Neanderthals n i ˈ ae n d er ˌ t ɑː l n eɪ ˌ 8 ɑː l nee AN de r TAHL nay THAHL Homo neanderthalensis or H sapiens neanderthalensis are an extinct group of archaic humans generally regarded as a distinct species though some regard it as a subspecies of Homo sapiens who lived in Eurasia until about 40 000 years ago The type specimen Neanderthal 1 was found in 1856 in the Neander Valley in present day Germany Neanderthal Temporal range Middle to Late Pleistocene 0 43 0 04 Ma PreꞒ Ꞓ O S D C P T J K Pg N An approximate reconstruction of a Neanderthal skeleton The central rib cage including the sternum and parts of the pelvis are from modern humans Scientific classificationDomain EukaryotaKingdom AnimaliaPhylum ChordataClass MammaliaOrder PrimatesSuborder HaplorhiniInfraorder SimiiformesFamily HominidaeSubfamily HomininaeTribe HomininiGenus HomoSpecies H neanderthalensisBinomial name Homo neanderthalensis King 1864Known Neanderthal range in Europe blue Southwest Asia orange Uzbekistan green and the Altai Mountains violet SynonymsHomo H stupidus Haeckel 1895 H europaeus primigenius Wilser 1898 H primigenius Schwalbe 1906 H antiquus Adloff 1908 H transprimigenius mousteriensis Farrer 1908 H mousteriensis hauseri Klaatsch 1909 H priscus Krause 1909 H chapellensis 1911 H calpicus Keith 1911 H acheulensis moustieri Wiegers 1915 H lemousteriensis Wiegers 1915 H naulettensis Baudouin 1916 H sapiens neanderthalensis Kleinshmidt 1922 H heringsdorfensis Werthe 1928 H galilensis Joleaud 1931 H primigenius galilaeensis Sklerj 1937 H kiikobiensis Bontsch Osmolovskii 1940 H sapiens krapinensis Campbell 1962 H erectus mapaensis Kurth 1965 Palaeoanthropus P neanderthalensis and Keith 1939 P heidelbergensis and Keith 1939 P ehringsdorfensis Paterson 1940 P krapinensis Sergi 1911 P palestinensis and Keith 1939 P europaeus Sergi 1910 Protanthropus P atavus Haeckel 1895 P tabunensis Bonarelli 1944 Acanthropus A neanderthalensis Arldt 1915 A primigenius Abel 1920 A neanderthalensis Dawkins 1926 It is not clear when the line of Neanderthals split from that of modern humans studies have produced various times ranging from 315 000 to more than 800 000 years ago The date of divergence of Neanderthals from their ancestor H heidelbergensis is also unclear The oldest potential Neanderthal bones date to 430 000 years ago but the classification remains uncertain Neanderthals are known from numerous fossils especially from after 130 000 years ago The reasons for Neanderthal extinction are disputed Theories for their extinction include demographic factors such as small population size and inbreeding competitive replacement interbreeding and assimilation with modern humans change of climate disease or a combination of these factors For much of the early 20th century European researchers depicted Neanderthals as primitive unintelligent and brutish Although knowledge and perception of them has markedly changed since then in the scientific community the image of the unevolved caveman archetype remains prevalent in popular culture In truth Neanderthal technology was quite sophisticated It includes the Mousterian stone tool industry as well as the abilities to create fire build cave hearths to cook food keep warm defend themselves from animals placing it at the centre of their homes make adhesive birch bark tar craft at least simple clothes similar to blankets and ponchos weave go seafaring through the Mediterranean make use of medicinal plants treat severe injuries store food and use various cooking techniques such as roasting boiling and smoking Neanderthals consumed a wide array of food mainly hoofed mammals but also megafauna plants small mammals birds and aquatic and marine resources Although they were probably apex predators they still competed with cave lions cave hyenas and other large predators A number of examples of symbolic thought and Palaeolithic art have been inconclusively attributed to Neanderthals namely possible ornaments made from bird claws and feathers shells collections of unusual objects including crystals and fossils engravings music production possibly indicated by the Divje Babe flute and Spanish cave paintings contentiously dated to before 65 000 years ago Some claims of religious beliefs have been made Neanderthals were likely capable of speech possibly articulate although the complexity of their language is not known Compared with modern humans Neanderthals had a more robust build and proportionally shorter limbs Researchers often explain these features as adaptations to conserve heat in a cold climate but they may also have been adaptations for sprinting in the warmer forested landscape that Neanderthals often inhabited They had cold specific adaptations such as specialised body fat storage and an enlarged nose to warm air although the nose could have been caused by genetic drift Average Neanderthal men stood around 165 cm 5 ft 5 in and women 153 cm 5 ft 0 in tall similar to pre industrial modern Europeans The braincases of Neanderthal men and women averaged about 1 600 cm3 98 cu in and 1 300 cm3 79 cu in respectively which is considerably larger than the modern human average 1 260 cm3 77 cu in and 1 130 cm3 69 cu in respectively The Neanderthal skull was more elongated and the brain had smaller parietal lobes and cerebellum but larger temporal occipital and orbitofrontal regions The total population of Neanderthals remained low proliferating weakly harmful gene variants and precluding effective long distance networks Despite this there is evidence of regional cultures and regular communication between communities They may have frequented caves and moved between them seasonally Neanderthals lived in a high stress environment with high trauma rates and about 80 died before the age of 40 The 2010 Neanderthal genome project s draft report presented evidence for interbreeding between Neanderthals and modern humans It possibly occurred 316 000 to 219 000 years ago but more likely 100 000 years ago and again 65 000 years ago Neanderthals also appear to have interbred with Denisovans a different group of archaic humans in Siberia Around 1 4 of genomes of Eurasians Indigenous Australians Melanesians Native Americans and North Africans is of Neanderthal ancestry while most inhabitants of sub Saharan Africa have around 0 3 of Neanderthal genes save possible traces from early sapiens to Neanderthal gene flow and or more recent back migration of Eurasians to Africa In all about 20 of distinctly Neanderthal gene variants survive in modern humans Although many of the gene variants inherited from Neanderthals may have been detrimental and selected out Neanderthal introgression appears to have affected the modern human immune system and is also implicated in several other biological functions and structures but a large portion appears to be non coding DNA TaxonomyEtymology The site of Kleine Feldhofer Grotte where Neanderthal 1 was discovered Neanderthals are named after the Neander Valley in which the first identified specimen was found The valley was spelled Neanderthal and the species was spelled Neanderthaler in German until the spelling reform of 1901 The spelling Neandertal for the species is occasionally seen in English even in scientific publications but the scientific name H neanderthalensis is always spelled with th according to the principle of priority The vernacular name of the species in German is always Neandertaler inhabitant of the Neander Valley whereas Neandertal always refers to the valley The valley itself was named after the late 17th century German theologian and hymn writer Joachim Neander who often visited the area His name in turn means new man being a learned Graecisation of the German surname Neumann Neanderthal can be pronounced using the t as in n i ˈ ae n d er t ɑː l or the standard English pronunciation of th with the fricative 8 as n i ˈ ae n d er 8 ɔː l Neanderthal 1 the type specimen was known as the Neanderthal cranium or Neanderthal skull in anthropological literature and the individual reconstructed on the basis of the skull was occasionally called the Neanderthal man The binomial name Homo neanderthalensis extending the name Neanderthal man from the individual specimen to the entire species and formally recognising it as distinct from humans was first proposed by Irish geologist William King in a paper read to the 33rd British Science Association in 1863 However in 1864 he recommended that Neanderthals and modern humans be classified in different genera as he compared the Neanderthal braincase to that of a chimpanzee and argued that they were incapable of moral and theistic conceptions Ernst Haeckel s Primate family tree showing H stupidus Neanderthal as the ancestor to H sapiensResearch history Skullcap of Neanderthal 1 the type specimen at the Musee de l Homme Paris The first Neanderthal remains Engis 2 a skull were discovered in 1829 by Dutch Belgian prehistorian Philippe Charles Schmerling in the Grottes d Engis Belgium He concluded that these poorly developed human remains must have been buried at the same time and by the same causes as the co existing remains of extinct animal species In 1848 Gibraltar 1 from Forbes Quarry was presented to the Gibraltar Scientific Society by their Secretary Lieutenant Edmund Henry Rene Flint but was thought to be a modern human skull In 1856 local schoolteacher Johann Carl Fuhlrott recognised bones from Kleine Feldhofer Grotte in Neander Valley Neanderthal 1 the holotype specimen as distinct from modern humans and gave them to German anthropologist Hermann Schaaffhausen to study in 1857 It comprised the cranium thigh bones right arm left humerus and ulna left ilium hip bone part of the right shoulder blade and pieces of the ribs Following Charles Darwin s On the Origin of Species Fuhlrott and Schaaffhausen argued the bones represented an ancient modern human form Schaaffhausen a social Darwinist believed that humans linearly progressed from savage to civilised and so concluded that Neanderthals were barbarous cave dwellers Fuhlrott and Schaaffhausen met opposition namely from the prolific pathologist Rudolf Virchow who argued against defining new species based on only a single find In 1872 Virchow erroneously interpreted Neanderthal characteristics as evidence of senility disease and malformation instead of archaicness which stalled Neanderthal research until the end of the century By the early 20th century numerous other Neanderthal discoveries were made establishing H neanderthalensis as a legitimate species The most influential specimen was La Chapelle aux Saints 1 The Old Man from La Chapelle aux Saints France French palaeontologist Marcellin Boule authored several publications among the first to establish palaeontology as a science detailing the specimen but reconstructed him as slouching ape like and only remotely related to modern humans The 1912 discovery of Piltdown Man a hoax appearing much more similar to modern humans than Neanderthals was used as evidence that multiple different and unrelated branches of primitive humans existed and supported Boule s reconstruction of H neanderthalensis as a far distant relative and an evolutionary dead end He fuelled the popular image of Neanderthals as barbarous slouching club wielding primitives this image was reproduced for several decades and popularised in science fiction works such as the 1911 The Quest for Fire by J H Rosny aine and the 1927 The Grisly Folk by H G Wells in which they are depicted as monsters In 1911 Scottish anthropologist Arthur Keith reconstructed La Chapelle aux Saints 1 as an immediate precursor to modern humans sitting next to a fire producing tools wearing a necklace and having a more humanlike posture but this failed to garner much scientific rapport and Keith later abandoned his thesis in 1915 By the middle of the century based on the exposure of Piltdown Man as a hoax as well as a reexamination of La Chapelle aux Saints 1 who had osteoarthritis which caused slouching in life and new discoveries the scientific community began to rework its understanding of Neanderthals Ideas such as Neanderthal behaviour intelligence and culture were being discussed and a more humanlike image of them emerged In 1939 American anthropologist Carleton Coon reconstructed a Neanderthal in a modern business suit and hat to emphasise that they would be more or less indistinguishable from modern humans had they survived into the present William Golding s 1955 novel The Inheritors depicts Neanderthals as much more emotional and civilised However Boule s image continued to influence works until the 1960s In modern day Neanderthal reconstructions are often very humanlike Hybridisation between Neanderthals and early modern humans had been suggested early on such as by English anthropologist Thomas Huxley in 1890 Danish ethnographer Hans Peder Steensby in 1907 and Coon in 1962 In the early 2000s supposed hybrid specimens were discovered Lagar Velho 1 and Muierii 1 However similar anatomy could also have been caused by adapting to a similar environment rather than interbreeding Neanderthal admixture was found to be present in modern populations in 2010 with the mapping of the first Neanderthal genome sequence This was based on three specimens in Vindija Cave Croatia which contained almost 4 archaic DNA allowing for near complete sequencing of the genome However there was approximately 1 error for every 200 letters base pairs based on the implausibly high mutation rate probably due to the preservation of the sample In 2012 British American geneticist Graham Coop hypothesised that they instead found evidence of a different archaic human species interbreeding with modern humans which was disproven in 2013 by the sequencing of a high quality Neanderthal genome preserved in a toe bone from Denisova Cave Siberia Classification Homo sapiensDenisovan from Denisova CaveDenisovan from Baishiya Karst CaveNeanderthal from Denisova CaveNeanderthal from Sidron CaveNeanderthal from Vindija Cave2019 phylogeny based on comparison of ancient proteomes and genomes with those of modern species Neanderthals are hominids in the genus Homo humans and generally classified as a distinct species H neanderthalensis although sometimes as a subspecies of modern human as Homo sapiens neanderthalensis This would necessitate the classification of modern humans as H sapiens sapiens A large part of the controversy stems from the vagueness of the term species as it is generally used to distinguish two genetically isolated populations but admixture between modern humans and Neanderthals is known to have occurred However the absence of Neanderthal derived patrilineal Y chromosome and matrilineal mitochondrial DNA mtDNA in modern humans along with the underrepresentation of Neanderthal X chromosome DNA could imply reduced fertility or frequent sterility of some hybrid crosses representing a partial biological reproductive barrier between the groups and therefore species distinction In 2014 geneticist Svante Paabo summarised the controversy describing such taxonomic wars as unresolvable since there is no definition of species perfectly describing the case Neanderthals are thought to have been more closely related to Denisovans than to modern humans Likewise Neanderthals and Denisovans share a more recent last common ancestor LCA than to modern humans based on nuclear DNA nDNA However Neanderthals and modern humans share a more recent mitochondrial LCA observable by studying mtDNA and Y chromosome LCA This likely resulted from an interbreeding event subsequent to the Neanderthal Denisovan split This involved either introgression coming from an unknown archaic human into Denisovans or introgression from an earlier unidentified modern human wave from Africa into Neanderthals The fact that the mtDNA of a 430 000 years old early Neanderthal line archaic human from Sima de los Huesos in Spain is more closely related to those of Denisovans that to other Neanderthals or modern humans has been cited as evidence in favour of the latter hypothesis EvolutionStage 1 early pre Neanderthal possibly H erectus Tautavel Man 450 000 years ago Stage 2 archaic Neanderthal possibly H heidelbergensis Miguelon 430 000 years ago Stage 3 early Neanderthal Saccopastore I 130 000 years ago Stage 4 classic European Neanderthal La Chapelle aux Saints 1 50 000 years ago The accretion model It is largely thought that H heidelbergensis was the last common ancestor of Neanderthals Denisovans and modern humans before populations became isolated in Europe Asia and Africa respectively The taxonomic distinction between H heidelbergensis and Neanderthals is mostly based on a fossil gap in Europe between 300 and 243 000 years ago during marine isotope stage 8 Neanderthals by convention are fossils which date to after this gap DNA from archaic humans from the 430 000 year old Sima de los Huesos site in Spain indicate that they are more closely related to Neanderthals than to Denisovans indicating that the split between Neanderthals and Denisovans must predate this time The 400 000 year old Aroeira 3 skull may also represent an early member of the Neanderthal line It is possible that gene flow between Western Europe and Africa during the Middle Pleistocene may have obscured Neanderthal characteristics in some Middle Pleistocene European hominin specimens such those from Ceprano Italy and Sicevo Gorge Serbia The fossil record is much more complete from 130 000 years ago onwards and specimens from this period make up the bulk of known Neanderthal skeletons Dental remains from the Italian Visogliano and Fontana Ranuccio sites indicate that Neanderthal dental features had evolved by around 450 430 000 years ago during the Middle Pleistocene There are two main hypotheses regarding the evolution of Neanderthals following the Neanderthal human split two phase and accretion Two phase argues that a single major environmental event such as the Saale glaciation caused European H heidelbergensis to increase rapidly in body size and robustness as well as undergoing a lengthening of the head phase 1 which then led to other changes in skull anatomy phase 2 However Neanderthal anatomy may not have been driven entirely by adapting to cold weather Accretion holds that Neanderthals slowly evolved over time from the ancestral H heidelbergensis divided into four stages early pre Neanderthals MIS 12 Elster glaciation pre Neanderthals sensu lato MIS 11 9 Holstein interglacial early Neanderthals MIS 7 5 Saale glaciation Eemian and classic Neanderthals sensu stricto MIS 4 3 Wurm glaciation Numerous dates for the Neanderthal human split have been suggested The date of around 250 000 years ago cites H helmei as being the last common ancestor LCA and the split is associated with the Levallois technique of making stone tools The date of about 400 000 years ago uses H heidelbergensis as the LCA Estimates of 600 000 years ago assume that H rhodesiensis was the LCA which split off into modern human lineage and a Neanderthal H heidelbergensis lineage Eight hundred thousand years ago has H antecessor as the LCA but different variations of this model would push the date back to 1 million years ago However a 2020 analysis of H antecessor enamel proteomes suggests that H antecessor is related but not a direct ancestor DNA studies have yielded various results for the Neanderthal human divergence time such as 538 315 553 321 565 503 654 475 690 550 765 550 741 317 and 800 520 000 years ago and a dental analysis concluded before 800 000 years ago Neanderthals and Denisovans are more closely related to each other than they are to modern humans meaning the Neanderthal Denisovan split occurred after their split with modern humans Assuming a mutation rate of 1 10 9 or 0 5 10 9 per base pair bp per year the Neanderthal Denisovan split occurred around either 236 190 000 or 473 381 000 years ago respectively Using 1 1 10 8 per generation with a new generation every 29 years the time is 744 000 years ago Using 5 10 10nucleotide sites per year it is 616 000 years ago Using the latter dates the split had likely already occurred by the time hominins spread out across Europe and unique Neanderthal features had begun evolving by 600 500 000 years ago Before splitting Neanderthal Denisovans or Neandersovans migrating out of Africa into Europe apparently interbred with an unidentified superarchaic human species who were already present there these superarchaics were the descendants of a very early migration out of Africa around 1 9 mya DemographicsRange Neanderthal skull from Tabun Cave Israel at the Israel Museum Pre and early Neanderthals living before the Eemian interglacial 130 000 years ago are poorly known and come mostly from Western European sites From 130 000 years ago onwards the quality of the fossil record increases dramatically with classic Neanderthals who are recorded from Western Central Eastern and Mediterranean Europe as well as Southwest Central and Northern Asia up to the Altai Mountains in southern Siberia Pre and early Neanderthals on the other hand seem to have continuously occupied only France Spain and Italy although some appear to have moved out of this core area to form temporary settlements eastward although without leaving Europe Nonetheless southwestern France has the highest density of sites for pre early and classic Neanderthals The Neanderthals were the first human species to permanently occupy Europe as the continent was only sporadically occupied by earlier humans The southernmost find was recorded at Shuqba Cave Levant reports of Neanderthals from the North African Jebel Irhoud and Haua Fteah have been reidentified as H sapiens Their easternmost presence is recorded at Denisova Cave Siberia 85 E the southeast Chinese Maba Man a skull shares several physical attributes with Neanderthals although these may be the result of convergent evolution rather than Neanderthals extending their range to the Pacific Ocean The northernmost bound is generally accepted to have been 55 N with unambiguous sites known between 50 53 N although this is difficult to assess because glacial advances destroy most human remains and palaeoanthropologist Trine Kellberg Nielsen has argued that a lack of evidence of Southern Scandinavian occupation is at least during the Eemian interglacial due to the former explanation and a lack of research in the area Middle Palaeolithic artefacts have been found up to 60 N on the Russian plains but these are more likely attributed to modern humans A 2017 study claimed the presence of Homo at the 130 000 year old Californian Cerutti Mastodon site in North America but this is largely considered implausible It is unknown how the rapidly fluctuating climate of the last glacial period Dansgaard Oeschger events impacted Neanderthals as warming periods would produce more favourable temperatures but encourage forest growth and deter megafauna whereas frigid periods would produce the opposite However Neanderthals may have preferred a forested landscape Stable environments with mild mean annual temperatures may have been the most suitable Neanderthal habitats Populations may have peaked in cold but not extreme intervals such as marine isotope stages 8 and 6 respectively 300 000 and 191 000 years ago during the Saale glaciation It is possible their range expanded and contracted as the ice retreated and grew respectively to avoid permafrost areas residing in certain refuge zones during glacial maxima In 2021 Israeli anthropologist Israel Hershkovitz and colleagues suggested the 140 to 120 000 year old Israeli Nesher Ramla remains which feature a mix of Neanderthal and more ancient H erectus traits represent one such source population which recolonised Europe following a glacial period Map of Europe during the Wurm glaciation 70 20 000 years agoPopulation Like modern humans Neanderthals probably descended from a very small population with an effective population the number of individuals who can bear or father children of 3 000 to 12 000 approximately However Neanderthals maintained this very low population proliferating weakly harmful genes due to the reduced effectivity of natural selection Various studies using mtDNA analysis yield varying effective populations such as about 1 000 to 5 000 5 000 to 9 000 remaining constant or 3 000 to 25 000 steadily increasing until 52 000 years ago before declining until extinction Archaeological evidence suggests that there was a tenfold increase in the modern human population in Western Europe during the period of the Neanderthal modern human transition and Neanderthals may have been at a demographic disadvantage due to a lower fertility rate a higher infant mortality rate or a combination of the two Estimates giving a total population in the higher tens of thousands are contested A consistently low population may be explained in the context of the Boserupian Trap a population s carrying capacity is limited by the amount of food it can obtain which in turn is limited by its technology Innovation increases with population but if the population is too low innovation will not occur very rapidly and the population will remain low This is consistent with the apparent 150 000 year stagnation in Neanderthal lithic technology In a sample of 206 Neanderthals based on the abundance of young and mature adults in comparison to other age demographics about 80 of them above the age of 20 died before reaching 40 This high mortality rate was probably due to their high stress environment However it has also been estimated that the age pyramids for Neanderthals and contemporary modern humans were the same Infant mortality was estimated to have been very high for Neanderthals about 43 in northern Eurasia class notpageimage Locations of Neanderthal finds in Europe and the Levant View referencesShow map of Europe 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