The economy of Germany is a highly developed social market economy It has the largest national economy in Europe the third largest by nominal GDP in the world and fifth by GDP PPP Due to a volatile currency exchange rate Germany s GDP as measured in dollars fluctuates sharply In 2017 the country accounted for 28 of the euro area economy according to the International Monetary Fund IMF Germany is a founding member of the European Union and the eurozone Economy of GermanyFrankfurt the financial center of GermanyCurrencyEuro EUR Fiscal yearCalendar yearTrade organisationsEU WTO G 20 G7 and OECDCountry groupAdvanced economy High income economy Largest European economy Welfare stateStatisticsPopulation84 270 625 2022 GDP 4 591 trillion nominal 2024 5 687 trillion PPP 2024 GDP rank3rd nominal 2024 5th PPP 2024 GDP growth 0 3 2023 0 2 2024 1 3 2025 GDP per capita 54 291 nominal 2024 67 245 PPP 2024 GDP per capita rank18th nominal 2024 21st PPP 2024 GDP by sectoragriculture 0 7 industry 30 7 services 68 6 2017 GDP by componentHousehold consumption 53 1 Government consumption 19 5 Investment in fixed capital 20 4 Investment in inventories 0 5 Exports of goods and services 47 3 Imports of goods and services 38 7 2017 Inflation CPI 6 0 2023 2 4 2024 2 0 2025 Population below poverty line21 3 at risk of poverty or social exclusion AROPE 2023 Gini coefficient29 4 low 2023 Human Development Index0 950 very high maximum 2022 7th 0 881 very high actual 2022 IHDI 9th Corruption Perceptions Index78 out of 100 points 2023 rank 9th Labour force50 million 2023 68 3 employment rate August 2020 Labour force by occupationagriculture 1 4 industry 24 2 services 74 3 2016 Unemployment5 4 2022 5 8 youth unemployment August 2020 2 0 million unemployed August 2020 Average gross salary 4 924 monthly 2023 Average net salary 3 118 monthly 2023 Main industriesHigh technologyIronsteelcoalcementchemicalsmachineryvehiclesmachine toolselectronicsautomobilesfood and beveragesshipbuildingdefencetextilesinformation technologyrenewable energybiotechnologypharmaceuticalExternalExports 1 62 trillion 2022 Export goodsmotor vehicles machinery chemicals computer and electronic products electrical equipment pharmaceuticals metals transport equipment foodstuffs textiles rubber and plastic productsMain export partners European Union 53 6 France 7 5 Netherlands 6 4 Italy 5 6 Poland 5 3 Austria 5 2 Belgium 3 7 United States 8 6 China 7 7 United Kingdom 4 8 Switzerland 4 4 2021 Imports 1 17 trillion 2022 Import goodsmachinery data processing equipment vehicles chemicals oil and gas metals electric equipment pharmaceuticals foodstuffs agricultural productsMain import partners European Union 58 6 Netherlands 9 6 Poland 6 6 Italy 5 8 France 5 5 Czechia 5 2 Belgium 4 6 China 10 United States 4 8 Switzerland 4 1 United Kingdom 2 9 2021 FDI stock 1 653 trillion 2017 Abroad 2 298 trillion 2017 Current account 280 billion 2019 Gross external debt 5 4 trillion 2022 Public financesGovernment debt63 6 of GDP 2023 2 6 trillion 2023 Budget balance 102 billion deficit 2023 2 5 of GDP 2023 Revenues46 1 of GDP 2023 Expenses48 6 of GDP 2023 Economic aid 26 billion from European Structural and Investment Funds 2007 2013 27 87 billion from European Structural and Investment Funds 2014 2020 Credit ratingStandard amp Poor s AAA Outlook Stable Moody s Aaa Outlook Stable Fitch AAA Outlook Stable Scope AAA Outlook StableForeign reserves 400 billion 2022 All values unless otherwise stated are in US dollars In 2016 Germany recorded the highest trade surplus in the world worth 310 billion This economic result made it the biggest capital exporter globally Germany is one of the largest exporters globally with 1 81 trillion worth of goods and services exported in 2019 The service sector contributes around 70 of the total GDP industry 29 1 and agriculture 0 9 Exports accounted for 50 3 of national output The top 10 exports of Germany are vehicles machinery chemical goods electronic products electrical equipment pharmaceuticals transport equipment basic metals food products and rubber and plastics The economy of Germany is the largest manufacturing economy in Europe and it is less likely to be affected by a financial downturn Germany conducts applied research with practical industrial value and sees itself as a bridge between the latest university insights and industry specific product and process improvements It generates a great deal of knowledge in its own laboratories Among OECD members Germany has a highly efficient and strong social security system which comprises roughly 25 of GDP Germany is rich in timber lignite potash and salt Some minor sources of natural gas are being exploited in the state of Lower Saxony Until German reunification the German Democratic Republic mined for uranium in the Ore Mountains see also SAG SDAG Wismut Energy in Germany is sourced predominantly by fossil fuels 30 with wind power in second place then gas solar biomass wood and biofuels and hydro Germany is the first major industrialised nation to commit to the renewable energy transition called Energiewende Germany is the leading producer of wind turbines in the world Renewables produced 46 of electricity consumed in Germany as of 2019 Germany has been called the world s first major renewable energy economy Germany has the world s second largest gold reserve with over 3 000 tonnes of gold Germany spends around 3 14 of GDP on advance research and development across various sectors of the economy It is also the world s second largest high technology exporter More than 99 per cent of all German companies belong to the German Mittelstand small and medium sized enterprises which are mostly family owned These companies represent 48 of the global market leaders in their segments labelled hidden champions Of the world s 2000 largest publicly listed companies measured by revenue the Fortune Global 2000 53 are headquartered in Germany with the top 10 being the following Allianz the world s largest insurance company and one of the largest financial services groups and asset managers largest in Europe Munich Re also one of the largest insurance companies Daimler Volkswagen and BMW among the biggest car markers in the world Siemens the world s biggest industrial machinery company Deutsche Telekom one of the world s largest telecommunication companies Bayer among the biggest biomedical companies BASF the world s 2nd biggest chemical producer and SAP Europe s biggest software company Other major companies include Lufthansa Europe s largest airline Deutsche Post the largest logistics company worldwide Deutsche Bahn the largest railway company in the world Bosch the world s largest automotive supplier Uniper the world s largest energy company and Aldi and Schwarz Gruppe Europe s largest retailers Germany is home to many financial centres and economically important cities such as Berlin Hamburg Munich Cologne Frankfurt and Stuttgart 6 of the 10 biggest EU metropolitan areas by GDP are in Germany 7 German banks are among the biggest in the world Germany is the world s top location for trade fairs around two thirds of the world s leading trade fairs take place in Germany Some of the largest international trade fairs and congresses are held in several German cities such as Hanover Frankfurt Cologne Leipzig and Dusseldorf HistoryReal GDP per capita development in Germany since 1820Age of Industrialisation The Industrial Revolution in Germany got underway approximately a century later than in the United Kingdom France and Belgium partly because Germany only became a unified country in 1871 Train factory of August Borsig in 1847 Many companies such as steam machine producer J Kemna modeled themselves on English industry BASF plant in Ludwigshafen 1881 The invention of the automobile Bertha Benz and Karl Benz in a Benz Viktoria model 1894 The invention of the cruise ship Albert Ballin s SS Auguste Viktoria in 1890 Railway construction as an expression of the Industrial Revolution here the Bonn Colner railway around 1844 The establishment of the Deutscher Zollverein German Customs Union in 1834 and the expansion of railway systems were the main drivers of Germany s industrial development and political union From 1834 tariff barriers between increasing numbers of the Kleindeutschland German states were eliminated citation needed In 1835 the first German railway linked the Franconian cities of Nuremberg and Furth it proved so successful that the decade of the 1840s saw railway mania in all the German states Between 1845 and 1870 8 000 kilometres 5 000 mi of rail had been built and in 1850 Germany was building its own locomotives Over time other German states joined the customs union and started linking their railroads which began to connect the corners of Germany The growth of free trade and a rail system across Germany intensified economic development which opened up new markets for local products created a pool of middle managers clarification needed increased the demand for engineers architects and skilled machinists and stimulated investments in coal and iron Another factor that propelled German industry forward was the unification of the monetary system made possible in part by political unification The Deutsche Mark a new monetary coinage system backed by gold was introduced in 1871 However this system did not fully come into use as silver coins retained their value until 1907 citation needed The victory of Prussia and her allies over Napoleon III of France in the Franco Prussian War of 1870 1871 marked the end of French hegemony in Europe and resulted in the proclamation of the German Empire in 1871 The establishment of the empire inherently presented Europe with the reality of a new populous and industrialising polity possessing a considerable and undeniably increasing economic and diplomatic presence The influence of French economic principles produced important institutional reforms in Germany including the abolition of feudal restrictions on the sale of large landed estates the reduction of the power of the guilds in the cities and the introduction of a new more efficient commercial law Nonetheless political decisions about the economy of the empire were still largely controlled by a coalition of rye and iron that is the Prussian Junker landowners of the east and the Ruhr heavy industry of the west Regarding politics and society between 1881 and 1889 Chancellor Otto von Bismarck promoted laws that provided social insurance and improved working conditions He instituted the world s first welfare state Germany was the first to introduce social insurance programmes including universal healthcare compulsory education sickness insurance accident insurance disability insurance and a retirement pension Moreover the government s universal education policy bore fruit with Germany achieving when the highest literacy rate in the world 99 education levels that provided the nation with more people good at handling numbers more engineers chemists opticians skilled workers for its factories skilled managers knowledgeable farmers and skilled military personnel By 1900 Germany surpassed Britain in steel production and became the largest producer behind only the United States The German economic miracle was also intensified by unprecedented population growth from 35 million in 1850 to 67 million in 1913 From 1895 to 1907 the number of workers engaged in machine building doubled from half a million to well over a million Only 40 per cent of Germans lived in rural areas by 1910 a drop from 67 at the birth of the Empire Industry accounted for 60 per cent of the gross national product in 1913 The German chemical industry became the most advanced in the world and by 1914 the country was producing half the world s electrical equipment The rapid advance to industrial maturity led to a drastic shift in Germany s economic situation from a rural economy into a major exporter of finished goods The ratio of the finished product to total exports jumped from 38 in 1872 to 63 in 1912 By 1913 Germany had come to dominate all the European markets By 1914 Germany had become one of the biggest exporters in the world Weimar Republic and Third Reich Gross national product and GNP deflator year on year change in 1926 to 1939 in Germany Via google to Pdf file of German publicationOccupation by administrative district in the 1925 census The Nazis rose to power while unemployment was very high but achieved full employment later thanks to massive public works programmes such as the Reichsbahn Reichspost and the Reichsautobahn projects In 1935 rearmament in contravention of the Treaty of Versailles added to the economy The post 1931 financial crisis economic policies of expansionary fiscal policies as Germany was off the gold standard was advised by their non Nazi Minister of Economics Hjalmar Schacht who in 1933 became the president of the central bank Schacht later resigned from the post in 1938 and was replaced by Hermann Goring The trading policies of the Third Reich aimed at self sufficiency but with a lack of raw materials Germany would have to maintain trade links but on bilateral preferences foreign exchange controls import quotas and export subsidies under what was called the New Plan Neuer Plan of 19 September 1934 The New Plan was based on trade with less developed countries who would trade raw materials for German industrial goods saving currency Southern Europe was preferable to Western Europe and North America as there could be no trade blockades This policy became known as the Grosswirtschaftsraum greater economic area policy Eventually the Nazi party developed strong relationships with big business and abolished trade unions in 1933 in order to form the Reich Labour Service RAD German Labour Front DAF to set working hours Beauty of Labour SDA which set working conditions and Strength through Joy KDF to ensure sports clubs for workers West Germany The Volkswagen Beetle was an icon of West German reconstruction Beginning with the replacement of the Reichsmark with the Deutsche Mark as legal tender a lasting period of low inflation and rapid industrial growth was overseen by the government led by German Chancellor Konrad Adenauer and his minister of economics Ludwig Erhard raising West Germany from total wartime devastation to one of the most developed nations in modern Europe In 1953 it was decided that Germany was to repay 1 1 billion of the aid it had received The last repayment was made in June 1971 Apart from these factors hard work and long hours at full capacity among the population in the 1950s 1960s and early 1970s and extra labour supplied by thousands of Gastarbeiter guest workers provided a vital base for the economic upturn East Germany By the early 1950s the Soviet Union had seized reparations in the form of agricultural and industrial products and demanded further heavy reparation payments Silesia with the Upper Silesian Coal Basin and Stettin a prominent natural port were lost to Poland Exports from West Germany exceeded 323 billion in 1988 In the same year East Germany exported 30 7 billion worth of goods 65 to other communist states East Germany had zero unemployment Federal Republic As of 2013 update Germany is the third largest exporter and third largest importer in the world producing the largest trade surplus as a national economy The German economy practically stagnated in the beginning of the 2000s The worst growth figures were achieved in 2002 1 4 in 2003 1 0 and in 2005 1 4 Unemployment was also chronically high Due to these problems together with Germany s aging population the welfare system came under considerable strain This led the government to push through a wide ranging programme of belt tightening reforms Agenda 2010 including the labour market reforms known as Hartz I IV In the later part of the first decade of 2000 the world economy experienced high growth from which Germany as a leading exporter also profited Some credit the Hartz reforms with achieving high growth and declining unemployment but others contend that they resulted in a massive decrease in standards of living and that its effects are limited and temporary The nominal GDP of Germany contracted in the second and third quarters of 2008 putting the country in a technical recession following a global and European recession cycle German industrial output dropped to 3 6 in September vis a vis August In January 2009 the German government under Angela Merkel approved a 50 billion 70 billion economic stimulus plan to protect several sectors from a downturn and a subsequent rise in unemployment rates Germany exited the recession in the second and third quarters of 2009 mostly due to rebounding manufacturing orders and exports primarily from outside the eurozone and relatively steady consumer demand Germany is a founding member of the EU the G8 and the G20 and was the world s largest exporter from 2003 to 2008 In 2011 it remained the third largest exporter and third largest importer Most of the country s exports are in engineering especially machinery automobiles chemical goods and metals Germany is a leading producer of wind turbines and solar power technology Annual trade fairs and congresses are held in cities throughout Germany 2011 was a record breaking year for the German economy German companies exported goods worth over 1 trillion 1 3 trillion the highest figure in history The number of people in work has risen to 41 6 million the highest recorded figure Through 2012 Germany s economy continued to be stronger relative to local neighbouring nations In 2023 Germany experienced economic difficulties as a result of the closure of Russian natural gas resources due to international sanctions following the Russian invasion of Ukraine Germany imported 55 of its gas from Russia at the time when Russia started the invasion in 2022 Amid a global energy crisis Chancellor Olaf Scholz committed to weaken dependence on Russian energy imports by halting certification of Nord Stream 2 while also committing to his long term predecessor Angela Merkel s policy of phasing out nuclear energy As of December 2023 Germany is the third largest economy in nominal terms in the world after the United States and China and the largest economy in Europe It is the third largest export nation in the world In April 2024 a report by the German Economic Institute revealed that despite attempts to expand into other markets the German economy remains heavily reliant on China for various products and raw materials DataThe following table shows the main economic indicators in 1980 2021 with IMF staff estimates in 2022 2027 Inflation below 5 is in green Year GDP in Bil US PPP GDP per capita in US PPP GDP in Bil US nominal GDP per capita in US nominal GDP growth real Inflation rate in Per cent Unemployment in Per cent Government debt in of GDP 1980 855 3 11 130 4 853 7 11 109 7 1 3 5 4 3 4 n a1981 937 2 12 174 0 718 3 9 329 6 0 1 6 3 4 8 n a1982 987 3 12 833 5 693 5 9 015 0 0 8 5 3 6 7 n a1983 1 041 9 13 590 8 691 9 9 025 2 1 6 3 3 8 1 n a1984 1 110 0 14 537 9 651 9 8 537 8 2 8 2 4 8 1 n a1985 1 170 2 15 364 3 661 0 8 678 9 2 2 2 1 8 1 n a1986 1 222 7 16 041 5 944 1 12 387 0 2 4 0 1 7 8 n a1987 1 271 3 16 676 8 1 174 9 15 411 5 1 5 0 2 7 8 n a1988 1 365 3 17 801 4 1 266 6 16 514 7 3 7 1 3 7 7 n a1989 1 474 4 19 033 2 1 257 4 16 232 1 3 9 2 8 6 8 n a1990 1 617 1 20 482 9 1 598 6 20 249 1 5 7 2 7 6 2 n a1991 1 755 6 21 951 9 1 875 6 23 453 1 5 0 3 5 5 5 39 0 1992 1 830 0 22 733 4 2 136 3 26 538 0 1 9 5 0 6 6 41 5 1993 1 855 1 22 917 9 2 072 5 25 603 0 1 0 4 5 7 8 45 1 1994 1 940 2 23 909 4 2 209 9 27 233 5 2 4 2 7 8 4 47 5 1995 2 011 4 24 738 0 2 588 0 31 829 6 1 5 1 7 8 2 54 9 1996 2 064 9 25 347 0 2 498 1 30 664 3 0 8 1 3 8 9 57 8 1997 2 138 0 26 230 3 2 214 7 27 170 7 1 8 1 5 9 7 58 9 1998 2 205 8 27 082 8 2 242 1 27 528 2 2 0 0 6 9 4 59 5 1999 2 279 1 27 990 7 2 197 1 26 984 2 1 9 0 6 8 6 60 4 2000 2 398 4 29 443 7 1 948 8 23 924 9 2 9 1 4 8 0 59 3 2001 2 493 8 30 592 1 1 945 8 23 869 8 1 7 1 9 7 8 58 2 2002 2 527 6 30 983 3 2 077 0 25 460 3 0 2 1 3 8 6 59 9 2003 2 559 3 31 384 1 2 501 0 30 668 8 0 7 1 1 9 7 63 5 2004 2 659 2 32 645 2 2 813 1 34 534 8 1 2 1 8 10 3 65 2 2005 2 762 5 33 963 1 2 848 4 35 020 2 0 7 1 9 11 0 67 5 2006 2 956 3 36 419 4 2 994 9 36 894 5 3 8 1 8 10 0 66 9 2007 3 126 7 38 605 1 3 426 0 42 299 9 3 0 2 3 8 5 64 2 2008 3 217 3 39 835 3 3 744 9 46 367 9 1 0 2 8 7 4 65 7 2009 3 053 5 37 939 0 3 407 6 42 338 7 5 7 0 2 7 2 73 2 2010 3 219 5 40 100 8 3 402 4 42 379 7 4 2 1 1 6 6 82 0 2011 3 415 0 42 541 2 3 748 7 46 697 4 3 9 2 5 5 5 79 4 2012 3 487 2 43 359 4 3 529 4 43 883 4 0 4 2 2 5 1 80 7 2013 3 628 6 44 993 7 3 733 9 46 299 4 0 4 1 6 5 0 78 3 2014 3 807 1 47 011 1 3 890 1 48 035 8 2 2 0 8 4 7 75 3 2015 3 890 1 47 622 3 3 357 9 41 107 2 1 5 0 7 4 4 71 9 2016 4 164 7 50 574 2 3 468 9 42 124 2 2 2 0 4 3 9 69 0 2017 4 411 7 53 373 9 3 689 5 44 636 8 2 7 1 7 3 6 64 6 2018 4 561 6 55 021 0 3 976 2 47 961 0 1 0 1 9 3 2 61 3 2019 4 692 1 56 468 0 3 888 7 46 798 8 1 1 1 4 3 0 58 9 2020 4 573 3 54 993 4 3 886 6 46 735 3 3 7 0 4 3 6 68 0 2021 4 888 4 58 757 2 4 262 8 51 237 6 2 6 3 2 3 6 69 6 2022 5 316 9 63 834 9 4 031 1 48 397 8 1 5 8 5 2 9 71 1 2023 5 490 2 65 865 3 4 120 2 49 430 1 0 3 7 2 3 4 68 3 2024 5 689 6 68 235 1 4 337 4 52 017 6 1 5 3 5 3 3 65 6 2025 5 920 6 71 011 2 4 546 5 54 530 9 2 2 2 6 3 2 63 1 2026 6 143 0 73 716 8 4 740 7 56 889 6 1 8 2 0 3 0 61 0 2027 6 346 0 76 204 6 4 925 0 59 140 7 1 3 2 0 3 0 59 7 Companies Of the world s 500 largest stock market listed companies measured by revenue in 2010 the Fortune Global 500 37 are headquartered in Germany 40 Germany based companies are included in the DAX the most popular German stock market index Well known global brands are Mercedes Benz BMW SAP Siemens Volkswagen Adidas Audi Allianz Porsche Bayer BASF Bosch and Nivea Germany is recognised for its specialised small and medium enterprises known as the Mittelstand model SMEs account for more than 99 per cent of German companies Around 1 000 of these companies are global market leaders in their segment and are labelled hidden champions From 1991 to 2010 40 301 mergers and acquisitions with an involvement of German firms with a total known value of 2 422 bil EUR have been announced The largest transactions since 1991 are the acquisition of Mannesmann by Vodafone for 204 8 bil EUR in 1999 the merger of Daimler Benz with Chrysler to form DaimlerChrysler in 1998 valued at 36 3 bil EUR Berlin developed an international startup ecosystem and became a leading location for venture capital funded firms in the European Union The sector with the highest number of companies registered in Germany is Services with 1 443 708 companies followed by Finance Insurance and Real Estate and Construction with 480 593 and 173 167 companies respectively Volkswagen headquarters in Wolfsburg The list includes the largest German companies by revenue in 2011 Rank Name Headquarters Ticker Revenue Mil Profit Mil Employees World 0 1 Volkswagen Group Wolfsburg VOWG 159 000 15 800 502 0000 2 E ON Essen EONGn 113 000 1 900 79 0000 3 Daimler Stuttgart DAIGn 107 000 6 000 271 0000 4 Siemens Berlin Munchen SIEGn 74 000 6 300 360 0000 5 BASF Ludwigshafen am Rhein BASFn 73 000 6 600 111 0000 6 BMW Munchen BMWG 69 000 4 900 100 0000 7 Metro Dusseldorf MEOG 67 000 740 288 0000 8 Schwarz Gruppe Neckarsulm 63 000 N A 315 0000 9 Deutsche Telekom Bonn DTEGn 59 000 670 235 0000 10 Deutsche Post Bonn DPWGn 53 000 1 300 471 000 Bosch Gerlingen 73 100 2 300 390 000 Uniper Dusseldorf UNSE01 67 300 13 000 Allianz Munchen ALVG 104 000 2 800 141 000 Deutsche Bank Frankfurt am Main DBKGn 4 300 101 000Mergers and acquisitions Since German reunification there have been 52 258 mergers or acquisitions deals inbound or outbound in Germany The most active year in terms of value was 1999 with a cumulated value of 48 bil EUR twice as much as the runner up which was 2006 with 24 bil EUR see graphic M amp A in Germany Here is a list of the top 10 deals ranked by value that include a German company The Vodafone Mannesmann deal is still the biggest deal in global history Rank Date Acquirer Acquirer Nation Target Target Nation Value in bil USD 1 14 Nov 1999 Vodafone AirTouch PLC United Kingdom Mannesmann AG Germany 202 792 18 May 2016 Bayer AG Germany Monsanto Co United States 56 603 6 May 1998 Daimler Benz AG Germany Chrysler Corp United States 40 474 16 Aug 2016 Linde AG Germany Praxair Inc United States 35 165 21 Oct 1999 Mannesmann AG Germany Orange PLC United Kingdom 32 596 24 Jul 2000 Deutsche Telekom AG Germany VoiceStream Wireless Corp United States 29 407 17 May 1999 Rhone Poulenc SA France Hoechst AG Germany 21 928 23 Mar 2006 Bayer AG Germany Schering AG Germany 21 409 01 Apr 2001 Allianz AG Germany Dresdner Bank AG Germany 19 6610 30 May 2005 Unicredito Italiano SpA Italy Bayerische Hypo und Vereins Germany 18 26Economic regionGermany is part of a monetary union the eurozone dark blue and of the EU single market Germany as a federation is a polycentric country and does not have a single economic centre The stock exchange is located in Frankfurt am Main the largest Media company Bertelsmann SE amp Co KGaA is headquartered in Gutersloh the largest car manufacturers are in Wolfsburg Volkswagen Stuttgart Mercedes Benz and Porsche and Munich Audi and BMW Germany is an advocate of closer European economic and political integration Its commercial policies are increasingly determined by agreements among European Union EU members and EU single market legislation Germany introduced the common European currency the euro on 1 January 1999 Its monetary policy is set by the European Central Bank in Frankfurt The southern states Bundeslander especially Bayern Baden Wurttemberg and Hessen are economically stronger than the northern states One of Germany s traditionally strongest and at the same time oldest economic regions is the Ruhr area in the west between Duisburg and Dortmund 27 of the country s 100 largest companies are located there In recent years however the area whose economy is based on natural resources and heavy industry has seen a substantial rise in unemployment 2010 8 7 The economy of Bayern and Baden Wurttemberg the states with the lowest number of unemployed people 2018 2 7 3 1 on the other hand is based on high value products Important sectors are automobiles electronics aerospace and biomedicine among others Baden Wurttemberg is an industrial centre especially for the automobile and machine building industry and the home of brands like Mercedes Benz Daimler Porsche and Bosch With the reunification on 3 October 1990 Germany began the major task of reconciling the economic systems of the two former republics Interventionist economic planning ensured gradual development in eastern Germany up to the level of former West Germany but the standard of living and annual income remains significantly higher in western German states The modernisation and integration of the eastern German economy continues to be a long term process scheduled to last until the year 2019 with annual transfers from west to east amounting to roughly 80 billion The overall unemployment rate has consistently fallen since 2005 and reached a 20 year low in 2012 The country in July 2014 began legislating to introduce a federally mandated minimum wage which would come into effect on 1 January 2015 needs update On 25 May 2023 a declaration of a recession in the German economy was made It was reported that Gross Domestic Product GDP had contracted by 0 3 between January and March This contraction was largely due to increased prices which discouraged consumer spending The statistics office in Germany reported that household spending had dropped by 1 2 in the first quarter of the year German states List of German states by GRP in 2022 States Rank GRP in billions EUR Share of GDP Germany 3 867 050 100 North Rhine Westphalia 1 793 790 20 5 Bavaria 2 716 784 18 5 Baden Wurttemberg 3 572 837 14 8 Lower Saxony 4 339 414 8 8 Hesse 5 323 352 8 4 Berlin 6 179 379 4 6 Rhineland Palatinate 7 171 699 4 4 Saxony 8 146 511 3 8 Hamburg 9 144 220 3 7 Schleswig Holstein 10 112 755 2 9 Brandenburg 11 88 800 2 3 Saxony Anhalt 13 75 436 2 0 Thuringia 12 71 430 1 8 Mecklenburg Vorpommern 14 53 440 1 4 Bremen 16 38 698 1 0 Saarland 15 38 505 1 0Wealth Hasso Plattner The following top 10 list of German billionaires is based on an annual assessment of wealth and assets compiled and published by Forbes magazine on 1 March 2016 27 9 billion Albrecht family 20 3 billion Theo Albrecht Jr 18 5 billion Susanne Klatten 18 1 billion Georg Schaeffler 16 4 billion Dieter Schwarz 15 6 billion Stefan Quandt 15 4 billion Michael Otto 11 7 billion Heinz Hermann Thiele 10 billion Klaus Michael Kuhne 9 5 billion Hasso Plattner Wolfsburg is the city in Germany with the country s highest per capita GDP at 128 000 The following top 10 list of German cities with the highest per capita GDP is based on a study by the Cologne Institute for Economic Research on 31 July 2013 128 000 Wolfsburg Lower Saxony 114 281 Frankfurt am Main Hesse 108 347 Schweinfurt Bavaria 104 000 Ingolstadt Bavaria 99 389 Regensburg Bavaria 92 525 Dusseldorf North Rhine Westphalia 92 464 Ludwigshafen am Rhein Rhineland Palatinate 91 630 Erlangen Bavaria 91 121 Stuttgart Baden Wurttemberg 88 692 Ulm Baden WurttembergSectorsGerman exports in 2006 Germany has a social market economy characterised by a highly qualified labour force a developed infrastructure a large capital stock a low level of corruption and a high level of innovation It has the largest national economy in Europe the third largest by nominal GDP in the world and ranked fifth by GDP PPP in 2023 The service sector contributes around 70 of the total GDP industry 29 1 and agriculture 0 9 Primary In 2010 agriculture forestry and mining accounted for only 0 9 of Germany s gross domestic product GDP and employed only 2 4 of the population down from 4 in 1991 Agriculture is extremely productive and Germany can cover 90 of its nutritional needs with domestic production Germany is the third largest agricultural producer in the European Union after France and Italy Germany s principal agricultural products are potatoes wheat barley sugar beets fruit and cabbages Despite the country s high level of industrialisation almost one third of its territory is covered by forest The forestry industry provides for about two thirds of domestic consumption of wood and wood products so Germany is a net importer of these items Strip mining lignite at Tagebau Garzweiler near Grevenbroich Germany The German soil is relatively poor in raw materials Only lignite brown coal and potash salt Kalisalz are available in significant quantities However the former GDR s Wismut mining company produced a total of 230 400 tonnes of uranium between 1947 and 1990 and made East Germany the fourth largest producer of uranium ore worldwide largest in USSR s sphere of control at the time Oil natural gas and other resources are for the most part imported from other countries Potash salt is mined in the centre of the country Niedersachsen Sachsen Anhalt and Thuringen The most important producer is K S formerly Kali und Salz AG Germany s bituminous coal deposits were created more than 300 million years ago from swamps which extended from the present day South England over the Ruhr area to Poland Lignite deposits developed similarly but during a later period about 66 million years ago Because the wood is not yet completely transformed into coal brown coal contains less energy than bituminous coal Lignite is extracted in the extreme western and eastern parts of the country mainly in Nordrhein Westfalen Sachsen and Brandenburg Considerable amounts are burned in coal plants near the mining areas to produce electricity Transporting lignite over far distances is not economically feasible therefore the plants are located practically next to the extraction sites Bituminous coal is mined in Nordrhein Westfalen and Saarland Most power plants burning bituminous coal operate on imported material therefore the plants are located not only near to the mining sites but throughout the country In 2019 the country was the world s 3rd largest producer of selenium the world s 5th largest producer of potash the world s 5th largest producer of boron the world s 7th largest producer of lime the world s 13th largest producer of fluorspar the world s 14th largest producer of feldspar the world s 17th largest producer of graphite the world s 18th largest producer of sulfur in addition to being the 4th largest world producer of salt Industry The world s largest coherent chemistry plant BASF in Ludwigshafen Industry and construction accounted for 30 7 of the gross domestic product in 2017 and employed 24 2 of the workforce Germany excels in the production of automobiles machinery electrical equipment and chemicals With the manufacture of 5 2 million vehicles in 2009 Germany was the world s fourth largest producer and largest exporter of automobiles German automotive companies enjoy an extremely strong position in the so called premium segment with a combined world market share of about 90 Small to medium sized manufacturing firms Mittelstand companies which specialise in technologically advanced niche products and are often family owned form a major part of the German economy It is estimated that about 1 500 German companies occupy a top three position in their respective market segment worldwide In about two thirds of all industry sectors German companies belong to the top three competitors Germany is the only country among the top five arms exporters that is not a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council Services Bavaria l is a tourism destination while Berlin r is a centre of creative industries research and education In 2017 services constituted 68 6 of gross domestic product GDP and the sector employed 74 3 of the workforce The subcomponents of services are financial renting and business activities 30 5 trade hotels and restaurants and transport 18 and other service activities 21 7 Germany is the seventh most visited country in the world with a total of 407 million overnights during 2012 This number includes 68 83 million nights by foreign visitors In 2012 over 30 4 million international tourists arrived in Germany Berlin has become the third most visited city destination in Europe Additionally more than 30 of Germans spend their holiday in their own country with the biggest share going to Mecklenburg Vorpommern Domestic and international travel and tourism combined directly contribute over EUR43 2 billion to German GDP Including indirect and induced impacts the industry contributes 4 5 of German GDP and supports 2 million jobs 4 8 of total employment The largest annual international trade fairs and congresses are held in several German cities such as Hannover Frankfurt and Berlin Government financesGerman bonds Inverted yield curve in 2008 and Negative interest rates 2014 2022 30 year 10 year 2 year 1 year 3 month The debt to GDP ratio of Germany had its peak in 2010 when it stood at 80 3 and decreased since then According to Eurostat the government gross debt of Germany amounts to 2 152 0 billion or 71 9 of its GDP in 2015 The federal government achieved a budget surplus of 12 1 billion 13 1 billion in 2015 Germany s credit rating by credit rating agencies Standard amp Poor s Moody s and Fitch Ratings stands at the highest possible rating AAA with a stable outlook in 2016 Germany s debt clock Schuldenuhr reversed for the first time in 20 years in January 2018 It is now currently increasing at 10 424 00 per second October 2020 Economists generally see Germany s current account surplus as undesirable InfrastructureEnergy Germany is the world s fifth largest consumer of energy and two thirds of its primary energy was imported in 2002 In the same year Germany was Europe s largest consumer of electricity totaling 512 9 terawatt hours Government policy promotes energy conservation and the development of renewable energy sources such as solar wind biomass hydroelectric and geothermal energy As a result of energy saving measures energy efficiency has been improving since the beginning of the 1970s The government has set the goal of meeting half the country s energy demands from renewable sources by 2050 Renewable energy also plays an increasing role in the labour market Almost 700 000 people are employed in the energy sector About 50 per cent of them work with renewable energies The largest solar power and third largest wind power capacity in the world is installed in Germany In 2000 the red green coalition under Chancellor Schroder and the German nuclear power industry agreed to phase out all nuclear power plants by 2021 The conservative coalition under Chancellor Merkel reversed this decision in January 2010 electing to keep plants open The nuclear disaster of the Japanese nuclear plant Fukushima in March 2011 however changed the political climate fundamentally Older nuclear plants have been shut down Germany is seeking to have wind solar biogas and other renewable energy sources play a bigger role as the country looks to completely phase out nuclear power by 2022 and coal fired power plants by 2038 Renewable energy yet still plays a more modest role in energy consumption though German solar and wind power industries play a leading role worldwide Germany has been called the world s first major renewable energy economy In 2009 Germany s total energy consumption not just electricity came from the following sources oil 34 6 natural gas 21 7 lignite 11 4 bituminous coal 11 1 nuclear power 11 0 hydro and wind power 1 5 others 9 0 In the first half of 2021 coal natural gas and nuclear energy comprised 56 of the total electricity fed into Germany s grid in the first half of 2021 Coal was the leader out of the conventional energy sources comprising over 27 of Germany s electricity Wind power s contribution to the electric grid was 22 There are 3 major entry points for oil pipelines in the northeast the Druzhba pipeline coming from Gdansk west coming from Rotterdam and southeast coming from Nelahozeves The oil pipelines of Germany do not constitute a proper network and sometimes only connect two different locations Major oil refineries are located in or near the following cities Schwedt Spergau Vohburg Burghausen Karlsruhe Cologne Gelsenkirchen Lingen Wilhelmshaven Hamburg and Heide Germany s network of natural gas pipelines on the other hand is dense and well connected Imported pipeline gas comes mostly from Russia the Netherlands and the United Kingdom Transport The ICE 3 trainset in Frankfurt With its central position in Europe Germany is an important transportation hub This is reflected in its dense and modern transportation networks The extensive motorway Autobahn network ranks worldwide third largest in its total length and features a lack of blanket speed limits on the majority of routes Germany has established a polycentric network of high speed trains The Intercity Express or ICE is the most advanced service category of the Deutsche Bahn and serves major German cities as well as destinations in neighbouring countries The train maximum speed varies between 200 km h and 320 km h 125 200 mph Connections are offered at either 30 minute hourly or two hourly intervals German railways are heavily subsidised receiving 17 0 billion in 2014 The largest German airports are Frankfurt Airport and Munich Airport both are global hubs of Lufthansa Other major airports are Berlin Brandenburg Airport Dusseldorf Hamburg Hanover Cologne Bonn and Stuttgart div, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library, article, read, download, free, free download, mp3, video, mp4, 3gp, jpg, 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