The National Rally French le Rassemblement National pronounced ʁasɑ blemɑ nɑsjɔnal RN known as the National Front from 1972 to 2018 French Front National pronounced fʁɔ nɑsjɔnal FN is a French far right party described as populist and nationalist It was the single largest parliamentary opposition party in the National Assembly from 2022 to 2024 Its candidate was defeated in the second round in the 2002 2017 and 2022 presidential elections It opposes immigration advocating significant cuts to legal immigration protection of French identity and stricter control of illegal immigration The party advocates a more balanced and independent French foreign policy opposing French military intervention in Africa while supporting France leaving NATO s integrated command It also supports reform of the European Union EU and its related organisations as well as economic interventionism protectionism and zero tolerance for breaches of law and order National Rally Rassemblement NationalAbbreviationRNPresidentJordan BardellaVice PresidentsLouis AliotDavid RachlineHelene LaporteParliamentary party leaderMarine Le Pen National Assembly FounderJean Marie Le PenFounded5 October 1972 51 years ago 1972 10 05 Preceded byOrdre NouveauHeadquarters114 bis 75016 ParisYouth wingRassemblement national de la jeunesseSecurity wingDepartment for Protection and SecurityMembership 2023 50 000IdeologyFrench nationalismRight wing populismPolitical positionFar rightNational affiliationRassemblement bleu Marine 2012 2017 European affiliationIdentity and Democracy PartyEuropean Parliament groupIdentity and DemocracyColours Navy blueNational Assembly89 577Senate3 348European Parliament30 81Presidencies of Regional Councils0 17Regional Councillors242 1 758Presidencies of Departmental Councils0 101Departmental Councillors26 4 108Websiterassemblementnational wbr frPolitics of FrancePolitical partiesElections A The RN is considered part of the radical right and does not oppose democracy The party was founded in 1972 to unify the French nationalist movement Jean Marie Le Pen founded the party and was its leader until his resignation in 2011 While the party was a marginal political force for its first ten years it became a major force of French nationalism since 1984 It has put forward a candidate at every presidential election but one since 1974 In the 2002 presidential election Jean Marie Le Pen advanced to the second round but finished a distant second in the runoff to Jacques Chirac His daughter Marine Le Pen was elected to succeed him as party leader in 2012 She temporarily stepped down in 2017 in order to concentrate on her presidential candidacy she resumed her leadership after the election She headed the party until 2021 when she temporarily resigned again A year later Jordan Bardella was elected as her successor The party has seen an increase in its popularity and acceptance in French society in recent years It has been accused of promoting xenophobia and antisemitism While her father was nicknamed the Devil of the Republic by mainstream media and sparked outrage for hate speech including Holocaust denial and Islamophobia Marine Le Pen pursued a policy of de demonisation of the party by softening its image and trying to frame the party as being neither right nor left She endeavoured to extract it from its far right roots as well as censuring controversial members like her father who was suspended and then expelled from the party in 2015 Following her election as the leader of the party in 2011 the popularity of the FN grew By 2015 the FN had established itself as a major political party in France Sources traditionally label the party as far right However some media outlets have started to refer to the party as right wing populist or nationalist right instead arguing that it has substantially moderated from its years under Jean Marie Le Pen At the FN congress of 2018 Marine Le Pen proposed renaming the party Rassemblement National National Rally and this was confirmed by a ballot of party members Formerly strongly Eurosceptic the National Rally changed policies in 2019 deciding to campaign for a reform of the EU rather than leaving it and to keep the euro as the main currency of France together with the CFP franc for some collectivities In 2021 Le Pen announced that she wanted to remain in the Schengen Area citing an attachment to the European spirit but to reserve free movement to nationals of a European Economic Area country excluding residents of and visitors from another Schengen country Le Pen reached the second round of the 2017 presidential election receiving 33 9 of the votes in the run off and losing to Emmanuel Macron Again in the 2022 election she lost to Macron in the run off receiving 41 45 of the votes In the 2022 parliamentary elections the National Rally achieved a significant increase in the number of its MPs in the National Assembly from 7 to 89 seats In June 2024 the party led by its president Jordan Bardella won the European Parliament elections in a landslide with 31 4 of the votes Later that month an RN led right wing coalition topped the first round of the snap French legislative election with a record 33 2 of the votes BackgroundThe party s ideological roots can be traced to both Poujadism a populist small business tax protest movement founded in 1953 by Pierre Poujade and on right wing dismay over the decision by French President Charles de Gaulle to abandon his promise of holding on to the colony of French Algeria many frontistes including Le Pen were part of an inner circle of returned servicemen known as Le cercle national des combattants During the 1965 presidential election Le Pen unsuccessfully attempted to consolidate the right wing vote around presidential candidate Jean Louis Tixier Vignancour Throughout the late 1960s and early 1970s the French far right consisted mainly of small extreme movements such as Occident Groupe Union Defense GUD and the Ordre Nouveau ON Espousing France s Catholic and monarchist traditions one of the primary progenitors of the ideology generally promoted by FN was the Action Francaise founded at the end of the 19th century and its descendants in the Restauration Nationale a pro monarchy group that supports the claim of the Count of Paris to the French throne HistoryEarly years Foundation 1972 1973 While Ordre Nouveau had competed in some local elections since 1970 at its second congress in June 1972 it decided to establish a new political party to contest the 1973 legislative elections The party was launched on 5 October 1972 under the name National Front for French Unity Front national pour l unite francaise or Front National In order to create a broad movement ON sought to model the new party as it earlier had sought to model itself on the more established Italian Social Movement MSI which at the time appeared to establish a broad coalition of the Italian hard right The FN adopted a French version of the MSI tricolour flame as its logo ON wanted to unite the various French far right currents and brought together nationals of Le Pen s group and Roger Holeindre s Party of French Unity nationalists from Pierre Bousquet s Militant movement or Francois Brigneau s and Alain Robert s Ordre Nouveau the anti Gaullist Georges Bidault s Justice and Liberty movement as well as former Poujadists Algerian War veterans and some monarchists among others Le Pen was chosen to be the first president of the party as he was untainted with the militant public image of the ON and was a relatively moderate figure in the far right The National Front fared poorly in the 1973 legislative elections receiving 0 5 of the national vote although Le Pen won 5 in his Paris constituency In 1973 the party created a youth movement the Front national de la jeunesse National Front of Youth FNJ The rhetoric used in the campaign stressed old far right themes and was largely uninspiring to the electorate at the time Otherwise its official program at this point was relatively moderate differing little from the mainstream right s Le Pen sought the total fusion of the currents in the party and warned against crude activism The FNJ were banned from the party later that year The move towards the mainstream cost it many leading members and much of its militant base In the 1974 presidential election Le Pen failed to find a mobilising theme for his campaign since many of its platform s major issues such as anti communism were shared by most of the mainstream right Other FN issues included calls for increased French birth rates immigration reduction although this was downplayed establishment of a professional army abrogation of the Evian Accords and generally the creation of a French and European renaissance Despite being the only nationalist candidate he failed to gain the support of the whole of the far right as the various groups either rallied behind other candidates or called for voter abstention The campaign further lost ground when the Revolutionary Communist League made public a report of Le Pen s alleged involvement in torture during his time in Algeria In his first participation in a presidential election Le Pen won only 0 8 of the national vote FN PFN rivalry 1973 1981 Following the 1974 election the FN was obscured by the appearance of the Party of New Forces PFN founded by FN dissidents largely from the ON Their competition weakened both parties throughout the 1970s Along with the growing influence of Francois Duprat and his revolutionary nationalists the FN gained several new groups of supporters in the late 1970s and early 1980s Jean Pierre Stirbois 1977 and his solidarists Bruno Gollnisch 1983 Bernard Antony 1984 and his Catholic fundamentalists as well as Jean Yves Le Gallou 1985 and the Nouvelle Droite Following the death of Duprat in a bomb attack in 1978 the revolutionary nationalists left the party while Stirbois became Le Pen s deputy as his solidarists effectively ousted the neo fascist tendency in the party leadership A radical group split off in 1980 and founded the French Nationalist Party dismissing the FN as becoming too Zionist with Le Pen being a puppet of the Jews The far right was marginalised altogether in the 1978 legislative elections although the PFN came out better off In the first election for the European Parliament in 1979 the PFN became part of an attempt to build a Euro Right alliance of the continent s far right parties and was in the end the only one of the two that contested the election It fielded Jean Louis Tixier Vignancour as its primary candidate while Le Pen called for voter abstention For the 1981 presidential election both Le Pen and Pascal Gauchon of the PFN declared their intentions to run However an increased requirement regarding obtaining signatures of support from elected officials had been introduced for the election which left both Le Pen and Gauchon unable to participate The election was won by Francois Mitterrand of the Socialist Party PS a results that brought the political left to national power for the first time in the Fifth Republic Mitterrand immediately dissolved the National Assembly and called a snap legislative election With only three weeks to prepare its campaign the FN fielded only a limited number of candidates and won only 0 2 of the national vote The PFN was even worse off and the election marked the effective end of competition from the party The Socialists attained their best ever result with an absolute majority in the 1981 legislative election The socialist takeover led to a radicalisation in centre right anti communist and anti socialist voters Jean Marie Le Pen s leadership Electoral breakthrough 1982 1988 Jean Marie Le Pen leader of the National Front from 1972 to 2011 While the French party system had been dominated by polarisation and competition between the clear cut ideological alternatives of two political blocs in the 1970s the two blocs had largely moved towards the centre by the mid 1980s This led many voters to perceive the blocs as more or less indistinguishable particularly after the Socialists austerity turn tournant de la rigueur of 1983 in turn inducing them to seek out to new political alternatives By October 1982 Le Pen supported the prospect of deals with the mainstream right provided that the FN did not have to soften its position on key issues In the 1983 municipal elections the centre right Rally for the Republic RPR and the centrist Union for French Democracy UDF formed alliances with the FN in a number of towns The most notable result came in the 20th arrondissement of Paris where Le Pen was elected to the local council with 11 of the vote Subsequent by elections kept media attention on the party which was for the first time able to pose as a viable component of the broader right In a by election in Dreux in October 1983 the FN won 17 of the vote With the choice of defeat to the political left or dealing with the FN the local RPR and UDF agreed to form an alliance with the FN causing a national sensation together they won the second round with 55 of the vote The events in Dreux were a monumental turning point in the rise of the FN Le Pen protested the media boycott against his party by sending letters to President Mitterrand in mid 1982 Following an exchanged of letters with Le Pen Mitterrand instructed the heads of the main television channels to give equitable coverage to the FN In January 1984 the party made its first appearance in a monthly poll of political popularity in which 9 of respondents held a positive opinion of the FN and some support for Le Pen personally The next month Le Pen was for the first time invited on a prime time television interview programme which he himself later deemed the hour that changed everything In the June 1984 European elections the FN won 11 of the vote and ten seats in a contest that was considered to have a low level of importance by the public which played to the party s advantage The FN notably made inroads in both right wing and left wing constituencies and finished 2nd in a number of towns While many Socialists had arguably exploited the party in order to divide the right Mitterrand later conceded that he had underestimated Le Pen By July 17 of opinion poll respondents held a positive opinion of the FN By the early 1980s the FN featured a mosaic of ideological tendencies and attracted figures who were previously resistant to the party The party managed to draw supporters from the mainstream right including some high profile defectors from the RPR the UDF and the National Centre of Independents and Peasants CNIP In the 1984 European elections eleven of the 81 FN candidates came from these parties while the party s list also included an Arab and a Jew although in unwinnable positions Former collaborators were also accepted in the party as Le Pen urged the need for reconciliation arguing that forty years after the war the only important question was whether or not they wish to serve their country The FN won 8 7 overall support in the 1985 cantonal elections netting over 30 in some areas For the 1986 legislative elections the FN took advantage of the new proportional representation system and won 9 8 of the vote and 35 seats in the National Assembly Many of these seats were filled by a new wave of respectable political operatives notables who had joined the party after its 1984 success The RPR won a majority with smaller centre right parties and thus avoided the need to deal with the FN Although FN was unable to exercise any real political influence the party could project an image of political legitimacy Several of its legislative proposals were controversial and had a socially reactionary and xenophobic character among them attempts to restore the death penalty expel foreigners who proportionally committed more crimes than the French restrict naturalisation introduce a national preference for employment impose taxes on the hiring of foreigners by French companies and privatise Agence France Presse The party s time in the National Assembly effectively came to an end when Jacques Chirac reinstated the two round system of majority voting for the next election In the regional elections held on the same day FN won 137 seats and gained representation in 21 of the 22 French regional councils The RPR depended on FN support to win presidencies in some regional councils and the FN won vice presidential posts in four regions Consolidation 1988 1997 Le Pen s campaign for the presidential election unofficially began in the months following the 1986 election To promote his statesmanship credentials he made trips to South East Asia the United States and Africa The management of the formal campaign launched in April 1987 was entrusted to Bruno Megret one of the new notables With his entourage Le Pen traversed France for the entire period and helped by Megret employed an American style campaign Le Pen s presidential campaign was highly successful no candidates came close to rival his ability to excite audiences at rallies and boost ratings at television appearances Using a populist tone he presented himself as the representative of the people against the gang of four RPR UDF PS Communist Party while the central theme of his campaign was national preference In the 1988 presidential election Le Pen won an unprecedented 14 4 of the vote and double the votes of 1984 In the snap 1988 legislative elections the FN was hurt by the return two ballot majority voting by the limited campaign period and by the departure of many notables In the election the party retained its 9 8 support from the previous legislative election but was reduced to a single seat in the National Assembly Following some anti Semitic comments made by Le Pen and the FN newspaper National Hebdo in the late 1980s some valuable FN politicians left the party Soon other quarrels left the party without its remaining member of the National Assembly In November 1988 general secretary Jean Pierre Stirbois who together with his wife Marie France had been instrumental in the FN s early electoral successes died in a car accident leaving Bruno Megret as the unrivalled de facto FN deputy leader The party only got 5 in the 1988 cantonal elections while the RPR announced it would reject any alliance with the FN a rejections that now included the local level In the 1989 European elections the FN held on to its ten seats winning 11 7 of the vote In the wake of FN s electoral success the immigration debate growing concerns over Islamic fundamentalism and the fatwa against Salman Rushdie by Ayatollah Khomeini the 1989 affaire du foulard was the first major test of the relations between the values of the French Republic and Islam Following that success surveys found that French public opinion was largely negative towards Islam In a 1989 legislative by election in Dreux FN candidate Marie France Stirbois campaigning mostly on an anti Islamism platform returned a symbolic FN presence to the National Assembly By the early 1990s some mainstream politicians began also employing anti immigration rhetoric In the first round of the 1993 legislative elections the FN soared to 12 7 of the overall vote but did not win a single seat due to the nature of the electoral system In the 1995 presidential election votes for Le Pen rose to 15 of the total The FN won an absolute majority and thus the mayorship in three cities in the 1995 municipal elections Toulon Marignane and Orange Le Pen then declared that his party would implement its national preference policy with the risk of provoking the central government and being at odds with the laws of the Republic The FN s elected representatives pursued interventionist policies with regards to the new cultural complexion of their towns by directly influencing artistic events cinema schedules and library holdings as well as cutting or halting subsidies for multicultural associations The party won Vitrolles its fourth town in a 1997 by election where similar policies were subsequently pursued Vitrolles new mayor fr who ran in place of her husband Bruno went further in one significant measure introducing a special 5 000 franc allowance for babies born to at least one parent of French or EU nationality The measure was ruled illegal by a court whicn also sentenced her to a suspended prison sentence a fine and a two year ban from public office Turmoil and split of the MNR 1997 2002 Bruno Megret and his faction broke out from the FN to form the MNR party In the 1997 legislative elections the FN polled its best ever result with 15 3 support in metropolitan France The result showed that the party had become established enough to compete without its leader who had decided not to run in order to focus on the 2002 presidential election Although it won only one seat in the National Assembly in Toulon it advanced to the second round in 132 constituencies The FN was arguably more influential at that time than it had been in 1986 with its 35 seats While Bruno Megret and Bruno Gollnisch favoured tactical cooperation with a weakened centre right following the left s victory Le Pen rejected any such compromise In the tenth FN national congress in 1997 Megret stepped up his position in the party as its rising star and a potential leader following Le Pen Le Pen however refused to designate Megret as his successor elect and instead made his wife Jany the leader of the FN list for the upcoming European election Megret and his faction left the FN in January 1999 and founded the National Republican Movement MNR effectively splitting the FN in half at most levels Many of those who joined the new MNR had joined the FN in the mid 1980s in part from the Nouvelle Droite with a vision of building bridges to the parliamentary right Many had also been particularly influential in intellectualising the FN s policies on immigration identity and national preference Following the split Le Pen denounced them as extremist and racist Support for the two parties was almost equal in the 1999 European election as the FN polled its lowest national score since 1984 with just 5 7 and the MNR won 3 3 The effects of the split and competition from more moderate nationalists resulted in their combined support being lower than the FN result of 1984 Presidential run off 2002 Logo for Le Pen s 2002 presidential campaign For the 2002 presidential election opinion polls had predicted a run off between incumbent President Chirac and Socialist candidate Lionel Jospin In a shock outcome Le Pen outperformed Jospin by 0 7 in the 1st round placing second and advancing to the runoff This resulted in the first presidential run off since 1969 without a leftist candidate and the first ever with a candidate from the far right To Le Pen s advantage the election campaign had increasingly focused on law and order issues helped by media attention on a number of violent incidents Jospin had also been weakened due to the competition between an exceptional number of leftist parties Nevertheless Chirac did not even have to campaign in the second round as widespread anti Le Pen protests from the media and public opinion culminated on a May Day demonstration of 1 5 million participants across France Chirac also refused to debate with Le Pen and the traditional televised debate was cancelled In the end Chirac won the presidential run off with an unprecedented 82 2 of the vote with 71 of his votes according to polls cast simply to block Le Pen Following the presidential election the main centre right parties merged to form the broad based Union for a Popular Movement UMP The FN failed to hold on to Le Pen s support for the 2002 legislative elections in which it got 11 3 of the vote It nevertheless outpolled Megret s MNR which had fielded the same number of candidates but won a mere 1 1 support Decline 2003 2010 National advertisement in Marseille for Le Pen s 2007 presidential bid A new electoral system of two round voting had been introduced for the 2004 regional elections in part in an attempt to reduce the FN s influence in regional councils The FN won 15 1 of the vote in metropolitan France almost the same as in 1998 but its number of councillors was almost halved due to the new system For the 2004 European elections too a new system less favourable to the FN had been introduced The party regained some of its strength from 1999 earning 9 8 of the vote and seven seats For the 2007 presidential election Le Pen and Megret agreed to join forces Le Pen came 4th in the election with 11 of the vote and the party won no seats in the legislative election of the same year The party s 4 3 support was the lowest score since the 1981 election and only one candidate Marine Le Pen in Pas de Calais reached the runoff where she was defeated by the Socialist incumbent These electoral defeats partly accounted for the party s financial problems Le Pen announced the sale of the FN headquarters in Saint Cloud Le Paquebot and of his personal armoured car In 2008 a French court handed Le Pen a three month suspended sentence and a 10 000 fine for remarks he made in 2005 that contravened France s law against Holocaust denial Twenty permanent employees of the FN were also dismissed in 2008 In the 2010 regional elections the FN appeared to have re emerged on the political scene after surprisingly winning almost 12 of the overall vote and 118 seats Marine Le Pen s leadership Revival of the FN 2011 2012 Marine Le Pen National Front president 2011 2022 Results by region at the first round of the 2015 French regional elections with regions where the National Front gained the most votes in grey Jean Marie Le Pen announced in September 2008 that he would retire as FN president in 2010 Le Pen s daughter Marine Le Pen and FN executive vice president Bruno Gollnisch campaigned to succeed Le Pen with Marine s candidacy backed by her father On 15 January 2011 it was announced that Marine Le Pen had received the two thirds vote needed to become the new leader of the FN She embarked on a project to transform the FN into a mainstream party by softening its xenophobic image Opinion polls showed the party s popularity increase under Marine Le Pen and in the 2011 cantonal elections the party won 15 of the overall vote up from 4 5 in 2008 However due to the French electoral system the party only won 2 of the 2 026 seats that were up for election At the end of 2011 the National Front withdrew from the far right Alliance of European National Movements and joined the more moderate European Alliance of Freedom In October 2013 Bruno Gollnisch and Jean Marie Le Pen resigned from their position in the AENM For the 2012 presidential election opinion polls showed Marine Le Pen as a serious challenger with a few polls even suggesting that she could win the first round of the election In the event Le Pen came 3rd in the first round scoring 17 9 the best showing ever in a presidential election for the FN at that time In the 2012 legislative election the National Front won two seats Gilbert Collard and Marion Marechal In two polls about presidential favourites conducted in April and May 2013 Marine le Pen polled ahead of president Francois Hollande but behind Nicolas Sarkozy Electoral successes 2012 2017 In the municipal elections held on 23 and 30 March 2014 lists officially supported by National Front won mayoralties in 12 cities Beaucaire Cogolin Frejus Hayange Henin Beaumont Le Luc Le Pontet Mantes la Ville the 7th arrondissement of Marseille Villers Cotterets Beziers and Camaret sur Aigues While some of these cities were in southern France like Frejus which traditionally votes more for right wing parties than the rest of the country others were located in northern France where Socialist Party had been strong until the 2010s Following these elections the National Front had in cities of over 1 000 inhabitants 1 546 and 459 councilors at two different levels of local government The international media described the results as historic and impressive although the International Business Times suggested that hopes for real political power remain a fantasy for the National Front Demonstration against National Front in Paris after the results of the 2014 election The National Front received 4 712 461 votes in the 2014 European Parliament election finishing first with 24 86 of the vote and 24 of France s 74 seats This was said to be the first time the anti immigrant anti EU party had won a nationwide election in its four decade history The party s success came as a shock in France and the EU Presidential and parliamentary election rebranding 2017 2022 On 24 April 2017 a day after the first round of the presidential election Marine Le Pen announced that she would temporarily step down as the party s leader in an attempt to unite voters In the second round of voting Le Pen was defeated 66 1 to 33 9 by her rival Emmanuel Macron of En Marche During the following parliamentary elections the FN received 13 02 of the vote a little lower than the 13 07 of the 2012 elections The party appeared to have suffered from a demobilisation of its voters from the previous vote Nonetheless eight deputies six FN and two affiliated were elected the best number for the FN in a parliamentary election using a majoritarian electoral system since its creation Marine Le Pen was elected to the National Assembly for the first time while Gilbert Collard was re elected FN s 23 year old Ludovic Pajot became the youngest ever member of the French parliament In late 2017 Florian Philippot left the FN and formed The Patriots on the grounds that the FN had softened its position on leaving the EU and abandoning the Euro At the conclusion of the 11 March 2018 party congress in Lille Marine Le Pen proposed renaming the party to Rassemblement national National Rally while keeping the flame as its logo The new name was put to a vote among all party members Rassemblement national had already been used as the name of a French party the Rassemblement National Francais led by the radical right lawyer Jean Louis Tixier Vignancour His presidential campaign in 1965 had been managed by Jean Marie Le Pen The name had also been used by the FN previously for its parliamentary group between 1986 and 1988 However the name change faced opposition from an already existing party named Rassemblement national whose president Igor Kurek described it as Gaullist and republican right the party had previously registered its name with the National Institute of Industrial Property in 2013 On 1 June Le Pen announced that the name change was approved by party adherents with 80 81 in favour During that party congress Steve Bannon former advisor to Donald Trump before and after his 2016 election gave what has been described as a populist pep talk Bannon advised the party members to Let them call you racist let them call you xenophobes let them call you nativists Wear it like a badge of honor Because every day we get stronger and they get weaker History is on our side and will bring us victory Bannon s remarks brought the members to their feet In January 2019 ex Sarkozy minister Thierry Mariani and former conservative lawmaker Jean Paul Garraud left Les Republicains LR and joined the National Rally During a 2021 debate Marine Le Pen was called soft on Islam by the Minister of the Interior in Macron s government Gerald Darmanin Marine Le Pen called for a national unity government that would include persons such as Nicolas Dupont Aignan former LR officials and souverainistes on the left such as former economy minister Arnaud Montebourg In the months before the 2021 French regional elections political commentators noted an increased moderation in the FN s platform that aimed to attract conservative voters as well as a new image being promoted by the party as a force of la droite populaire i e the popular right the social right The party nonetheless fared badly in these elections In the 2022 French presidential election Le Pen again reached the 2nd round with 23 15 of the votes though she was defeated by incumbent Macron after receiving 41 45 of the votes in the run off In the 2022 French legislative election for which polling had indicated that FN would win only between 15 to 45 seats in the National Assembly the party received 18 68 of the votes in the first round and won 89 seats in the second round a significant increase from the previous total of 8 seats The 89 seats enabled the National Rally to form a parliamentary group for which at least 15 deputies are required for the first time since 1986 when the national assembly was elected by proportional voting The result made the party the 3rd largest party in the assembly and the largest parliamentary opposition group Jordan Bardella s leadership from 2022 Jordan Bardella was elected president of RN on 5 November 2022 ending Marine Le Pen s period as president of the party Le Pen remained president of RN s parliamentary group In June 2024 the party became part of the union of the far right into the 2024 French legislative election The RN and their allies secured the largest share of the vote in the first round with 33 15 of the vote Most of the voters struggling to make ends meet voted for RN IdeologyMembers of the party s Department for Protection and Security 2007 The party s ideology has been broadly described by scholars including James Shields Nonna Mayer Jean Yves Camus Nicolas Lebourg and Michel Winock as nationalist far right or Nouvelle Droite and populist Jean Yves Camus and Nicolas Lebourg following Pierre Andre Taguieff s analysis include the party in an old French tradition of national populism that can be traced back to Boulangism National populists combine the social values of the left and the political values of the right and advocate a referendary republic that would bypass traditional political divisions and institutions Aiming at a unity of the political the demos ethnic the ethnos and social the working class interpretations of the people they claim to defend the average Frenchman and common sense against the betrayal of inevitably corrupt elites The party has been also described as national conservative The FN has changed considerably since its foundation pursuing the principles of modernisation and pragmatism and adapting to the changing political climate Its message increasingly influenced mainstream political parties and some commentators described it as right wing moving closer towards the centre right In the 2010s the party attempted to de demonise its image and changed its name to National Rally A 2022 Kanar survey found that 46 of French voters saw Marine Le Pen as representing a patriotic Right attached to traditional values although 50 saw her as a danger to democracy Law and order In 2002 Jean Marie Le Pen campaigned on a law and order platform of zero tolerance harsher sentencing increased prison capacity and a referendum on re introducing the death penalty In its 2001 programme the party linked the breakdown of law and order to immigration deeming immigration a mortal threat to civil peace in France Marine Le Pen rescinded the party s traditional support for the death penalty with her 2017 campaign launch instead announcing support for imprisonment in perpetuity for the worst crimes in February 2017 In 2022 she proposed to hold a referendum on capital punishment in France if she were elected The party opposed the 2016 criminalisation of the use of prostitution in France on the grounds that it would negatively affect the safety of sex workers Immigration 2005 FN political poster reading Immigrants are going to vote and you re abstaining Since its early years the party has called for immigration to be reduced The theme of exclusion of non European immigrants was brought into the party in 1978 and became increasingly important in the 1980s After the 1999 split the FN cultivated a more moderate image on immigration and Islam no longer calling for the systematic repatriation of legal immigrants but still supporting the deportation of illegal criminal or unemployed immigrants Following the Arab Spring 2011 rebellions in several countries Marine Le Pen campaigned for a halt to the migration of Tunisian and Libyan immigrants to Europe In November 2015 the party stated as its goal to have a net legal immigration rate immigrants minus emigrants of 10 000 in France per year Since 2017 that yearly net immigration rate was around 182 000 if one takes into account only people born abroad from non French parents but was around 44 000 if one includes also the departures and returns of French expatriates In 2022 Marine Le Pen proposed an end to family reunification rights for foreigners with residency permits and the end to the right to automatic citizenship for children born in France to foreigners living there She also supported a referendum on immigration policy Islam and immigration The National Rally has sought to restrict Islamic practice in France In 2011 Marine Le Pen warned that wearing full face veils are the tip of the iceberg of Islamisation of French culture In 2021 and again in 2022 Le Pen again proposed banning the wearing of hijab which covers the head but not the face in public Le Pen also proposed to ban the production of both halal and kosher meat Le Pen says she is against the visibility of Islam but not Islam per se The National Rally is considered Islamophobic by many The party has connected immigration to Islamic terrorism Economy At the end of the 1970s Jean Marie Le Pen broke away from the anti capitalist heritage of Poujadism and espoused a market liberal and anti statist programme which included lower taxes reducing state intervention reducing the size of the public sector privatisation and scaling back government bureaucracy Some scholars have characterised the FN s 1978 programme as Reaganite before Reagan The party s economic policy shifted from the 1980s to the 1990s from neoliberalism to protectionism This occurred within the framework of a changed international environment from a battle between the Free World and Communism to one between nationalism and globalisation During the 1980s Jean Marie Le Pen complained about the rising number of social parasites and called for deregulation tax cuts and the phasing out of the welfare state As the party gained growing support from the economically vulnerable it converted towards politics of social welfare and economic protectionism This was part of its shift away from its former claim of being the social popular and national right to its claim of being neither right nor left French Increasingly the party s program became an amalgam of free market and welfarist policies By the 2010s some political commentators described its economic policies as left wing Under Marine Le Pen the RN has supported economic nationalism which it calls economic patriotism and has advocated populist policies such as tax cuts for those under 30 and cuts in VAT on energy and essential products The party has supported public services protectionism and economic intervention and opposed the increase in the fuel tax in 2018 and the increase in the retirement age in 2023 Under Jordan Bardella the RN has adopted some more pro market policies including lower taxes and simplification of industrial norms Bardella has sought to use these policies to court business support during the 2024 French legislative election campaign During this time Bardella also rescinded the prior RN pledge to repeal the 2023 French pension reform law Climate Le Pen does not plan to withdraw from the Paris Climate Agreement but has stated that climate change is not the priority of the party The party is against measures to tackle climate change and protecting the environment Feminism In the 2002 legislative elections the first under the new gender parity provision in the French Constitution Le Pen s National Front was among the few parties to come close to meeting the law with 49 female candidates Jospin s Socialists had 36 and Chirac s UMP had 19 6 Women voters in France were traditionally more attracted to mainstream conservative parties than the radical right until the 2000s The proportion of women in the party has risen to 39 by 2017 Foreign policy From the 1980s to the 1990s the party s policy shifted from favouring the European Union to turning against it In 2002 Jean Marie Le Pen campaigned on pulling France out of the EU and re introducing the franc as the country s national currency In the early 2000s the party denounced the Schengen Maastricht and Amsterdam treaties as foundations for a supranational entity spelling the end of France In 2004 the party criticised the EU as the last stage on the road to world government likening it to a puppet of the New World Order It also proposed breaking all institutional ties back to the Treaty of Rome while it returned to supporting a common European currency to rival the United States dollar Further it rejected the possible accession of Turkey to the EU The FN was also one of several parties that backed France s 2005 rejection of the Treaty for a European Constitution In other issues Le Pen opposed the invasions of Iraq led by the United States both in the 1991 Gulf War and the 2003 Iraq War He visited Saddam Hussein in Baghdad in 1990 and subsequently considered him a friend Marine Le Pen advocated France leaving the euro along with Spain Greece and Portugal although that policy was dropped in 2019 She also wants to reintroduce customs borders and has campaigned against allowing dual citizenship During both the 2010 2011 Ivorian crisis and the 2011 Libyan civil war she opposed the French military involvements However the party supported the 2013 Operation Serval in Mali against Islamist militants in the country because it was at the request of the Malian government Le Pen has praised Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El Sisi for fighting radical Islam stating that Egypt s ability to separate extremist Islam from the religion sets an example to the rest of the world including France of how to deal with poisonous ideologies The party has also favourably contrasted the United Arab Emirates s opposition to Islamism with the more pro Islamist position taken by Qatar The party has advocated closer France Morocco relations criticising Macron s attempts to deepen ties with Algeria Le Pen supports the restoration of France Syria relations and called for cooperation with Israel the United States Russia Iran and Saudi Arabia to support the economic recovery of Lebanon from the Lebanese economic crisis The party supports a two state solution to the Israel Palestine conflict and welcomed the Abraham Accords The party has shifted towards more pro Israel policies over time particularly following the 2023 Israel Hamas war Bardella has expressed opposition to recognition of Palestinian statehood following the 2023 Hamas led attack on Israel on the grounds that this would be recognising terrorism Russia and Ukraine Marine Le Pen described Russian President Vladimir Putin as a defender of the Christian heritage of European civilisation The National Front considers that Ukraine has been subjugated by the United States through the Revolution of Dignity The National Front denounces anti Russian feelings in Eastern Europe and the submission of Western Europe to Washington s interests in the region Marine Le Pen is very critical against the threats of sanctions directed by the international community against Russia European countries should seek a solution through diplomacy rather than making threats that could lead to an escalation She argues that the United States is leading a new Cold War against Russia She sees no other solution for peace in Ukraine than to organise a kind of federation that would allow each region to have a large degree of autonomy She thinks Ukraine should be sovereign and free as any other nation During the 2022 French presidential election Le Pen supported sending non lethal defensive aid to Ukraine but not heavy weapons that would make France a co belligerent in the conflict Luke Harding wrote in The Guardian that the National Front s MEPs were a pro Russian bloc In 2014 the Nouvel Observateur said that the Russian government considered the National Front capable of seizing power in France and changing the course of European history in Moscow s favour According to the French media party leaders had frequent contact with Russian ambassador Alexander Orlov and Marine Le Pen made multiple trips to Moscow In May 2015 one of her advisers attended an event in Donetsk marking the independence of the self proclaimed Donetsk People s Republic The RN remains divided on relations with Russia with Bardella stating that he believed Russia was a threat to French security while Thierry Mariani suggested it was not a threat to France or Europe European Union Since their entry into the European Parliament in 1979 the National Rally has promoted a message of being pro Europe but anti EU However in 2019 the proposal that France leave the Eurozone and the EU was removed from the party s manifesto which has since called for reform from within of the union The party advocates that EU legislation should be initiated by the Council of the EU rather than the European Commission and that French laws should have primacy over EU laws NATO The party s stance on NATO has varied throughout the years Under Jean Marie Le Pen s leadership the party advocated a complete withdrawal from the organization while under Marine Le Pen s leadership the party has softened its stance to instead advocate leaving NATO s integrated military command structure which France joined in 2009 Jordan Bardella later added that the RN would not advocate withdrawing France from the integrated command while the Ukraine war was ongoing Electoral reform and referendums The National Rally has advocated for full proportional representation in France claiming that the two round system disenfranchises voters In early 2021 Marine Le Pen along with centrist politician Francois Bayrou and green politician Julien Bayou cosigned a letter asking President Emmanuel Macron to implement proportional representation for future elections The party advocates referendums on key issues such as the death penalty immigration policy and constitutional change In 2022 Marine Le Pen stated I want the referendum to become a classic operating tool ControversiesView on Nazi history and relations with Jewish groups There has been a difference between Marine Le Pen s and her father s views concerning the Holocaust and Jews In 2005 Jean Marie Le Pen wrote in the far right weekly magazine Rivarol that the German occupation of France was not particularly inhumane even if there were a few blunders inevitable in a country of 640 000 square kilometres 250 000 sq mi and in 1987 referred to the Nazi gas chambers as a point of detail of the history of the Second World War He has repeated the latter claim several times In 2004 Bruno Gollnisch said I do not question the existence of concentration camps but historians could discuss the number of deaths As to the existence of gas chambers it is up to historians to determine de se determiner Jean Marie Le Pen was fined for these remarks but Gollnisch was found not guilty by the Court of Cassation The leader of the party Marine Le Pen distanced herself for a time from the party machine in protest at her father s comments In response to her father s remarks Marine Le Pen referred to the Holocaust as the abomination of abominations During the 2012 presidential election Marine Le Pen sought the support of Jewish people in France Interviewed by the Israeli daily newspaper Haaretz about the fact that some of her European senior colleagues had formed alliances with and visited some Israeli settlers and groups Marine Le Pen said The shared concern about radical Islam explains the relationship but it is possible that behind it is also the need of the visitors from Europe to change their image in their countries As far as their partners in Israel are concerned I myself don t understand the idea of continuing to develop the settlements I consider it a political mistake and would like to make it clear in this context that we must have the right to criticise the policy of the State of Israel just as we are allowed to criticise any sovereign country without it being considered anti Semitism After all the National Front has always been Zionistic and always defended Israel s right to exist She has opposed the emigration of French Jews to Israel in response to radical Islam explaining The Jews of France are Frenchmen they re at home here and they must stay here and not emigrate The country is obligated to provide solutions against the development of radical Islam in problematic areas Czecho Russian bank loan In November 2014 Marine Le Pen confirmed that the party had received a 9 million loan from the First Czech Russian Bank FCRB in Moscow to the National Front Senior FN officials from the party s political bureau informed Mediapart that this was the first instalment of a 40 million loan although Marine Le Pen has disputed this The Independent said the loans take Moscow s attempt to influence the internal politics of the EU to a new level Reinhard Butikofer stated It s remarkable that a political party from the motherland of freedom can be funded by Putin s sphere the largest European enemy of freedom Marine Le Pen argued that it was not a donation from the Russian government but a loan from a private Russian bank because no other bank would give her a loan This loan is meant to prepare future electoral campaigns and to be repaid progressively Marine Le Pen has publicly disclosed all the rejection letters that French banks have sent to her concerning her loan requests Since November 2014 she insists that if a French bank agrees to give her a loan she would break her contract with the FCBR but she has not received any other counter propositions Le Pen accused the banks of collusion with the government In April 2015 a Russian hacker group published texts and emails between Timur Prokopenko a member of Putin s administration and Konstantin Rykov a former Duma deputy with ties to France discussing Russian financial support to the National Front in exchange for its support of Russia s annexation of Crimea though this has not coalesced Links with banned neo fascist group A 2019 undercover investigation by Al Jazeera uncovered links between high ranking National Rally figures and Generation Identity a far right group In secretly taped conversations National Rally leaders endorsed goals of Generation Identity and discussed plans to remigrate immigrants effectively sending them back to their countries of origin if National Rally came to power Christelle Lechevalier a National Rally Member of the European Parliament MEP said many National Rally leaders held similar views as the GI but sought to hide them from voters Alleged payment of party officials with EU funds In December 2023 28 people including Marine Le Pen and her father Jean Marie were ordered to stand trial after they were charged with a scheme which involved paying National Rally party officials through EU funds which were earmarked for European Parliament assistants International relationsThe FN has been part of several groups in the European Parliament The first group it helped co establish was the European Right after the 1984 election which also consisted of the Italian Social Movement MSI its early inspiration and the Greek National Political Union Following the 1989 election it teamed up with the German Republicans and the Belgian Vlaams Blok in a new European Right group while the MSI left due to the Germans arrival As the MSI evolved into the National Alliance it chose to distance itself from the FN From 1999 to 2001 the FN was a member of the Technical Group of Independents In 2007 it was part of the short lived Identity Tradition Sovereignty group Between the mentioned groups the party sat among the non affiliated Non Inscrits It is part of the Identity and Democracy group which also includes the Freedom Party of Austria Italian Northern League Vlaams Belang the Alternative for Germany AfD the Czech Freedom and Direct Democracy the Dutch Freedom Party the Conservative People s Party of Estonia the Finns Party and the Danish People s Party It was formerly known as the Europe of Nations and Freedom group during which time it also included the Polish Congress of the New Right a former member of the UK Independence Party and a former member of Romania s Conservative Party They have also been part of the Identity and Democracy Party formerly the Movement for a Europe of Nations and Freedom since 2014 which additionally includes Slovakia s We Are Family and the Bulgarian Volya Movement During Jean Marie Le Pen s presidency the party has also been active in establishing extra parliamentary confederations During the FN s 1997 national congress the FN established the loose Euronat group which consisted of a variety of European right wing parties Having failed to cooperate in the European Parliament Le Pen sought in the mid 1990s to initiate contacts with other far right parties including from non EU countries The FN drew most support in Central and Eastern Europe and Le Pen visited the Turkish Welfare Party The significant Freedom Party of Austria FPO refused to join the efforts as Jorg Haider sought to distance himself from Le Pen and later attempted to build a separate group In 2009 the FN joined the Alliance of European National Movements it left the alliance since Along with some other European parties the FN in 2010 visited Japan s Issuikai right wing movement and the Yasukuni Shrine At a conference in 2011 the two new leaders of the FN and the FPO Marine Le Pen and Heinz Christian Strache announced deeper cooperation between their parties Pursuing her de demonisation policy in October 2011 Marine Le Pen as new president of the National Front joined the European Alliance for Freedom EAF The EAF is a pan European sovereigntist platform founded late 2010 that is recognised by the European Parliament The EAF has individual members linked to the Austrian Freedom Party of Heinz Christian Strache the UK Independence Party and other movements such as the Sweden Democrats Vlaams Belang Belgian Flanders Germany Burger in Wut and Slovakia Slovak National Party During her visit to the United States Marine Le Pen met two Republican members of the U S House of Representatives associated with the Tea Party movement Joe Walsh who is known for his strong stance against Islam which Domenic Powell argues rises to Islamophobia and three time presidential candidate Ron Paul whom Le Pen complimented for his stance on the gold standard In February 2017 two more conservative Republican Congressmen Steve King and Dana Rohrabacher also met with Le Pen in Paris The party also has ties to Steve Bannon who served as White House Chief Strategist under President Donald Trump In 2017 Marine Le Pen met with and was interviewed for the British radio station LBC by former UK Independence Party leader Nigel Farage who had previously been critical of the FN Apart from the party s membership in the Identity and Democracy parliamentary group and the Identity and Democracy Party the RN also has contacts with Giorgia Meloni s Brothers of Italy Krasimir Karakachanov s IMRO Bulgarian National Movement Nenad Popovic s Serbian People s Party and Santiago Abascal s Vox in Spain In 2019 RN MEPs participated in the first international delegation to visit India s Jammu and Kashmir following the decision by Narendra Modi s Bharatiya Janata Party government to revoke the special status of Jammu and Kashmir The delegation was not sanctioned by the European Parliament and consisted mostly of right wing populist politicians including MEPs from Vox AfD the Northern League Vlaams Belang the British Brexit Party and Poland s Law and Justice party In October 2021 Le Pen met with Fidesz leader and Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki from the Law and Justice party and Slovenian Democratic Party leader and Slovenian Prime Minister Janez Jansa Morawiecki later expressed openness to the RN joining the European Conservatives and Reformists group in February 2024 Relations with the AfD deteriorated in early 2024 following Le Pen s disagreements with the AfD members discussions over remigration and the AfD questioning French control of Mayotte In May 2024 the RN announced it would end its alliance with the AfD in the next European Parliament term LeadershipThe executive bureau features Jordan Bardella president Steeve Briois vice president Louis Aliot vice president David Rachline vice president Kevin Pfeffer treasurer Julien Sanchez spokesperson Gilles Pennelle regional councilor Edwige Diaz deputy regional councilor Helene Laporte Philippe Olivier and Jean Paul Garraud Presidents No President Term start Term end1 Jean Marie Le Pen 5 October 1972 15 January 2011Jean Marie Le Pen founded the National Front for French Unity party in 1972 and contested the Presidency of France in 1974 1988 1995 2002 and 2007 He served several terms as a deputy of the National Assembly of France and a Member of the European Parliament He later served as honorary president of the party from January 2011 to August 20152 Marine Le Pen 15 January 2011 5 November 2022Marine Le Pen took over as the president of the party in 2011 and contested the 2012 2017 and 2022 French presidential elections She served as a Member of the European Parliament from 2004 to 2017 and has served as a deputy of the National Assembly of France since 2017 Under her leadership the party was renamed National Rally in 2018 3 Jordan Bardella 5 November 2022 Acting since 13 September 2021 IncumbentJordan Bardella became acting president of RN after Marine Le Pen launched her presidential campaign in September 2021 He was elected president in November 2022 Vice Presidents The party had five vice presidents between July 2012 and March 2018 against three previously Alain Jamet first vice president 2011 2014 Louis Aliot in charge of training and demonstrations 2011 2018 Marie Christine Arnautu in charge of social affairs 2011 2018 Jean Francois Jalkh in charge of elections and electoral litigations 2012 2018 Florian Philippot in charge of strategy and communication 2012 2017 Steeve Briois in charge of local executives and supervision 2014 2018 Jordan Bardella 2019 2022 In March 2018 the position of vice president replaced that of General Secretary It became a duo in June 2019 Louis Aliot David Rachline Steeve Briois 2018 2022 Helene Laporte 2022 present General Secretaries The position of General Secretary was held between 1972 and 2018 Alain Robert 1972 1973 Dominique Chaboche 1973 1976 Victor Barthelemy 1976 1978 Alain Renault 1978 1980 Pierre Gerard 1980 1981 Jean Pierre Stirbois 1981 1988 Carl Lang 1988 1995 Bruno Gollnisch 1995 2005 Louis Aliot 2005 2010 Jean Francois Jalkh 2010 2011 interim period during the internal campaign Steeve Briois 2011 2014 Nicolas Bay 2014 2017 Steeve Briois 2017 2018 Elected representativesAs of February 2023 National Rally has 88 MPs They sit in the National Assembly as members of the National Rally group Election resultsThe National Front was a marginal party in 1973 the first election it participated in but the party made its breakthrough in the 1984 European Parliament election where it won 11 of the vote and ten MEPs Following this election the party s support mostly ranged from around 10 to 15 although it saw a drop to around 5 in some late 2000s elections Since 2010 the party s support seems to have increased towards its former heights The party managed to advance to the final round of the 2002 French presidential election although it failed to attract much more support after the initial first round vote In the late 2000s the party suffered decline in elections Under Marine Le Pen s presidency the party has increased its vote share significantly The National Front came first in a national election for the first time during the 2014 European elections when it gained 24 of the vote During the 2017 presidential election the party advanced to the second round of the election for the second time and doubled the percentage it received in the 2002 presidential election earning 34 In the 2019 European elections the rebranded National Rally retained its spot as first party National Assembly National Assembly Election year Leader 1st round votes 2nd round votes Seats 1973 Jean Marie Le Pen 108 616 0 5 0 4911978 82 743 0 3 0 4911981 44 414 0 2 0 4911986 2 703 442 9 6 35 573 351988 2 359 528 9 6 1 577 341993 3 155 702 12 7 1 168 143 5 8 0 577 11997 3 791 063 14 9 1 435 186 5 7 1 577 12002 2 873 390 11 1 393 205 1 9 0 577 12007 1 116 136 4 3 17 107 0 1 0 5772012 Marine Le Pen 3 528 373 13 6 842 684 3 7 2 577 22017 2 990 454 13 2 1 590 858 8 8 8 577 62022 4 248 626 18 7 3 589 465 17 3 89 577 812024 Jordan Bardella 10 873 804 33 2 TBD TBD TBD TBDPresidential Election year Candidate First round Second round ResultVotes Rank Votes Rank1974 Jean Marie Le Pen 190 921 0 75 7th Lost1981 did not participate1988 Jean Marie Le Pen 4 375 894 14 39 4th Lost1995 4 570 838 15 00 4th Lost2002 4 804 713 16 86 2nd 5 525 032 17 70 2nd Lost2007 3 834 530 10 44 4th Lost2012 Marine Le Pen 6 421 426 17 90 3rd Lost2017 7 678 491 21 30 2nd 10 638 475 33 90 2nd Lost2022 8 133 828 23 15 2nd 13 288 686 41 45 2nd LostRegional councils Regional councils Election Leader 1st round votes 2nd round votes Seats Regional presidencies Winning party Rank1986 Jean Marie Le Pen 2 654 390 9 7 137 1 880 0 26 Union for French Democracy 4th1992 3 396 141 13 9 239 1 880 0 26 Rally for the Republic 3rd1998 3 270 118 15 3 275 1 880 0 262004 3 564 064 14 7 3 200 194 12 4 156 1 880 0 26 Socialist Party2010 2 223 800 11 4 1 943 307 9 2 118 1 749 0 262015 Marine Le Pen 6 018 672 27 7 6 820 147 27 1 358 1 722 0 18 The Republicans2021 2 743 497 18 7 2 908 253 19 1 252 1 926 0 18 Leftist Union EcologistsEuropean Parliament European Parliament See also Elections to the European Parliament Election Leader European alliance Votes Seats Winning party Rank1984 Jean Marie Le Pen DR 2 210 334 11 0 10 81 10 Union for French Democracy 4th1989 2 129 668 11 7 10 81 3rd1994 NI 2 050 086 10 5 11 87 1 5th1999 TGI 1 005 113 5 7 5 87 6 Socialist Party 8th2004 NI 1 684 792 9 8 7 78 2 4th2009 EURONAT 1 091 691 6 3 3 74 4 Union for a Popular Movement 6th2014 Marine Le Pen EAF 4 712 461 24 9 24 74 21 National Front 1st2019 Jordan Bardella ID 5 286 939 23 3 23 79 1 National Rally 1st2024 7 765 936 31 37 30 81 7Congress of New Caledonia Election Votes Seats2004 6 135 6 85 4 542009 2 591 2 68 0 542014 2 706 2 57 0 542019 2 707 2 46 0 54See alsoNeo nationalism The Radical Right in Western Europe Radical right Europe NotesThe party was formerly part of the European Right 1984 1989 the European Right 1989 1994 the Technical Group of Independents 1999 2001 and Identity Tradition Sovereignty 2007 Other customary colours include the following Black Grey Brown Red In France parties have to secure support from a specific number of elected officials from a specific number of departments in order to be eligible to run for election In 1976 the number of required elected officials was increased fivefold from the 1974 presidential cycle and the number of departments threefold The 1984 European election used proportional representation system The system had been designed by Mitterand s party to soften its predicted weakening in the polls if the election had used proportional representation it would have won 64 seats It had won a mayorship only once before in the small town of Saint Gilles du Gard in 1989 The proportional representation was used in the 1986 elections References Vive la difference has France s Front National changed BBC News 5 December 2015 from the original on 17 July 2018 Retrieved 21 June 2018 Apres la mode des mouvements le grand retour des partis politiques 11 August 2023 Jordan Bardella lance la campagne des europeennes Marine le Pen celle de l apres Macron Le Monde fr 16 September 2023 Jens Rydgren 2008 France The Front National Ethnonationalism and Populism Twenty First Century Populism Link springer com pp 166 180 doi 10 1057 9780230592100 11 ISBN 978 1 349 28476 4 The nation state is back Front National s Marine Le Pen rides on global mood The Guardian 18 September 2016 Marine Le Pen says sanctions on Russia are not working The Economist Depuis 2011 le FN est devenu protectionniste au sens large Liberation 21 April 2014 from the original on 27 September 2015 Retrieved 9 August 2014 Taylor Adam 8 January 2015 French far 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