In probability theory and statistics variance is the expected value of the squared deviation from the mean of a random variable The standard deviation SD is obtained as the square root of the variance Variance is a measure of dispersion meaning it is a measure of how far a set of numbers is spread out from their average value It is the second central moment of a distribution and the covariance of the random variable with itself and it is often represented by s2 displaystyle sigma 2 s2 displaystyle s 2 Var X displaystyle operatorname Var X V X displaystyle V X or V X displaystyle mathbb V X Example of samples from two populations with the same mean but different variances The red population has mean 100 and variance 100 SD 10 while the blue population has mean 100 and variance 2500 SD 50 where SD stands for Standard Deviation An advantage of variance as a measure of dispersion is that it is more amenable to algebraic manipulation than other measures of dispersion such as the expected absolute deviation for example the variance of a sum of uncorrelated random variables is equal to the sum of their variances A disadvantage of the variance for practical applications is that unlike the standard deviation its units differ from the random variable which is why the standard deviation is more commonly reported as a measure of dispersion once the calculation is finished Another disadvangage is that the variance is not finite for many distributions There are two distinct concepts that are both called variance One as discussed above is part of a theoretical probability distribution and is defined by an equation The other variance is a characteristic of a set of observations When variance is calculated from observations those observations are typically measured from a real world system If all possible observations of the system are present then the calculated variance is called the population variance Normally however only a subset is available and the variance calculated from this is called the sample variance The variance calculated from a sample is considered an estimate of the full population variance There are multiple ways to calculate an estimate of the population variance as discussed in the section below The two kinds of variance are closely related To see how consider that a theoretical probability distribution can be used as a generator of hypothetical observations If an infinite number of observations are generated using a distribution then the sample variance calculated from that infinite set will match the value calculated using the distribution s equation for variance Variance has a central role in statistics where some ideas that use it include descriptive statistics statistical inference hypothesis testing goodness of fit and Monte Carlo sampling Geometric visualisation of the variance of an arbitrary distribution 2 4 4 4 5 5 7 9 A frequency distribution is constructed The centroid of the distribution gives its mean A square with sides equal to the difference of each value from the mean is formed for each value Arranging the squares into a rectangle with one side equal to the number of values n results in the other side being the distribution s variance s2 DefinitionThe variance of a random variable X displaystyle X is the expected value of the squared deviation from the mean of X displaystyle X m E X displaystyle mu operatorname E X Var X E X m 2 displaystyle operatorname Var X operatorname E left X mu 2 right This definition encompasses random variables that are generated by processes that are discrete continuous neither or mixed The variance can also be thought of as the covariance of a random variable with itself Var X Cov X X displaystyle operatorname Var X operatorname Cov X X The variance is also equivalent to the second cumulant of a probability distribution that generates X displaystyle X The variance is typically designated as Var X displaystyle operatorname Var X or sometimes as V X displaystyle V X or V X displaystyle mathbb V X or symbolically as sX2 displaystyle sigma X 2 or simply s2 displaystyle sigma 2 pronounced sigma squared The expression for the variance can be expanded as follows Var X E X E X 2 E X2 2XE X E X 2 E X2 2E X E X E X 2 E X2 2E X 2 E X 2 E X2 E X 2 displaystyle begin aligned operatorname Var X amp operatorname E left X operatorname E X 2 right 4pt amp operatorname E left X 2 2X operatorname E X operatorname E X 2 right 4pt amp operatorname E left X 2 right 2 operatorname E X operatorname E X operatorname E X 2 4pt amp operatorname E left X 2 right 2 operatorname E X 2 operatorname E X 2 4pt amp operatorname E left X 2 right operatorname E X 2 end aligned In other words the variance of X is equal to the mean of the square of X minus the square of the mean of X This equation should not be used for computations using floating point arithmetic because it suffers from catastrophic cancellation if the two components of the equation are similar in magnitude For other numerically stable alternatives see Algorithms for calculating variance Discrete random variable If the generator of random variable X displaystyle X is discrete with probability mass function x1 p1 x2 p2 xn pn displaystyle x 1 mapsto p 1 x 2 mapsto p 2 ldots x n mapsto p n then Var X i 1npi xi m 2 displaystyle operatorname Var X sum i 1 n p i cdot x i mu 2 where m displaystyle mu is the expected value That is m i 1npixi displaystyle mu sum i 1 n p i x i When such a discrete weighted variance is specified by weights whose sum is not 1 then one divides by the sum of the weights The variance of a collection of n displaystyle n equally likely values can be written as Var X 1n i 1n xi m 2 displaystyle operatorname Var X frac 1 n sum i 1 n x i mu 2 where m displaystyle mu is the average value That is m 1n i 1nxi displaystyle mu frac 1 n sum i 1 n x i The variance of a set of n displaystyle n equally likely values can be equivalently expressed without directly referring to the mean in terms of squared deviations of all pairwise squared distances of points from each other Var X 1n2 i 1n j 1n12 xi xj 2 1n2 i j gt i xi xj 2 displaystyle operatorname Var X frac 1 n 2 sum i 1 n sum j 1 n frac 1 2 x i x j 2 frac 1 n 2 sum i sum j gt i x i x j 2 Absolutely continuous random variable If the random variable X displaystyle X has a probability density function f x displaystyle f x and F x displaystyle F x is the corresponding cumulative distribution function then Var X s2 R x m 2f x dx Rx2f x dx 2m Rxf x dx m2 Rf x dx Rx2dF x 2m RxdF x m2 RdF x Rx2dF x 2m m m2 1 Rx2dF x m2 displaystyle begin aligned operatorname Var X sigma 2 amp int mathbb R x mu 2 f x dx 4pt amp int mathbb R x 2 f x dx 2 mu int mathbb R xf x dx mu 2 int mathbb R f x dx 4pt amp int mathbb R x 2 dF x 2 mu int mathbb R x dF x mu 2 int mathbb R dF x 4pt amp int mathbb R x 2 dF x 2 mu cdot mu mu 2 cdot 1 4pt amp int mathbb R x 2 dF x mu 2 end aligned or equivalently Var X Rx2f x dx m2 displaystyle operatorname Var X int mathbb R x 2 f x dx mu 2 where m displaystyle mu is the expected value of X displaystyle X given by m Rxf x dx RxdF x displaystyle mu int mathbb R xf x dx int mathbb R x dF x In these formulas the integrals with respect to dx displaystyle dx and dF x displaystyle dF x are Lebesgue and Lebesgue Stieltjes integrals respectively If the function x2f x displaystyle x 2 f x is Riemann integrable on every finite interval a b R displaystyle a b subset mathbb R then Var X x2f x dx m2 displaystyle operatorname Var X int infty infty x 2 f x dx mu 2 where the integral is an improper Riemann integral ExamplesExponential distribution The exponential distribution with parameter l is a continuous distribution whose probability density function is given by f x le lx displaystyle f x lambda e lambda x on the interval 0 Its mean can be shown to be E X 0 xle lxdx 1l displaystyle operatorname E X int 0 infty x lambda e lambda x dx frac 1 lambda Using integration by parts and making use of the expected value already calculated we have E X2 0 x2le lxdx x2e lx 0 0 2xe lxdx 0 2lE X 2l2 displaystyle begin aligned operatorname E left X 2 right amp int 0 infty x 2 lambda e lambda x dx amp left x 2 e lambda x right 0 infty int 0 infty 2xe lambda x dx amp 0 frac 2 lambda operatorname E X amp frac 2 lambda 2 end aligned Thus the variance of X is given by Var X E X2 E X 2 2l2 1l 2 1l2 displaystyle operatorname Var X operatorname E left X 2 right operatorname E X 2 frac 2 lambda 2 left frac 1 lambda right 2 frac 1 lambda 2 Fair die A fair six sided die can be modeled as a discrete random variable X with outcomes 1 through 6 each with equal probability 1 6 The expected value of X is 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 7 2 displaystyle 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 7 2 Therefore the variance of X is Var X i 1616 i 72 2 16 5 2 2 3 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 3 2 2 5 2 2 3512 2 92 displaystyle begin aligned operatorname Var X amp sum i 1 6 frac 1 6 left i frac 7 2 right 2 5pt amp frac 1 6 left 5 2 2 3 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 3 2 2 5 2 2 right 5pt amp frac 35 12 approx 2 92 end aligned The general formula for the variance of the outcome X of an n sided die is Var X E X2 E X 2 1n i 1ni2 1n i 1ni 2 n 1 2n 1 6 n 12 2 n2 112 displaystyle begin aligned operatorname Var X amp operatorname E left X 2 right operatorname E X 2 5pt amp frac 1 n sum i 1 n i 2 left frac 1 n sum i 1 n i right 2 5pt amp frac n 1 2n 1 6 left frac n 1 2 right 2 4pt amp frac n 2 1 12 end aligned Commonly used probability distributions The following table lists the variance for some commonly used probability distributions Name of the probability distribution Probability distribution function Mean VarianceBinomial distribution Pr X k nk pk 1 p n k displaystyle Pr X k binom n k p k 1 p n k np displaystyle np np 1 p displaystyle np 1 p Geometric distribution Pr X k 1 p k 1p displaystyle Pr X k 1 p k 1 p 1p displaystyle frac 1 p 1 p p2 displaystyle frac 1 p p 2 Normal distribution f x m s2 12ps2e x m 22s2 displaystyle f left x mid mu sigma 2 right frac 1 sqrt 2 pi sigma 2 e frac x mu 2 2 sigma 2 m displaystyle mu s2 displaystyle sigma 2 Uniform distribution continuous f x a b 1b afor a x b 0for x lt a or x gt b displaystyle f x mid a b begin cases frac 1 b a amp text for a leq x leq b 3pt 0 amp text for x lt a text or x gt b end cases a b2 displaystyle frac a b 2 b a 212 displaystyle frac b a 2 12 Exponential distribution f x l le lx displaystyle f x mid lambda lambda e lambda x 1l displaystyle frac 1 lambda 1l2 displaystyle frac 1 lambda 2 Poisson distribution f k l e llkk displaystyle f k mid lambda frac e lambda lambda k k l displaystyle lambda l displaystyle lambda PropertiesBasic properties Variance is non negative because the squares are positive or zero Var X 0 displaystyle operatorname Var X geq 0 The variance of a constant is zero Var a 0 displaystyle operatorname Var a 0 Conversely if the variance of a random variable is 0 then it is almost surely a constant That is it always has the same value Var X 0 a P X a 1 displaystyle operatorname Var X 0 iff exists a P X a 1 Issues of finiteness If a distribution does not have a finite expected value as is the case for the Cauchy distribution then the variance cannot be finite either However some distributions may not have a finite variance despite their expected value being finite An example is a Pareto distribution whose index k displaystyle k satisfies 1 lt k 2 displaystyle 1 lt k leq 2 Decomposition The general formula for variance decomposition or the law of total variance is If X displaystyle X and Y displaystyle Y are two random variables and the variance of X displaystyle X exists then Var X E Var X Y Var E X Y displaystyle operatorname Var X operatorname E operatorname Var X mid Y operatorname Var operatorname E X mid Y The conditional expectation E X Y displaystyle operatorname E X mid Y of X displaystyle X given Y displaystyle Y and the conditional variance Var X Y displaystyle operatorname Var X mid Y may be understood as follows Given any particular value y of the random variable Y there is a conditional expectation E X Y y displaystyle operatorname E X mid Y y given the event Y y This quantity depends on the particular value y it is a function g y E X Y y displaystyle g y operatorname E X mid Y y That same function evaluated at the random variable Y is the conditional expectation E X Y g Y displaystyle operatorname E X mid Y g Y In particular if Y displaystyle Y is a discrete random variable assuming possible values y1 y2 y3 displaystyle y 1 y 2 y 3 ldots with corresponding probabilities p1 p2 p3 displaystyle p 1 p 2 p 3 ldots then in the formula for total variance the first term on the right hand side becomes E Var X Y ipisi2 displaystyle operatorname E operatorname Var X mid Y sum i p i sigma i 2 where si2 Var X Y yi displaystyle sigma i 2 operatorname Var X mid Y y i Similarly the second term on the right hand side becomes Var E X Y ipimi2 ipimi 2 ipimi2 m2 displaystyle operatorname Var operatorname E X mid Y sum i p i mu i 2 left sum i p i mu i right 2 sum i p i mu i 2 mu 2 where mi E X Y yi displaystyle mu i operatorname E X mid Y y i and m ipimi displaystyle mu sum i p i mu i Thus the total variance is given by Var X ipisi2 ipimi2 m2 displaystyle operatorname Var X sum i p i sigma i 2 left sum i p i mu i 2 mu 2 right A similar formula is applied in analysis of variance where the corresponding formula is MStotal MSbetween MSwithin displaystyle mathit MS text total mathit MS text between mathit MS text within here MS displaystyle mathit MS refers to the Mean of the Squares In linear regression analysis the corresponding formula is MStotal MSregression MSresidual displaystyle mathit MS text total mathit MS text regression mathit MS text residual This can also be derived from the additivity of variances since the total observed score is the sum of the predicted score and the error score where the latter two are uncorrelated Similar decompositions are possible for the sum of squared deviations sum of squares SS displaystyle mathit SS SStotal SSbetween SSwithin displaystyle mathit SS text total mathit SS text between mathit SS text within SStotal SSregression SSresidual displaystyle mathit SS text total mathit SS text regression mathit SS text residual Calculation from the CDF The population variance for a non negative random variable can be expressed in terms of the cumulative distribution function F using 2 0 u 1 F u du 0 1 F u du 2 displaystyle 2 int 0 infty u 1 F u du left int 0 infty 1 F u du right 2 This expression can be used to calculate the variance in situations where the CDF but not the density can be conveniently expressed Characteristic property The second moment of a random variable attains the minimum value when taken around the first moment i e mean of the random variable i e argminmE X m 2 E X displaystyle mathrm argmin m mathrm E left left X m right 2 right mathrm E X Conversely if a continuous function f displaystyle varphi satisfies argminmE f X m E X displaystyle mathrm argmin m mathrm E varphi X m mathrm E X for all random variables X then it is necessarily of the form f x ax2 b displaystyle varphi x ax 2 b where a gt 0 This also holds in the multidimensional case Units of measurement Unlike the expected absolute deviation the variance of a variable has units that are the square of the units of the variable itself For example a variable measured in meters will have a variance measured in meters squared For this reason describing data sets via their standard deviation or root mean square deviation is often preferred over using the variance In the dice example the standard deviation is 2 9 1 7 slightly larger than the expected absolute deviation of 1 5 The standard deviation and the expected absolute deviation can both be used as an indicator of the spread of a distribution The standard deviation is more amenable to algebraic manipulation than the expected absolute deviation and together with variance and its generalization covariance is used frequently in theoretical statistics however the expected absolute deviation tends to be more robust as it is less sensitive to outliers arising from measurement anomalies or an unduly heavy tailed distribution PropagationAddition and multiplication by a constant Variance is invariant with respect to changes in a location parameter That is if a constant is added to all values of the variable the variance is unchanged Var X a Var X displaystyle operatorname Var X a operatorname Var X If all values are scaled by a constant the variance is scaled by the square of that constant Var aX a2Var X displaystyle operatorname Var aX a 2 operatorname Var X The variance of a sum of two random variables is given by Var aX bY a2Var X b2Var Y 2abCov X Y displaystyle operatorname Var aX bY a 2 operatorname Var X b 2 operatorname Var Y 2ab operatorname Cov X Y Var aX bY a2Var X b2Var Y 2abCov X Y displaystyle operatorname Var aX bY a 2 operatorname Var X b 2 operatorname Var Y 2ab operatorname Cov X Y where Cov X Y displaystyle operatorname Cov X Y is the covariance Linear combinations In general for the sum of N displaystyle N random variables X1 XN displaystyle X 1 dots X N the variance becomes Var i 1NXi i j 1NCov Xi Xj i 1NVar Xi i jCov Xi Xj displaystyle operatorname Var left sum i 1 N X i right sum i j 1 N operatorname Cov X i X j sum i 1 N operatorname Var X i sum i neq j operatorname Cov X i X j see also general Bienayme s identity These results lead to the variance of a linear combination as Var i 1NaiXi i j 1NaiajCov Xi Xj i 1Nai2Var Xi i jaiajCov Xi Xj i 1Nai2Var Xi 2 1 i lt j NaiajCov Xi Xj displaystyle begin aligned operatorname Var left sum i 1 N a i X i right amp sum i j 1 N a i a j operatorname Cov X i X j amp sum i 1 N a i 2 operatorname Var X i sum i not j a i a j operatorname Cov X i X j amp sum i 1 N a i 2 operatorname Var X i 2 sum 1 leq i lt j leq N a i a j operatorname Cov X i X j end aligned If the random variables X1 XN displaystyle X 1 dots X N are such that Cov Xi Xj 0 i j displaystyle operatorname Cov X i X j 0 forall i neq j then they are said to be uncorrelated It follows immediately from the expression given earlier that if the random variables X1 XN displaystyle X 1 dots X N are uncorrelated then the variance of their sum is equal to the sum of their variances or expressed symbolically Var i 1NXi i 1NVar Xi displaystyle operatorname Var left sum i 1 N X i right sum i 1 N operatorname Var X i Since independent random variables are always uncorrelated see Covariance Uncorrelatedness and independence the equation above holds in particular when the random variables X1 Xn displaystyle X 1 dots X n are independent Thus independence is sufficient but not necessary for the variance of the sum to equal the sum of the variances Matrix notation for the variance of a linear combination Define X displaystyle X as a column vector of n displaystyle n random variables X1 Xn displaystyle X 1 ldots X n and c displaystyle c as a column vector of n displaystyle n scalars c1 cn displaystyle c 1 ldots c n Therefore cTX displaystyle c mathsf T X is a linear combination of these random variables where cT displaystyle c mathsf T denotes the transpose of c displaystyle c Also let S displaystyle Sigma be the covariance matrix of X displaystyle X The variance of cTX displaystyle c mathsf T X is then given by Var cTX cTSc displaystyle operatorname Var left c mathsf T X right c mathsf T Sigma c This implies that the variance of the mean can be written as with a column vector of ones Var x Var 1n1 X 1n21 S1 displaystyle operatorname Var left bar x right operatorname Var left frac 1 n 1 X right frac 1 n 2 1 Sigma 1 Sum of variables Sum of uncorrelated variables One reason for the use of the variance in preference to other measures of dispersion is that the variance of the sum or the difference of uncorrelated random variables is the sum of their variances Var i 1nXi i 1nVar Xi displaystyle operatorname Var left sum i 1 n X i right sum i 1 n operatorname Var X i This statement is called the Bienayme formula and was discovered in 1853 It is often made with the stronger condition that the variables are independent but being uncorrelated suffices So if all the variables have the same variance s2 then since division by n is a linear transformation this formula immediately implies that the variance of their mean is Var X Var 1n i 1nXi 1n2 i 1nVar Xi 1n2ns2 s2n displaystyle operatorname Var left overline X right operatorname Var left frac 1 n sum i 1 n X i right frac 1 n 2 sum i 1 n operatorname Var left X i right frac 1 n 2 n sigma 2 frac sigma 2 n That is the variance of the mean decreases when n increases This formula for the variance of the mean is used in the definition of the standard error of the sample mean which is used in the central limit theorem To prove the initial statement it suffices to show that Var X Y Var X Var Y displaystyle operatorname Var X Y operatorname Var X operatorname Var Y The general result then follows by induction Starting with the definition Var X Y E X Y 2 E X Y 2 E X2 2XY Y2 E X E Y 2 displaystyle begin aligned operatorname Var X Y amp operatorname E left X Y 2 right operatorname E X Y 2 5pt amp operatorname E left X 2 2XY Y 2 right operatorname E X operatorname E Y 2 end aligned Using the linearity of the expectation operator and the assumption of independence or uncorrelatedness of X and Y this further simplifies as follows Var X Y E X2 2E XY E Y2 E X 2 2E X E Y E Y 2 E X2 E Y2 E X 2 E Y 2 Var X Var Y displaystyle begin aligned operatorname Var X Y amp operatorname E left X 2 right 2 operatorname E XY operatorname E left Y 2 right left operatorname E X 2 2 operatorname E X operatorname E Y operatorname E Y 2 right 5pt amp operatorname E left X 2 right operatorname E left Y 2 right operatorname E X 2 operatorname E Y 2 5pt amp operatorname Var X operatorname Var Y end aligned Sum of correlated variables Sum of correlated variables with fixed sample size In general the variance of the sum of n variables is the sum of their covariances Var i 1nXi i 1n j 1nCov Xi Xj i 1nVar Xi 2 1 i lt j nCov Xi Xj displaystyle operatorname Var left sum i 1 n X i right sum i 1 n sum j 1 n operatorname Cov left X i X j right sum i 1 n operatorname Var left X i right 2 sum 1 leq i lt j leq n operatorname Cov left X i X j right Note The second equality comes from the fact that Cov Xi Xi Var Xi Here Cov displaystyle operatorname Cov cdot cdot is the covariance which is zero for independent random variables if it exists The formula states that the variance of a sum is equal to the sum of all elements in the covariance matrix of the components The next expression states equivalently that the variance of the sum is the sum of the diagonal of covariance matrix plus two times the sum of its upper triangular elements or its lower triangular elements this emphasizes that the covariance matrix is symmetric This formula is used in the theory of Cronbach s alpha in classical test theory So if the variables have equal variance s2 and the average correlation of distinct variables is r then the variance of their mean is Var X s2n n 1nrs2 displaystyle operatorname Var left overline X right frac sigma 2 n frac n 1 n rho sigma 2 This implies that the variance of the mean increases with the average of the correlations In other words additional correlated observations are not as effective as additional independent observations at reducing the uncertainty of the mean Moreover if the variables have unit variance for example if they are standardized then this simplifies to Var X 1n n 1nr displaystyle operatorname Var left overline X right frac 1 n frac n 1 n rho This formula is used in the Spearman Brown prediction formula of classical test theory This converges to r if n goes to infinity provided that the average correlation remains constant or converges too So for the variance of the mean of standardized variables with equal correlations or converging average correlation we have limn Var X r displaystyle lim n to infty operatorname Var left overline X right rho Therefore the variance of the mean of a large number of standardized variables is approximately equal to their average correlation This makes clear that the sample mean of correlated variables does not generally converge to the population mean even though the law of large numbers states that the sample mean will converge for independent variables Sum of uncorrelated variables with random sample size There are cases when a sample is taken without knowing in advance how many observations will be acceptable according to some criterion In such cases the sample size N is a random variable whose variation adds to the variation of X such that Var i 1NXi E N Var X Var N E X 2 displaystyle operatorname Var left sum i 1 N X i right operatorname E left N right operatorname Var X operatorname Var N operatorname E left X right 2 which follows from the law of total variance If N has a Poisson distribution then E N Var N displaystyle operatorname E N operatorname Var N with estimator n N So the estimator of Var i 1nXi displaystyle operatorname Var left sum i 1 n X i right becomes nSx2 nX 2 displaystyle n S x 2 n bar X 2 giving SE X Sx2 X 2n displaystyle operatorname SE bar X sqrt frac S x 2 bar X 2 n see standard error of the sample mean Weighted sum of variables The scaling property and the Bienayme formula along with the property of the covariance Cov aX bY ab Cov X Y jointly imply that Var aX bY a2Var X b2Var Y 2abCov X Y displaystyle operatorname Var aX pm bY a 2 operatorname Var X b 2 operatorname Var Y pm 2ab operatorname Cov X Y This implies that in a weighted sum of variables the variable with the largest weight will have a disproportionally large weight in the variance of the total For example if X and Y are uncorrelated and the weight of X is two times the weight of Y then the weight of the variance of X will be four times the weight of the variance of Y The expression above can be extended to a weighted sum of multiple variables Var inaiXi i 1nai2Var Xi 2 1 i lt j naiajCov Xi Xj displaystyle operatorname Var left sum i n a i X i right sum i 1 n a i 2 operatorname Var X i 2 sum 1 leq i sum lt j leq n a i a j operatorname Cov X i X j Product of variables Product of independent variables If two variables X and Y are independent the variance of their product is given by Var XY E X 2Var Y E Y 2Var X Var X Var Y displaystyle operatorname Var XY operatorname E X 2 operatorname Var Y operatorname E Y 2 operatorname Var X operatorname Var X operatorname Var Y Equivalently using the basic properties of expectation it is given by Var XY E X2 E Y2 E X 2 E Y 2 displaystyle operatorname Var XY operatorname E left X 2 right operatorname E left Y 2 right operatorname E X 2 operatorname E Y 2 Product of statistically dependent variables In general if two variables are statistically dependent then the variance of their product is given by Var XY E X2Y2 E XY 2 Cov X2 Y2 E X2 E Y2 E XY 2 Cov X2 Y2 Var X E X 2 Var Y E Y 2 Cov X Y E X E Y 2 displaystyle begin aligned operatorname Var XY amp operatorname E left X 2 Y 2 right operatorname E XY 2 5pt amp operatorname Cov left X 2 Y 2 right operatorname E X 2 operatorname E left Y 2 right operatorname E XY 2 5pt amp operatorname Cov left X 2 Y 2 right left operatorname Var X operatorname E X 2 right left operatorname Var Y operatorname E Y 2 right 5pt amp operatorname Cov X Y operatorname E X operatorname E Y 2 end aligned Arbitrary functions The delta method uses second order Taylor expansions to approximate the variance of a function of one or more random variables see Taylor expansions for the moments of functions of random variables For example the approximate variance of a function of one variable is given by Var f X f E X 2Var X displaystyle operatorname Var left f X right approx left f operatorname E left X right right 2 operatorname Var left X right provided that f is twice differentiable and that the mean and variance of X are finite Population variance and sample varianceThis section does not cite any sources Please help improve this section by adding citations to reliable sources Unsourced material may be challenged and removed January 2024 Learn how and when to remove this message Real world observations such as the measurements of yesterday s rain throughout the day typically cannot be complete sets of all possible observations that could be made As such the variance calculated from the finite set will in general not match the variance that would have been calculated from the full population of possible observations This means that one estimates the mean and variance from a limited set of observations by using an estimator equation The estimator is a function of the sample of n observations drawn without observational bias from the whole population of potential observations In this example the sample would be the set of actual measurements of yesterday s rainfall from available rain gauges within the geography of interest The simplest estimators for population mean and population variance are simply the mean and variance of the sample the sample mean and uncorrected sample variance these are consistent estimators they converge to the value of the whole population as the number of samples increases but can be improved Most simply the sample variance is computed as the sum of squared deviations about the sample mean divided by n as the number of samples However using values other than n improves the estimator in various ways Four common values for the denominator are n n 1 n 1 and n 1 5 n is the simplest the variance of the sample n 1 eliminates bias n 1 minimizes mean squared error for the normal distribution and n 1 5 mostly eliminates bias in unbiased estimation of standard deviation for the normal distribution Firstly if the true population mean is unknown then the sample variance which uses the sample mean in place of the true mean is a biased estimator it underestimates the variance by a factor of n 1 n correcting this factor resulting in the sum of squared deviations about the sample mean divided by n 1 instead of n is called Bessel s correction The resulting estimator is unbiased and is called the corrected sample variance or unbiased sample variance If the mean is determined in some other way than from the same samples used to estimate the variance then this bias does not arise and the variance can safely be estimated as that of the samples about the independently known mean Secondly the sample variance does not generally minimize mean squared error between sample variance and population variance Correcting for bias often makes this worse one can always choose a scale factor that performs better than the corrected sample variance though the optimal scale factor depends on the excess kurtosis of the population see mean squared error variance and introduces bias This always consists of scaling down the unbiased estimator dividing by a number larger than n 1 and is a simple example of a shrinkage estimator one shrinks the unbiased estimator towards zero For the normal distribution dividing by n 1 instead of n 1 or n minimizes mean squared error The resulting estimator is biased however and is known as the biased sample variation Population variance In general the population variance of a finite population of size N with values xi is given bys2 1N i 1N xi m 2 1N i 1N xi2 2mxi m2 1N i 1Nxi2 2m 1N i 1Nxi m2 E xi2 m2 displaystyle begin aligned sigma 2 amp frac 1 N sum i 1 N left x i mu right 2 frac 1 N sum i 1 N left x i 2 2 mu x i mu 2 right 5pt amp left frac 1 N sum i 1 N x i 2 right 2 mu left frac 1 N sum i 1 N x i right mu 2 5pt amp operatorname E x i 2 mu 2 end aligned where the population mean is m E xi 1N i 1Nxi textstyle mu operatorname E x i frac 1 N sum i 1 N x i and E xi2 1N i 1Nxi2 textstyle operatorname E x i 2 left frac 1 N sum i 1 N x i 2 right where E textstyle operatorname E is the expectation value operator The population variance can also be computed using s2 1N2 i lt j xi xj 2 12N2 i j 1N xi xj 2 displaystyle sigma 2 frac 1 N 2 sum i lt j left x i x j right 2 frac 1 2N 2 sum i j 1 N left x i x j right 2 The right side has duplicate terms in the sum while the middle side has only unique terms to sum This is true because12N2 i j 1N xi xj 2 12N2 i j 1N xi2 2xixj xj2 12N j 1N 1N i 1Nxi2 1N i 1Nxi 1N j 1Nxj 12N i 1N 1N j 1Nxj2 12 s2 m2 m2 12 s2 m2 s2 displaystyle begin aligned amp frac 1 2N 2 sum i j 1 N left x i x j right 2 5pt amp frac 1 2N 2 sum i j 1 N left x i 2 2x i x j x j 2 right 5pt amp frac 1 2N sum j 1 N left frac 1 N sum i 1 N x i 2 right left frac 1 N sum i 1 N x i right left frac 1 N sum j 1 N x j right frac 1 2N sum i 1 N left frac 1 N sum j 1 N x j 2 right 5pt amp frac 1 2 left sigma 2 mu 2 right mu 2 frac 1 2 left sigma 2 mu 2 right 5pt amp sigma 2 end aligned The population variance matches the variance of the generating probability distribution In this sense the concept of population can be extended to continuous random variables with infinite populations Sample variance Biased sample variance In many practical situations the true variance of a population is not known a priori and must be computed somehow When dealing with extremely large populations it is not possible to count every object in the population so the computation must be performed on a sample of the population This is generally referred to as sample variance or empirical variance Sample variance can also be applied to the estimation of the variance of a continuous distribution from a sample of that distribution We take a sample with replacement of n values Y1 Yn from the population of size N textstyle N where n lt N and estimate the variance on the basis of this sample Directly taking the variance of the sample data gives the average of the squared deviations S Y2 1n i 1n Yi Y 2 1n i 1nYi2 Y 2 1n2 i j i lt j Yi Yj 2 displaystyle tilde S Y 2 frac 1 n sum i 1 n left Y i overline Y right 2 left frac 1 n sum i 1 n Y i 2 right overline Y 2 frac 1 n 2 sum i j i lt j left Y i Y j right 2 See the section Population variance for the derivation of this formula Here Y displaystyle overline Y denotes the sample mean Y 1n i 1nYi displaystyle overline Y frac 1 n sum i 1 n Y i Since the Yi are selected randomly both Y displaystyle overline Y and S Y2 displaystyle tilde S Y 2 are random variables Their expected values can be evaluated by averaging over the ensemble of all possible samples Yi of size n from the population For S Y2 displaystyle tilde S Y 2 this gives E S Y2 E 1n i 1n Yi 1n j 1nYj 2 1n i 1nE Yi2 2nYi j 1nYj 1n2 j 1nYj k 1nYk 1n i 1n E Yi2 2n j iE YiYj E Yi2 1n2 j 1n k jnE YjYk 1n2 j 1nE Yj2 1n i 1n n 2nE Yi2 2n j iE YiYj 1n2 j 1n k jnE YjYk 1n2 j 1nE Yj2 1n i 1n n 2n s2 m2 2n n 1 m2 1n2n n 1 m2 1n s2 m2 n 1ns2 displaystyle begin aligned operatorname E tilde S Y 2 amp operatorname E left frac 1 n sum i 1 n left Y i frac 1 n sum j 1 n Y j right 2 right 5pt amp frac 1 n sum i 1 n operatorname E left Y i 2 frac 2 n Y i sum j 1 n Y j frac 1 n 2 sum j 1 n Y j sum k 1 n Y k right 5pt amp frac 1 n sum i 1 n left operatorname E left Y i 2 right frac 2 n left sum j neq i operatorname E left Y i Y j right operatorname E left Y i 2 right right frac 1 n 2 sum j 1 n sum k neq j n operatorname E left Y j Y k right frac 1 n 2 sum j 1 n operatorname E left Y j 2 right right 5pt amp frac 1 n sum i 1 n left frac n 2 n operatorname E left Y i 2 right frac 2 n sum j neq i operatorname E left Y i Y j right frac 1 n 2 sum j 1 n sum k neq j n operatorname E left Y j Y k right frac 1 n 2 sum j 1 n operatorname E left Y j 2 right right 5pt amp frac 1 n sum i 1 n left frac n 2 n left sigma 2 mu 2 right frac 2 n n 1 mu 2 frac 1 n 2 n n 1 mu 2 frac 1 n left sigma 2 mu 2 right right 5pt amp frac n 1 n sigma 2 end aligned Here s2 E Yi2 m2 textstyle sigma 2 operatorname E Y i 2 mu 2 derived in the section Population variance and E YiYj E Yi E Yj m2 textstyle operatorname E Y i Y j operatorname E Y i operatorname E Y j mu 2 due to independency of Yi textstyle Y i and Yj textstyle Y j are used Hence S Y2 textstyle tilde S Y 2 gives an estimate of the population variance that is biased by a factor of n 1n textstyle frac n 1 n as the expectation value of S Y2 textstyle tilde S Y 2 is smaller than the population variance true variance by that factor For this reason S Y2 textstyle tilde S Y 2 is referred to as the biased sample variance Unbiased sample variance Correcting for this bias yields the unbiased sample variance denoted S2 displaystyle S 2 S2 nn 1S Y2 nn 1 1n i 1n Yi Y 2 1n 1 i 1n Yi Y 2 displaystyle S 2 frac n n 1 tilde S Y 2 frac n n 1 left frac 1 n sum i 1 n left Y i overline Y right 2 right frac 1 n 1 sum i 1 n left Y i overline Y right 2 Either estimator may be simply referred to as the sample variance when the version can be determined by context The same proof is also applicable for samples taken from a continuous probability distribution The use of the term n 1 is called Bessel s correction and it is also used in sample covariance and the sample standard deviation the square root of variance The square root is a concave function and thus introduces negative bias by Jensen s inequality which depends on the distribution and thus the corrected sample standard deviation using Bessel s correction is biased The unbiased estimation of standard deviation is a technically involved problem though for the normal distribution using the term n 1 5 yields an almost unbiased estimator The unbiased sample variance is a U statistic for the function ƒ y1 y2 y1 y2 2 2 meaning that it is obtained by averaging a 2 sample statistic over 2 element subsets of the population Example For a set of numbers 10 15 30 45 57 52 63 72 81 93 102 105 if this set is the whole data population for some measurement then variance is the population variance 932 743 as the sum of the squared deviations about the mean of this set divided by 12 as the number of the set members If the set is a sample from the whole population then the unbiased sample variance can be calculated as 1017 538 that is the sum of the squared deviations about the mean of the sample divided by 11 instead of 12 A function VAR S in Microsoft Excel gives the unbiased sample variance while VAR P is for population variance Distribution of the sample variance Distribution and cumulative distribution of S2 s2 for various values of n n 1 when the yi are independent normally distributed Being a function of random variables the sample variance is itself a random variable and it is natural to study its distribution In the case that Yi are independent observations from a normal distribution Cochran s theorem shows that the unbiased sample variance S2 follows a scaled chi squared distribution see also asymptotic properties and an elementary proof n 1 S2s2 xn 12 displaystyle n 1 frac S 2 sigma 2 sim chi n 1 2 where s2 is the population variance As a direct consequence it follows that E S2 E s2n 1xn 12 s2 displaystyle operatorname E left S 2 right operatorname E left frac sigma 2 n 1 chi n 1 2 right sigma 2 and Var S2 Var s2n 1xn 12 s4 n 1 2Var xn 12 2s4n 1 displaystyle operatorname Var left S 2 right operatorname Var left frac sigma 2 n 1 chi n 1 2 right frac sigma 4 n 1 2 operatorname Var left chi n 1 2 right frac 2 sigma 4 n 1 If Yi are independent and identically distributed but not necessarily normally distributed then E S2 s2 Var S2 s4n k 1 2n 1 1n m4 n 3n 1s4 displaystyle operatorname E left S 2 right sigma 2 quad operatorname Var left S 2 right frac sigma 4 n left kappa 1 frac 2 n 1 right frac 1 n left mu 4 frac n 3 n 1 sigma 4 right where k is the kurtosis of the distribution and m4 is the fourth central moment If the conditions of the law of large numbers hold for the squared observations S2 is a consistent estimator of s2 One can see indeed that the variance of the estimator tends asymptotically to zero An asymptotically equivalent formula was given in Kenney and Keeping 1951 164 Rose and Smith 2002 264 and Weisstein n d Samuelson s inequality Samuelson s inequality is a result that states bounds on the values that individual observations in a sample can take given that the sample mean and biased variance have been calculated Values must lie within the limits y sY n 1 1 2 displaystyle bar y pm sigma Y n 1 1 2 Relations with the harmonic and arithmetic means It has been shown that for a sample yi of positive real numbers sy2 2ymax A H displaystyle sigma y 2 leq 2y max A H where ymax is the maximum of the sample A is the arithmetic mean H is the harmonic mean of the sample and sy2 displaystyle sigma y 2 is the biased variance of the sample This bound has been improved and it is known that variance is bounded by sy2 ymax A H ymax A ymax H displaystyle sigma y 2 leq frac y max A H y max A y max H sy2 ymin A H A ymin H ymin displaystyle sigma y 2 geq frac y min A H A y min H y min where ymin is the minimum of the sample Tests of equality of variancesThe F test of equality of variances and the chi square tests are adequate when the sample is normally distributed Non normality makes testing for the equality of two or more variances more difficult Several non parametric tests have been proposed these include the Barton David Ansari Freund Siegel Tukey test the Mood test the and the The Sukhatme test applies to two variances and requires that both medians be known and equal to zero The Mood Klotz Capon and Barton David Ansari Freund Siegel Tukey tests also apply to two variances They allow the median to be unknown but do require that the two medians are equal The is a parametric test of two variances Of this test there are several variants known Other tests of the equality of variances include the the and the Resampling methods which include the bootstrap and the jackknife may be used to test the equality of variances Moment of inertiaThe variance of a probability distribution is analogous to the moment of inertia in classical mechanics of a corresponding mass distribution along a line with respect to rotation about its center of mass citation needed It is because of this analogy that such things as the variance are called moments of probability distributions citation needed The covariance matrix is related to the moment of inertia tensor for multivariate distributions The moment of inertia of a cloud of n points with a covariance matrix of S displaystyle Sigma is given by citation needed I n 13 3tr S S displaystyle I n left mathbf 1 3 times 3 operatorname tr Sigma Sigma right This difference between moment of inertia in physics and in statistics is clear for points that are gathered along a line Suppose many points are close to the x axis and distributed along it The covariance matrix might look like S 100000 10000 1 displaystyle Sigma begin bmatrix 10 amp 0 amp 0 0 amp 0 1 amp 0 0 amp 0 amp 0 1 end bmatrix That is there is the most variance in the x direction Physicists would consider this to have a low moment about the x axis so the moment of inertia tensor is I n 0 200010 100010 1 displaystyle I n begin bmatrix 0 2 amp 0 amp 0 0 amp 10 1 amp 0 0 amp 0 amp 10 1 end bmatrix SemivarianceThe semivariance is calculated in the same manner as the variance but only those observations that fall below the mean are included in the calculation Semivariance 1n i xi lt m xi m 2 displaystyle text Semivariance 1 over n sum i x i lt mu x i mu 2 It is also described as a specific measure in different fields of application For skewed distributions the semivariance can provide additional information that a variance does not For inequalities associated with the semivariance see Chebyshev s inequality Semivariances EtymologyThe term variance was first introduced by Ronald Fisher in his 1918 paper The Correlation Between Relatives on the Supposition of Mendelian Inheritance The great body of available statistics show us that the deviations of a human measurement from its mean follow very closely the Normal Law of Errors and therefore that the variability may be uniformly measured by the standard deviation corresponding to the square root of the mean square error When there are two independent causes of variability capable of producing in an otherwise uniform population distributions with standard deviations s1 displaystyle sigma 1 and s2 displaystyle sigma 2 it is found that the distribution when both causes act together has a standard deviation s12 s22 displaystyle sqrt sigma 1 2 sigma 2 2 It is therefore desirable in analysing the causes of variability to deal with the square of the standard deviation as the measure of variability We shall term this quantity the Variance GeneralizationsFor complex variables, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library, article, read, download, free, free download, mp3, video, mp4, 3gp, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, picture, music, song, movie, book, game, games, mobile, phone, android, ios, apple, mobile phone, samsung, iphone, xiomi, xiaomi, 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