Brazil officially the Federative Republic of Brazil is the largest and easternmost country in South America and in Latin America Brazil is the world s fifth largest country by area and the seventh most populous Its capital is Brasilia and its most populous city is Sao Paulo The federation is composed of the union of the 26 states and the Federal District It is the only country in the Americas to have Portuguese as an official language Brazil is one of the most multicultural and ethnically diverse nations due to over a century of mass immigration from around the world Federative Republic of BrazilRepublica Federativa do BrasilFlag Coat of armsMotto Ordem e Progresso Order and Progress Anthem Hino Nacional Brasileiro Brazilian National Anthem source source track track track track track track track track track track track track track Flag anthem Hino a Bandeira Nacional National Flag Anthem source source National Seal Selo Nacional do Brasil National Seal of BrazilCapitalBrasilia 15 47 S 47 52 W 15 783 S 47 867 W 15 783 47 867Largest citySao Paulo 23 33 S 46 38 W 23 550 S 46 633 W 23 550 46 633Official language and national languagePortugueseRecognized regional languagesSee regional official languagesEthnic groups 2022 45 3 Pardo 43 5 White 10 2 Black 0 6 Indigenous 0 4 East AsianReligion 2022 79 Christianity 51 Catholicism 28 Protestantism 12 no religion 5 other religions Spiritism Umbanda Candomble etc Demonym s BrazilianGovernmentFederal presidential republic PresidentLula da Silva Vice PresidentGeraldo Alckmin President of the Chamber of DeputiesArthur Lira President of the Federal SenateRodrigo Pacheco President of the Supreme Federal CourtLuis Roberto BarrosoLegislatureNational Congress Upper houseFederal Senate Lower houseChamber of DeputiesIndependence from Portugal Declared7 September 1822 Recognized29 August 1825 Republic15 November 1889 Current constitution5 October 1988Area Total8 515 767 km2 3 287 956 sq mi 5th Water 0 65Population 2024 estimate205 375 043 7th 2022 census203 080 756 Density23 8 km2 61 6 sq mi 193rd GDP PPP 2024 estimate Total 4 274 trillion 8th Per capita 20 809 78th GDP nominal 2024 estimate Total 2 331 trillion 8th Per capita 11 352 78th Gini 2022 52 highHDI 2022 0 760 high 89th CurrencyReal R BRL Time zoneUTC 2 to 5 BRT DST is not observed Date formatdd mm yyyy CE Driving siderightCalling code 55ISO 3166 codeBRInternet TLD br Bounded by the Atlantic Ocean on the east Brazil has a coastline of 7 491 kilometers 4 655 mi It borders all other countries and territories in South America except Ecuador and Chile and covers roughly half of the continent s land area Its Amazon basin includes a vast tropical forest home to diverse wildlife a variety of ecological systems and extensive natural resources spanning numerous protected habitats This unique environmental heritage positions Brazil at number one of 17 megadiverse countries The country s natural richness is also the subject of significant global interest as environmental degradation through processes such as deforestation has direct impacts on global issues such as climate change and biodiversity loss The territory which would become known as Brazil was inhabited by numerous tribal nations prior to the landing of explorer Pedro Alvares Cabral in 1500 Then the land was claimed for the Portuguese Empire Brazil remained a Portuguese colony until 1808 when the capital of the empire was transferred from Lisbon to Rio de Janeiro In 1815 the colony was elevated to the rank of kingdom upon the formation of the United Kingdom of Portugal Brazil and the Algarves Independence was achieved in 1822 with the creation of the Empire of Brazil a unitary state governed under a constitutional monarchy and a parliamentary system The ratification of the first constitution in 1824 led to the formation of a bicameral legislature now called the National Congress Slavery was abolished in 1888 The country became a presidential republic in 1889 following a military coup d etat An authoritarian military dictatorship emerged in 1964 and ruled until 1985 after which civilian governance resumed Brazil s current constitution formulated in 1988 defines it as a democratic federal republic Due to its rich culture and history the country ranks thirteenth in the world by number of UNESCO World Heritage Sites Brazil is a regional and middle power that is an emerging power and a major non NATO ally of the United States Categorised as a developing country with a high Human Development Index Brazil is considered an advanced emerging economy having the eighth largest GDP in the world by nominal and eighth by PPP measures the largest in Latin America and the Southern Hemisphere Considered as an upper middle income economy by the World Bank and a newly industrialized country Brazil has the largest share of global wealth in South America and is one of the world s major breadbaskets being the largest producer of coffee for the last 150 years Despite its growing economic and global profile the country continues to face noticeable corruption crime and social inequality which are the challenges to overcome Brazil is a founding member of the United Nations the G20 BRICS G4 Mercosul Organization of American States Organization of Ibero American States and the Community of Portuguese Language Countries Brazil is also an observer state of the Arab League EtymologyThe word Brazil probably comes from the Portuguese word for brazilwood a tree that once grew plentifully along the Brazilian coast In Portuguese brazilwood is called pau brasil with the word brasil commonly given the etymology red like an ember formed from brasa ember and the suffix il from iculum or ilium It has alternatively been suggested that this is a folk etymology for a word for the plant related to an Arabic or Asian word for a red plant As brazilwood produces a deep red dye it was highly valued by the European textile industry and was the earliest commercially exploited product from Brazil Throughout the 16th century massive amounts of brazilwood were harvested by indigenous peoples mostly Tupi along the Brazilian coast who sold the timber to European traders mostly Portuguese but also French in return for assorted European consumer goods The official Portuguese name of the land in original Portuguese records was the Land of the Holy Cross Terra da Santa Cruz but European sailors and merchants commonly called it the Land of Brazil Terra do Brasil because of the brazilwood trade The popular appellation eclipsed and eventually supplanted the official Portuguese name Some early sailors called it the Land of Parrots In the Guarani language an official language of Paraguay Brazil is called Pindorama meaning land of the palm trees HistoryPre Cabraline era Rock art at Serra da Capivara National Park one of the largest and oldest concentrations of prehistoric sites in the Americas Some of the earliest human remains found in the Americas Luzia Woman were found in the area of Pedro Leopoldo Minas Gerais and provide evidence of human habitation going back at least 11 000 years The earliest pottery ever found in the Western Hemisphere was excavated in the Amazon basin of Brazil and radiocarbon dated to 8 000 years ago 6000 BC The pottery was found near Santarem and provides evidence that the region supported a complex prehistoric culture The Marajoara culture flourished on Marajo in the Amazon delta from AD 400 to 1400 developing sophisticated pottery social stratification large populations mound building and complex social formations such as chiefdoms Around the time of the Portuguese arrival the territory of current day Brazil had an estimated indigenous population of 7 million people mostly semi nomadic who subsisted on hunting fishing gathering and migrant agriculture The population comprised several large indigenous ethnic groups e g the Tupis Guaranis Ges and Arawaks The Tupi people were subdivided into the Tupiniquins and Tupinambas Before the arrival of the Europeans the boundaries between these groups and their subgroups were marked by wars that arose from differences in culture language and moral beliefs These wars also involved large scale military actions on land and water with cannibalistic rituals on prisoners of war While heredity had some weight leadership was a status more won over time than assigned in succession ceremonies and conventions Slavery among the indigenous groups had a different meaning than it had for Europeans since it originated from a diverse socioeconomic organization in which asymmetries were translated into kinship relations Portuguese colonization Pedro Alvares Cabral landing in Porto Seguro in 1500 ushering in more than 300 years of Portuguese ruleTiradentes who led the separatist movement Inconfidencia Mineira was sentenced to death in 1792 Execution of the Punishment of the Whip by Jean Baptiste Debret Nearly 5 million enslaved Africans were imported to Brazil during the Atlantic slave trade more than any country Following the 1494 Treaty of Tordesillas the land now called Brazil was claimed for the Portuguese Empire on 22 April 1500 with the arrival of the Portuguese fleet commanded by Pedro Alvares Cabral The Portuguese encountered indigenous peoples divided into several ethnic societies most of whom spoke languages of the Tupi Guarani family and fought among themselves Though the first settlement was founded in 1532 colonization effectively began in 1534 when King John III of Portugal divided the territory into the fifteen private and autonomous captaincies However the decentralized and unorganized tendencies of the captaincies proved problematic and in 1549 the Portuguese king restructured them into the Governorate General of Brazil in the city of Salvador which became the capital of a single and centralized Portuguese colony in South America In the first two centuries of colonization Indigenous and European groups lived in constant war establishing opportunistic alliances in order to gain advantages against each other By the mid 16th century cane sugar had become Brazil s most important export while slaves purchased in Sub Saharan Africa in the slave market of Western Africa not only those from Portuguese allies of their colonies in Angola and Mozambique had become its largest import to cope with sugarcane plantations due to increasing international demand for Brazilian sugar Brazil received more than 2 8 million slaves from Africa between the years 1500 and 1800 By the end of the 17th century sugarcane exports began to decline and the discovery of gold by bandeirantes in the 1690s would become the new backbone of the colony s economy fostering a gold rush which attracted thousands of new settlers to Brazil from Portugal and all Portuguese colonies around the world This increased level of immigration in turn caused some conflicts between newcomers and old settlers Portuguese expeditions known as bandeiras gradually expanded Brazil s original colonial frontiers in South America to its approximately current borders In this era other European powers tried to colonize parts of Brazil in incursions that the Portuguese had to fight notably the French in Rio during the 1560s in Maranhao during the 1610s and the Dutch in Bahia and Pernambuco during the Dutch Portuguese War after the end of Iberian Union The Portuguese colonial administration in Brazil had two objectives that would ensure colonial order and the monopoly of Portugal s wealthiest and largest colony to keep under control and eradicate all forms of slave rebellion and resistance such as the Quilombo of Palmares and to repress all movements for autonomy or independence such as the Minas Gerais Conspiracy Elevation to kingdom The Acclamation of King Joao VI of the United Kingdom of Portugal Brazil and the Algarves in Rio de Janeiro 6 February 1818 In late 1807 Spanish and Napoleonic forces threatened the security of continental Portugal causing Prince Regent John in the name of Queen Maria I to move the royal court from Lisbon to Rio de Janeiro There they established some of Brazil s first financial institutions such as its local stock exchanges and its National Bank additionally ending the Portuguese monopoly on Brazilian trade and opening Brazil s ports to other nations In 1809 in retaliation for being forced into exile the Prince Regent ordered the conquest of French Guiana With the end of the Peninsular War in 1814 the courts of Europe demanded that Queen Maria I and Prince Regent John return to Portugal deeming it unfit for the head of an ancient European monarchy to reside in a colony In 1815 to justify continuing to live in Brazil where the royal court had thrived for six years the Crown established the United Kingdom of Portugal Brazil and the Algarves thus creating a pluricontinental transatlantic monarchic state However the leadership in Portugal resentful of the new status of its larger colony continued to demand the return of the court to Lisbon see Liberal Revolution of 1820 In 1821 acceding to the demands of revolutionaries who had taken the city of Porto John VI departed for Lisbon There he swore an oath to the new constitution leaving his son Prince Pedro de Alcantara as Regent of the Kingdom of Brazil Independent empire Declaration of the Brazilian independence by Pedro I on 7 September 1822 Tensions between Portuguese and Brazilians increased and the Portuguese Cortes guided by the new political regime imposed by the Liberal Revolution tried to re establish Brazil as a colony The Brazilians refused to yield and Prince Pedro decided to stand with them declaring the country s independence from Portugal on 7 September 1822 A month later Prince Pedro was declared the first Emperor of Brazil with the royal title of Dom Pedro I resulting in the founding of the Empire of Brazil The Brazilian War of Independence which had already begun along this process spread through the northern northeastern regions and in the Cisplatina province The last Portuguese soldiers surrendered on 8 March 1824 Portugal officially recognized Brazilian independence on 29 August 1825 On 7 April 1831 worn down by years of administrative turmoil and political dissent with both liberal and conservative sides of politics including an attempt of republican secession and unreconciled to the way that absolutists in Portugal had given in the succession of King John VI Pedro I departed for Portugal to reclaim his daughter s crown after abdicating the Brazilian throne in favor of his five year old son and heir Dom Pedro II Pedro II Emperor of Brazil between 1831 and 1889 As the new Emperor could not exert his constitutional powers until he came of age a regency was set up by the National Assembly In the absence of a charismatic figure who could represent a moderate face of power during this period a series of localized rebellions took place such as the Cabanagem in Grao Para the Male Revolt in Salvador the Balaiada Maranhao the Sabinada Bahia and the Ragamuffin War which began in Rio Grande do Sul and was supported by Giuseppe Garibaldi These emerged from the provinces dissatisfaction with the central power coupled with old and latent social tensions peculiar to a vast slaveholding and newly independent nation state This period of internal political and social upheaval which included the Praieira revolt in Pernambuco was overcome only at the end of the 1840s years after the end of the regency which occurred with the premature coronation of Pedro II in 1841 During the last phase of the monarchy internal political debate centered on the issue of slavery The Atlantic slave trade was abandoned in 1850 as a result of the British Aberdeen Act and the Eusebio de Queiros Law but only in May 1888 after a long process of internal mobilization and debate for an ethical and legal dismantling of slavery in the country was the institution formally abolished with the approval of the Golden Law The foreign affairs policies of the monarchy dealt with issues with the countries of the Southern Cone with whom Brazil had borders Long after the Cisplatine War that resulted in the independence of Uruguay Brazil won three international wars during the 58 year reign of Pedro II the Platine War the Uruguayan War and the devastating Paraguayan War the largest war effort in Brazilian history 101 Although there was no desire among the majority of Brazilians to change the country s form of government on 15 November 1889 in disagreement with the majority of the Imperial Army officers as well as with rural and financial elites for different reasons the monarchy was overthrown by a military coup A few days later the national flag was replaced with a new design that included the national motto Ordem e Progresso influenced by positivism 15 November is now Republic Day a national holiday Early republic Proclamation of the Republic 1893 oil on canvas by Benedito CalixtoGetulio Vargas center during the Revolution of 1930Brazilian Expeditionary Force in Massarosa Italy during WWII The early republican government was a military dictatorship with the army dominating affairs both in Rio de Janeiro and in the states Freedom of the press disappeared and elections were controlled by those in power 105 Not until 1894 following an economic crisis and a military one did civilians take power remaining there until October 1930 If in relation to its foreign policy the country in this first republican period maintained a relative balance characterized by a success in resolving border disputes with neighboring countries only broken by the Acre War 1899 1902 and its involvement in World War I 1914 1918 followed by a failed attempt to exert a prominent role in the League of Nations Internally from the crisis of Encilhamento and the Navy Revolts a prolonged cycle of financial political and social instability began until the 1920s keeping the country besieged by various rebellions both civilian and military Little by little a cycle of general instability sparked by these crises undermined the regime to such an extent that in the wake of the murder of his running mate the defeated opposition presidential candidate Getulio Vargas supported by most of the military successfully led the Revolution of 1930 Vargas and the military were supposed to assume power temporarily but instead closed down Congress extinguished the Constitution ruled with emergency powers and replaced the states governors with his own supporters In the 1930s three attempts to remove Vargas and his supporters from power failed The first was the Constitutionalist Revolution in 1932 led by the Sao Paulo s oligarchy The second was a Communist uprising in November 1935 and the last one a putsch attempt by local fascists in May 1938 The 1935 uprising created a security crisis in which Congress transferred more power to the executive branch The 1937 coup d etat resulted in the cancellation of the 1938 election and formalized Vargas as dictator beginning the Estado Novo era During this period government brutality and censorship of the press increased During World War II Brazil remained neutral until August 1942 when the country suffered retaliation by Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy in a strategic dispute over the South Atlantic and therefore entered the war on the allied side In addition to its participation in the battle of the Atlantic Brazil also sent an expeditionary force to fight in the Italian campaign With the Allied victory in 1945 and the end of the fascist regimes in Europe Vargas s position became unsustainable and he was swiftly overthrown in another military coup with democracy reinstated by the same army that had ended it 15 years earlier Vargas committed suicide in August 1954 amid a political crisis after having returned to power by election in 1950 Contemporary era Construction of the National Congress building in Brasilia 1959 during the JK administration Several brief interim governments followed Vargas s suicide Juscelino Kubitschek became president in 1956 and assumed a conciliatory posture towards the political opposition that allowed him to govern without major crises The economy and industrial sector grew remarkably but his greatest achievement was the construction of the new capital city of Brasilia inaugurated in 1960 Kubitschek s successor Janio Quadros resigned in 1961 less than a year after taking office His vice president Joao Goulart assumed the presidency but aroused strong political opposition and was deposed in April 1964 by a coup that resulted in a military dictatorship M41s along the Avenida Presidente Vargas Rio de Janeiro in April 1968 during the military dictatorship The new regime was intended to be transitory but gradually closed in on itself and became a full dictatorship with the promulgation of the Fifth Institutional Act in 1968 Oppression was not limited to those who resorted to guerrilla tactics to fight the regime but also reached institutional opponents artists journalists and other members of civil society inside and outside the country through the infamous Operation Condor Like other brutal authoritarian regimes due to an economic boom known as the economic miracle the regime reached a peak in popularity in the early 1970s Slowly however the wear and tear of years of dictatorial power that had not slowed the repression even after the defeat of the leftist guerrillas The inability to deal with the economic crises of the period and popular pressure made an opening policy inevitable which from the regime side was led by Generals Ernesto Geisel and Golbery do Couto e Silva 154 With the enactment of the Amnesty Law in 1979 Brazil began a slow return to democracy which was completed during the 1980s Ulysses Guimaraes holding the Constitution of 1988 Civilians returned to power in 1985 when Jose Sarney assumed the presidency He became unpopular during his tenure through failure to control the economic crisis and hyperinflation he inherited from the military regime Sarney s unsuccessful government led to the election in 1989 of the almost unknown Fernando Collor who was subsequently impeached by the National Congress in 1992 Collor was succeeded by his vice president Itamar Franco who appointed Fernando Henrique Cardoso Minister of Finance In 1994 Cardoso produced a highly successful Plano Real that after decades of failed economic plans made by previous governments attempting to curb hyperinflation finally stabilized the Brazilian economy Cardoso won the 1994 election and again in 1998 The peaceful transition of power from Cardoso to his main opposition leader Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva elected in 2002 and re elected in 2006 was seen as proof that Brazil had achieved a long sought political stability However sparked by indignation and frustrations accumulated over decades from corruption police brutality inefficiencies of the political establishment and public service numerous peaceful protests erupted in Brazil from the middle of first term of Dilma Rousseff who had succeeded Lula after winning election in 2010 and again in 2014 by narrow margins Rousseff was impeached by the Brazilian Congress in 2016 halfway into her second term and replaced by her Vice president Michel Temer who assumed full presidential powers after Rousseff s impeachment was accepted on 31 August Large street protests for and against her took place during the impeachment process The charges against her were fueled by political and economic crises along with evidence of involvement with politicians from all the primary political parties In 2017 the Supreme Court requested the investigation of 71 Brazilian lawmakers and nine ministers of President Michel Temer s cabinet who were allegedly linked to the Petrobras corruption scandal President Temer himself was also accused of corruption According to a 2018 poll 62 of the population said that corruption was Brazil s biggest problem In the fiercely disputed 2018 elections the controversial conservative candidate Jair Bolsonaro of the Social Liberal Party PSL was elected president winning in the second round Fernando Haddad of the Workers Party PT with the support of 55 13 of the valid votes In the early 2020s Brazil became one of the hardest hit countries during the COVID 19 pandemic receiving the second highest death toll worldwide after the United States In May 2021 Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva stated that he would run for a third term in the 2022 Brazilian general election against Bolsonaro On October 2022 Lula was in first place in first round with 48 43 of the support from the electorate and received 50 90 of the votes in the second round On 8 January 2023 a week after Lula s inauguration a mob of Bolsonaro s supporters attacked Brazil s federal government buildings in the capital Brasilia after several weeks of unrest GeographySerra dos orgaos National Park Teresopolis Rio de Janeiro stateThe majority of Amazon rainforest is contained within Brazil Brazil occupies a large area along the eastern coast of South America and includes much of the continent s interior sharing land borders with Uruguay to the south Argentina and Paraguay to the southwest Bolivia and Peru to the west Colombia to the northwest and Venezuela Guyana Suriname and France French overseas region of French Guiana to the north It shares a border with every South American country except Ecuador and Chile The brazilian territory also encompasses a number of oceanic archipelagos such as Fernando de Noronha Rocas Atoll Saint Peter and Paul Rocks and Trindade and Martim Vaz Its size relief climate and natural resources make Brazil geographically diverse Including its Atlantic islands Brazil lies between latitudes 6 N and 34 S and longitudes 28 and 74 W Brazil is the fifth largest country in the world and third largest in the Americas with a total area of 8 515 767 049 km2 3 287 956 sq mi including 55 455 km2 21 411 sq mi of water North to South Brazil is also the longest country in the world spanning 4 395 km 2 731 mi from north to south and the only country in the world that has the equator and the Tropic of Capricorn running through it It spans four time zones from UTC 5 comprising the state of Acre and the westernmost portion of Amazonas to UTC 4 in the western states to UTC 3 in the eastern states the national time and UTC 2 in the Atlantic islands Climate Brazil map of Koppen climate classification zones The climate of Brazil comprises a wide range of weather conditions across a large area and varied topography but most of the country is tropical According to the Koppen system Brazil hosts six major climatic subtypes desert equatorial tropical semiarid oceanic and subtropical The different climatic conditions produce environments ranging from equatorial rainforests in the north and semiarid deserts in the northeast to temperate coniferous forests in the south and tropical savannas in central Brazil Many regions have starkly different microclimates An equatorial climate characterizes much of northern Brazil There is no real dry season but there are some variations in the period of the year when most rain falls Temperatures average 25 C 77 F with more significant temperature variation between night and day than between seasons Over central Brazil rainfall is more seasonal characteristic of a savanna climate This region is as extensive as the Amazon basin but has a very different climate as it lies farther south at a higher altitude In the interior northeast seasonal rainfall is even more extreme South of Bahia near the coasts and more southerly most of the state of Sao Paulo the distribution of rainfall changes with rain falling throughout the year The south enjoys subtropical conditions with cool winters and average annual temperatures not exceeding 18 C 64 4 F winter frosts and snowfall are not rare in the highest areas The semiarid climatic region generally receives less than 800 millimeters 31 5 in of rain most of which generally falls in a period of three to five months of the year and occasionally less than this creating long periods of drought Brazil s 1877 78 Grande Seca Great Drought the worst in Brazil s history caused approximately half a million deaths A similarly devastating drought occurred in 1915 In 2020 the government of Brazil pledged to reduce its annual greenhouse gases emissions by 43 by 2030 It also set as indicative target of reaching carbon neutrality by 2060 if the country gets 10 billion dollars per year Topography and hydrography Topographic map of Brazil Brazilian topography is also diverse and includes hills mountains plains highlands and scrublands Much of the terrain lies between 200 meters 660 ft and 800 meters 2 600 ft in elevation The main upland area occupies most of the southern half of the country The northwestern parts of the plateau consist of broad rolling terrain broken by low rounded hills The southeastern section is more rugged with a complex mass of ridges and mountain ranges reaching elevations of up to 1 200 meters 3 900 ft These ranges include the Mantiqueira and Espinhaco mountains and the Serra do Mar In the north the Guiana Highlands form a major drainage divide separating rivers that flow south into the Amazon Basin from rivers that empty into the Orinoco River system in Venezuela to the north The highest point in Brazil is the Pico da Neblina at 2 994 meters 9 823 ft and the lowest is the Atlantic Ocean Brazil has a dense and complex system of rivers one of the world s most extensive with eight major drainage basins all of which drain into the Atlantic Major rivers include the Amazon the world s second longest river and the largest in terms of volume of water the Parana and its major tributary the Iguacu which includes the Iguazu Falls the Negro Sao Francisco Xingu Madeira and Tapajos rivers Biodiversity and conservation The toco toucan is an animal typical of the Brazilian savannas The wildlife of Brazil comprises all naturally occurring animals plants and fungi in the South American country Home to 60 of the Amazon rainforest which accounts for approximately one tenth of all species in the world Brazil is considered to have the greatest biodiversity of any country on the planet containing over 70 of all animal and plant species catalogued Brazil has the most known species of plants 55 000 freshwater fish 3 000 and mammals over 689 It also ranks third on the list of countries with the most bird species 1 832 and second with the most reptile species 744 The number of fungal species is unknown but is large Brazil is second only to Indonesia as the country with the most endemic species Brazil s large territory comprises different ecosystems such as the Amazon rainforest recognized as having the greatest biological diversity in the world with the Atlantic Forest and the Cerrado sustaining the greatest biodiversity In the south the Araucaria moist forests grow under temperate conditions The rich wildlife of Brazil reflects the variety of natural habitats Scientists estimate that the total number of plant and animal species in Brazil could approach four million mostly invertebrates Larger mammals include carnivores pumas jaguars ocelots rare bush dogs and foxes and herbivores peccaries tapirs anteaters sloths opossums and armadillos Deer are plentiful in the south and many species of New World monkeys are found in the northern rain forests Cumulatively Brazil has the highest percentage of deforested and degraded rainforest of any Amazonia nation More than one fifth of the Amazon rainforest in Brazil has been completely destroyed and more than 70 mammals are endangered The threat of extinction comes from several sources including deforestation and poaching Extinction is even more problematic in the Atlantic Forest where nearly 93 of the forest has been cleared Of the 202 endangered animals in Brazil 171 are in the Atlantic Forest The Amazon rainforest has been under direct threat of deforestation since the 1970s because of rapid economic and demographic expansion Extensive legal and illegal logging destroy forests the size of a small country per year and with it a diverse series of species through habitat destruction and habitat fragmentation Since 1970 over 600 000 square kilometers 230 000 sq mi of the Amazon rainforest have been cleared by logging In 2017 preserved native vegetation occupies 61 of the Brazilian territory Agriculture occupied only 8 of the national territory and pastures 19 7 In terms of comparison in 2019 although 43 of the entire European continent has forests only 3 of the total forest area in Europe is of native forest Brazil has a strong interest in conservation as its agriculture sector directly depends on its forests Government and politicsNational Congress seat of the legislative branchPalacio do Planalto the official workplace of the President of Brazil The form of government is a democratic federative republic with a presidential system The president is both head of state and head of government of the Union and is elected for a four year term with the possibility of re election for a second successive term The current president is Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva The President appoints the Ministers of State who assist in government Legislative houses in each political entity are the main source of law in Brazil The National Congress is the Federation s bicameral legislature consisting of the Chamber of Deputies and the Federal Senate Judiciary authorities exercise jurisdictional duties almost exclusively In 2021 the Economist Intelligence Unit s Democracy Index categorized Brazil as a flawed democracy ranking 46th in the report and Freedom House classified it as a free country at Freedom in the World report The political administrative organization of the Federative Republic of Brazil comprises the Union the states the Federal District and the municipalities The Union the states the Federal District and the municipalities are the spheres of government The federation is set on five fundamental principles sovereignty citizenship dignity of human beings the social values of labor and freedom of enterprise and political pluralism The classic tripartite branches of government executive legislative and judicial under a checks and balances system are formally established by the Constitution The executive and legislative are organized independently in all three spheres of government while the judiciary is organized only at the federal and state and Federal District spheres All members of the executive and legislative branches are directly elected For most of its democratic history Brazil has had a multi party system with proportional representation Voting is compulsory for the literate between 18 and 70 years old and optional for illiterates and those between 16 and 18 or beyond 70 The country has around 30 registered political parties Twenty political parties are represented in Congress It is common for politicians to switch parties and thus the proportion of congressional seats held by particular parties changes regularly Law Supreme Federal Court of Brazil serves primarily as the Constitutional Court of the country Brazilian law is based on the civil law legal system and civil law concepts prevail over common law practice Most of Brazilian law is codified although non codified statutes also represent a substantial part playing a complementary role Court decisions set out interpretive guidelines however they are seldom binding on other specific cases Doctrinal works and the works of academic jurists have strong influence in law creation and in law cases Judges and other judicial officials are appointed after passing entry exams The legal system is based on the Federal Constitution promulgated on 5 October 1988 and the fundamental law of Brazil All other legislation and court decisions must conform to its rules As of July 2022 update there have been 124 amendments The highest court is the Supreme Federal Court States have their own constitutions which must not contradict the Federal Constitution Municipalities and the Federal District have organic laws leis organicas which act in a similar way to constitutions Legislative entities are the main source of statutes although in certain matters judiciary and executive bodies may enact legal norms Jurisdiction is administered by the judiciary entities although in rare situations the Federal Constitution allows the Federal Senate to pass on legal judgments There are also specialized military labor and electoral courts Military Brazilian Air Force Saab Gripen NGBrazilian Navy s flagship PHM Atlantico and frigate Liberal F 43 background The armed forces of Brazil are the largest in Latin America by active personnel and the largest in terms of military equipment The country was considered the 9th largest military power on the planet in 2021 It consists of the Brazilian Army including the Army Aviation Command the Brazilian Navy including the Marine Corps and Naval Aviation and the Brazilian Air Force Brazil s conscription policy gives it one of the world s largest military forces estimated at more than 1 6 million reservists annually Numbering close to 236 000 active personnel the Brazilian Army has the largest number of armored vehicles in South America including armored transports and tanks The states Military Police and the Military Firefighters Corps are described as an ancillary forces of the Army by the constitution but are under the control of each state s governor Brazil s navy once operated some of the most powerful warships in the world with the two Minas Geraes class dreadnoughts sparking a naval arms race between Argentina Brazil and Chile Today it is a green water force and has a group of specialized elite in retaking ships and naval facilities GRUMEC unit specially trained to protect Brazilian oil platforms along its coast As of 2022 update it is the only navy in Latin America that operates a helicopter carrier NAM Atlantico and one of twelve navies in the world to operate or have one under construction The Air Force is the largest in Latin America and has about 700 crewed aircraft in service and effective about 67 000 personnel Foreign policy Itamaraty Palace the seat of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Brazil s international relations are based on Article 4 of the Federal Constitution which establishes non intervention self determination international cooperation and the peaceful settlement of conflicts as the guiding principles of Brazil s relationship with other countries and multilateral organizations According to the Constitution the President has ultimate authority over foreign policy while the Congress is tasked with reviewing and considering all diplomatic nominations and international treaties as well as legislation relating to Brazilian foreign policy Brazil s foreign policy is a by product of the country s position as a regional power in Latin America a leader among developing countries and an emerging world power Brazilian foreign policy has generally been based on the principles of multilateralism peaceful dispute settlement and non intervention in the affairs of other countries Brazil is a founding member state of the Community of Portuguese Language Countries CPLP also known as the Lusophone Commonwealth an international organization and political association of Lusophone nations An increasingly well developed tool of Brazil s foreign policy is providing aid as a donor to other developing countries Brazil does not just use its growing economic strength to provide financial aid but it also provides high levels of expertise and most importantly of all a quiet non confrontational diplomacy to improve governance levels Total aid is estimated to be around 1 billion per year which includes In addition Brazil already managed a peacekeeping mission in Haiti 350 million and makes in kind contributions to the World Food Programme 300 million This is in addition to humanitarian assistance and contributions to multilateral development agencies The scale of this aid places it on par with China and India The Brazilian South South aid has been described as a global model in waiting Law enforcement and crime Headquarters of the Federal Police of Brazil in Brasilia In Brazil the Constitution establishes six different police agencies for law enforcement Federal Police Department Federal Highway Police Federal Railroad Police Federal District and State Penal Police included by the Constitutional Amendment No 104 of 2019 Military Police and Civil Police Of these the first three are affiliated with federal authorities the last two are subordinate to state governments and the Penal Police can be subordinated to the federal or state district government All police forces are overseen by the executive branch of the federal or state government The National Public Security Force also can act in public disorder situations arising anywhere in the country The country has high levels of violent crime such as gun violence and homicides In 2012 the World Health Organization WHO estimated the number of 32 deaths per 100 000 inhabitants one of the highest rates of homicide of the world The number considered acceptable by the WHO is about 10 homicides per 100 000 inhabitants In 2018 Brazil had a record 63 880 murders However there are differences between the crime rates in the Brazilian states While in Sao Paulo the homicide rate registered in 2013 was 10 8 deaths per 100 000 inhabitants in Alagoas it was 64 7 homicides per 100 000 inhabitants Brazil also has high levels of incarceration It had the third largest prison population in the world of approximately 700 000 prisoners as of June 2014 which put it only behind the United States 2 228 424 and China 1 701 344 The high number of prisoners eventually overloaded the Brazilian prison system leading to a shortfall of about 200 000 accommodations Human rights LGBT rights are generally supported within Brazil and same sex marriage has been fully recognised since 2013 However police violence and gender based discrimination remain prevalent throughout the nation Brazil has one of the highest Gini coefficient rankings in Latin America Political subdivisions Atlantic Ocean Pacific Ocean North Northeast Central West Southeast South Acre Amazonas Para Roraima Amapa Rondonia Tocantins Maranhao Bahia Piaui Ceara Rio Grande do Norte Paraiba Pernambuco Alagoas Sergipe Mato Grosso Mato Grosso do Sul Federal District Goias Minas Gerais Sao Paulo Rio de Janeiro Espirito Santo Parana Santa Catarina Rio Grande do Sul Argentina Bolivia Chile Colombia French Guiana Guyana Paraguay Peru Suriname Uruguay VenezuelaStates of Brazil and Regions of Brazil Brazil is a federation composed of 26 states one federal district and the 5 570 municipalities States have autonomous administrations collect their own taxes and receive a share of taxes collected by the Federal government They have a governor and a unicameral legislative body elected directly by their voters They also have independent Courts of Law for common justice Despite this states have much less autonomy to create their own laws than in other federal states such as the United States For example criminal and civil laws can be voted by only the federal bicameral Congress and are uniform throughout the country The states and the federal district are grouped into regions Northern Northeast Central West Southeast and Southern The Brazilian regions are merely geographical not political or administrative divisions and they do not have any specific form of government Although defined by law Brazilian regions serve mainly statistical purposes and also to define the distribution of federal funds in development projects Municipalities as the states have autonomous administrations collect their own taxes and receive a share of taxes collected by the federal and state government Each has an elected mayor and legislative body but no separate Court of Law Indeed a Court of Law organized by the state can encompass many municipalities in a single justice administrative division called comarca county Brazil s constitution also provides for the creation of federal territories which are administrative divisions directly controlled by the federal government However there are currently no federal territories in the country as the 1988 Constitution abolished the last three Amapa and Roraima which gained statehood status and Fernando de Noronha which became a state district of Pernambuco EconomySao Paulo the largest financial centre in BrazilB3 the largest stock exchange of Latin America by market capitalizationSoybean crop in Rondonopolis Mato GrossoThe C 390 developed by Embraer the third largest producer of civil aircraft after Boeing and Airbus Brazil s upper middle income mixed market economy is rich in natural resources It has the largest national economy in Latin America the eighth largest economy in the world by nominal GDP and the eighth largest by PPP After rapid growth in preceding decades the country entered an ongoing recession in 2014 amid a political corruption scandal and nationwide protests A developing country Brazil has a labor force of roughly 100 million which is the world s fifth largest with a high unemployment rate of 14 4 as of 2021 update Its foreign exchange reserves are the tenth highest in the world The B3 in Sao Paulo is the largest stock exchange of Latin America by market capitalization In regards to poverty about 1 9 of the total population lives at 2 15 a day while about 19 live at 6 85 a day Brazil s economy suffers from endemic corruption and high income inequality The Brazilian real is the national currency Brazil s diversified economy includes agriculture industry and a wide range of services The large service sector accounts for about 72 7 of total GDP followed by the industrial sector 20 7 while the agriculture sector is by far the smallest making up 6 6 of total GDP Brazil is one of the largest producers of various agricultural commodities and also has a large cooperative sector that provides 50 of the food in the country It has been the world s largest producer of coffee for the last 150 years Brazil is the world s largest producer of sugarcane soy coffee and orange is one of the top 5 producers of maize cotton lemon tobacco pineapple banana beans coconut watermelon and papaya and is one of the top 10 world producers of cocoa cashew mango rice tomato sorghum tangerine avocado persimmon and guava among others Regarding livestock it is one of the 5 largest producers of chicken meat beef pork and cow s milk in the world In the mining sector Brazil is among the largest producers of iron ore copper gold bauxite manganese tin niobium and nickel In terms of precious stones Brazil is the world s largest producer of amethyst topaz agate and one of the main producers of tourmaline emerald aquamarine garnet and opal The country is a major exporter of soy iron ore pulp cellulose maize beef chicken meat soybean meal sugar coffee tobacco cotton orange juice footwear airplanes cars vehicle parts gold ethanol semi finished iron among other products Brazil is the world s 24th largest exporter and 26th largest importer as of 2021 update China is its largest trading partner accounting for 32 of the total trade Other large trading partners include the United States Argentina the Netherlands and Canada Its automotive industry is the eighth largest in the world In the food industry Brazil was the second largest exporter of processed foods in the world in 2019 The country was the second largest producer of pulp in the world and the eighth largest producer of paper in 2016 In the footwear industry Brazil was the fourth largest producer in 2019 It was also the ninth largest producer of steel in the world In 2018 the chemical industry of Brazil was the eighth largest in the world Although it was among the five largest world producers in 2013 Brazil s textile industry is very little integrated into world trade The tertiary sector trade and services represented 75 8 of the country s GDP in 2018 according to the IBGE The service sector was responsible for 60 of GDP and trade for 13 It covers a wide range of activities commerce accommodation and catering transport communications financial services real estate activities and services provided to businesses public administration urban cleaning sanitation etc and other services such as education social and health services research and development sports activities etc since it consists of activities complementary to other sectors Micro and small businesses represent 30 of the country s GDP In the commercial sector for example they represent 53 of the GDP within the activities of the sector Tourism Iguazu Falls on the Argentina Brazil borderThe colonial city of Ouro Preto a World Heritage Site Tourism in Brazil is a growing sector and key to the economy of several regions of the country The country had 6 36 million visitors in 2015 ranking in terms of the international tourist arrivals as the main destination in South America and second in Latin America after Mexico Revenues from international tourists reached US 6 billion in 2010 showing a recovery from the 2008 2009 economic crisis Historical records of 5 4 million visitors and US 6 8 billion in receipts were reached in 2011 In the list of world tourist destinations in 2018 Brazil was the 48th most visited country with 6 6 million tourists and revenues of 5 9 billion dollars Natural areas are its most popular tourism product a combination of ecotourism with leisure and recreation mainly sun and beach and adventure travel as well as cultural tourism Among the most popular destinations are the Amazon Rainforest beaches and dunes in the Northeast Region the Pantanal in the Center West Region beaches at Rio de Janeiro and Santa Catarina cultural tourism in Minas Gerais and business trips to Sao Paulo In terms of the 2015 Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Index TTCI which is a measurement of the factors that make it attractive to develop business in the travel and tourism industry of individual countries Brazil ranked in the 28th place at the world s level third in the Americas after Canada and United States Domestic tourism is a key market segment for the tourism industry in Brazil In 2005 51 million Brazilian nationals made ten times more trips than foreign tourists and spent five times more money than their international counterparts The main destination states in 2023 were Sao Paulo Rio de Janeiro and Rio Grande do Sul The main source of tourists for the entire country is Sao Paulo state In terms of tourism revenues the top earners by state were Sao Paulo and Bahia For 2005 the three main trip purposes were visiting friends and family 53 1 sun and beach 40 8 and cultural tourism 12 5 Science and technology VLS 1 at the Alcantara Launch Center of the Brazilian Space Agency in Alcantara MaranhaoSirius a diffraction limited storage ring synchrotron light source at the Laboratorio Nacional de Luz Sincrotron in Campinas Sao Paulo Technological research in Brazil is largely carried out in public universities and research institutes with the majority of funding for basic research coming from various government agencies Brazil s most esteemed technological hubs are the Oswaldo Cruz Institute the Butantan Institute the Air Force s Aerospace Technical Center the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation and the National Institute for Space Research The Brazilian Space Agency has the most advanced space program in Latin America with significant resources to launch vehicles and manufacture of satellites Owner of relative technological sophistication the country develops submarines aircraft as well as being involved in space research having a Vehicle Launch Center Light and being the only country in the Southern Hemisphere the integrate team building International Space Station ISS The country is also a pioneer in the search for oil in deep water from where it extracts 73 of its reserves Uranium is enriched at the Resende Nuclear Fuel Factory mostly for research purposes as Brazil obtains 88 of its electricity from hydroelectricity and the country s first nuclear submarine is expected to be launched in 2029 Brazil is one of the three countries in Latin America with an operational Synchrotron Laboratory a research facility on physics chemistry material science and life sciences and Brazil is the only Latin American country to have a semiconductor company with its own fabrication plant the CEITEC According to the Global Information Technology Report 2009 2010 of the World Economic Forum Brazil is the world s 61st largest developer of information technology Brazil was ranked 49th in the Global Innovation Index in 2023 up from 66th in 2019 Among the most renowned Brazilian inventors are priests Bartolomeu de Gusmao Landell de Moura and Francisco Joao de Azevedo besides Alberto Santos Dumont Evaristo Conrado Engelberg Manuel Dias de Abreu Andreas Pavel and Nelio Jose Nicolai Brazilian science is represented by the likes of Cesar Lattes Brazilian physicist Pathfinder of Pi Meson Mario Schenberg considered the greatest theoretical physicist of Brazil Jose Leite Lopes only Brazilian physicist holder of the UNESCO Science Prize Artur Avila the first Latin American winner of the Fields Medal and Fritz Muller pioneer in factual support of the theory of evolution by Charles Darwin Energy The Itaipu Dam on the Parana River the second largest of the world Brazilian energy matrix is one of the cleanest in the worldWind farm in Parnaiba Piaui Brazil is one of the 5 largest producers of wind energy in the world Brazil is the world s ninth largest energy consumer Much of its energy comes from renewable sources particularly hydroelectricity and ethanol the Itaipu Dam is the world s largest hydroelectric plant by energy generation and the country has other large plants such as Belo Monte and Tucurui The first car with an ethanol engine was produced in 1978 and the first airplane engine running on ethanol in 2005 At the end of 2021 Brazil was the 2nd country in the world in terms of installed hydroelectric power 109 4 GW and biomass 15 8 GW the 7th country in the world in terms of installed wind power 21 1 GW and the 14th country in the world in terms of installed solar power 13 0 GW on track to also become one of the top 10 in the world in solar energy At the end of 2021 Brazil was the 4th largest producer of wind energy in the world 72 TWh behind only China the United States and Germany and the 11th largest producer of solar energy in the world 16 8 TWh The main characteristic of the Brazilian energy matrix is that it is much more renewable than that of the world While in 2019 the world matrix was only 14 made up of renewable energy Brazil s was at 45 Petroleum and oil products made up 34 3 of the matrix sugar cane derivatives 18 hydraulic energy 12 4 natural gas 12 2 firewood and charcoal 8 8 varied renewable energies 7 mineral coal 5 3 nuclear 1 4 and other non renewable energies 0 6 In the electric energy matrix the difference between Brazil and the world is even greater while the world only had 25 of renewable electric energy in 2019 Brazil had 83 The Brazilian electric matrix was composed of hydraulic energy 64 9 biomass 8 4 wind energy 8 6 solar energy 1 natural gas 9 3 oil products 2 nuclear 2 5 coal and derivatives 3 3 Brazil has the largest electricity sector in Latin America Its capacity at the end of 2021 was 181 532 MW As for oil the Brazilian government has embarked on a program over the decades to reduce dependence on imported oil which previously accounted for more than 70 of the country s oil needs Brazil became self sufficient in oil in 2006 2007 In 2021 the country closed the year as the 7th oil producer in the world with an average of close to three million barrels per day becoming an exporter of the product Transportation Terminal 3 of the Sao Paulo Guarulhos International Airport the busiest airport in South AmericaBR 116 in Sao Jose dos Campos Sao Paulo the longest highway in the country with 4 542 km 2 822 mi of extension Brazilian roads are the primary carriers of freight and passenger traffic The road system totaled 1 720 000 km 1 068 758 mi in 2019 The total of paved roads increased from 35 496 km 22 056 mi in 1967 to 215 000 km 133 595 mi in 2018 Brazil s railway system has been declining since 1945 when emphasis shifted to highway construction The country s total railway track length was 30 576 km 18 999 mi in 2015 as compared with 31 848 km 19 789 mi in 1970 making it the ninth largest network in the world Most of the railway system belonged to the Federal Railroad Network Corporation RFFSA which was privatized in 2007 The Sao Paulo Metro began operating on 14 September 1974 as the first underground transit system in Brazil There are about 2 500 airports in Brazil including landing fields the second largest number in the world after the United States Sao Paulo Guarulhos International Airport near Sao Paulo is the largest and busiest airport with nearly 43 million passengers annually while handling the vast majority of commercial traffic for the country For freight transport waterways are of importance e g the industrial zones of Manaus can be reached only by means of the Solimoes Amazonas waterway 3 250 kilometers or 2 020 miles in length with a minimum depth of six meters or 20 feet The country also has 50 000 kilometers 31 000 miles of waterways Coastal shipping links widely separated parts of the country Bolivia and Paraguay have been given free ports at Santos Of the 36 deep water ports Santos Itajai Rio Grande Paranagua Rio de Janeiro Sepetiba Vitoria Suape Manaus and Sao Francisco do Sul are the most important Bulk carriers have to wait up to 18 days before being serviced container ships 36 3 hours on average DemographicsPopulation density of Brazilian municipalities The population of Brazil as recorded by the 2008 PNAD was approximately 190 million 22 31 inhabitants per square kilometer or 57 8 sq mi with a ratio of men to women of 0 95 1 and 83 75 of the population defined as urban The population is heavily concentrated in the Southeastern 79 8 million inhabitants and Northeastern 53 5 million inhabitants regions while the two most extensive regions the Center West and the North which together make up 64 12 of the Brazilian territory have a total of only 29 1 million inhabitants The first census in Brazil was carried out in 1872 and recorded a population of 9 930 478 From 1880 to 1930 4 million Europeans arrived Brazil s population increased significantly between 1940 and 1970 because of a decline in the mortality rate even though the birth rate underwent a slight decline In the 1940s the annual population growth rate was 2 4 rising to 3 0 in the 1950s and remaining at 2 9 in the 1960s as life expectancy rose from 44 to 54 years and to 72 6 years in 2007 It has been steadily falling since the 1960s from 3 04 per year between 1950 and 1960 to 1 05 in 2008 and is expected to fall to a negative value of 0 29 by 2050 thus completing the demographic transition In 2008 the illiteracy rate was 11 48 Race and ethnicity Race and ethnicity in Brazil 2022 Mixed 45 3 White 43 5 Black 10 2 Indigenous 0 6 East Asian 0 4 According to the National Research by Household Sample PNAD of 2022 45 3 of the population 92 1 million described themselves as Mixed officially called brown or pardo 43 5 88 2 million as White 10 2 20 7 million as Black 0 6 1 2 million as Indigenous and 0 4 850 thousand as East Asian officially called yellow or amarela Since the arrival of the Portuguese in 1500 considerable genetic mixing between Amerindians Europeans and Africans has taken place in all regions of the country European ancestry being dominant nationwide according to the vast majority of all autosomal studies undertaken covering the entire population accounting for between 65 and 77 while the African ancestry among the Brazilians are estimated that 14 30 to 25 and more than 80 of Brazilians have over 10 African ancestry and the Indigenous ancestry is significant and present in all regions of Brazil From the 19th century Brazil opened its borders to immigration About five million people from over 60 countries migrated to Brazil between 1808 and 1972 most of them of Portuguese Italian Spanish German English Ukrainian Polish Jewish African Armenian Russian Chinese Japanese Korean Arab origin Brazil has the second largest Jewish community in Latin America making up 0 06 of its population Outside in the Arab world Brazil also has the largest population of Arab ancestry in the world with 15 20 million people According to Brazil s Ministry of Foreign Affairs Brazil is a home to a Lebanese diaspora of 7 million to 10 million surpassing the population of Lebanese individuals residing in Lebanon Brazilian society is more markedly divided by social class lines although a high income disparity is found between race groups so racism and classism often overlap The brown population officially called pardo in Portuguese also colloquially moreno is a broad category that includes caboclos assimilated Amerindians in general and descendants of Whites and Natives mulatos descendants of primarily Whites and Afro Brazilians and cafuzos descendants of Afro Brazilians and Natives Higher percents of Blacks mulattoes and tri racials can be found in the eastern coast of the Northeastern region from Bahia to Paraiba and also in northern Maranhao southern Minas Gerais and in eastern Rio de Janeiro People of considerable Amerindian ancestry form the majority of the population in the Northern Northeastern and Center Western regions In 2007 the National Indian Foundation estimated that Brazil has 67 different uncontacted tribes up from their estimate of 40 in 2005 Brazil is believed to have the largest number of uncontacted peoples in the world Religion Religion in Brazil 2010 Census Catholicism 64 6 Protestantism 22 2 Spiritism 2 0 Other 3 2 No religion 8 0 Christianity is the country s predominant faith with Roman Catholicism being its largest denomination Brazil has the world s largest Catholic population According to the 2010 Demographic Census the PNAD survey does not inquire about religion 64 63 of the population followed Roman Catholicism 22 2 Protestantism 2 0 Kardecist spiritism 3 2 other religions undeclared or undetermined while 8 0 had no religion Religion in Brazil was formed from the meeting of the Catholic Church with the religious traditions of enslaved African peoples and indigenous peoples This confluence of faiths during the Portuguese colonization of Brazil led to the development of a diverse array of syncretistic practices within the overarching umbrella of Brazilian Catholic Church characterized by traditional Portuguese festivities Religious pluralism increased during the 20th century and the Protestant community has grown to include over 22 of the population The most common Protestant denominations are Evangelical Pentecostal ones Other Protestant branches with a notable presence in the country include the Baptists Seventh day Adventists Lutherans and the Reformed tradition In recent decades Protestantism particularly in forms of Pentecostalism and Evangelicalism has spread in Brazil while the proportion of Catholics has dropped significantly After Protestantism individuals professing no religion are also a significant group exceeding 8 of the population as of the 2010 census The cities of Boa Vista Salvador and Porto Velho have the greatest proportion of Irreligious residents in Brazil Teresina Fortaleza and Florianopolis were the most Roman Catholic in the country Greater Rio de Janeiro not including the city proper is the most irreligious and least Roman Catholic Brazilian periphery while Greater Porto Alegre and Greater Fortaleza are on the opposite sides of the lists respectively In October 2009 the Brazilian Senate approved and enacted by the President of Brazil in February 2010 an agreement with the Vatican in which the Legal Statute of the Catholic Church in Brazil is recognized Health The Clinical Hospital of Porto Alegre is academically linked to the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul and is part of the SUS the Brazilian publicly funded health care system The Brazilian public health system the Unified Health System Sistema Unico de Saude SUS is managed and provided by all levels of government being the largest system of this type in the world On the other hand private healthcare systems play a complementary role Public health services are universal and offered to all citizens of the country for free However the construction and maintenance of health centers and hospitals are financed by taxes and the country spends about 9 of its GDP on expenditures in the area In 2012 Brazil had 1 85 doctors and 2 3 hospital beds for every 1 000 inhabitants Despite all the progress made since the creation of the universal health care system in 1988 there are still several public health problems in Brazil In 2006 the main points to be solved were the high infant 2 51 and maternal mortality rates 73 1 deaths per 1000 births The number of deaths from noncommunicable diseases such as cardiovascular diseases 151 7 deaths per 100 000 inhabitants and cancer 72 7 deaths per 100 000 inhabitants also has a considerable impact on the health of the Brazilian population Finally external but preventable factors such as car accidents violence and suicide caused 14 9 of all deaths in the country The Brazilian health system was ranked 125th among the 191 countries evaluated by the World Health Organization WHO in 2000 Education Historical building of the Federal University of Parana one of the oldest universities in Brazil located in Curitiba The Federal Constitution and the Law of Guidelines and Bases of National Education determine that the Union the states the Federal District and the municipalities must manage and organize their respective education systems Each of these public educational systems is responsible for its own maintenance which manages funds as well as the mechanisms and funding sources The constitution reserves 25 of the state budget and 18 of federal taxes and municipal taxes for education According to the IBGE in 2019 the literacy rate of the population was 93 4 meaning that 11 3 million 6 6 of population people are still illiterate in the country with some states such asRio de Janeiro and Santa Catarina reaching around 97 of literacy rate functional illiteracy has reached 21 6 of the population Illiteracy is higher in the Northeast where 13 87 of the population is illiterate while the South has 3 3 of its population illiterate Brazil s private institutions tend to be more exclusive and offer better quality education so many high income families send their children there The result is a segregated educational system that reflects extreme income disparities and reinforces social inequality However efforts to change this are making impacts The University of Sao Paulo is the second best university in Latin America according to recent 2019 QS World University Rankings Of the top 20 Latin American universities eight are Brazilian Most of them are public Attending an institution of higher education is required by Law of Guidelines and Bases of Education Kindergarten elementary and medium education are required of all students Language Museum of the Portuguese Language in Sao PauloAlto Rio Negro Indigenous Territory in Sao Gabriel da Cachoeira Amazonas where Nhengatu Tucano and Baniwa are co official languagesPomerode Santa Catarina where the East Pomeranian is the second language see Brazilian German The official language of Brazil is Portuguese Article 13 of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Brazil which almost all of the population speaks and is virtually the only language used in newspapers radio television and for business and administrative purposes Brazil is the only Portuguese speaking nation in the Americas making the language an important part of Brazilian national identity and giving it a national culture distinct from those of its Spanish speaking neighbors Brazilian Portuguese has had its own development mostly similar to 16th century Central and Southern dialects of European Portuguese despite a very substantial number of Portuguese colonial settlers and more recent immigrants coming from Northern regions and in minor degree Portuguese Macaronesia with a few influences from the Amerindian and African languages especially West African and Bantu restricted to the vocabulary only As a result the language is somewhat different mostly in phonology from the language of Portugal and other Portuguese speaking countries the dialects of the other countries partly because of the more recent end of Portuguese colonialism in these regions have a closer connection to contemporary European Portuguese These differences are comparable to those between American and British English The 2002 sign language law requires government authorities and public agencies to accept and provide information in Lingua Brasileira dos Sinais or LIBRAS the Brazilian Sign Language while a 2005 presidential edict extends this to require teaching of the language as a part of the education and speech and language pathology curricula LIBRAS teachers instructors and translators are recognized professionals Schools and health services must provide access inclusion to deaf people Minority languages are spoken throughout the nation One hundred and eighty Amerindian languages are spoken in remote areas and a significant number of other languages are spoken by immigrants and their descendants In the municipality of Sao Gabriel da Cachoeira Nheengatu a currently endangered South American creole language or an anti creole according to some linguists with mostly Indigenous Brazilian languages lexicon and Portuguese based grammar that together with its southern relative lingua geral paulista once was a major lingua franca in Brazil being replaced by Portuguese only after governmental prohibition led by major political changes excessive detail Baniwa and Tucano languages had been granted co official status with Portuguese There are significant communities of German mostly the Brazilian Hunsruckisch a High German language dialect and Italian mostly the Talian a Venetian dialect origins in the Southern and Southeastern regions whose ancestors native languages were carried along to Brazil and which still alive there are influenced by the Portuguese language Talian is officially a historic patrimony of Rio Grande do Sul and two German dialects possess co official status in a few municipalities Italian is also recognized as ethnic language in the Santa Teresa microregion and Vila Velha Espirito Santo state and is taught as mandatory second language at school Urbanization According to IBGE Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics urban areas already concentrate 84 35 of the population while the Southeast region remains the most populated one with over 80 million inhabitants The largest urban agglomerations in Brazil are Sao Paulo Rio de Janeiro and Belo Horizonte all in the Southeastern Region with 21 1 12 3 and 5 1 million inhabitants respectively The majority of state capitals are the largest cities in their states except for Vitoria the capital of Espirito Santo and Florianopolis the capital of Santa Catarina vte Largest urban agglomerations in Brazil 2017 Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics estimatesRank Name State Pop Rank Name State Pop Sao Paulo Rio de Janeiro 1 Sao Paulo Sao Paulo 21 314 716 11 Belem Para 2 157 180 Belo Horizonte Recife2 Rio de Janeiro Rio de Janeiro 12 389 775 12 Manaus Amazonas 2 130 2643 Belo Horizonte Minas Gerais 5 142 260 13 Campinas Sao Paulo 2 105 6004 Recife Pernambuco 4 021 641 14 Vitoria Espirito Santo 1 837 0475 Brasilia Federal District 3 986 425 15 Baixada Santista Sao Paulo 1 702 3436 Porto Alegre Rio Grande do Sul 3 894 232 16 Sao Jose dos Campos Sao Paulo 1 572 9437 Salvador Bahia 3 863 154 17 Sao Luis Maranhao 1 421 5698 Fortaleza Ceara 3 594 924 18 Natal Rio Grande do Norte 1 349 7439 Curitiba Parana 3 387 985 19 Maceio Alagoas 1 231 96510 Goiania Goias 2 347 557 20 Joao Pessoa Paraiba 1 168 941CultureParade of Portela samba school at the Rio Carnival the largest carnival in the world The core culture of Brazil is derived from Portuguese culture because of its strong colonial ties with the Portuguese Empire Among other influences the Portuguese introduced the Portuguese language Roman Catholicism and colonial architectural styles The culture was also strongly influenced by African indigenous and non Portuguese European cultures and traditions Some aspects of Brazilian culture were influenced by the contributions of Italian German and other European as well as Japanese Jewish and Arab immigrants who arrived in large numbers in the South and Southeast of Brazil during the 19th and 20th centuries The indigenous Amerindians influenced Brazil s language and cuisine and the Africans influenced language cuisine music dance and religion Brazilian art has developed since the 16th century into different styles that range from Baroque the dominant style in Brazil until the early 19th century to Romanticism Modernism Expressionism Cubism Surrealism and Abstractionism Brazilian cinema dates back to the birth of the medium in the late 19th century and has gained a new level of international acclaim since the 1960s Architecture The Cathedral of Brasilia designed by Brazilian architect Oscar Niemeyer for the federal capital an example of Modern architectureMuseu do Ipiranga in Sao Paulo shows Neoclassical architecture in Brazil The architecture of Brazil is influenced by Europe especially Portugal It has a history that goes back 500 years to the time when Pedro Alvares Cabral landed in Brazil in 1500 Portuguese colonial architecture was the first wave of architecture to go to Brazil It is the basis for all Brazilian architecture of later centuries In the 19th century during the time of the Empire of Brazil the country followed European trends and adopted Neoclassical and Gothic Revival architecture Then in the 20th century especially in Brasilia Brazil experimented with Modernist architecture The colonial architecture of Brazil dates to the early 16th century when Brazil was first explored conquered and settled by the Portuguese The Portuguese built architecture familiar to them in Europe in their aim to colonize Brazil They built Portuguese colonial architecture which included churches civic architecture including houses and forts in Brazilian cities and the countryside During 19th century Brazilian architecture saw the introduction of more European styles to Brazil such as Neoclassical and Gothic Revival architecture This was usually mixed with Brazilian influences from their own heritage which produced a unique form of Brazilian architecture In the 1950s the modernist architecture was introduced when Brasilia was built as new federal capital in the interior of Brazil to help develop the interior The architect Oscar Niemeyer idealized and built government buildings churches and civic buildings in the modernist style Music Tom Jobim one of the creators of bossa nova and Chico Buarque one of the leading names of MPB The music of Brazil was formed mainly from the fusion of European Native Indigenous and African elements Until the nineteenth century Portugal was the gateway to most of the influences that built Brazilian music although many of these elements were not of Portuguese origin but generally European The first was Jose Mauricio Nunes Garcia author of sacred pieces with influence of Viennese classicism The major contribution of the African element was the rhythmic diversity and some dances and instruments that had a bigger role in the development of popular music and folk flourishing especially in the twentieth century Popular music since the late eighteenth century began to show signs of forming a characteristically Brazilian sound with samba considered the most typical and on the UNESCO cultural heritage list Samba reggae Maracatu Frevo and Afoxe are four music traditions that have been popularized by their appearance in the annual Brazilian Carnivals Capoeira is usually played with its own music referred to as capoeira music which is usually considered to be a call and response type of folk music Forro is a type of folk music prominent during the Festa Junina in northeastern Brazil Jack A Draper III a professor of Portuguese at the University of Missouri argues that Forro was used as a way to subdue feelings of nostalgia for a rural lifestyle Choro is a very popular music instrumental style Its origins are in 19th century Rio de Janeiro In spite of the name the style often has a fast and happy rhythm characterized by virtuosity improvisation subtle modulations and full of syncopation and counterpoint Bossa nova is also a well known style of Brazilian music developed and popularized in the 1950s and 1960s The phrase bossa nova means literally new trend A lyrical fusion of samba and jazz bossa nova acquired a large following starting in the 1960s Some Brazilian music artists have achieved international success for example Villa Lobos Tom Jobim Joao Gilberto Sergio Mendes Eumir Deodato Kaoma Sepultura Olodum and CSS Literature Machado de Assis poet and novelist founder of the Brazilian Academy of Letters Brazilian literature dates back to the 16th century to the writings of the first Portuguese explorers in Brazil such as Pero Vaz de Caminha filled with descriptions of fauna flora and commentary about the indigenous population that fascinated European readers Brazil produced significant works in Romanticism novelists such as Joaquim Manuel de Macedo and Jose de Alencar wrote novels about love and pain Alencar in his long career also treated indigenous people as heroes in the Indigenist novels O Guarani Iracema and Ubirajara Machado de Assis one of his contemporaries wrote in virtually all genres and continues to gain international prestige from critics worldwide Brazilian Modernism evidenced by the Modern Art Week in 1922 was concerned with a nationalist avant garde literature while Post Modernism brought a generation of distinct poets such asJoao Cabral de Melo Neto Carlos Drummond de Andrade Vinicius de Moraes Cora Coralina Graciliano Ramos Cecilia Meireles and internationally known writers dealing with universal and regional subjects such as Jorge Amado Joao Guimaraes Rosa Clarice Lispector and Manuel Bandeira Brazil s most significant literary award is the Camoes Prize which it shares with the rest of the Portuguese speaking world As of 2016 Brazil has eleven recipients of the prize Brazil also holds its own literary academy the Brazilian Academy of Letters a non profit cultural organization pointed in perpetuating the care of the national language and literature Theatre Augusto Boal presenting a workshop on the Theatre of the Oppressed at Riverside Church in New York City in 2008 The theatre in Brazil has its origins in the period of Jesuit expansion when theater was used for the dissemination of Catholic doctrine in the 16th century in the 17th and 18th centuries the first dramatists who appeared on the scene of European derivation was for court or private performances During the 19th century dramatic theater gained importance and thickness whose first representative was Luis Carlos Martins Pena 1813 1848 capable of describing contemporary reality Always in this period the comedy of costume and comic production was imposed Significant also in the nineteenth century was also the playwright Antonio Goncalves Dias There were also numerous operas and orchestras The Brazilian conductor Antonio Carlos Gomes became internationally known with operas such as Il Guarany At the end of the 19th century orchestrated dramaturgias became very popular and were accompanied with songs of famous artists such as the conductress Chiquinha Gonzaga Already in the early 20th century there was the presence of theaters entrepreneurs and actor companies but paradoxically the quality of the products staggered and only in 1940 the Brazilian theater received a boost of renewal thanks to the action of Paschoal Carlos Magno and his student s theater the comedians group and the Italian actors Adolfo Celi Ruggero Jacobbi and Aldo Calvo founders of the Teatro Brasileiro de Comedia From the 1960s it was attended by a theater dedicated to social and religious issues and to the flourishing of schools of dramatic art The most prominent authors at this stage were Jorge Andrade and Ariano Suassuna Cuisine Feijoada is one of the main dishes of Brazilian cuisine Brazilian cuisine varies greatly by region reflecting the country s varying mix of indigenous and immigrant populations This has created a national cuisine marked by the preservation of regional differences Examples are Feijoada considered the country s national dish and regional foods such as beiju feijao tropeiro vatapa moqueca polenta from Italian cuisine and acaraje from African cuisine The national beverage is coffee and cachaca is Brazil s native liquor Cachaca is distilled from sugar cane and is the main ingredient in the national cocktail Caipirinha A typical meal consists mostly of rice and beans with beef salad french fries and a fried egg Often it is mixed with cassava flour farofa Fried potatoes fried cassava fried banana fried meat and fried cheese are very often eaten in lunch and served in most typical restaurants Popular snacks are pastel a fried pastry coxinha a variation of chicken croquete pao de queijo cheese bread and cassava flour tapioca pamonha corn and milk paste esfirra a variation of Lebanese pastry kibbeh from Arabic cuisine empanada pastry and empada little salt pies filled with shrimps or heart of palm Brazil has a variety of desserts such as brigadeiros chocolate fudge balls bolo de rolo roll cake with goiabada cocada a coconut sweet beijinhos coconut truffles and clove and Romeu e Julieta cheese with goiabada Peanuts are used to make pacoca rapadura and pe de moleque Local common fruits such as acai cupuacu mango papaya cocoa cashew guava orange lime passionfruit pineapple and hog plum are turned in juices and used to make chocolates ice pops and ice cream Cinema Festival de Gramado the biggest film festival in the country The Brazilian film industry began in the late 19th century during the early days of the Belle Epoque While there were national film productions during the early 20th century American films such as Rio the Magnificent were made in Rio de Janeiro to promote tourism in the city The films Limite 1931 and Ganga Bruta 1933 the latter being produced by Adhemar Gonzaga through the prolific studio Cinedia were poorly received at release and failed at the box office but are acclaimed nowadays and placed among the finest Brazilian films of all time The 1941 unfinished film It s All True was divided in four segments two of which were filmed in Brazil and directed by Orson Welles it was originally produced as part of the United States Good Neighbor Policy during Getulio Vargas Estado Novo government During the 1960s the Cinema Novo movement rose to prominence with directors such as Glauber Rocha Nelson Pereira dos Santos Paulo Cesar Saraceni and Arnaldo Jabor Rocha s films Deus e o Diabo na Terra do Sol 1964 and Terra em Transe 1967 are considered to be some of the greatest and most influential in Brazilian film history During the 1990s Brazil saw a surge of critical and commercial success with films such as O Quatrilho Fabio Barreto 1995 O Que E Isso Companheiro Bruno Barreto 1997 and Central do Brasil Walter Salles 1998 all of which were nominated for the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film the latter receiving a Best Actress nomination for Fernanda Montenegro The 2002 crime film City of God directed by Fernando Meirelles was critically acclaimed scoring 90 on Rotten Tomatoes being placed in Roger Ebert s Best Films of the Decade list and receiving four Academy Award nominations in 2004 including Best Director Notable film festivals in Brazil include the Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro International Film Festivals and the Gramado Festival Media Former President Dilma Rousseff at Jornal Nacional news program Rede Globo is the world s second largest commercial television network The Brazilian press was officially born in Rio de Janeiro on 13 May 1808 with the creation of the Royal Printing National Press by the Prince Regent Dom Joao The Gazeta do Rio de Janeiro the first newspaper published in the country began to circulate on 10 September 1808 The largest newspapers nowadays are Folha de S Paulo Super Noticia O Globo and O Estado de S Paulo Radio broadcasting began on 7 September 1922 with a speech by then President Pessoa and was formalized on 20 April 1923 with the creation of Radio Society of Rio de Janeiro Television in Brazil began officially on 18 September 1950 with the founding of TV Tupi by Assis Chateaubriand Since then television has grown in the country creating large commercial broadcast networks such as Globo SBT RecordTV Bandeirantes and RedeTV Today it is the most important factor in popular culture of Brazilian society indicated by research showing that as much as 67 of the general population follow the same daily telenovela broadcast By the mid 1960s Brazilian universities had installed mainframe computers from IBM and Burroughs Large Systems In the 1970s and 1980s the Brazilian government restricted foreign imports to protect the local manufacturing of computers In the 1980s Brazil produced half of the computers sold in the country By 2009 the mobile phone and Internet use of Brazil was the fifth largest in the world In May 2010 the Brazilian government launched TV Brasil Internacional an international television station initially broadcasting to 49 countries Commercial television channels broadcast internationally include Globo Internacional RecordTV Internacional and Band Internacional Visual arts Entry in the Forest mural at the Thomas Jefferson Building by Candido Portinari one of the most important Brazilian painters Brazilian painting emerged in the late 16th century influenced by Baroque Rococo Neoclassicism Romanticism Realism Modernism Expressionism Surrealism Cubism and Abstracionism making it a major art style called Brazilian academic art The French Artistic Mission arrived in Brazil in 1816 proposing the creation of an art academy modeled after the respected Academie des Beaux Arts with graduation courses both for artists and craftsmen for activities such as modeling decorating carpentry and others and bringing artists such as Jean Baptiste Debret Upon the creation of the Imperial Academy of Fine Arts new artistic movements spread across the country during the 19th century and later the event called Modern Art Week definitely broke with academic tradition in 1922 and started a nationalist trend which was influenced by modernist arts Among the best known Brazilian painters are Ricardo do Pilar and Manuel da Costa Ataide baroque and rococo Victor Meirelles Pedro Americo and Almeida Junior romanticism and realism Anita Malfatti Ismael Nery Lasar Segall Emiliano di Cavalcanti Vicente do Rego Monteiro and Tarsila do Amaral expressionism surrealism and cubism Aldo Bonadei Jose Pancetti and Candido Portinari modernism Sports Pele one of the greatest footballers of all time and among the most popular sports figures of the 20th centuryAyrton Senna the sixth most successful driver of all time in terms of most Grand Prix wins of Formula One The most popular sport in Brazil is football The Brazilian men s national team is ranked among the best in the world according to the FIFA World Rankings and has won the World Cup tournament a record five times Volleyball basketball auto racing and martial arts also attract large audiences The Brazil men s national volleyball team for example currently holds the titles of the World League World Grand Champions Cup World Championship and the World Cup In auto racing three Brazilian drivers have won the Formula One world championship eight times The country has also produced significant achievements in other sports such as sailing swimming tennis surfing skateboarding MMA gymnastics boxing judo athletics and table tennis Some sport variations have their origins in Brazil beach football futsal indoor football and footvolley emerged in Brazil as variations of football In martial arts Brazilians developed Capoeira Vale tudo and Brazilian jiu jitsu Brazil has hosted several high profile international sporting events such as the 1950 FIFA World Cup and recently has hosted the 2014 FIFA World Cup 2019 Copa America and 2021 Copa America The Sao Paulo circuit Autodromo Jose Carlos Pace hosts the annual Grand Prix of Brazil Sao Paulo organized the IV Pan American Games in 1963 and Rio de Janeiro hosted the XV Pan American Games in 2007 On 2 October 2009 Rio de Janeiro was selected to host the 2016 Olympic Games and 2016 Paralympic Games making it the first South American city to host the games and second in Latin America after Mexico City Furthermore the country hosted the FIBA Basketball World Cups in 1954 and 1963 At the 1963 event the Brazil national basketball team won one of its two world championship titles See alsoBrazil portalLatin America portalOutline of BrazilNotesThe Brazilian census uses the term amarela or yellow in English as a racial category to describe people of East Asian background This category therefore excludes those of other Asian origins such as West Asians Arabs who are included in the white category and South Asians Portuguese Brasil pronounced bɾaˈziw Portuguese Republica Federativa do Brasil pronounced ʁeˈpublikɐ fedeɾaˈtʃivɐ du bɾaˈziw ReferencesExercito Brasileiro in Portuguese Archived from the original on 22 February 2014 Retrieved 29 January 2014 Censo 2022 Pela 1ª vez Brasil se declara mais pardo que branco populacoes preta e indigena tambem crescem 22 December 2023 from the original on 22 December 2023 Retrieved 22 December 2023 2022 Report on International Religious Freedom Brazil United States Department of State from the original on 12 March 2024 Retrieved 12 March 2024 Datafolha Brazilians Go to Church Less and Give Less Contributions Folha de S Paulo 30 June 2022 from the original on 28 June 2024 Retrieved 2 June 2024 Report for Selected Countries and Subjects IMF from the original on 16 April 2024 Retrieved 28 April 2024 Araujo Gabriel 28 June 2023 Grattan Steven Rumney Emma eds Brazil census shows population growth at its slowest since 1872 Reuters 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