On 24 February 2022 Russia invaded Ukraine in an escalation of the Russo Ukrainian War that started in 2014 The invasion became the largest attack on a European country since World War II It is estimated to have caused tens of thousands of Ukrainian civilian casualties and hundreds of thousands of military casualties By June 2022 Russian troops occupied about 20 of Ukraine From a population of 41 million about 8 million Ukrainians had been internally displaced and more than 8 2 million had fled the country by April 2023 creating Europe s largest refugee crisis since World War II Extensive environmental damage caused by the war has been widely described as an ecocide while war related disruption to Ukrainian agriculture and shipping contributed to a world food crisis The Russian attacks on civilians have been characterised by scholars as genocide and democide against Ukrainians Russian invasion of UkrainePart of the Russo Ukrainian War outline Map of Ukraine as of 18 June 2024 details Continuously controlled by Ukraine Occupied by Russia Regained from RussiaDate24 February 2022 present 2 years 4 months 1 week and 1 day LocationUkraine Russia Black SeaStatusOngoing list of engagements territorial control timeline of events Belligerents Russia Donetsk PR Luhansk PRSupported by Belarus UkraineCommanders and leadersVladimir Putin Aleksandr Dvornikov Gennady Zhidko Sergey Surovikin Valery GerasimovVolodymyr Zelenskyy Oleksandr Syrskyi Valerii ZaluzhnyiUnits involvedOrder of battleOrder of battleStrengthPre invasion at border 169 000 190 000 Pre invasion total 900 000 military 554 000 paramilitary In February 2023 300 000 active personnel in UkrainePre invasion total 196 600 military 102 000 paramilitary July 2022 total up to 700 000 September 2023 total over 800 000Casualties and lossesReports vary widely see Casualties for details This box viewtalkedit Before the invasion Russian troops massed near Ukraine s borders as Russian officials denied any plans to attack Russian president Vladimir Putin then announced a special military operation saying it was to support the Russian backed breakaway republics of Donetsk and Luhansk whose paramilitary forces had been fighting Ukraine in the Donbas conflict since 2014 Putin espoused irredentist views challenging Ukraine s right to exist and falsely claimed that Ukraine was governed by neo Nazis persecuting the Russian minority He said his goal was to demilitarise and denazify Ukraine Russian air strikes and a ground invasion were launched at a northern front from Belarus towards Kyiv a southern front from Crimea and an eastern front from the Donbas and towards Kharkiv Ukraine enacted martial law ordered a general mobilisation and severed diplomatic relations with Russia Russian troops retreated from the northern front by April 2022 after encountering logistical challenges and stiff Ukrainian resistance On the southern and southeastern fronts Russia captured Kherson in March and Mariupol in May after a destructive siege Russia launched a renewed offensive in the Donbas and continued to bomb military and civilian targets far from the front including the energy grid through the winter In late 2022 Ukraine launched successful counteroffensives in the south and east Soon after Russia announced the illegal annexation of four partly occupied regions In November Ukraine retook parts of Kherson Oblast including Kherson city In June 2023 Ukraine launched another counteroffensive in the southeast which by the end of the year had petered out with only small amounts of territory retaken The invasion was met with widespread international condemnation The United Nations General Assembly passed a resolution condemning the invasion and demanding a full Russian withdrawal in March 2022 The International Court of Justice ordered Russia to suspend military operations and the Council of Europe expelled Russia Many countries imposed sanctions on Russia and its ally Belarus and provided humanitarian and military aid to Ukraine The Baltic states all declared Russia a terrorist state Protests occurred around the world with anti war protesters in Russia being met by mass arrests and the enactment of a law enabling greater media censorship Over 1 000 companies closed their operations in Russia and Belarus as a result of the invasion The International Criminal Court ICC opened investigations into possible crimes against humanity war crimes abduction of children and genocide The ICC issued six arrest warrants in that regard for Putin and Maria Lvova Belova as well as for military officials Sergey Kobylash Viktor Sokolov Sergei Shoigu and Valery Gerasimov BackgroundInternational treaties After the collapse of the Soviet Union in late 1991 the newly independent states of the Russian Federation and Ukraine maintained cordial relations In return for security guarantees Ukraine signed the Nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty in 1994 agreeing to dismantle the nuclear weapons the former USSR had left in Ukraine At that time Russia the UK and the USA agreed in the Budapest Memorandum to uphold Ukraine s territorial integrity In 1999 Russia signed the Charter for European Security affirming the right of each state to choose or change its security arrangements and join alliances In 2002 Putin said that Ukraine s relations with NATO were a matter for those two partners However when Ukraine and Georgia sought to join NATO in 2008 Putin warned that their membership would be a threat to Russia Some NATO members worried about antagonising Russia At the 2008 Bucharest summit NATO refused to offer Ukraine and Georgia membership but a joint declaration was issued that Ukraine would become a member one day Russian foreign minister Sergey Lavrov said Russia would do everything it could to prevent this Putin claimed that NATO members had promised in 1990 not to let Eastern European countries join No such provision was included in any treaty signed by Russia or NATO In March 2016 President of the European Commission Jean Claude Juncker stated that it would take at least 20 25 years for Ukraine to join the EU and NATO needs update Ukrainian revolution Russian intervention in Crimea and Donbas Ukraine with the annexed Crimea in the south and two Russia backed separatist republics in Donbas in the east In 2013 Ukraine s parliament overwhelmingly approved finalising an association agreement with the European Union EU Russia had put pressure on Ukraine to reject it Kremlin adviser Sergei Glazyev warned in September 2013 that if Ukraine signed the EU agreement Russia would no longer acknowledge Ukraine s borders In November Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych suddenly withdrew from signing the agreement choosing closer ties to the Russian led Eurasian Economic Union instead This coerced withdrawal triggered a wave of protests known as Euromaidan culminating in the Revolution of Dignity in February 2014 Yanukovych was removed from power by parliament and fled to Russia Russian backed separatist forces during the War in Donbas in 2015 Pro Russian unrest immediately followed in eastern and southern Ukraine Russian soldiers with no insignia occupied the Ukrainian territory of Crimea and seized the Crimean Parliament Russia annexed Crimea in March 2014 after a widely disputed referendum The war in Donbas began in April 2014 when armed Russian backed separatists seized Ukrainian government buildings and proclaimed the independent Donetsk People s Republic and Luhansk People s Republic Russian troops were directly involved in these conflicts The ceasefires of the Minsk agreements signed in September 2014 and February 2015 in a bid to stop the fighting repeatedly failed The annexation of Crimea and the war in Donbas sparked a wave of Russian nationalism and Russian fascism with calls to annex more Ukrainian land for Novorossiya New Russia Analyst Vladimir Socor called Putin s 2014 speech following the annexation a manifesto of Greater Russia Irredentism Putin referred to the Kosovo independence precedent and NATO bombing of Yugoslavia as a justification for his involvement in the annexation of Crimea and the war in Donbas Because of Russia s occupation of Crimea and its invasion of the Donbas Ukraine s parliament voted in December 2014 to remove the neutrality clause from the Constitution and to seek Ukraine s membership in NATO However it was impossible for Ukraine to join NATO at the time as a key requirement for admission is that any applicant nation has no unresolved external territorial disputes PreludeRussian military build up around Ukraine as of 3 December 2021 There was a massive Russian military build up near the Ukraine border in March and April 2021 and again in both Russia and Belarus from October 2021 onward Members of the Russian government repeatedly denied having plans to invade or attack Ukraine with denials being issued up to the day before the invasion The decision to invade Ukraine was reportedly made by Putin and a small group of war hawks or siloviki in Putin s inner circle including national security adviser Nikolai Patrushev and defence minister Sergei Shoigu In July 2021 Putin published an essay On the Historical Unity of Russians and Ukrainians in which he called Ukraine historically Russian lands and claimed there is no historical basis for the idea of Ukrainian people as a nation separate from the Russians Days before the invasion Putin claimed that Ukraine never had real statehood and that modern Ukraine was a mistake created by the Russian Bolsheviks American historian Timothy Snyder described Putin s ideas as imperialism British journalist Edward Lucas described it as historical revisionism Other observers found that Russia s leadership held a distorted view of Ukraine as well as of its own history and that these distortions were propagated through the state During the second build up Russia demanded that NATO end all activity in Eastern Europe and ban Ukraine or any former Soviet state from ever joining NATO Russia threatened an unspecified military response if NATO followed an aggressive line These demands were widely seen as non viable Eastern European states have willingly joined NATO for security reasons and their governments sought protection from Russian irredentism A treaty to prevent Ukraine joining would go against NATO s open door policy despite NATO s unenthusiastic response to Ukrainian requests to join NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg replied that Russia has no say on whether Ukraine joins and that Russia has no right to establish a sphere of influence to try to control their neighbours NATO s official policy is that it does not seek confrontation and NATO and Russia had co operated until Russia annexed Crimea NATO offered to improve communication with Russia to discuss missile placements and military exercises as long as Russia withdrew troops from Ukraine s borders but Russia did not do so French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz both made efforts in February 2022 to prevent war Macron met Putin but failed to dissuade him from the invasion Scholz warned Putin heavy sanctions would be imposed should he invade and told Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy to declare Ukraine a neutral state and renounce its aspirations to join NATO Zelenskyy replied that Putin could not be trusted to uphold such a settlement Ukraine had been a neutral country in 2014 when Russia occupied Crimea and invaded the Donbas On 19 February Zelenskyy made a speech at the Munich Security Conference calling for Western powers to drop their policy of appeasement towards Moscow and implement a clear time frame for when Ukraine could join NATO Putin s invasion announcement On 21 February Putin announced Russian diplomatic recognition of the Russian controlled territories of Ukraine as independent states the Donetsk People s Republic and Luhansk People s Republic The following day Russia announced that it was sending troops into these territories as peacekeepers and the Federation Council of Russia authorised the use of military force abroad source source source source source source source track track track track track track track track track track track track Putin s address to the nation on 24 February 2022 Minutes after Putin s announcement the invasion began Before 5 a m Kyiv time on 24 February Putin in another speech announced a special military operation which effectively declar ed war on Ukraine Putin said the operation was to protect the people of the Russian controlled breakaway republics He falsely claimed that they had been facing humiliation and genocide perpetrated by the Kyiv regime Putin also falsely claimed that Ukrainian government officials were neo Nazis under Western control that Ukraine was developing nuclear weapons and that NATO was building up military infrastructure in Ukraine to threaten Russia He said Russia sought the demilitarisation and denazification of Ukraine and espoused views challenging Ukraine s right to exist Putin said he had no plans to occupy Ukraine and supported the right of the Ukrainian people to self determination Russian missiles struck targets throughout Ukraine and Russian troops invaded from the north east and south Russia did not officially declare war Reports of an alleged leak of Russian Federal Security Service FSB documents by US intelligence sources said that the FSB had not been aware of Putin s plan to invade Ukraine Strength The strength of Russian invading forces including Russia controlled people s militias of DPR and LPR is estimated at 190 000 personnel The strength of Russian forces fighting at 24 February 2024 is estimated at 500 000 TimelineThe invasion described as the biggest attack on a European country since the Second World War began at dawn on 24 February Russia launched a simultaneous ground and air campaign commencing air and missile strikes across Ukraine with some rockets reaching as far west as Lviv It is Russia s largest combined arms operation since the Battle of Berlin in 1945 Fighting began in Luhansk Oblast at 3 40 a m Kyiv time near Milove on the border with Russia The main infantry and tank attacks were launched in four spearheads creating a northern front launched towards Kyiv from Belarus a southern front from Crimea a southeastern front from Russian controlled Donbas and an eastern front from Russia towards Kharkiv and Sumy Russian vehicles were subsequently marked with a white Z military symbol a non Cyrillic letter believed to be a measure to prevent friendly fire Immediately after the invasion began Zelenskyy declared martial law in Ukraine The same evening he ordered a general mobilisation of all Ukrainian males between 18 and 60 years old prohibiting them from leaving the country Wagner Group mercenaries and Kadyrovites contracted by the Kremlin reportedly made several attempts to assassinate Zelenskyy including an operation involving several hundred mercenaries meant to infiltrate Kyiv with the aim of killing the Ukrainian president The Ukrainian government said anti war officials within Russia s FSB shared the plans with them The Russian invasion was unexpectedly met by fierce Ukrainian resistance In Kyiv Russia failed to take the city and was repulsed in the battles of Irpin Hostomel and Bucha The Russians tried to encircle the capital but its defenders under Oleksandr Syrskyi held their ground effectively using Western Javelin anti tank missiles and Stinger anti aircraft missiles to thin Russian supply lines and stall the offensive On the southern front Russian forces had captured the regional capital of Kherson by 2 March A column of Russian tanks and armoured vehicles was ambushed on 9 March in Brovary and sustained heavy losses that forced them to retreat The Russian army adopted siege tactics on the western front around the key cities of Chernihiv Sumy and Kharkiv but failed to capture them due to stiff resistance and logistical setbacks In Mykolaiv Oblast Russian forces advanced as far as Voznesensk but were repelled and pushed back south of Mykolaiv On 25 March the Russian Defence Ministry stated that the first stage of the military operation in Ukraine was generally complete that the Ukrainian military forces had suffered serious losses and the Russian military would now concentrate on the liberation of Donbas The first stage of the invasion was conducted on four fronts including one towards western Kyiv from Belarus by the Russian Eastern Military District comprising the 29th 35th and 36th Combined Arms Armies A second axis deployed towards eastern Kyiv from Russia by the Central Military District northeastern front comprised the 41st Combined Arms Army and the 2nd Guards Combined Arms Army A third axis was deployed towards Kharkiv by the Western Military District eastern front with the 1st Guards Tank Army and 20th Combined Arms Army A fourth southern front originating in occupied Crimea and Russia s Rostov oblast with an eastern axis towards Odesa and a western area of operations toward Mariupol was opened by the Southern Military District including the 58th 49th and 8th Combined Arms Army the latter also commanding the 1st and 2nd Army Corps of the Russian separatist forces in Donbas By 7 April Russian troops deployed to the northern front by the Russian Eastern Military District pulled back from the Kyiv offensive reportedly to resupply and redeploy to the Donbas region in an effort to reinforce the renewed invasion of southeastern Ukraine The northeastern front including the Central Military District was similarly withdrawn for resupply and redeployment to southeastern Ukraine On 26 April delegates from the US and 40 allied nations met at Ramstein Air Base in Germany to discuss the formation of a coalition that would provide economic support in addition to military supplies and refitting to Ukraine Following Putin s Victory Day speech in early May US Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines said no short term resolution to the invasion should be expected President Volodymyr Zelenskyy with members of the Ukrainian Army on 18 June 2022 Ukraine s reliance on Western supplied equipment constrained operational effectiveness as supplying countries feared that Ukraine would use Western made materiel to strike targets in Russia Military experts disagreed on the future of the conflict some suggested that Ukraine should trade territory for peace while others believed that Ukraine could maintain its resistance due to Russian losses By 30 May disparities between Russian and Ukrainian artillery were apparent with Ukrainian artillery being vastly outgunned in terms of both range and number In response to US President Joe Biden s indication that enhanced artillery would be provided to Ukraine Putin said that Russia would expand its invasion front to include new cities in Ukraine In apparent retribution Putin ordered a missile strike against Kyiv on 6 June after not directly attacking the city for several weeks On 10 June 2022 deputy head of the SBU Vadym Skibitsky stated that during the Severodonetsk campaign the frontlines were where the future of the invasion would be decided This is an artillery war now and we are losing in terms of artillery Everything now depends on what the west gives us Ukraine has one artillery piece to 10 to 15 Russian artillery pieces Our western partners have given us about 10 of what they have On 29 June Reuters reported that US Intelligence Director Avril Haines in an update of past U S intelligence assessments on the Russian invasion said that U S intelligence agencies agree that the invasion will continue for an extended period of time In short the picture remains pretty grim and Russia s attitude toward the West is hardening On 5 July BBC reported that extensive destruction by the Russian invasion would cause immense financial damage to Ukraine s reconstruction economy with Ukrainian Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal telling nations at a reconstruction conference in Switzerland that Ukraine needs 750bn for a recovery plan and Russian oligarchs should contribute to the cost Initial invasion 24 February 7 April Animated map of the Russian invasion from 24 February to 7 April 2022 The invasion began on 24 February launched out of Belarus to target Kyiv and from the northeast against the city of Kharkiv The southeastern front was conducted as two separate spearheads from Crimea and the southeast against Luhansk and Donetsk Kyiv and northern front The Antonov An 225 Mriya the largest aircraft ever built was destroyed during the Battle of Antonov Airport Russian efforts to capture Kyiv included a probative spearhead on 24 February from Belarus south along the west bank of the Dnipro River The apparent intent was to encircle the city from the west supported by two separate axes of attack from Russia along the east bank of the Dnipro the western at Chernihiv and from the east at Sumy These were likely intended to encircle Kyiv from the northeast and east Russia tried to seize Kyiv quickly with Spetsnaz infiltrating into the city supported by airborne operations and a rapid mechanised advance from the north but failed The United States contacted Zelenskyy and offered to help him flee the country lest the Russian Army attempt to kidnap or kill him on seizing Kyiv Zelenskyy responded that The fight is here I need ammunition not a ride The Washington Post which described the quote as one of the most cited lines of the Russian invasion was not entirely sure of the comment s accuracy Reporter Glenn Kessler said it came from a single source but on the surface it appears to be a good one Russian forces advancing on Kyiv from Belarus gained control of the ghost town of Chernobyl Russian Airborne Forces attempted to seize two key airfields near Kyiv launching an airborne assault on Antonov Airport and a similar landing at Vasylkiv near Vasylkiv Air Base on 26 February By early March Russian advances along the west side of the Dnipro were limited by Ukrainian defences As of 5 March a large Russian convoy reportedly 64 kilometres 40 mi long had made little progress toward Kyiv The London based think tank Royal United Services Institute RUSI assessed Russian advances from the north and east as stalled Advances from Chernihiv largely halted as a siege began there Russian forces continued to advance on Kyiv from the northwest capturing Bucha Hostomel and Vorzel by 5 March though Irpin remained contested as of 9 March By 11 March the lengthy convoy had largely dispersed and taken cover On 16 March Ukrainian forces began a counter offensive to repel Russian forces Unable to achieve a quick victory in Kyiv Russian forces switched their strategy to indiscriminate bombing and siege warfare On 25 March a Ukrainian counter offensive retook several towns to the east and west of Kyiv including Makariv Russian troops in the Bucha area retreated north at the end of March Ukrainian forces entered the city on 1 April Ukraine said it had recaptured the entire region around Kyiv including Irpin Bucha and Hostomel and uncovered evidence of war crimes in Bucha On 6 April NATO secretary general Jens Stoltenberg said that the Russian retraction resupply and redeployment of their troops from the Kyiv area should be interpreted as an expansion of Putin s plans for Ukraine by redeploying and concentrating his forces on eastern Ukraine Kyiv was generally left free from attack apart from isolated missile strikes One did occur while UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres was visiting Kyiv on 28 April to discuss the survivors of the siege of Mariupol with Zelenskyy One person was killed and several were injured in the attack Northeastern front Russian forces advanced into Chernihiv Oblast on 24 February besieging its administrative capital within four days of fighting On 25 February Ukrainian forces lost control over Konotop As street fighting took place in the city of Sumy just 35 kilometres 22 mi from the Russo Ukrainian border Ukrainian forces claimed that on 28 February that 100 Russian armoured vehicles had been destroyed and dozens of soldiers captured following a Bayraktar TB2 drone and artillery attack on a large Russian column near Lebedyn in Sumy Oblast Russian forces also attacked Okhtyrka deploying thermobaric weapons On 4 March Frederick Kagan wrote that the Sumy axis was then the most successful and dangerous Russian avenue of advance on Kyiv and commented that the geography favoured mechanised advances as the terrain is flat and sparsely populated offering few good defensive positions Travelling along highways Russian forces reached Brovary an eastern suburb of Kyiv on 4 March The Pentagon confirmed on 6 April that the Russian army had left Chernihiv Oblast but Sumy Oblast remained contested On 7 April the governor of Sumy Oblast said that Russian troops were gone but had left behind rigged explosives and other hazards Southern front A destroyed Russian BMP 3 near Mariupol 7 March 2022 On 24 February Russian forces took control of the North Crimean Canal allowing Crimea to obtain water from the Dnieper which had been cut off since 2014 On 26 February the siege of Mariupol began as the attack moved east linking to separatist held Donbas En route Russian forces entered Berdiansk and captured it On 25 February Russian units from the DPR were fighting near Pavlopil as they moved on Mariupol By evening the Russian Navy began an amphibious assault on the coast of the Sea of Azov 70 kilometres 43 mi west of Mariupol A US defence official said that Russian forces were deploying thousands of marines from this beachhead The Russian 22nd Army Corps approached the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant on 26 February and besieged Enerhodar A fire began but the Ukrainian military said that essential equipment was undamaged A third Russian attack group from Crimea moved northwest and captured the bridge over the Dnieper On 2 March Russian troops took Kherson this was the first major city to fall to Russian forces Russian troops moved on Mykolaiv and attacked it two days later They were repelled by Ukrainian forces After renewed missile attacks on 14 March in Mariupol the Ukrainian government said more than 2 500 had died By 18 March Mariupol was completely encircled and fighting reached the city centre hampering efforts to evacuate civilians On 20 March an art school sheltering around 400 people was destroyed by Russian bombs The Russians demanded surrender and the Ukrainians refused On 27 March Ukrainian deputy prime minister Olha Stefanishyna said that m ore than 85 percent of the whole town is destroyed Putin told Emmanuel Macron in a phone call on 29 March that the bombardment of Mariupol would only end when the Ukrainians surrendered On 1 April Russian troops refused safe passage into Mariupol to 50 buses sent by the United Nations to evacuate civilians as peace talks continued in Istanbul On 3 April following the retreat of Russian forces from Kyiv Russia expanded its attack on southern Ukraine further west with bombardment and strikes against Odesa Mykolaiv and the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant Eastern front Russian bombardment on the outskirts of Kharkiv 1 March 2022 In the east Russian troops attempted to capture Kharkiv less than 35 kilometres 22 mi from the Russian border and met strong Ukrainian resistance On 25 February the Millerovo air base was attacked by Ukrainian military forces with OTR 21 Tochka missiles which according to Ukrainian officials destroyed several Russian Air Force planes and started a fire On 1 March Denis Pushilin head of the DPR announced that DPR forces had almost completely surrounded the city of Volnovakha On 2 March Russian forces were repelled from Sievierodonetsk during an attack against the city On the same day Ukrainian forces initiated a counter offensive on Horlivka controlled by the DPR Izium was captured by Russian forces on 1 April after a monthlong battle On 25 March the Russian defence ministry said it would seek to occupy major cities in eastern Ukraine On 31 March PBS News reported renewed shelling and missile attacks in Kharkiv as bad or worse than before as peace talks with Russia were to resume in Istanbul Amid the heightened Russian shelling of Kharkiv on 31 March Russia reported a helicopter strike against an oil supply depot approximately 35 kilometres 22 mi north of the border in Belgorod and accused Ukraine of the attack Ukraine denied responsibility By 7 April the renewed massing of Russian invasion troops and tank divisions around the towns of Izium Sloviansk and Kramatorsk prompted Ukrainian government officials to advise the remaining residents near the eastern border of Ukraine to evacuate to western Ukraine within 2 3 days given the absence of arms and munitions previously promised to Ukraine by then Southeastern front 8 April 5 September Animated map of the Russian invasion from 7 April to 5 September 2022 By 17 April Russian progress on the southeastern front appeared to be impeded by opposing Ukrainian forces in the large heavily fortified Azovstal steel mill and surrounding area in Mariupol On 19 April The New York Times confirmed that Russia had launched a renewed invasion front referred to as an eastern assault across a 480 kilometre 300 mi front extending from Kharkiv to Donetsk and Luhansk with simultaneous missile attacks again directed at Kyiv in the north and Lviv in western Ukraine As of 30 April a NATO official described Russian advances as uneven and minor An anonymous US Defence official called the Russian offensive very tepid minimal at best and anaemic In June 2022 the chief spokesman for the Russian Ministry of Defence Igor Konashenkov revealed that Russian troops were divided between the Army Groups Centre commanded by Colonel General Aleksander Lapin and South commanded by Army General Sergey Surovikin On 20 July Lavrov announced that Russia would respond to the increased military aid being received by Ukraine from abroad as justifying the expansion of its special military operation to include objectives in both the Zaporizhzhia and Kherson regions Russian Ground Forces started recruiting volunteer battalions from the regions in June 2022 to create a new 3rd Army Corps within the Western Military District with a planned strength estimated at 15 500 60 000 personnel Its units were deployed to the front around the time of Ukraine s 9 September Kharkiv oblast counteroffensive in time to join the Russian retreat leaving behind tanks infantry fighting vehicles and personnel carriers the 3rd Army Corps melted away according to Forbes having little or no impact on the battlefield along with other irregular forces Fall of Mariupol On 13 April Russian forces intensified their attack on the Azovstal Iron and Steel Works in Mariupol and the remaining Ukrainian personnel defending it By 17 April Russian forces had surrounded the factory Ukrainian prime minister Denys Shmyhal said that the Ukrainian soldiers had vowed to ignore the renewed ultimatum to surrender and to fight to the last soul On 20 April Putin said that the siege of Mariupol could be considered tactically complete since the 500 Ukrainian troops entrenched in bunkers within the Azovstal iron works and estimated 1 000 Ukrainian civilians were completely sealed off from any type of relief After consecutive meetings with Putin and Zelenskyy UN Secretary General Guterres on 28 April said he would attempt to organise an emergency evacuation of survivors from Azovstal in accordance with assurances he had received from Putin on his visit to the Kremlin On 30 April Russian troops allowed civilians to leave under UN protection By 3 May after allowing approximately 100 Ukrainian civilians to depart from the Azovstal steel factory Russian troops renewed their bombardment of the steel factory On 6 May The Daily Telegraph reported that Russia had used thermobaric bombs against the remaining Ukrainian soldiers who had lost contact with the Kyiv government in his last communications Zelenskyy authorised the commander of the besieged steel factory to surrender as necessary under the pressure of increased Russian attacks On 7 May the Associated Press reported that all civilians were evacuated from the Azovstal steel works at the end of the three day ceasefire A children s hospital in Mariupol after a Russian airstrike After the last civilians evacuated from the Azovstal bunkers nearly two thousand Ukrainian soldiers remained barricaded there 700 of them injured They were able to communicate a plea for a military corridor to evacuate as they expected summary execution if they surrendered to Russian forces Reports of dissent within the Ukrainian troops at Azovstal were reported by Ukrainska Pravda on 8 May indicating that the commander of the Ukrainian marines assigned to defend the Azovstal bunkers made an unauthorised acquisition of tanks munitions and personnel broke out from the position there and fled The remaining soldiers spoke of a weakened defensive position in Azovstal as a result which allowed progress to advancing Russian lines of attack Ilia Somolienko deputy commander of the remaining Ukrainian troops barricaded at Azovstal said We are basically here dead men Most of us know this and it s why we fight so fearlessly On 16 May the Ukrainian General staff announced that the Mariupol garrison had fulfilled its combat mission and that final evacuations from the Azovstal steel factory had begun The military said that 264 service members were evacuated to Olenivka under Russian control while 53 of them who were seriously injured had been taken to a hospital in Novoazovsk also controlled by Russian forces Following the evacuation of Ukrainian personnel from Azovstal Russian and DPR forces fully controlled all areas of Mariupol The end of the battle also brought an end to the Siege of Mariupol Russia press secretary Dmitry Peskov said Russian President Vladimir Putin had guaranteed that the fighters who surrendered would be treated in accordance with international standards while Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said in an address that the work of bringing the boys home continues and this work needs delicacy and time Some prominent Russian lawmakers called on the government to deny prisoner exchanges for members of the Azov Regiment Fall of Sievierodonetsk and Lysychansk Military control around Donbas as of 24 March 2023 pink highlights areas held by the DNR LNR and Russia yellow highlights areas held by the Ukrainian government A Russian missile attack on Kramatorsk railway station in the city of Kramatorsk took place on 8 April reportedly killing at least 52 people and injuring as many as 87 to 300 On 11 April Zelenskyy said that Ukraine expected a major new Russian offensive in the east American officials said that Russia had withdrawn or been repulsed elsewhere in Ukraine and therefore was preparing a retraction resupply and redeployment of infantry and tank divisions to the southeastern Ukraine front Military satellites photographed extensive Russian convoys of infantry and mechanised units deploying south from Kharkiv to Izium on 11 April apparently part of the planned Russian redeployment of its northeastern troops to the southeastern front of the invasion On 18 April with Mariupol almost entirely overtaken by Russian forces the Ukrainian government announced that the second phase of the reinforced invasion of the Donetsk Luhansk and Kharkiv regions had intensified with expanded invasion forces occupying of the Donbas On 22 May the BBC reported that after the fall of Mariupol Russia had intensified offensives in Luhansk and Donetsk while concentrating missile attacks and intense artillery fire on Sievierodonetsk the largest city under Ukrainian control in Luhansk province On 23 May Russian forces were reported entering the city of Lyman fully capturing the city by 26 May Ukrainian forces were reported leaving Sviatohirsk By 24 May Russian forces captured the city of Svitlodarsk On 30 May Reuters reported that Russian troops had breached the outskirts of Sievierodonetsk By 2 June The Washington Post reported that Sievierodonetsk was on the brink of capitulation to Russian occupation with over 80 per cent of the city in the hands of Russian troops On 3 June Ukrainian forces reportedly began a counter attack in Sievierodonetsk By 4 June Ukrainian government sources claimed 20 or more of the city had been recaptured On 12 June it was reported that possibly as many as 800 Ukrainian civilians as per Ukrainian estimates and 300 400 soldiers as per Russian sources were besieged at the Azot chemical factory in Severodonetsk With the Ukrainian defences of Severodonetsk faltering Russian invasion troops began intensifying their attack upon the neighbouring city of Lysychansk as their next target city in the invasion On 20 June it was reported that Russian troops continued to tighten their grip on Severodonetsk by capturing surrounding villages and hamlets surrounding the city most recently the village of Metelkine On 24 June CNN reported that amid continuing scorched earth tactics being applied by advancing Russian troops Ukraine s armed forces were ordered to evacuate the Severodonetsk several hundred civilians taking refuge in the Azot chemical plant were left behind in the withdrawal with some comparing their plight to that of the civilians at the Azovstal steel works in Mariupol in May On 3 July CBS announced that the Russian defence ministry claimed that the city of Lysychansk had been captured and occupied by Russian forces On 4 July The Guardian reported that after the fall of the Luhansk oblast that Russian invasion troops would continue their invasion into the adjacent Donetsk Oblast to attack the cities of Sloviansk and Bakhmut Kharkiv front Saltivka residential area after the battle of Kharkiv on 19 May 2022 On 14 April Ukrainian troops reportedly blew up a bridge between Kharkiv and Izium used by Russian forces to redeploy troops to Izium impeding the Russian convoy On 5 May David Axe writing for Forbes stated that the Ukrainian army had concentrated its 4th and 17th Tank Brigades and the 95th Air Assault Brigade around Izium for possible rearguard action against the deployed Russian troops in the area Axe added that the other major concentration of Ukraine s forces around Kharkiv included the 92nd and 93rd Mechanised Brigades which could similarly be deployed for rearguard action against Russian troops around Kharkiv or link up with Ukrainian troops contemporaneously being deployed around Izium On 13 May BBC reported that Russian troops in Kharkiv were being retracted and redeployed to other fronts in Ukraine following the advances of Ukrainian troops into surrounding cities and Kharkiv itself which included the destruction of strategic pontoon bridges built by Russian troops to cross over the Seversky Donets river and previously used for rapid tank deployment in the region Kherson Mykolaiv front Ukrainian soldiers in reclaimed Vysokopillia in September 2022 during the 2022 Kherson counteroffensive Missile attacks and bombardment of the key cities of Mykolaiv and Odesa continued as the second phase of the invasion began On 22 April 2022 Russia s Brigadier General Rustam Minnekayev in a defence ministry meeting said that Russia planned to extend its Mykolaiv Odesa front after the siege of Mariupol further west to include the breakaway region of Transnistria on the Ukrainian border with Moldova The Ministry of Defence of Ukraine called this plan imperialism and said that it contradicted previous Russian claims that it did not have territorial ambitions in Ukraine and also that the statement admitted that the goal of the second phase of the war is not victory over the mythical Nazis but simply the occupation of eastern and southern Ukraine Georgi Gotev of EURACTIV noted on 22 April that Russian occupation from Odesa to Transnistria would transform Ukraine into a landlocked nation with no practical access to the Black Sea Russia resumed its missile strikes on Odesa on 24 April destroying military facilities and causing two dozen civilian casualties Explosions destroyed two Russian broadcast towers in Transnistria on 27 April that had primarily rebroadcast Russian television programming Ukrainian sources said Russian missile attacks at the end of April destroyed runways in Odesa In the week of 10 May Ukrainian troops began to dislodge Russian forces from Snake Island in the Black Sea approximately 200 kilometres 120 mi from Odesa Russia said on 30 June 2022 that it had withdrawn its troops from the island once their objectives had been completed On 23 July CNBC reported a Russian missile strike on the Ukrainian port of Odesa swiftly condemned by world leaders amid a recent U N and Turkish brokered deal to secure a sea corridor for exports of grains and other foodstuffs On 31 July CNN reported significantly intensified rocket attacks and bombing of Mykolaiv by Russians which also killed Ukrainian grain tycoon Oleksiy Vadaturskyi Zaporizhzhia front French president Emmanuel Macron called the Russian missile attack on a shopping mall in Kremenchuk on 28 June 2022 a war crime Russian forces continued to fire missiles and drop bombs on the key cities of Dnipro and Zaporizhzhia Russian missiles destroyed the Dnipro International Airport on 10 April 2022 On 2 May the UN reportedly with the cooperation of Russian troops evacuated about 100 survivors from the siege of Mariupol to the village of Bezimenne near Donetsk from whence they would move to Zaporizhzhia On 28 June Reuters reported that a Russian missile attack on the city of Kremenchuk northwest of Zaporizhzhia detonated in a public mall and caused at least 18 deaths France s Emmanuel Macron called it a war crime Ukrainian nuclear agency Energoatom called the situation at the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant extremely tense although it was still operated by its Ukrainian staff As many as 500 Russian soldiers controlled the plant Kyiv s nuclear agency said they were shelling nearby areas and storing weapons and missile systems there Almost the entire country went on air raid alert They already shell the other side of the river Dnipro and the territory of Nikopol Energoatom president Pedro Kotin said Russia agreed on 19 August to allow IAEA inspectors access to the Zaporizhzhia plant after a phone call from Macron to Putin As of July 2023 however access to the plant remained limited and required extensive negotiation Russia reported that 12 attacks with explosions from 50 artillery shells had been recorded by 18 August at the plant and the company town of Enerhodar Tobias Ellwood chair of the UK s Defence Select Committee said on 19 August that any deliberate damage to the Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant that could cause radiation leaks would be a breach of Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty under which an attack on a member state of NATO is an attack on them all US congressman Adam Kinzinger said the following day that any radiation leak would kill people in NATO countries an automatic activation of Article 5 Killed Ukrainian civilians during the Zaporizhzhia civilian convoy attack by Russian Army in September 2022 Shelling hit coal ash dumps at the neighbouring coal fired power station on 23 August and the ash was on fire on 25 August The 750 kV transmission line to the Dniprovska substation the only one of the four 750 kV transmission lines still undamaged and cut by military action passes over the ash dumps At 12 12 p m on 25 August the line was cut off due to the fire disconnecting the plant and its two operating reactors from the national grid for the first time since its startup in 1985 In response backup generators and coolant pumps for reactor 5 started up and reactor 6 reduced generation Incoming power was still available across the 330 kV line to the substation at the coal fired station so the diesel generators were not essential for cooling reactor cores and spent fuel pools The 750 kV line and reactor 6 resumed operation at 12 29 p m but the line was cut by fire again two hours later The line but not the reactors resumed operation again later that day On 26 August one reactor restarted in the afternoon and another in the evening resuming electricity supplies to the grid On 29 August 2022 an IAEA team led by Rafael Grossi went to the plant to investigate Lydie Evrard and Massimo Aparo were also on the team No leaks had been reported at the plant before their arrival but shelling had occurred days before Russian annexations and occupation losses 6 September 11 November 2022 Animated map of the Russian invasion from 5 September 2022 to 11 November 2022 On 6 September 2022 Ukrainian forces launched a surprise counteroffensive in the Kharkiv region beginning near Balakliia led by General Syrskyi An emboldened Kyiv launched a counteroffensive 12 September around Kharkiv successful enough to make Russia admit losing key positions and for The New York Times to say that it dented the image of a Mighty Putin Kiev sought more arms from the West to sustain the counteroffensive On 21 September 2022 Vladimir Putin announced a partial mobilisation and Minister of Defence Sergei Shoigu said 300 000 reservists would be called He also said that his country would use all means to defend itself Mykhailo Podolyak an adviser to Zelenskyy said that the decision was predictable and that it was an attempt to justify Russia s failures British Foreign Office Minister Gillian Keegan called the situation an escalation while former Mongolian president Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj accused Russia of using Russian Mongols as cannon fodder Russian annexation of Donetsk Kherson Luhansk and Zaporizhzhia oblasts In late September 2022 Russian installed officials in Ukraine organised referendums on the annexation of the occupied territories of Ukraine These included the Donetsk People s Republic and the Luhansk People s Republic in Russian occupied Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts of Ukraine as well as the Russian appointed military administrations of Kherson Oblast and Zaporizhzhia Oblast Denounced by Ukraine s government and its allies as sham elections the elections official results showed overwhelming majorities in favour of annexation On 30 September 2022 Vladimir Putin announced the annexation of Ukraine s Donetsk Luhansk Kherson and Zaporizhzhia regions in an address to both houses of the Russian parliament Ukraine the United States the European Union and the United Nations all denounced the annexation as illegal Zaporizhzhia front Damage to a residential building in Zaporizhzhia following an airstrike on 9 October 2022 An IAEA delegation visited the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant on 3 September and on 6 September reported damage and security threats caused by external shelling and the presence of occupying troops in the plant On 11 September at 3 14 a m the sixth and final reactor was disconnected from the grid completely stopping the plant Energoatom said that preparations were underway for its cooling and transfer to a cold state In the early hours of 9 October 2022 Russian Armed Forces carried out an airstrike on a residential building in Zaporizhzhia killing 13 civilians and injuring 89 others Kherson counteroffensive Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky participating in reraising the Ukrainian flag in Kherson a few days after the city s liberation On 29 August Zelenskyy advisedly vowed the start of a full scale counteroffensive in the southeast He first announced a counteroffensive to retake Russian occupied territory in the south concentrating on the Kherson Mykolaiv region a claim that was corroborated by the Ukrainian parliament as well as Operational Command South On 4 September Zelenskyy announced the liberation of two unnamed villages in Kherson Oblast and one in Donetsk Oblast Ukrainian authorities released a photo showing the raising of the Ukrainian flag in Vysokopillia by Ukrainian forces Ukrainian attacks also continued along the southern frontline though reports about territorial changes were largely unverifiable On 12 September Zelenskyy said that Ukrainian forces had retaken a total of 6 000 square kilometres 2 300 sq mi from Russia in both the south and the east The BBC stated that it could not verify these claims In October Ukrainian forces pushed further south towards the city of Kherson taking control of 1 170 square kilometres 450 sq mi of territory with fighting extending to Dudchany On 9 November defence minister Shoigu ordered Russian forces to leave part of Kherson Oblast including the city of Kherson and move to the eastern bank of the Dnieper On 11 November Ukrainian troops entered Kherson as Russia completed its withdrawal This meant that Russian forces no longer had a foothold on the west right bank of the Dnieper Kharkiv counteroffensive Retained by Ukraine Retaken by Ukraine Occupied by Russia Map of the Kharkiv front as of 2 July 2024 Ukrainian forces launched another surprise counteroffensive on 6 September in the Kharkiv region near Balakliia led by General Syrskyi By 7 September Ukrainian forces had advanced some 20 kilometres 12 mi into Russian occupied territory and claimed to have recaptured approximately 400 square kilometres 150 sq mi Russian commentators said this was likely due to the relocation of Russian forces to Kherson in response to the Ukrainian offensive there On 8 September Ukrainian forces captured Balakliia and advanced to within 15 kilometres 9 3 mi of Kupiansk Military analysts said Ukrainian forces appeared to be moving towards Kupiansk a major railway hub with the aim of cutting off the Russian forces at Izium from the north On 9 September the Russian occupation administration of Kharkiv Oblast announced it would evacuate the civilian populations of Izium Kupiansk and Velykyi Burluk The Institute for the Study of War ISW said it believed Kupiansk would likely fall in the next 72 hours while Russian reserve units were sent to the area by both road and helicopter On the morning of 10 September photos emerged claiming to depict Ukrainian troops raising the Ukrainian flag in the centre of Kupiansk and the ISW said Ukrainian forces had captured approximately 2 500 square kilometres 970 sq mi by effectively exploiting their breakthrough Later in the day Reuters reported that Russian positions in northeast Ukraine had collapsed in the face of the Ukrainian assault with Russian forces forced to withdraw from their base at Izium after being cut off by the capture of Kupiansk By 15 September an assessment by UK s Ministry of Defence confirmed that Russia had either lost or withdrawn from almost all of their positions west of the Oskil river The retreating units had also abandoned various high value military assets The offensive continued pushing east and by 1 October Ukrainian Armed Forces had liberated the key city of Lyman Winter stalemate attrition campaign and military surge 12 November 2022 7 June 2023 Ukrainian and Polish prime ministers shaking hands near Leopard 2 tanks provided by Poland to Ukraine After the end of the twin Ukrainian counteroffensives the fighting shifted to a semi deadlock during the winter with heavy casualties but reduced motion of the frontline Russia launched a self proclaimed winter offensive in eastern Ukraine but the campaign ended in disappointment for Moscow with limited gains as the offensive stalled Analysts variously blamed the failure on Russia s lack of trained men and supply problems with artillery ammunition among other problems Near the end of May Mark Galeotti assessed that after Russia s abortive and ill conceived winter offensive which squandered its opportunity to consolidate its forces Ukraine is in a relatively strong position On 7 February The New York Times reported that Russians had newly mobilised nearly 200 000 soldiers to participate in the offensive in the Donbas against Ukraine troops already wearied by previous fighting The Russian private military company Wagner Group took on greater prominence in the war leading grinding advances in Bakhmut with tens of thousands of recruits from prison battalions taking part in near suicidal assaults on Ukrainian positions In late January 2023 fighting intensified in the southern Zaporizhzhia region with both sides suffering heavy casualties In nearby southern parts of Donetsk Oblast an intense three week Russian assault near the coal mining town of Vuhledar was called the largest tank battle of the war to date and ended in disaster for Russian forces who lost at least 130 tanks and armored personnel carriers according to Ukrainian commanders The British Ministry of Defence stated that a whole Russian brigade was effectively annihilated Battle of Bakhmut View of western Bakhmut during the battle 5 April 2023 Following defeat in Kherson and Kharkiv Russian and Wagner forces have focused on taking the city of Bakhmut and breaking the half year long stalemate that has prevailed there since the start of the war Russian forces have sought to encircle the city attacking from the north via Soledar After taking heavy casualties Russian and Wagner forces took control of Soledar on 16 January 2023 By early February 2023 Bakhmut was facing attacks from north south and east with the sole Ukrainian supply lines coming from Chasiv Yar to the west On 3 March 2023 Ukrainian soldiers destroyed two key bridges creating the possibility for a controlled fighting withdrawal from eastern sectors of Bakhmut On 4 March Bakhmut s deputy mayor told news services that there was street fighting in the city On 7 March despite the city s near encirclement The New York Times reported that Ukrainian commanders were requesting permission from Kyiv to continue fighting against the Russians in Bakhmut On 26 March Wagner Group forces claimed to have fully captured the tactically significant Azom factory in Bakhmut Appearing before the House Committee on Armed Services on 29 March General Mark Milley Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff reported that for about the last 20 21 days the Russia have not made any progress whatsoever in and around Bakhmut Milley described the severe casualties being inflicted upon the Russian forces there as a slaughter fest By the beginning of May the ISW assessed that Ukraine controlled only 1 89 square kilometres 0 73 sq mi of the city less than five percent On 18 May 2023 The New York Times reported that Ukrainian forces had launched a local counteroffensive taking back swathes of territory to the north and south of Bakhmut over the course of a few days 2023 counteroffensives and summer campaign 8 June 2023 1 December 2023 Flood in Kherson Oblast on 10 June 2023 caused by the destruction of the Kakhovka Dam on 6 June 2023 In June 2023 Ukrainian forces gradually launched a series of counteroffensives on multiple fronts including Donetsk Oblast Zaporizhzhia Oblast and others On 8 June 2023 counteroffensive efforts focused near settlements such as Orikhiv Tokmak and Bakhmut However counteroffensive operations faced stiff resistance from Russia and the American think tank Institute for the Study of War described the Russian defensive effort as having an uncharacteristic degree of coherency By 12 June Ukraine reported its fastest advance in seven months claiming to have liberated several villages and advanced a total of 6 5 km Russian military bloggers also reported that Ukraine had taken Blahodatne Makarivka and Neskuchne and were continuing to push southward Ukraine continued to liberate settlements over the next few months raising the Ukrainian flag over the settlement of Robotyne in late August A tank in Rostov on Don belonging to the Wagner Group decorated with flowers during the Wagner Group rebellion in the summer of 2023 On 24 June the Wagner Group launched a brief rebellion against the Russian government capturing several cities in western Russia largely unopposed before marching towards Moscow This came as the culmination of prolonged infighting and power struggles between Wagner and the Russian Ministry of Defence After about 24 hours the Wagner Group backed down and agreed to a peace deal in which Wagner leader Yevgeny Prigozhin would go into exile in Belarus and his forces would be free from prosecution On 27 June the UK s Ministry of Defence reported that Ukraine were highly likely to have reclaimed territory in the eastern Donbas region occupied by Russia since 2014 among its advances Pro Russian bloggers also reported that Ukrainian forces had made gains in the southern Kherson region establishing a foothold on the left bank of the Dnipro river after crossing it In August The Guardian reported that Ukraine had become the most mined country in the world with Russia laying millions of mines attempting to thwart Ukraine s counteroffensive The vast minefields forced Ukraine to extensively de mine areas to allow advances Ukrainian officials reported shortages of men and equipment as Ukrainian soldiers unearthed five mines for every square metre in certain places School lessons of pupils in Kharkiv city conducted in the metro due to the danger of Russian shelling Following Russia pulling out of the Black Sea Grain Initiative the conflict on the Black Sea escalated with Ukraine targeting Russian ships On 4 August Ukrainian security service sources reported that the Russian landing ship Olenegorsky Gornyak had been hit and damaged by an unmanned naval drone Video footage released by Ukraine s security services appeared to show the drone striking the ship with another video showing the ship seemingly listing to one side On 12 September both Ukrainian and Russian sources reported that Russian naval targets in Sevastopol had been struck by unconfirmed weaponry damaging two military vessels one of them reportedly a submarine Ukraine also reported that several oil and gas drilling platforms on the Black Sea held by Russia since 2015 had been retaken Ukrainian soldiers in recaptured Klishchiivka on 17 September 2023 In September 2023 Ukrainian intelligence estimated that Russia had deployed over 420 000 troops in Ukraine On 21 September Russia began missile strikes across Ukraine damaging the country s energy facilities On 22 September the US announced it would send long range ATACMS missiles to Ukraine despite the reservations of some government officials The same day the Ukrainian Main Directorate of Intelligence launched a missile strike on the Black Sea Fleet headquarters in Sevastopol Crimea killing several senior military officials In October 2023 it was reported that there was a growth of mutinies among Russian troops due to large amount of losses in Russian offensives around Avdiivka with a lack of artillery food water and poor command also being reported By November British intelligence said that recent weeks had likely seen some of the highest Russian casualty rates of the war so far In mid to late October 2023 Ukrainian marines partly guided by defecting Russian troops crossed the Dnipro River the strategic barrier between eastern and western Ukraine downstream of the destroyed Kakhovka Dam to attack the Russian held territory on the east side of the river Despite heavy losses due to intense Russian shelling and aerial bombardment disorganisation and dwindling resources Ukrainian brigades invading the Russian held side of the river continued to inflict heavy casualties on Russian forces well into late December On 1 December 2023 Volodymyr Zelenskyy stated that the Ukrainian counter offensive was not successful citing slower than expected results Zelenskyy also stated that it will be easier for Ukraine to regain the Crimean peninsula than the Donbas region in the east of the country because the Donbas is heavily militarised and there are frequent pro Russian sentiments In December 2023 multiple international media outlets described the Ukrainian counteroffensive as having failed to regain any significant amount of territory or meet any of its strategic objectives Battle of Avdiivka and offensive in Kharkiv oblast 1 December 2023 present Street in Kherson after bomb strike on the city centre on 2 February 2024 On 17 February 2024 Russia captured Avdiivka a longtime stronghold for Ukraine that had been described as a gateway to nearby Donetsk ABC News stated that Russia could use the development to boost morale with the war largely at a stalemate close to its second anniversary Described by Forbes journalist David Axe as a pyrrhic Russian victory the Russian 2nd and 41st Combined Arms Armies ended up with 16 000 men killed tens of thousands wounded and around 700 vehicles lost before seizing the ruins of Avdiivka Andrey Morozov a prominent pro war Russian blogger reportedly died by suicide following a post revealing the large number of Russian casualties during the battle Ukraine s shortage of ammunition caused by political deadlock in the U S Congress and a lack of production capacity in Europe contributed to the Ukrainian withdrawal from Avdiivka and was being felt across the front according to Time The shortage resulted in Ukraine having to ration its units to fire only 2 000 rounds per day compared to an estimated 10 000 rounds fired daily by Russia On 29 February the Ukrainian Air Force reported a spree of shooting down 11 Russian jets in 11 days eight Sukhoi Su 34s two Su 35 fighters and a rare Beriev A 50 radar plane On 10 May 2024 Russia began a renewed offensive in Kharkiv Oblast Russia managed to capture a dozen villages and Ukraine had evacuated more than 11 000 people from the region since the start of the offensive by 25 May Ukraine said on 17 May that its forces had slowed the Russian advance and by 25 May Zelenskyy said that Ukrainian forces had secured combat control of areas where Russian troops entered the northeastern Kharkiv region Russian officials meanwhile said that they were advancing in every direction and that the goal was to create a buffer zone for embattled border regions The White House said on 7 June that the offensive had stalled and was unlikely to advance further national security spokesperson John Kirby said the arrival of US weapons helped change trajectory of the battle Kirby said the Russians stalled upon reaching the first line of Ukrainian defences but also added that Ukraine was still under pressure BattlespacesCommand Russian president Vladimir Putin meeting with Russian defence minister Sergei Shoigu in April 2022 after Russia s defeat at the Battle of KyivUkrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy with Ukrainian servicemen defending the city of Bakhmut in December 2022 The supreme commanders in chief are the heads of state of the respective governments President Vladimir Putin of Russia and President Volodymyr Zelenskyy of Ukraine Putin has reportedly meddled in operational decisions bypassing senior commanders and giving orders directly to brigade commanders US general Mark Milley said that Ukraine s top military commander in the war commander in chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine General Valerii Zaluzhnyi has emerged as the military mind his country needed His leadership enabled the Ukrainian armed forces to adapt quickly with battlefield initiative against the Russians Russia began the invasion with no overall commander The commanders of the four military districts were each responsible for their own offensives After initial setbacks the commander of the Russian Southern Military District Aleksandr Dvornikov was placed in overall command on 8 April 2022 while still responsible for his own campaign Russian forces benefited from the centralisation of command under Dvornikov but continued failures to meet expectations in Moscow led to multiple changes in overall command commander of the Eastern Military District Gennady Zhidko Eastern Military District 26 8 October 2022 commander of the southern grouping of forces Sergei Surovikin early October 2022 11 January 2023 commander in chief of the Russian Armed Forces Valerii Gerasimov from 11 January 2023 Russia has suffered a remarkably large number of casualties in the ranks of its officers including 12 generals Missile attacks and aerial warfare A street in Kyiv following Russian missile strikes on 10 October 2022 Aerial warfare began the first day of the invasion Dozens of missile attacks were recorded across both eastern and western Ukraine reaching as far west as Lviv By September the Ukrainian air force had shot down about 55 Russian warplanes In mid October Russian forces launched missile strikes against Ukrainian infrastructure intended to knock out energy facilities By late November hundreds of civilians had been killed or wounded in the attacks and rolling blackouts had left millions without power In December drones launched from Ukraine allegedly carried out several attacks on Dyagilevo and Engels air bases in western Russia killing 10 and heavily damaging two Tu 95 aircraft Crimea attacks Ukrainian regions annexed by Russia since 2014 Autonomous Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol and 2022 others The 2022 annexation created a strategic land bridge between Crimea and Russia On 31 July 2022 Russian Navy Day commemorations were cancelled after a drone attack reportedly wounded several people at the Russian Black Sea Fleet headquarters in Sevastopol On 9 August 2022 large explosions were reported at Saky Air Base in western Crimea Satellite imagery showed at least eight aircraft damaged or destroyed Initial speculation attributed the explosions to long range missiles sabotage by special forces or an accident Ukrainian general Valerii Zaluzhnyi claimed responsibility on 7 September The base is near Novofedorivka a destination popular with tourists Traffic backed up at the Crimean Bridge after the explosions with queues of civilians trying to leave the area A week later Russia blamed sabotage for explosions and a fire at an arms depot near Dzhankoi in northeastern Crimea that also damaged a railway line and power station Russian regional head Sergei Aksyonov said that 2 000 people were evacuated from the area On 18 August explosions were reported at Belbek Air Base north of Sevastopol On the morning of 8 October 2022 the Kerch Bridge linking occupied Crimea to Russia partially collapsed due to an explosion On 17 July 2023 there was another large explosion on the bridge Russian attacks against Ukrainian civilian infrastructure Russia has carried out waves of strikes on Ukrainian electrical and water systems On 15 November 2022 Russia fired 85 missiles at the Ukrainian power grid causing major power outages in Kyiv and neighboring regions On 31 December Putin in his New Year address called the war against Ukraine a sacred duty to our ancestors and descendants as missiles and drones rained down on Kiev On 10 March 2023 The New York Times reported that Russia had used new hypersonic missiles in a massive missile attack on Ukraine Such missiles are more effective in evading conventional Ukrainian anti missile defences that had previously proved useful against Russia s conventional non hypersonic missile systems Naval blockade and engagements Commemorative stamp about the phrase Russian warship go fuck yourself The Russian Black Sea flagship Moskva was sunk on 14 April 2022 reportedly after being hit by two Ukrainian Neptune anti ship missiles Ukraine lies on the Black Sea which has ocean access only through the Turkish held Bosphorus and Dardanelles straits On 28 February Turkey invoked the 1936 Montreux Convention and sealed off the straits to Russian warships that were not registered to Black Sea home bases and returning to their ports of origin It specifically denied passage through the Turkish Straits to four Russian naval vessels On 24 February the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine announced that Russian Navy ships had begun an attack on Snake Island The guided missile cruiser Moskva and patrol boat Vasily Bykov bombarded the island with deck guns The Russian warship identified itself and instructed the Ukrainians on the island to surrender Their response was Russian warship go fuck yourself After the bombardment a detachment of Russian soldiers landed and took control of Snake Island Russia said on 26 February that US drones had supplied intelligence to the Ukrainian navy to help it target Russian warships in the Black Sea The US denied this By 3 March Ukrainian forces in Mykolaiv scuttled the frigate Hetman Sahaidachny the flagship of the Ukrainian navy to prevent its capture by Russian forces On 14 March the Russian source RT reported that the Russian Armed Forces had captured about a dozen Ukrainian ships in Berdiansk including the Polnocny class landing ship Yuri Olefirenko On 24 March Ukrainian officials said that a Russian landing ship docked in Berdiansk initially reported to be the Orsk and then its sister ship the Saratov was destroyed by a Ukrainian rocket attack In March 2022 the UN International Maritime Organization IMO sought to create a safe sea corridor for commercial vessels to leave Ukrainian ports On 27 March Russia established a sea corridor 80 miles 130 km long and 3 miles 4 8 km wide through its Maritime Exclusion Zone for the transit of merchant vessels from the edge of Ukrainian territorial waters southeast of Odesa Ukraine closed its ports at MARSEC level 3 with sea mines laid in port approaches pending the end of hostilities failed verification The Russian cruiser Moskva the flagship of the Black Sea Fleet was according to Ukrainian sources and a US senior official hit on 13 April by two Ukrainian Neptune anti ship cruise missiles setting the ship afire The Russian Defence Ministry said the warship had suffered serious damage from a munition explosion caused by a fire and that its entire crew had been evacuated Pentagon spokesman John Kirby reported on 14 April that satellite images showed that the Russian warship had suffered a sizeable explosion onboard but was heading to the east for expected repairs and refitting in Sevastopol Later the same day the Russian Ministry of Defence stated that the Moskva had sunk while under tow in rough weather On 15 April Reuters reported that Russia launched an apparent retaliatory missile strike against the missile factory Luch Design Bureau in Kyiv where the Neptune missiles used in the Moskva attack were manufactured and designed On 5 May a US official confirmed that the US gave a range of intelligence including real time battlefield targeting intelligence to assist in the sinking of the Moskva On 1 June Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov asserted that Ukraine s policy of mining its own harbours to impede Russian maritime aggression had contributed to the food export crisis saying If Kyiv solves the problem of demining ports the Russian Navy will ensure the unimpeded passage of ships with grain to the Mediterranean Sea On 30 June 2022 Russia announced that it had withdrawn its troops from the island in a gesture of goodwill The withdrawal was later confirmed by Ukraine On 26 December 2023 Ukraine s air force attacked the Russian landing ship Novocherkassk docked in Feodosia Ukraine said it was destroyed unlikely to sail again Russian authorities confirmed the attack but not the loss and said two attacking aircraft were destroyed Independent analysts said the ship s loss could hamper future Russian attacks on Ukraine s coast On 31 January 2024 Ukrainian sea drones struck the Russian Tarantul class corvette Ivanovets in the Black Sea causing the ship to sink Two weeks later on 14 February the same type of Ukrainian sea drones struck and sank the Russian landing ship Tsezar Kunikov Nuclear risk Four days into the invasion President Putin placed Russia s nuclear forces on high alert raising fears that Russia could use tactical nuclear weapons against Ukraine or a wider escalation of the conflict could occur Putin alluded in April to the use of nuclear weapons and Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov said there was a real danger of a World War III On 14 April 2022 CIA director William Burns said that potential desperation in the face of defeat could encourage President Putin to use tactical nuclear weapons In response to Russia s disregard of safety precautions during its occupation of the disabled former nuclear power plant at Chernobyl and its firing of missiles in the vicinity of the active Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant Zelenskyy called on 26 April for an international discussion on Russia s use of nuclear resources saying no one in the world can feel safe knowing how many nuclear facilities nuclear weapons and related technologies the Russian state has If Russia has forgotten what Chernobyl is it means that global control over Russia s nuclear facilities and nuclear technology is needed In August 2022 shelling around Zaporizhzhia power plant became a crisis prompting an emergency inspection by the IAEA Ukraine described the crisis nuclear terrorism by Russia On 19 September President Biden warned of a consequential response from the U S if Russia were to resort to using nuclear weapons in the conflict Before the United Nations on 21 September Biden criticised Putin s nuclear sabre rattling calling Putin was overt reckless and irresponsible A nuclear war cannot be won and must never be fought In March 2023 Putin announced plans to install Russian tactical nuclear weapons in Belarus Ukrainian resistance Civilians in Kyiv preparing Molotov cocktails 26 February 2022 Ukrainian civilians resisted the Russian invasion by volunteering for territorial defence units making Molotov cocktails donating food building barriers like Czech hedgehogs and helping to transport refugees Responding to a call from Ukravtodor Ukraine s transportation agency civilians dismantled or altered road signs constructed makeshift barriers and blocked roadways Social media reports showed spontaneous street protests against Russian forces in occupied settlements often evolving into verbal altercations and physical standoffs with Russian troops By the beginning of April Ukrainian civilians began to organise as guerrillas mostly in the wooded north and east of the country The Ukrainian military announced plans for a large scale guerrilla campaign to complement its conventional defence People physically blocked Russian military vehicles sometimes forcing them to retreat The Russian soldiers response to unarmed civilian resistance varied from reluctance to engage the protesters to firing into the air to firing directly into crowds There have been mass detentions of Ukrainian protesters and Ukrainian media has reported forced disappearances mock executions hostage taking extrajudicial killings and sexual violence perpetrated by the Russian military To facilitate Ukrainian attacks civilians reported Russian military positions via a Telegram chatbot and Diia a Ukrainian government app previously used by citizens to upload official identity and medical documents In response Russian forces began destroying mobile phone network equipment searching door to door for smartphones and computers and in at least one case killed a civilian who had pictures of Russian tanks As of 21 May 2022 Zelenskyy indicated that Ukraine had 700 000 service members on active duty fighting the Russian invasion Ukraine withdrew soldiers and military equipment back to Ukraine over the course of 2022 that had been deployed to United Nations peacekeeping missions like MONUSCO in the Democratic Republic of the Congo International aspectsReactions UN General Assembly Resolution ES 11 1 vote on 2 March 2022 condemning the invasion of Ukraine and demanding a complete withdrawal of Russian troops In favour Against Abstained Absent Non member The invasion received widespread international condemnation from governments and intergovernmental organisations On 2 March 2022 and on 23 February 2023 141 member states of the UN General Assembly voted for a resolution saying that Russia should immediately withdraw Seven including Russia voted against the measure Political reactions to the invasion included new sanctions imposed on Russia which triggered widespread economic effects on the Russian and world economies Sanctions forced Russia to reorient its oil exports to non sanctioning countries such as India rely more on LNG which was not subject to European Union sanctions and shift its coal exports from Europe to Asia Most European countries cancelled nuclear cooperation with Russia Over seventy sovereign states and the European Union delivered humanitarian aid to Ukraine and nearly fifty countries plus the EU provided military aid Economic sanctions included a ban on Russian aircraft using EU airspace a ban of certain Russian banks from the SWIFT international payments system and a ban on certain Russian media outlets Reactions to the invasion have included public response media responses peace efforts and the examination of the legal implications of the invasion The invasion received widespread international public condemnation Some countries particularly in the Global South saw public sympathy or outright support for Russia due in part to distrust of US foreign policy Protests and demonstrations were held worldwide including some in Russia and parts of Ukraine occupied by Russia Calls for a boycott of Russian goods spread on social media platforms while hackers attacked Russian websites particularly those operated by the Russian government Anti Russian sentiment against Russians living abroad surged after the invasion In March 2022 Russian President Putin introduced prison sentences of up to 15 years for publishing fake news about Russian military operations intended to suppress any criticism related to the war According to the Economist Intelligence Unit in 2023 31 percent of the world s population live in countries that are leaning towards or supportive of Russia 30 7 percent live in neutral countries and 36 2 percent live in countries that are against Russia in some way By October 2022 three countries Latvia Lithuania and Estonia had declared Russia a terrorist state On 1 August Iceland became the first European country to close its embassy in Russia as a result of the invasion of Ukraine The invasion prompted Ukraine Finland and Sweden to officially apply for NATO membership Finland became a member of NATO on 4 April 2023 followed by Sweden on 7 March 2024 A documentary film produced during the siege of Mariupol 20 Days in Mariupol won the Oscar for best documentary in 2024 Foreign involvement Ukraine support Countries sending lethal military equipment to Ukraine Countries sending non lethal military aid to Ukraine Russia Ukraine Foreign involvement in the invasion has been worldwide and extensive with support ranging from military sales and aid sanctions and condemnation Western and other countries imposed limited sanctions on Russia in the prelude to the invasion and applied new sanctions when the invasion began intending to cripple the Russian economy sanctions targeted individuals banks businesses monetary exchanges exports and imports From January 2022 to January 2024 380 billion in aid to Ukraine was tracked by the Kiel Institute including nearly 118 billion in direct military aid NATO is coordinating and helping its member states provide military equipment and financial aid to the country The United States has provided the most military assistance to Ukraine having committed over 46 billion from the start of the invasion to January 2024 though adopting a policy against sending troops NATO members such as Germany reversed policied against providing offensive military aid to support Ukraine and the European Union supplied lethal arms for the first time in its history providing over 3 billion to Ukraine Bulgaria has supplied more than 2 billion worth of arms and ammunition to Ukraine including over one third of the ammunition needed in the early phase of the invasion and a plurality of needed fuel In September 2023 Poland said it would cease sending arms to Ukraine after a dispute between the two countries over grain Russia support Belarus has allowed Russia to use its territory to stage part of the invasion and to launch Russian missiles into Ukraine Because of its active involvement Belarus is considered a belligerent but not a co combatant in this invasion as contrasted to non belligerent states which have a wide range of tools available to non belligerent actors without reaching the threshold of warfighting Politico reported in March 2023 that Chinese state owned weapons manufacturer Norinco shipped assault rifles drone parts and body armor to Russia between June and December 2022 with some shipments via third countries including Turkey and the United Arab Emirates According to the United States Chinese ammunition has been used on battlefields in Ukraine In May 2023 the European Union identified that Chinese and UAE firms were supplying weapon components to Russia In June 2023 US military intel suggested Iran was providing both Shahed combat drones and production materials to develop a drone manufactory to Russia According to the US North Korea has supplied Russia with ballistic missiles and launchers although US authorities did not mention the specific models Based on debris left by missiles on 30 December 2023 attacks against Ukrainian targets show parts common to KN 23 KN 24 and KN 25 missiles In February 2024 a Reuters report indicated that Iran sent ballistic missiles to the Russian military In April 2024 China was reported to have supplied Russia with geospatial intelligence machine tools for tanks and propellants for missiles CasualtiesPhotos of Ukrainian soldiers killed in the Russo Ukrainian WarRussian casualties next to a Z marked armored vehicle Russian and Ukrainian sources have both been said to inflate the casualty numbers for opposing forces and downplay their own losses for the sake of morale Leaked US documents say that under reporting of casualties within the Russian system highlights the military s continuing reluctance to convey bad news up the chain of command Russian news outlets have largely stopped reporting the Russian death toll Russia and Ukraine have admitted suffering significant and considerable losses respectively BBC News has reported that Ukrainian reports of Russian casualty figures included the injured The numbers of civilian and military deaths have been as always impossible to determine precisely Agence France Presse AFP reported that neither it nor independent conflict monitors were able to verify Russian and Ukrainian claims of enemy losses and suspected that they were inflated On 12 October 2022 the independent Russian media project iStories citing sources close to the Kremlin reported that more than 90 000 Russian soldiers had been killed seriously wounded or gone missing in Ukraine While combat deaths can be inferred from a variety of sources including satellite imagery of military action civilian deaths can be more difficult On 16 June 2022 the Ukrainian Minister of Defence told CNN that he believed that tens of thousands of Ukrainians had died adding that he hoped that the total death toll was below 100 000 By the end of June 2024 about 20 000 Ukrainians have lost limbs In the destroyed city of Mariupol alone Ukrainian officials believe that at least 25 000 have been killed and bodies were still being discovered in September 2022 The mayor said over 10 000 and possibly as many as 20 000 civilians died in the siege of Mariupol and that Russian forces had brought mobile cremation equipment with them when they entered the city Researcher Dan Ciuriak from C D Howe Institute in August 2022 estimates the number of killed Mariupol civilians at 25 000 and an investigation by AP from the end of 2022 gives a number of up to 75 000 killed civilians in Mariupol area alone AFP says that a key gap in casualty counts is the lack of information from Russian occupied places like the port city of Mariupol where tens of thousands of civilians are believed to have died According to a recent study by Human Rights Watch and two other organizations there were at least 8 034 excess deaths in Mariupol between March 2022 and February 2023 The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights OHCHR reports similar issues and believed that the true civilian casualty numbers were significantly higher than it has been able to confirm In the Russian military during the invasion Russia s ethnic minorities have been suffering disproportionately high casualties In October 2022 the Russian regions with the highest death tolls were Dagestan Tuva and Buryatia all minority regions In February 2024 six out of ten Russian regions with the highest mortality rates in Ukraine were located in Siberia and the far east and ethnic minorities continuing outsized casualty rates prompted analysts to warn that the situation will lead to long term destructive impacts on these communities Confirmed casualties Numbers Time period SourceUkrainian civilians 10 582 killed 19 875 wounded 24 February 2022 15 February 2024 United Nations OHCHR Ukrainian forces NGU 501 killed 1 697 wounded 24 February 2022 12 May 2022 National Guard of UkraineUkrainian forces ZSU 31 000 killed 24 February 2022 25 February 2024 Office of the President of UkraineUkrainian forces 46 450 killed incl non combat conf by names 24 February 2022 29 April 2024 UALosses projectRussian forces DPR LPR excluded 57 722 killed conf by names 24 February 2022 21 June 2024 BBC News Russian and MediazonaRussian forces Donetsk amp Luhansk PR 23 400 killed 24 February 2022 20 February 2024 BBC News RussianEstimated and claimed casualties Numbers Time period SourceUkrainian civilians 11 000 killed confirmed 28 000 captive 24 February 2022 30 November 2023 Ukrainian government1 499 killed 4 287 wounded in DPR LPR areas 17 February 2022 22 June 2023 DPR and LPR13 287 killed 19 464 injured 24 February 2022 23 February 2023 Benjamin J Radford et al Ukrainian forces 70 000 killed 100 000 120 000 wounded 24 February 2022 18 August 2023 United States estimateRussian forces 315 000 casualties 24 February 2022 30 January 2024 United States CIA estimate123 400 killed 214 000 wounded 24 February 2022 5 April 2024 BBC News Russian545 090 casualties 24 February 2022 2 July 2024 Ukrainian MoD estimatePrisoners of warOfficial and estimated numbers of prisoners of war POW have varied On 24 February Oksana Markarova Ukraine s ambassador to the US said that a platoon of 74th Guards from Kemerovo Oblast had surrendered saying they were unaware that they had been brought to Ukraine and tasked with killing Ukrainians Russia claimed to have captured 572 Ukrainian soldiers by 2 March 2022 while Ukraine said it held 562 Russian soldiers as of 20 March It also released one soldier for five of its own and exchanged another nine for the detained mayor of Melitopol Ukrainian soldiers released during the exchange between Ukraine and Russia on 6 May 2023 On 24 March 2022 10 Russian and 10 Ukrainian soldiers as well as 11 Russians and 19 Ukrainian civilian sailors were exchanged On 1 April 86 Ukrainian servicemen were exchanged for an unknown number of Russian troops The Independent on 9 June 2022 cited an intelligence estimate of more than 5 600 Ukrainian soldiers captured while the Russian servicemen held prisoner fell from 900 in April to 550 after several prisoner exchanges An 25 August 2022 report by the Humanitarian Research Lab of the Yale School of Public Health identified some 21 filtration camps for Ukrainian civilians POWs and other personnel in the vicinity of Donetsk oblast Imaging of one of these Olenivka prison found two sites with disturbed earth consistent with potential graves Kaveh Khoshnood a professor at the Yale School of Public Health said Incommunicado detention of civilians is more than a violation of international humanitarian law it represents a threat to the public health of those currently in the custody of Russia and its proxies Conditions described by freed prisoners include exposure insufficient access to sanitation food and water cramped conditions electrical shocks and physical assault In late 2022 as Russian casualties exceeded 50 000 the Russian army introduced barrier troops The U K defence ministry stated that these are units that threaten to shoot their own retreating soldiers in order to compel offensives In March 2023 Russian soldiers filmed a video addressed to President Putin where they stated that after suffering casualties they attempted to return to their headquarters but were denied evacuation by their superiors They stated that barrier troops were placed behind them threatening to destroy them In particular Storm Z units have been reported to be kept in line by barrier troops In March 2023 UN human rights commissioner Volker Turk reported that more than 90 of the Ukrainian POWs interviewed by his office which could only include those who were released from Russia said in Russia they were tortured or ill treated notably in penitentiary facilities including through so called it is an awful phrase welcoming beatings on their arrival as well as frequent acts of torture throughout detention In April 2023 several videos started circulating on different websites purportedly showing Russian soldiers beheading Ukrainian soldiers Zelenskyy compared Russian soldiers to beasts after the footage was circulated Russian officials opened an investigation of the footage shortly thereafter War crimes and attacks on civiliansDead bodies 8 April 2022 after the Kramatorsk railway bombing Ukrainian investigators identified more than 600 suspected war crimes in the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine some notably involving Russian defence minister Sergei Shoigu During the invasion the Russian military and authorities have been responsible for deliberate attacks against civilian targets including strikes on hospitals and on the energy grid massacres of civilians abduction and torture of civilians sexual violence forced deportation of civilians and torture and murder of Ukrainian prisoners of war They have also carried out many indiscriminate attacks in densely populated areas including with cluster bombs According to the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights OHCHR by December 2023 about 78 of confirmed civilian casualties had been killed in Ukrainian controlled territory while 21 had been killed in Russian occupied territory Russian forces have reportedly used banned chemical weapons at least 465 times during the war usually as tear gas grenades The use of tear gas is banned by international Chemical Weapons Convention and considered a chemical weapon if applied by military forces during warfare On 6 April 2024 a The Daily Telegraph investigation concluded that Russian troops are carrying out a systematic campaign of illegal chemical attacks against Ukrainian soldiers In March 2024 the United Nations issued a report saying Russia may have executed more than 30 recently captured Ukrainian prisoners of war over the winter months The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights verified three incidents in which Russian servicemen executed seven Ukrainian servicemen According to the same report 39 of 60 released Ukrainian prisoners of war also disclosed that they had been subjected to sexual violence during their internment including attempted rape threats of rape and castration beatings or the administration of electric shocks to genitals and repeated forced nudity including during interrogations and to check for tattoos Abduction of Ukrainian children In June 2024 an investigation by the Financial Times identified four Ukrainian children on a Russian government linked adoption website that had been abducted from state care homes There was no mention of the Ukrainian background of the children and one of the children was shown with a new Russian name and age that differed from their Ukrainian documents another child was shown using a Russian version of their Ukrainian name 17 additional matches identified by the Financial Times on the adoption website were also confirmed as Ukrainian children in a recent New York Times investigation Ukrainian authorities estimate that nearly 20 000 Ukrainian children have been forcibly taken from occupied territories to Russia since the beginning of the full scale invasion Wayne Jordash president of Global Rights Compliance an international humanitarian law firm described forcibly transferring or deporting children as war crimes adding that when done as part of a widespread or systematic attack on a civilian population Russia is also committing crimes against humanity International arrest warrants The International Criminal Court ICC opened an investigation into possible crimes against humanity genocide and war crimes On 17 March 2023 the ICC issued a warrant for Putin s arrest charging him with individual criminal responsibility in the abduction of children forcibly deported to Russia It was the first time that the ICC had issued an arrest warrant for the head of state of a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council the world s five principal nuclear powers Moscow has denied any involvement in war crimes a response Vittorio Bufacchi of University College Cork says has bordered on the farcical and its contention that the images coming out of Bucha were fabricated a disingenuous response born by delusional hubris post truth on overdrive that does not merit to be taken seriously Even the usually fractured United States Senate came together to call Putin a war criminal One of several efforts to document Russian war crimes concerns its repeated bombardment of markets and bread lines destruction of basic infrastructure and attacks on exports and supply convoys in a country where deliberate starvation of Ukrainians by Soviets the Holodomor still looms large in public memory Forcible deportation of populations such as took place in Mariupol is another area of focus since forced deportations and transfers are defined both as war crimes under the Fourth Geneva Convention and Protocol II and Article 8 of the Rome Statute and as crimes against humanity under Article 7 of the Rome Statute As both war crimes and crimes against humanity they have several mechanisms for individual accountability the International Criminal Court and also at the individual state level universal jurisdiction and Magnitsky sanctions legislation ImpactsHumanitarian impact The humanitarian impact of the invasion has been extensive and has included negative impacts on international food supplies and the 2022 food crises An estimated 6 6 million Ukrainians were internally displaced by August 2022 and about the same number were refugees in other countries The invasion has devastated the cultural heritage of Ukraine with over 500 Ukrainian cultural heritage sites including cultural centres theatres museums and churches affected by Russian aggression Ukraine s Minister of Culture called it cultural genocide Deliberate destruction and looting of Ukrainian cultural heritage sites in this way is considered a war crime The Russian attacks on civilians causing mass civilian casualties and displacement have been characterised as genocide and democide On 15 September 2023 a U N mandated investigative body presented their findings that Russian occupiers had tortured Ukrainians so brutally that some of their victims died and forced families to listen as they raped women next door The commission has previously said that violations committed by Russian forces in Ukraine including the use of torture may constitute crimes against humanity A report by Physicians for Human Rights described Russian violence against the Ukrainian health care system as being a prominent feature of Russia s conduct during the war documenting 707 attacks on Ukraine s health care system between 24 February and 31 December 2022 Such attacks are considered war crimes Refugee crisis Ukrainian refugees in Krakow protesting against the war 6 March 2022Protest against the Russian invasion of Ukraine organised by political youth organisations in Helsinki Finland 26 February 2022 The war caused the largest refugee and humanitarian crisis in Europe since the Yugoslav Wars in the 1990s the UN described it as the fastest growing such crisis since World War II As Russia built up military forces along the Ukrainian border many neighbouring governments and aid organisations prepared for a mass displacement event in the weeks before the invasion In December 2021 the Ukrainian defence minister estimated that an invasion could force three to five million people to flee their homes In the first week of the invasion the UN reported over a million refugees had fled Ukraine this subsequently reached over eight million by 31 January 2023 On 20 May NPR reported that following a significant influx of foreign military equipment into Ukraine a significant number of refugees are seeking to return to regions of Ukraine which are relatively isolated from the invasion front in southeastern Ukraine However by 3 May another 8 million people were displaced inside Ukraine Most refugees were women children elderly or disabled Most male Ukrainian nationals aged 18 to 60 were denied exit from Ukraine as part of mandatory conscription unless they were responsible for the financial support of three or more children single fathers or were the parent guardian of children with disabilities Many Ukrainian men including teenagers opted to remain in Ukraine voluntarily to join the resistance According to the UN High Commission for Refugees as of 13 May 2022 there were 3 315 711 refugees in Poland 901 696 in Romania 594 664 in Hungary 461 742 in Moldova 415 402 in Slovakia and 27 308 in Belarus while Russia reported it had received over 800 104 refugees By 13 July 2022 over 390 000 Ukrainian refugees had arrived in the Czech Republic where the average refugee was a woman accompanied by one child These refugees were twice as likely to have a college degree as the Czech population as a whole Turkey has been another significant destination registering more than 58 000 Ukrainian refugees as of 22 March and more than 58 000 as of 25 April The EU invoked the Temporary Protection Directive for the first time in its history granting Ukrainian refugees the right to live and work in the EU for up to three years Britain has accepted 146 379 refugees as well as extending the ability to remain in the UK for 3 years with broadly similar entitlements as the EU three years residency and access to state welfare and services According to the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe OSCE Russia has engaged in massive deportation of over 1 3 million Ukrainian civilians potentially constituting crimes against humanity The OSCE and Ukraine have accused Russia of forcibly moving civilians to filtration camps in Russian held territory and then into Russia Ukrainian sources have compared this policy to Soviet era population transfers and Russian actions in the Chechen War of Independence For instance as of 8 April Russia claimed to have evacuated about 121 000 Mariupol residents to Russia Also on 19 October Russia announced the forced deportation of 60 000 civilians from areas around the line of contact in Kherson oblast RIA Novosti and Ukrainian officials said that thousands were dispatched to various centres in cities in Russia and Russian occupied Ukraine from which people were sent to economically depressed regions of Russia In April Ukraine s National Security and Defence Council secretary Oleksiy Danilov said that Russia planned to build concentration camps for Ukrainians in western Siberia and likely planned to force prisoners to build new cities in Siberia Long term demographic effects Ukrainian refugees entering Romania 5 March 2022 Both Russia and Ukraine faced the prospect of significant population decline even before the war having among the lowest fertility rates worldwide and considerable emigration It is the first time that two countries with an average age above 40 have gone to war against each other Russia had a fighting age 18 to 40 year old male population more than four times higher than Ukraine s and slightly higher birth rates while the willingness to fight was more pronounced in Ukraine Several sources have pointed out that the war is considerably worsening Ukraine s demographic crisis making significant shrinking very likely A July 2023 study by the Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies stated that regardless of how long the war lasts and whether or not there is further military escalation Ukraine is unlikely to recover demographically from the consequences of the war Even in 2040 it will have only about 35 million inhabitants around 20 fewer than before the war 2021 42 8 million and the decline in the working age population is likely to be the most severe and far reaching The study took different scenarios from a best case end of the war in 2023 without much further escalation to a worst case end of the war in 2025 with further escalation into account Flight from war affected especially the southern and eastern regions and especially educated women of child bearing age and their children With an estimate of more than 20 of refugees not returning study author Maryna Tverdostup concluded that long term shrinking will significantly impair the conditions for reconstruction The war in Ukraine and the associated emigration lower birth rates and war related casualties further deepened the demographic crisis of Russia Many commentators predict that the situation will be worse than during the 1990s The UN is projecting that the decline that started in 2021 will continue and if current demographic conditions persist Russia s population would be 120 million in fifty years a decline of about 17 Since February 2022 hundreds of thousands of Russians have emigrated estimates range from 370 000 to over 820 000 Combined with mobilisation this possibly removed roughly half a million to one million working age males from Russia s population Studies report that this will have a demographic effect especially in Russia that lasts much longer than the conflict and Putin s time in office According to BBC They come from different walks of life Some are journalists like us but there are also IT experts designers artists academics lawyers doctors PR specialists and linguists Most are under 50 Many share western liberal values and hope Russia will be a democratic country one day Some are LGBTQ Sociologists studying the current Russian emigration say there is evidence that those leaving are younger better educated and wealthier than those staying More often they are from bigger cities According to Johannes Wachs The exodus of skilled human capital sometimes called brain drain out of Russia may have a significant effect on the course of the war and the Russian economy in the long run According to a survey around 15 percent of those who left returned to Russia either permanently or to settle their affairs In November 2023 at the World Russian People s Council Putin urged Russian women to have eight or more children amid increasing Russian casualties in the invasion Environmental impact An explosion due to the shelling of a tank filled with nitric acid during the Battle of Sievierodonetsk 31 May 2022 Based on a preliminary assessment the war has inflicted USD 51 billion in environmental damage in Ukraine according to a report by the Yale School of the Environment some 687 000 tons of petrochemicals have burned as a result of shelling while nearly 1 600 tons of pollutants have leaked into bodies of water Hazardous chemicals have contaminated around 70 acres of soil and likely made agricultural activities temporarily impossible Around 30 of Ukraine s land is now littered with explosives and more than 2 4 million hectares of forest have been damaged According to Netherlands based peace organisation PAX Russia s deliberate targeting of industrial and energy infrastructure has caused severe pollution and the use of explosive weapons has left millions of tonnes of contaminated debris in cities and towns In early June 2023 the Kakhovka Dam under Russian occupation was damaged causing flooding and triggering warnings of an ecological disaster The Ukrainian government international observers and journalists have described the damage as ecocide The Ukrainian government is investigating more crimes against the environment and ecocide a crime in Ukraine Zelenskyy has met with prominent European figures Heidi Hautala Margot Wallstrom Mary Robinson and Greta Thunberg to discuss the environmental damage and how to prosecute it According to an investigation by NGL Media published in April 2024 Russia has completely destroyed over 60 000 hectares of Ukrainian forests The investigation stated that long term ecological consequences may include lowering of the groundwater level reduction of biodiversity worsening of air quality fire outbreaks and rivers and ponds drying up Economic impact Ukraine Ukrainian Minister of Economic Development and Trade Yulia Svyrydenko announced that for 2022 Ukraine had a 30 4 loss in their GDP The Ukrainian statistics service said that the GDP of Ukraine in 2023 grew by 5 3 Ukraine began issuing war bonds on March 1 2022 and the following day the Ukrainian government announced that they had raised 6 14 billion hryvnias A ban was placed in May 2022 by the European Commission on grain sales in the countries of Bulgaria Poland Hungary Romania and Slovakia with the only exception being if they were transiting through those countries with the ban being lifted in September 2023 Russia The Russian economic ministry said that for 2022 the GDP contracted by 2 1 and for 2023 Russia s government said the GDP grew by 3 6 A price cap was placed on Russian oil by the Group of 7 G7 at US 60 on December 5 2022 The United States banned all imports of Russia oil on March 8 2022 The European Union placed an embargo on oil products from Russia on February 5 2023 Other countries that embargoed Russian oil were Canada United Kingdom and Australia Russia itself issued a ban on foreign diesel sales starting on September 21 2023 before being lifted on October 6 On April 27 2024 it was reported that Russia was planning increases in personal income taxes and corporate taxes to help pay for the war Peace effortsAs of January 2023 Russian President Vladimir Putin made recognition of Russian sovereignty over the annexed territories pictured a condition for peace talks with Ukraine Peace negotiations between Russia and Ukraine took place on 28 February 3 March and 7 March 2022 in the Gomel Region on the Belarus Ukraine border with further talks held on 10 March in Turkey and a fourth round of negotiations beginning 14 March On 13 July that year Ukrainian foreign minister Dmytro Kuleba said that peace talks were frozen and Ukraine must first recover the lost territories in the east of the country before negotiations can begin On 19 July former Russian President and current Deputy head of the Russian Security Council Dmitry Medvedev said Russia will achieve all its goals There will be peace on our terms In late September that year after Russian annexation of Donetsk Kherson Luhansk and Zaporizhzhia oblasts of Ukraine Zelenskyy announced that Ukraine would not hold peace talks with Russia while Putin was president and in early October signed a decree to ban such talks In late December that year Putin s spokesperson Dmitry Peskov and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said that any peace plan could only proceed from Ukraine s recognition of Russia s sovereignty over the regions it annexed from Ukraine in September 2022 Ukraine counter proposal requires Moscow to returned the occupied Ukrainian territories and pay war damages In January 2023 Putin s spokesperson Peskov said that there is currently no prospect for diplomatic means of settling the situation around Ukraine In May 2023 UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres said peace negotiations to end the Russo Ukrainian War were not possible at this moment saying it was clear that Russia and Ukraine were completely absorbed in this war and each convinced that they can win In June 2023 Ukrainian Defence Minister Oleksii Reznikov said that the peace plans presented by China Brazil and Indonesia are attempts at mediation on behalf of Russia and they all currently want to be mediators on Russia s side That s why this sort of mediation currently doesn t fit for us at all because they aren t impartial He said that Ukraine was willing to accept China as a mediator only if Beijing could convince Russia to withdraw from all the territories it had occupied In December 2023 The New York Times reported that Putin has been signaling through intermediaries since at least September 2022 that he is open to a ceasefire that freezes the fighting along the current lines This has been received with skepticism by Ukrainians and their country s supporters with criticism that it could be an insincere opportunistic public relations ploy by Russia that would give it time to rebuild its weakened army before renewing the offensive Such concerns have been raised since 2022 See alsoEurope portalModern history portalRussia portalUkraine portalPolitics portalCurrent events portalList of invasions in the 21st century Outline of the Russo Ukrainian War 2020s in military history List of conflicts in territory of the former Soviet Union List of conflicts in Europe List of interstate wars since 1945 List of invasions and occupations of Ukraine List of ongoing armed conflicts List of wars between Russia and Ukraine List of wars 2003 present Russian emigration following the Russian invasion of Ukraine Red lines in the Russo Ukrainian WarNotesThe Donetsk People s Republic and the Luhansk People s Republic were Russian controlled puppet states having declared their independence from Ukraine in May 2014 In 2022 they received international recognition from each other Russia Syria and North Korea and some other partially recognised states On 30 September 2022 after a referendum Russia declared it had formally annexed both entities Russian forces were permitted to stage part of the invasion from Belarusian territory Belarusian territory has also been used to launch missiles into Ukraine See also Belarusian involvement in the Russian invasion of Ukraine See Foreign involvement for more details Including military paramilitary and 34 000 separatist militias By early September 2022 the US had given 126 M777 howitzer cannons and over 800 000 rounds of 155 mm ammunition for them By January 2023 the US had donated 250 000 more 155 mm shells to Ukraine The US is producing 14 000 155 mm shells monthly and plans to increase production to 90 000 shells per month by 2025 See here for a detailed breakdown of civilian deaths by oblast according to Ukrainian authorities The DPR said 1 285 civilians were killed and 4 243 wounded between 1 January 2022 and 22 June 2023 of which 8 died and 23 were wounded between 1 January and 25 February 2022 leaving a total of 1 277 killed and 4 220 wounded in the period of the Russian invasion Most likely new cities meant new industrial cities in Siberia the construction plans of which were announced by Shoigu in the fall of 2021 ReferencesLister Tim Kesa Julia 24 February 2022 Ukraine says it was attacked through Russian Belarus and Crimea borders Kyiv CNN from the original on 24 February 2022 Retrieved 24 February 2022 Murphy Palu 24 February 2022 Troops and military vehicles have entered Ukraine from Belarus CNN from the original on 23 February 2022 Retrieved 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