmentedFirst exc ngarduk ngarrewoneng ngadberreFirst inc ngarrgu garriwoneng gadberreSecond nguddanggi ngurriwoneng ngudberreThird nuye ngarre berrewoneng bedberre The minimal number is the smallest possible group for each category For 1st exclusive 2nd and 3rd this is one and for 1st inclusive this is two Unit augmented is one more than minimal For 1st exclusive 2nd and 3rd this is two and for 1st inclusive this is three Augmented is an equivalent to plural In a minimal augmented system augmented means more than one for 1st exclusive 2nd and 3rd and means more than two for 1st inclusive In a minimal unit augmented augmented system augmented means more than two for 1st exclusive 2nd and 3rd and means more than three for 1st inclusive Besides Ilocano languages considered to have a minimal augmented pronoun system include Tagalog Maranao Maskelynes and Ho Chunk The three way distinction with the addition of unit augmented is mostly found in Australian Aboriginal languages more specifically non Pama Nyungan languages Among the very few languages outside Australia it applies to is the Austronesian language Aiwoo and the Trans New Guinea language of Kunimaipa Minimal and augmented may also combine with paucal to create a three way pronoun system of minimal paucal and augmented plural This is reportedly the case with Kayapo A four way system of minimal unit augmented paucal and plural is theoretically possible but has never been observed in any natural language Composed numbers Composed numbers are number categories built from multiple number markers combined They are a rare phenomenon Dual and plural In Breton lagad eye singular daoulagad two eyes dual lagadou eyes plural daoulagadou pairs of eyes composed dual plural Breton only has the dual for nouns that naturally come in pairs mostly body parts and items of clothing The composed dual and plural indicates multiple sets of two each whereas the regular plural represents multiple items without them conceptualized as coming in pairs There is at least one attestation in Ancient Egyptian from an inscription dating to the reign of Merneptah of the exact same grammatical construction with the word hand to mean multiple pairs of hands A similar category can be found in some nouns of Classical Arabic where it has been called the dual of the plural However its meaning is the reverse of the Breton construction Rather than multiple sets of two each it indicates two sets of multiple each Thus there is rumḥun spear singular rumḥani two spears dual rimaḥun spears plural and rimaḥani two groups of spears dual of the plural The Arabic dual of the plural more specifically implies a minimum of six items or two groups of three each Plural and plural In Breton and Classical Arabic as well as in Somali and Maasai some nouns may compose the plural with itself to mean multiple different groups This has been called the plural of the plural the plural plural or the double plural An Arabic example is kalb dog singular aklub dogs plural and akalib groups of dogs double plural The Arabic double plural implies a minimum of nine items or three groups of three each Some Classical Arabic nouns may even compose the plural with itself yet again to create the plural plural plural or triple plural such as firqat sect singular firaq sects plural ʔafraq groups of sects double plural and ʔafariq groups of groups of sects triple plural The triple plural implies a minimum of 27 items According to the 15th century linguist and polymath Jalal al Din al Suyuti the Arabic word for male camel jamalun may be cumulatively pluralized up to six times ʔajmulun plural ʔajmalun double plural jamilun triple plural jimalun quadruple plural jimalatun quintuple plural and jimalatun sextuple plural Conflated numbers Some number categories formed from the combination of other existing categories have only been attested as occurring secondarily alongside other grammatical number systems within a language These have been called conflated numbers Singular dual A few languages have specific parts of speech that distinguish between two number categories one or two and more than two The former category can be thought of as a single conflated singular dual number For example in the nouns of Kalaw Lagaw Ya umay dog s one or two umayl dogs plural three or more The pronouns and verbs of Kalaw Lagaw Ya distinguish singular dual and plural leaving no ambiguity between one and two in full sentences While Kalaw Lagaw Ya has the singular dual in all nouns Central Pame has it specifically in inanimate nouns such as cihagŋ spoon s one or two and sihagŋ spoons plural three or more Pame animate nouns largely have a full three way distinction nado dog singular nadoi two dogs dual and ladot dogs plural The singular dual may also be found in verbs Hopi verbs distinguish singular dual and plural 3 while Hopi pronouns distinguish singular and plural 2 The dual can be represented with a plural pronoun combined with a singular dual verb This phenomenon has been called a constructed number or a Frankendual However Hopi nouns still overtly distinguish singular dual and plural Idi goes even further by having no specific dual markers of any kind for any part of speech with the only way to represent dual being combining a singular dual verb with a plural noun A more complex example comes from Koasati where besides plural some verbs have singular and dual some verbs just have singular and some verbs just have singular dual Some Koasati verbs Verb Singular Dual Plural to sit cokko lin cikki kan i san to run wali kan toɬkan to die illin hapkanSingular dual trial In the Tucanoan language of Tuyuca inanimate classifiers which attach to nouns distinguish one to three versus more than three hooporo banana s one to three hoopori bananas plural four or more The related Tucanoan language of Wanano also has some nouns that function this way The same number distinction is also seen in the verb for climb in Miriwoong an Australian language Singular dual trial quadral In Piratapuyo closely related to Wanano some nouns with inanimate classifiers distinguish between one and four versus more than four pika finger s one to four pikari fingers plural five or more Singular paucal Zuni similarly to Hopi shows a singular dual versus plural distinction in its verbs and a plural noun with a nonplural verb indicates dual However the opposite combination a nonplural noun with a plural verb is also possible and can be variably interpreted as one two or a few Zuni nouns have thus been described as having a singular paucal versus plural distinction Some nouns in Navajo have also been described as working this way such as kǫ fire s one or several daakǫ fires many Similarly although Larike pronouns exhibit singular dual trial and plural they can only be used for human referents For nonhuman referents there are only two possible numbers which are marked on the verb a plural and a singular that can be used to mean anywhere from one to a few Nondual The nondual number means any number except two For example in Wangkumara d it i dog s nondual one or three or more than three d it ibula two dogs dual Wangkumara does not normally mark number directly on nouns Instead it distinguishes singular dual and plural using adnominal pronouns plural indicating adjectives like many or marking on other adjectives The exception is that nouns take the dual enclitic when referring to two Thus for nouns alone the only distinction is dual and nondual A more complex system can be found in the Tanoan languages of Kiowa and Jemez These languages have what is called an inverse number system Although the languages distinguish between singular dual and plural any given noun only has a single possible number marker What number is implicit in an unmarked noun depends on its class In Kiowa by default Class I nouns are singular dual Class II nouns are plural two or more Class III nouns are dual and Class IV nouns are mass nouns with no number The inverse number marker changes the noun to whatever number s the unmarked noun isn t such as changing Class III nouns from dual to nondual In Jemez Class III nouns are the opposite they are inherently nondual and get marked for dual Some Kiowa nouns Class Noun Singular Dual PluralI bug pol poldauII stick aadau aaIII tomato k aundau k aun k aundauIV rock ts ow Some Jemez nouns Class Noun Singular Dual PluralI crow kyaa kyaashII bridge waakwesh waakweIII flower pa pash paIV snow zu The nondual versus dual distinction may also be found in verbs Timbisha has verbs with several different possible number distinctions including nondual ones A more minor example is Forest Enets which has the nondual only in its intransitive third person imperative verbs Some Timbisha verbs Verb Singular Dual Plural to emerge to e toto e kɨa to fall pahe pokoa to kill pakka wasɨ to go mi a mimi a mi a The nondual violates a proposed universal of conflated systems namely that they will always encompass every value except plural Regardless the nondual has still been referred to as a conflation of number values Numberless languages A small number of languages have no grammatical number at all even in pronouns A well known example is Piraha Acehnese comes close but appears to have a singular plural distinction only in the first person pronouns Piraha pronouns First tiSecond gixaiThird hiapioxioSummary of number systems Grammatical number distinctions found in world languages System Number of distinctions ExampleLanguage Part s of speech Source Numberless 1 Piraha Singular plural 2 English Nouns pronouns verbs 3rd person General singulative 2 Sidama Nouns some General plurative 2 Japanese NounsGeneral greater plural 2 Burushaski Nouns some Minimal augmented 2 Ilocano PronounsSingular dual plural 2 Kalaw Lagaw Ya NounsHopi VerbsSingular paucal plural 2 Zuni NounsLarike Verbs non human referents Singular dual trial plural 2 Tuyuca Nouns inanimate Singular dual trial quadral plural 2 Piratapuyo Nouns some Nondual dual 2 Wangkumara NounsTimbisha Verbs some Singular dual plural 3 Alutiiq Nouns pronouns verbsSingular paucal plural 3 Mocovi NounsSingular plural double plural 3 Somali Nouns some Singular plural greater plural 3 Tswana Nouns some General singulative paucal 3 Hamer Nouns some General singulative plurative 3 Pular NounsGeneral dual paucal 3 Warlpiri NounsGeneral dual plurative 3 Bambassi NounsMinimal unit augmented augmented 3 Bininj Kunwok PronounsMinimal paucal plural 3 Kayapo PronounsSingular dual trial plural 4 Urama Nouns pronounsLenakel Verbs pronounsSingular dual paucal plural 4 Motuna NounsYimas PronounsSingular dual plural dual plural 4 4 Breton Nouns some Singular dual plural plural dual 6 4 Classical Arabic Nouns some Singular dual plural double plural 4 Classical Arabic Nouns some Singular dual plural greater plural 4 Barngarla NounsMokilese PronounsSingular paucal plural greater plural 4 Hualapai Verbs some Singular plural greater plural greatest plural 4 Warekena NounsDaatsʼiin Verbs some cases General singulative paucal and plurative 4 Baiso NounsGeneral singulative paucal greater plural 4 Hamer Nouns some General dual trial plurative 4 Arabana NounsGeneral dual plurative greater plural 4 Kaytetye NounsSingular dual trial quadral plural 5 Russian Sign Language PronounsSingular dual trial paucal plural 5 Mussau PronounsSingular dual paucal greater paucal plural 5 Sursurunga PronounsSingular dual paucal plural greater plural 5 Mele Fila Pronoun article combinationsSingular dual plural double plural triple plural 5 Classical Arabic Nouns some General singulative dual plurative greater plural 5 Damascus Arabic Nouns some Singular dual trial quadral quintal plural 6 Levantine Arabic Sign Language PronounsSingular dual trial quadral paucal plural 5 plural 2 6 Marshallese PronounsSingular dual trial quadral quintal six referents plural 7 Ugandan Sign Language PronounsSingular dual plural double plural triple plural quadruple plural quintuple plural sextuple plural 8 Classical Arabic 15th century The word for camelSingular dual trial quadral quintal six referents nine referents plural 10 American Sign Language Pronouns some speakers Singular dual trial quadral quintal six referents ten referents plural 11 Israeli Sign Language PronounsSingular dual trial plural Bislama Pronouns Category s existence has been debated No exact limitDistributives and collectivesDistributives and collectives are two related categories whose inclusion in grammatical number has been contested Both describe how members of a group are viewed rather than how many members are in that group Distributive plural The distributive plural denotes multiple entities that are separated and distinct either in physical space through time or by type For example in Dagaare baa dog singular baare dogs plural baarɛɛ dogs in different locations distributive plural In Dagaare the distributive plural may indicate either referents in different locations or referents of different types By contrast in Quileute it only means referents in different locations and in Mohawk it only means referents of different types Thus in Mohawk there is ierakewahtha towel and ierakewahtha shon a various products for wiping like towels napkins and so on It is also possible to have distributive pronouns such as those found in Yir Yoront which distinguish between you and I and you and I acting separately Yir Yoront pronouns nominative Singular Dual Dual Distributive Plural Plural Distributive First exc ngoyo ngelen ngel ngelen ngethn ngel ngethnFirst inc ngele ngel ngele ngopol ngol ngopolSecond nhorto nhopol nhol nhopol nhepl nhel nheplThird nholo pula pul pula pilin pil pilin However it is most common to mark the distributive on verbs This may distribute the action across various individuals such as in the Paraguayan Guarani constructions ha ekuera opo i ita i they dropped a pebble ha ekuera opo ipo i ita i they each dropped a pebble It may also distribute the action across time such as in the Nelemwa words taxe to throw and taraxe to throw repeatedly Some ǂʼAmkoe verbs offer multiple senses of the distributive for one verb qǁʼao to stab kiqǁʼaotcu to stab repeatedly kiqǁʼaoqǁo to stab several things at different locations The distributive plural may be a part of even larger paradigms in Urarina intransitive verbs describing a positional state such as it is lying on its side distinguish between singular dual paucal plural 4 and distributive plural While some linguists have treated the distributive as a category of grammatical number others have rejected this A few things make its categorization as a grammatical number potentially problematic Several languages allow the distributive to be added to mass nouns that are normally not considered to have number such as the Dagaare salema gold and salemɛɛ gold in different locations This can be described as a nondistributive versus distributive distinction with neither being singular or plural Several languages also allow separate plural and distributive markers to be added to a word at the same time Additionally grammatical number frequently requires agreement but distributivity does not Collective plural The collective plural denotes multiple entities that are considered together as a unit It is often conceptualized as the opposite of the distributive For example in Tunica sa dog singular sa unima two dogs dual sasinima dogs plural sahchi pack of dogs collective plural The collective may be limited to just a small subset of nouns like in Kujireray where it can only be used with certain insects and small objects enipora fly sinipora flies and banipora swarm of flies Just like the distributive the collective can also change the meaning of verbs as in Panyjima karri to stand and karrinyayi to stand together In Vaeakau Taumako the collective is indicated through different articles te tai the person ngha tai the people and a tai the group of people The collective presents similar issues as the distributive in its potential classification as grammatical number including the fact that some languages allow both collective and plural markers on the same words Adding a collective to a plural word does not change the number of referents only how those referents are conceptualized Number in specific languagesBasque Basque declension has four grammatical numbers indefinite definite singular definite plural and definite close plural The indefinite is used after the question words Zer What Zein Which and Zenbat How much How many after indefinite numerals such as zenbait some hainbat several honenbeste horrenbeste hainbeste so many so much bezainbeste as much as as many as and before asko anitz this one can go before nouns ugari pilo bat mordo bat after makina bat much many a lot lots of plenty of before gutxi a few little and batzuk some and the numbers if they do not refer to a defined amount Zer etxe eraberritu duzu What house s have you renewed Zer etxe eraberritu dituzu What houses have you renewed Zein etxetan bizi zinen In what house s were you living Zenbat etxe dituzu How many houses have you got Lapurrak hainbat etxetan sartu dira The thieves have broken into a number of houses Lapurra hainbeste etxetan sartu da The thief has broken into so many houses A noun followed by an adjective or a demonstrative is in the absolutive case and the last word in the phrase is declined Etxea The house House Etxe bat A house Etxe handi bat A big house Etxe handi batean In a big house Etxe handi hori That big house Etxe zuri handi horretan In that big white house If the amount is known the plural grammatical numbers are used Lapurrak bi etxetan sartu dira The thieves have broken in two houses indefinite the houses are unknown to the speakers Lapurrak bizpahiru etxetan sartu dira The thieves have broken in two or three houses indefinite the speakers does not know the exact amount of houses Lapurrak bi etxeetan sartu dira The thieves have broken in both houses definite plural both are known to the speakers Lapurrak bi etxeotan sartu dira The thieves have broken in these two houses definite close plural both are being shown by the speaker The indefinite is also used in some idioms and set phrases Egun on Good day Good morning On egin Bon appetit Etxez etxe From house to house Mezatara joan Go to the mass Etxe bila ibili To look for a house and as the root for compound words etxe galgarri etxekalte Person or thing which brings loss to a home or derivative words etxeratu To go home To send home etxekoi fond of home etxegile housebuilder The definite singular is used to designate a person or thing known or to present Zer da eraikin hori Nire etxea da What is that building It is my home Etxea nirea da The house is mine The definite plural designates people or things known or present Zer dira eraikin horiek Nire etxeak dira What are those buildings They are my houses Etxeak nireak dira The houses are mine The definite close plural refers to people or things which are in the vicinity of the speakers Zer dira eraikinok Nire etxeak dira What are those buildings They are my houses Etxeok nireak dira These houses are mine It is also used to include oneself in the group referred to Nafarrak festazaleak dira The Navarrese like celebrations the speaker is not a Navarrese Nafarrok festazaleak gara We Navarrese like celebrations the speaker is a Navarrese Verbs have four singular persons and three plural ones as follows Singular First person the speaker Euskalduna naiz I am Basque Testua idatzi dut I have written the text Informal second person the person the speaker is addressing to i e an inferior an animal a child a monologue with oneself Euskalduna haiz Thou art Basque In some tenses there are different verbs for a man or a woman Testua idatzi duk Thou hast written the text said to a man a boy Testua idatzi dun Thou hast written the text said to a woman a girl Formal second person the person the speaker is addressing to a superior somebody older one s parents the most frequent one Euskalduna zara You singular are Basque Testua idatzi duzu You sing have written the text Third person neither the speaker nor the listener Handia da He She It is big Testua idatzi du He She It has written the text Plural First person the speaker and somebody else at least Euskaldunak gara We are Basque Testua idatzi dugu We have written the text Second person the addressees Euskaldunak zarete You plural are Basque said to a group either informally or formally Testua idatzi duzue You pl have written the text Third person more than one person outside the conversation Handiak dira They are big Testua idatzi dute They have written the text English English is typical of most world languages in distinguishing only between singular and plural number Singular corresponds to exactly one or minus one while plural applies to all other cases including more and less than one or even 1 0 The plural form of a noun is usually created by adding the suffix e s The pronouns have irregular plurals as in I versus we because they are ancient and frequently used words going back to when English had a well developed system of declension English verbs distinguish singular from plural number in the third person present tense He goes versus They go Old English also contained dual grammatical numbers Modern English retains a few residual terms reflective of dual number such as both and neither as opposed to all and none respectively but they are generally considered to no longer constitute a separate grammatical number Finnish The Finnish language has a plural form of almost every noun case except the comitative which is formally only plural talo house talot houses taloissa in the houses However when a number is used or a word signifying a number monta many the singular version of the partitive case is used kolme taloa three houses and where no specific number is mentioned the plural version of the partitive case is used taloja and in the possessive genitive talon ovi the house s door talojen ovet the houses doors French In modern Romance languages nouns adjectives and articles are declined according to number singular or plural only Verbs are conjugated for number as well as person French treats zero as using the singular number not the plural In its written form French declines nouns for number singular or plural In speech however the majority of nouns and adjectives are not declined for number The typical plural suffix s or es is silent no longer indicating a change in pronunciation Spoken number marking on the noun appears when liaison occurs Some plurals do differ from the singular in pronunciation for example masculine singulars in al al sometimes form masculine plurals in aux o Proper nouns are not pluralized even in writing Les voitures but Les Peugeot 404 Normally the article or determiner is the primary spoken indicator of number Hebrew In Modern Hebrew a Semitic language most nouns have only singular and plural forms such as ספר ˈsefeʁ book and ספרים sfaˈʁim books but some have distinct dual forms using a distinct dual suffix largely nouns pertaining to numbers or time such as אלפיים alˈpajim two thousand and שבועיים ʃvuˈajim two weeks some use this dual suffix for their regular plurals largely body parts that tend to come in pairs such as עיניים eiˈnajim eyes as well as some that do not such as שיניים ʃiˈnajim teeth and some are inherently dual such as מכנסיים mixnaˈsajim pants and אופניים ofaˈnajim bicycle Adjectives verbs and pronouns agree with their subjects or antecedents numbers but only have a two way distinction between singular and plural dual nouns entail plural adjectives verbs and pronouns Mortlockese The Mortlockese language of the Mortlock Islands uses a base 10 counting system Pronouns nouns and demonstratives are used exclusively in the singular and plural forms through the use of classifiers suffixes and prefixes There are no other dual or trial grammatical forms in the Mortlockese language Different forms that can be used in the language include first person singular and plural words second person singular words like umwi second person plural words like aumi used to refer to an outside group and third person plural words Russian Modern Russian has a singular vs plural number system but the declension of noun phrases containing numeral expressions follows complex rules For example U menya est odna kniga tri knigi pyat knig I have one book nom sing three book gen sing five book gen plur See Dual number Slavic languages for a discussion of number phrases in Russian and other Slavic languages The numeral one also has a plural form used with pluralia tantum as in odni chasy one clock The same form is used with countable nouns in meaning only Krugom odni idioty There are only idiots around Swedish Swedish inflects nouns in singular and plural The plural of the noun is usually obtained by adding a suffix according to the noun s declension The suffixes are as follows or in the 1st declension e g flicka flickor ar in the 2nd e g bil bilar er in the 3rd e g katt katter n in the 4th e g apple applen and no inflectional suffix is added for the nouns in the 5th declension e g bord bord Verbs in Swedish do not distinguish singular from plural number but adjectives do Constructed languages Auxiliary languages often have fairly simple systems of grammatical number In one of the most common schemes found for example in Interlingua and Ido nouns and pronouns distinguish between singular and plural but not other numbers and adjectives and verbs do not display any number agreement In Esperanto however adjectives must agree in both number and case with the nouns that they qualify Laadan uses a singular paucal superplural breakdown with paucal indicating between two and five items inclusive Formal expressionSynthetic languages typically distinguish grammatical number by inflection Analytic languages such as Chinese often do not mark grammatical number Some languages have no marker for the plural in certain cases e g Swedish hus house houses but huset the house husen the houses In most languages the singular is formally unmarked whereas the plural is marked in some way Other languages most notably the Bantu languages mark both the singular and the plural for instance Swahili see example below The third logical possibility found in only a few languages such as Welsh and Sinhala is an unmarked plural contrasting with marked singular Below are some examples of number affixes for nouns where the inflecting morphemes are underlined Affixation by adding or removing prefixes suffixes infixes or circumfixes Estonian puu tree wood singular puud the trees woods nominative plural or kolm puud three trees partitive singular Finnish lehma cow the cow singular lehmat the cows nominative plural Turkish dag the mountain singular daglar mountains plural Slovene lipa linden singular lipi linden dual lipe linden plural Sanskrit प र षस puruṣas man singular प र ष puruṣau two men dual प र ष स puruṣas men plural Sinhala මලක malak flower singular මල mal flowers plural Swahili mtoto child singular watoto children plural Ganda omusajja man singular abasajja men plural Georgian კაცი k aci man singular კაცები k acebi men where i is the nominative case marker Welsh plant children collective plentyn child singulative Care should be taken with Welsh not to confuse singulative collective with singular plural see Barngarla warraidya emu singular warraidyalbili two emus dual warraidyarri emus plural warraidyailyarranha a lot of emus greater plural Simulfix through various kinds of internal sound alternations Arabic ك ت اب kitab book singular ك ت ب kutub books plural Welsh adar birds collective deryn bird singulative The yn suffix which adds an extra syllable to the root word adar causes the initial and semantically empty syllable to be dropped The suffix also causes the same vowel affection as seen in the affixation type above and the apophony type below changing the root vowel a to e The same process can be seen in the pair hosan sock and sanau socks where the plural suffix au causes the initial syllable ho to be dropped Apophony alternating between different vowels Dinka kat frame kɛt frames English foot feet German Mutter mother Mutter mothers Welsh bachgen boy bechgyn boys See affection Reduplication through doubling Indonesian orang person singular orang orang people plural BUT dua orang two people and banyak orang many people reduplication is not done when the context is clear and when the plurality is not emphasized Pipil kumit pot singular kuj kumit pots plural similar to Indonesian reduplication is omitted when plurality is marked elsewhere or not emphasized Somali buug book singular buug ag books plural Suppletion the use of the one word as the inflected form of another word Serbo Croatian cov j ek man singular ljudi men folks plural English person singular people plural used colloquially In formal and careful speech persons is still used as the plural of person while people also has its own plural in peoples Tonality by changing a drag tone to a push tone Limburgish daag day singular daag days plural Ancient Greek glῶssa glossa tongue singular glwssa glǒssa two tongues dual Elements marking number may appear on nouns and pronouns in dependent marking languages or on verbs and adjectives in head marking languages English dependent marking Western Apache head marking Paul is teaching the cowboy Paul idilohi yilch igo aah Paul is teaching the cowboys Paul idilohi yilch idago aah In the English sentence above the plural suffix s is added to the noun cowboy In the equivalent in Western Apache a head marking language a plural affix da is added to the verb yilch igo aah he is teaching him resulting in yilch idago aah he is teaching them while noun idilohi cowboy is unmarked for number Number particles Plurality is sometimes marked by a specialized number particle or number word This is frequent in Australian and Austronesian languages An example from Tagalog is the word mga mɐˈŋa compare bahay house with mga bahay houses In Kapampangan certain nouns optionally denote plurality by secondary stress ing lalaki man and ing babai woman become ding lalaki men and ding babai women Classifiers with number morphology In Sanskrit and some other languages number and case are fused categories and there is concord for number between a noun and its predicator Some languages however for example Assamese lack this feature Languages that show number inflection for a large enough corpus of nouns or allow them to combine directly with singular and plural numerals can be described as non classifier languages On the other hand there are languages that obligatorily require a counter word or the so called classifier for all nouns For example the category of number in Assamese is fused with the category of classifier which always carries a definite indefinite reading The singularity or plurality of the noun is determined by the addition of the classifier suffix either to the noun or to the numeral Number system in Assamese is either realized as numeral or as nominal inflection but not both Numerals ek one and dui two can be realized as both free morpheme and clitics When used with classifiers these two numerals are cliticised to the classifiers Pingelapese is a Micronesian language spoken on the Pingelap atoll and on two of the eastern Caroline Islands called the high island of Pohnpei In Pingelapese the meaning use or shape of an object can be expressed through the use of numerical classifiers These classifiers combine a noun and a number that together can give more details about the object There are at least five sets of numerical classifiers in Pingelapese Each classifier has a numeral part and a classifier part that corresponds to the noun it is describing The classifier follows the noun in a phrase There is a separate set of numerical classifiers that is used when the object is not specified Examples of this is the names of the days of the week Obligatoriness of number marking In many languages such as English number is obligatorily expressed in every grammatical context Some limit number expression to certain classes of nouns such as animates or referentially prominent nouns as with proximate forms in most Algonquian languages opposed to referentially less prominent obviative forms In others such as Chinese and Japanese number marking is not consistently applied to most nouns unless a distinction is needed or already present A very common situation is for plural number to not be marked if there is any other overt indication of number as for example in Hungarian virag flower viragok flowers hat virag six flowers Transnumeral Many languages such as Chinese Korean Japanese and Malay including Indonesian particularly spoken in Southeast and East Asia have optional number marking In such cases an unmarked noun is neither singular nor plural but rather ambiguous as to number This is called transnumeral or sometimes general number abbreviated TRN In many such languages number tends to be marked for definite and highly animate referents most notably first person pronouns Number agreementVerbs In many languages verbs are conjugated according to number Using French as an example one says je vois I see but nous voyons we see The verb voir to see changes from vois in the first person singular to voyons in the plural In everyday English this often happens in the third person she sees they see but not in other grammatical persons except with the verb to be In English and in Indo European languages in general the verb is singular or plural to match whether the subject of the sentence is singular or plural Oppositely in Xavante transitive verbs match the number of the object In West Greenlandic the verb is marked for the number of both the subject and the object Adjectives and determiners Adjectives often agree with the number of the noun they modify For example in French one says un grand arbre œ ɡʁɑ t aʁbʁ a tall tree but deux grands arbres do ɡʁɑ zaʁbʁ two tall trees The singular adjective grand becomes grands in the plural unlike English tall which remains unchanged Other determiners may agree with number In English the demonstratives this that change to these those in the plural and the indefinite article a an is either omitted or changes to some In French and German the definite articles have gender distinctions in the singular but not the plural In Italian Spanish and Portuguese both definite and indefinite articles are inflected for gender and number e g Portuguese o a the singular masc fem os as the plural masc fem um uma a n singular masc fem uns umas some plural masc fem dois duas two plural masc fem In the Finnish sentence Yot ovat pimeita Nights are dark each word referring to the plural noun yot nights night yo is pluralized night PL is PL dark PL partitive Exceptions Sometimes grammatical number will not represent the actual quantity a form meaning mismatch For example in Ancient Greek neuter plurals took a singular verb The plural form of a pronoun may also be applied to a single individual as a sign of importance respect or generality as in the pluralis majestatis the T V distinction and the generic you found in many languages or in English when using the singular they for gender neutrality In Arabic the plural of a non human noun one that refers to an animal or to an inanimate entity regardless of whether the noun is grammatically masculine or feminine in the singular is treated as feminine singular this is called the inanimate plural For example رجل جميل rajul jamil beautiful handsome man rajul man is masculine singular so it takes the masculine singular adjective jamil بيت جميل bayt jamil beautiful house bayt house is masculine singular so it takes the masculine singular jamil كلب جميل kalb jamil beautiful dog kalb dog is masculine singular so it takes the masculine singular jamil بنت جميلة bint jamilah beautiful girl bint is feminine singular so it takes the feminine singular jamilah سيارة جميلة sayyarah jamilah beautiful car sayyarah is feminine singular so it takes the feminine singular jamilah رجال جميلون rijal jamilun beautiful handsome men rijal men is masculine plural so it takes the masculine plural jamilun بنات جميلات banat jamilat beautiful girls banat is feminine plural so it takes the feminine plural jamilat but بيوت جميلة buyut jamilah beautiful houses buyut houses is non human plural and so takes the inanimate plural feminine singular jamilah سيارات جميلة sayyarat jamilah beautiful cars sayyarat is non human plural and so takes the inanimate plural jamilah كلاب جميلة kilab jamilah beautiful dogs kilab is non human plural and so takes the inanimate plural jamilah Collective nouns A collective noun is a word that designates a group of objects or beings regarded as a whole such as flock team or corporation Although many languages treat collective nouns as singular in others they may be interpreted as plural In British English phrases such as the committee are meeting are common the so called agreement in sensu in meaning with the meaning of a noun rather than with its form see constructio ad sensum The use of this type of construction varies with dialect and level of formality In some cases the number marking on a verb with a collective subject may express the degree of collectivity of action The committee are discussing the matter the individual members are discussing the matter but the committee has decided on the matter the committee has acted as an indivisible body The crowd is tearing down the fences a crowd is doing something as a unit but the crowd are cheering wildly many individual members of the crowd are doing the same thing independently of each other Semantic versus grammatical numberAll languages are able to specify the quantity of referents They may do so by lexical means with words such as English a few some one two five hundred However not every language has a grammatical category of number Grammatical number is expressed by morphological or syntactic means That is it is indicated by certain grammatical elements such as through affixes or number words Grammatical number may be thought of as the indication of semantic number through grammar Languages that express quantity only by lexical means lack a grammatical category of number For instance in Khmer neither nouns nor verbs carry any grammatical information concerning number such information can only be conveyed by lexical items such as khlah some pii bey a few and so on See alsoCount noun Elohim Generic antecedent Grammatical agreement Grammatical conjugation Grammatical person Inflection Measure word Names of numbers in English Noun class Plurale tantum Romance pluralsNotesAs a small possible exception the Tuvaluan verb for to go has a special form in the first person dual inclusive future imperative This includes Pama Nyungan Arabana Macro Gunwinyguan Anindilyakwa Iwaidjan Amurdak Western Daly Marrithiyel Southern Daly Ngan gi Wagaydyic Wadjiginy Worrorran Worrorra Possible language isolate Giimbiyu Sometimes this takes the form of neglecting to analyze the possible uses of the trial paucal but other times it takes the form of a published grammar describing a language as having a trial but then describing that trial as functioning like a paucal Examples of the latter include works on Ambai and Sakao While the closely related Kiwaian languages of Kope and Urama still reportedly have a trial Bamu Waboda and Kerewo all have a paucal The term count form has also been used to describe similar constructions in Mongondow Lolak and Ponosakan In these languages pronouns take on a unique form when following a numeral Mongondow and Lolak also have singular dual trial and plural pronoun forms while Ponosakan lacks a trial This means in Mongondow and Lolak the count form is for a specific given number larger than three and in Ponosakan it is for a number larger than two Unlike Russian nouns the use of these forms does not end above a certain number This also occurs to nouns in the accusative case but only if they are inanimate and it furthermore also occurs with the numerals half one and a half sometimes a quarter and any higher compound numerals ending in 2 3 or 4 A very small number of nouns may take on a slightly different form where stress is changed to a different syllable these nouns include chas hour shar ball and sled footprint Linguists have debated whether the form is actually genitive or whether it is simply identical in form to the genitive in almost all cases but actually constituting a separate noun case or paucal conjugation This includes American Sign Language Argentine Sign Language Brazilian Sign Language British Sign Language Czech Sign Language German Sign Language Hong Kong Sign Language Jamaican Sign Language Konchri Sain Levantine Arabic Sign Language New Zealand Sign Language Russian Sign Language Ugandan Sign Language Other sign languages have been described as having pronouns for exactly four referents without being explicitly described as having a quadral This includes Auslan Danish Sign Language and Icelandic Sign Language This has been claimed for Tolai Konomala Patpatar Kandas Siar Tabar Label Gao Kwamera Ma ya Matbat Larike Wamesa Ambai Loniu Badeng and Paluai Some of these languages may be more accurately described as having a singular dual paucal plural system where the paucal markers are etymologically related to the word for three and the plural markers are related to the word for four Besides Bininj Kunwok this includes Rembarrnga Ndjebbana Guniyandi Nyigina Mangarrayi Nunggubuyu Warrwa Burarra Gaagudju Malak Malak and Dalabon It is also found in the Pama Nyungan languages of Gurindji and Bilinarra Since the dual was a regular feature of Classical Arabic a dual also exists for all of these examples kalbani for two dogs firqatani for two sects and jamalani for two camels A more modern source lists jimalun as the regular plural of jamalun instead of the quadruple plural from which is formed an additional dual of the plural jimalani meaning two herds of male camels Variously 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