Maxwell s equations or Maxwell Heaviside equations are a set of coupled partial differential equations that together with the Lorentz force law form the foundation of classical electromagnetism classical optics electric and magnetic circuits The equations provide a mathematical model for electric optical and radio technologies such as power generation electric motors wireless communication lenses radar etc They describe how electric and magnetic fields are generated by charges currents and changes of the fields The equations are named after the physicist and mathematician James Clerk Maxwell who in 1861 and 1862 published an early form of the equations that included the Lorentz force law Maxwell first used the equations to propose that light is an electromagnetic phenomenon The modern form of the equations in their most common formulation is credited to Oliver Heaviside Maxwell s equations on a plaque on his statue in Edinburgh Maxwell s equations may be combined to demonstrate how fluctuations in electromagnetic fields waves propagate at a constant speed in vacuum c 299792 458 m s Known as electromagnetic radiation these waves occur at various wavelengths to produce a spectrum of radiation from radio waves to gamma rays In partial differential equation form and SI units Maxwell s microscopic equations can be written as E re0 B 0 E B t B m0 J e0 E t displaystyle begin aligned nabla cdot mathbf E amp frac rho varepsilon 0 nabla cdot mathbf B amp 0 nabla times mathbf E amp frac partial mathbf B partial t nabla times mathbf B amp mu 0 left mathbf J varepsilon 0 frac partial mathbf E partial t right end aligned With E displaystyle mathbf E the electric field B displaystyle mathbf B the magnetic field r displaystyle rho the electric charge density and J displaystyle mathbf J the current density e0 displaystyle varepsilon 0 is the vacuum permittivity and m0 displaystyle mu 0 the vacuum permeability The equations have two major variants The microscopic equations have universal applicability but are unwieldy for common calculations They relate the electric and magnetic fields to total charge and total current including the complicated charges and currents in materials at the atomic scale The macroscopic equations define two new auxiliary fields that describe the large scale behaviour of matter without having to consider atomic scale charges and quantum phenomena like spins However their use requires experimentally determined parameters for a phenomenological description of the electromagnetic response of materials The term Maxwell s equations is often also used for equivalent alternative formulations Versions of Maxwell s equations based on the electric and magnetic scalar potentials are preferred for explicitly solving the equations as a boundary value problem analytical mechanics or for use in quantum mechanics The covariant formulation on spacetime rather than space and time separately makes the compatibility of Maxwell s equations with special relativity manifest Maxwell s equations in curved spacetime commonly used in high energy and gravitational physics are compatible with general relativity In fact Albert Einstein developed special and general relativity to accommodate the invariant speed of light a consequence of Maxwell s equations with the principle that only relative movement has physical consequences The publication of the equations marked the unification of a theory for previously separately described phenomena magnetism electricity light and associated radiation Since the mid 20th century it has been understood that Maxwell s equations do not give an exact description of electromagnetic phenomena but are instead a classical limit of the more precise theory of quantum electrodynamics History of the equationsConceptual descriptionsGauss s law Electric field from positive to negative charges Gauss s law describes the relationship between an electric field and electric charges an electric field points away from positive charges and towards negative charges and the net outflow of the electric field through a closed surface is proportional to the enclosed charge including bound charge due to polarization of material The coefficient of the proportion is the permittivity of free space Gauss s law for magnetism Gauss s law for magnetism magnetic field lines never begin nor end but form loops or extend to infinity as shown here with the magnetic field due to a ring of current Gauss s law for magnetism states that electric charges have no magnetic analogues called magnetic monopoles no north or south magnetic poles exist in isolation Instead the magnetic field of a material is attributed to a dipole and the net outflow of the magnetic field through a closed surface is zero Magnetic dipoles may be represented as loops of current or inseparable pairs of equal and opposite magnetic charges Precisely the total magnetic flux through a Gaussian surface is zero and the magnetic field is a solenoidal vector field Faraday s law In a geomagnetic storm solar wind plasma impacts Earth s magnetic field causing a time dependent change in the field thus inducing electric fields in Earth s atmosphere and conductive lithosphere which can destabilize power grids Not to scale The Maxwell Faraday version of Faraday s law of induction describes how a time varying magnetic field corresponds to curl of an electric field In integral form it states that the work per unit charge required to move a charge around a closed loop equals the rate of change of the magnetic flux through the enclosed surface The electromagnetic induction is the operating principle behind many electric generators for example a rotating bar magnet creates a changing magnetic field and generates an electric field in a nearby wire Ampere s law with Maxwell s addition Magnetic core memory 1954 is an application of Ampere s law Each core stores one bit of data The original law of Ampere states that magnetic fields relate to electric current Maxwell s addition states that magnetic fields also relate to changing electric fields which Maxwell called displacement current The integral form states that electric and displacement currents are associated with a proportional magnetic field along any enclosing curve Maxwell s addition to Ampere s law is important because the laws of Ampere and Gauss must otherwise be adjusted for static fields clarification needed As a consequence it predicts that a rotating magnetic field occurs with a changing electric field A further consequence is the existence of self sustaining electromagnetic waves which travel through empty space The speed calculated for electromagnetic waves which could be predicted from experiments on charges and currents matches the speed of light indeed light is one form of electromagnetic radiation as are X rays radio waves and others Maxwell understood the connection between electromagnetic waves and light in 1861 thereby unifying the theories of electromagnetism and optics Formulation in terms of electric and magnetic fields microscopic or in vacuum version In the electric and magnetic field formulation there are four equations that determine the fields for given charge and current distribution A separate law of nature the Lorentz force law describes how the electric and magnetic fields act on charged particles and currents By convention a version of this law in the original equations by Maxwell is no longer included The vector calculus formalism below the work of Oliver Heaviside has become standard It is rotationally invariant and therefore mathematically more transparent than Maxwell s original 20 equations in x y z components The relativistic formulations are more symmetric and Lorentz invariant For the same equations expressed using tensor calculus or differential forms see Alternative formulations The differential and integral formulations are mathematically equivalent both are useful The integral formulation relates fields within a region of space to fields on the boundary and can often be used to simplify and directly calculate fields from symmetric distributions of charges and currents On the other hand the differential equations are purely local and are a more natural starting point for calculating the fields in more complicated less symmetric situations for example using finite element analysis Key to the notation Symbols in bold represent vector quantities and symbols in italics represent scalar quantities unless otherwise indicated The equations introduce the electric field E a vector field and the magnetic field B a pseudovector field each generally having a time and location dependence The sources are the total electric charge density total charge per unit volume r and the total electric current density total current per unit area J The universal constants appearing in the equations the first two ones explicitly only in the SI units formulation are the permittivity of free space e0 and the permeability of free space m0 and the speed of light c 1e0m0 displaystyle c frac 1 sqrt varepsilon 0 mu 0 Differential equations In the differential equations the nabla symbol denotes the three dimensional gradient operator del the symbol pronounced del dot denotes the divergence operator the symbol pronounced del cross denotes the curl operator Integral equations In the integral equations W is any volume with closed boundary surface W and S is any surface with closed boundary curve S The equations are a little easier to interpret with time independent surfaces and volumes Time independent surfaces and volumes are fixed and do not change over a given time interval For example since the surface is time independent we can bring the differentiation under the integral sign in Faraday s law ddt SB dS S B t dS displaystyle frac mathrm d mathrm d t iint Sigma mathbf B cdot mathrm d mathbf S iint Sigma frac partial mathbf B partial t cdot mathrm d mathbf S Maxwell s equations can be formulated with possibly time dependent surfaces and volumes by using the differential version and using Gauss and Stokes formula appropriately W displaystyle vphantom int scriptstyle partial Omega is a surface integral over the boundary surface W with the loop indicating the surface is closed W displaystyle iiint Omega is a volume integral over the volume W S displaystyle oint partial Sigma is a line integral around the boundary curve S with the loop indicating the curve is closed S displaystyle iint Sigma is a surface integral over the surface S The total electric charge Q enclosed in W is the volume integral over W of the charge density r see the macroscopic formulation section below Q Wr dV displaystyle Q iiint Omega rho mathrm d V where dV is the volume element The net magnetic flux FB is the surface integral of the magnetic field B passing through a fixed surface S FB SB dS displaystyle Phi B iint Sigma mathbf B cdot mathrm d mathbf S The net electric flux FE is the surface integral of the electric field E passing through S FE SE dS displaystyle Phi E iint Sigma mathbf E cdot mathrm d mathbf S The net electric current I is the surface integral of the electric current density J passing through S I SJ dS displaystyle I iint Sigma mathbf J cdot mathrm d mathbf S where dS denotes the differential vector element of surface area S normal to surface S Vector area is sometimes denoted by A rather than S but this conflicts with the notation for magnetic vector potential Formulation in SI units convention Name Integral equations Differential equationsGauss s law WE dS 1e0 WrdV displaystyle vphantom oint scriptstyle partial Omega mathbf E cdot mathrm d mathbf S frac 1 varepsilon 0 iiint Omega rho mathrm d V E re0 displaystyle nabla cdot mathbf E frac rho varepsilon 0 Gauss s law for magnetism WB dS 0 displaystyle vphantom oint scriptstyle partial Omega mathbf B cdot mathrm d mathbf S 0 B 0 displaystyle nabla cdot mathbf B 0 Maxwell Faraday equation Faraday s law of induction SE dℓ ddt SB dS displaystyle oint partial Sigma mathbf E cdot mathrm d boldsymbol ell frac mathrm d mathrm d t iint Sigma mathbf B cdot mathrm d mathbf S E B t displaystyle nabla times mathbf E frac partial mathbf B partial t Ampere s circuital law with Maxwell s addition SB dℓ m0 SJ dS e0ddt SE dS displaystyle begin aligned oint partial Sigma amp mathbf B cdot mathrm d boldsymbol ell mu 0 left iint Sigma mathbf J cdot mathrm d mathbf S varepsilon 0 frac mathrm d mathrm d t iint Sigma mathbf E cdot mathrm d mathbf S right end aligned B m0 J e0 E t displaystyle nabla times mathbf B mu 0 left mathbf J varepsilon 0 frac partial mathbf E partial t right Formulation in Gaussian units convention The definitions of charge electric field and magnetic field can be altered to simplify theoretical calculation by absorbing dimensioned factors of e0 and m0 into the units of calculation by convention With a corresponding change in convention for the Lorentz force law this yields the same physics i e trajectories of charged particles or work done by an electric motor These definitions are often preferred in theoretical and high energy physics where it is natural to take the electric and magnetic field with the same units to simplify the appearance of the electromagnetic tensor the Lorentz covariant object unifying electric and magnetic field would then contain components with uniform unit and dimension vii Such modified definitions are conventionally used with the Gaussian CGS units Using these definitions and conventions colloquially in Gaussian units the Maxwell equations become Name Integral equations Differential equationsGauss s law WE dS 4p WrdV displaystyle vphantom oint scriptstyle partial Omega mathbf E cdot mathrm d mathbf S 4 pi iiint Omega rho mathrm d V E 4pr displaystyle nabla cdot mathbf E 4 pi rho Gauss s law for magnetism WB dS 0 displaystyle vphantom oint scriptstyle partial Omega mathbf B cdot mathrm d mathbf S 0 B 0 displaystyle nabla cdot mathbf B 0 Maxwell Faraday equation Faraday s law of induction SE dℓ 1cddt SB dS displaystyle oint partial Sigma mathbf E cdot mathrm d boldsymbol ell frac 1 c frac mathrm d mathrm d t iint Sigma mathbf B cdot mathrm d mathbf S E 1c B t displaystyle nabla times mathbf E frac 1 c frac partial mathbf B partial t Ampere s circuital law with Maxwell s addition SB dℓ 1c 4p SJ dS ddt SE dS displaystyle begin aligned oint partial Sigma amp mathbf B cdot mathrm d boldsymbol ell frac 1 c left 4 pi iint Sigma mathbf J cdot mathrm d mathbf S frac mathrel mathrm d mathrm d t iint Sigma mathbf E cdot mathrm d mathbf S right end aligned B 1c 4pJ E t displaystyle nabla times mathbf B frac 1 c left 4 pi mathbf J frac partial mathbf E partial t right The equations simplify slightly when a system of quantities is chosen in the speed of light c is used for nondimensionalization so that for example seconds and lightseconds are interchangeable and c 1 Further changes are possible by absorbing factors of 4p This process called rationalization affects whether Coulomb s law or Gauss s law includes such a factor see Heaviside Lorentz units used mainly in particle physics Relationship between differential and integral formulationsThe equivalence of the differential and integral formulations are a consequence of the Gauss divergence theorem and the Kelvin Stokes theorem Flux and divergence Volume W and its closed boundary W containing respectively enclosing a source and sink of a vector field F Here F could be the E field with source electric charges but not the B field which has no magnetic charges as shown The outward unit normal is n According to the purely mathematical Gauss divergence theorem the electric flux through the boundary surface W can be rewritten as WE dS W EdV displaystyle vphantom oint scriptstyle partial Omega mathbf E cdot mathrm d mathbf S iiint Omega nabla cdot mathbf E mathrm d V The integral version of Gauss s equation can thus be rewritten as W E re0 dV 0 displaystyle iiint Omega left nabla cdot mathbf E frac rho varepsilon 0 right mathrm d V 0 Since W is arbitrary e g an arbitrary small ball with arbitrary center this is satisfied if and only if the integrand is zero everywhere This is the differential equations formulation of Gauss equation up to a trivial rearrangement Similarly rewriting the magnetic flux in Gauss s law for magnetism in integral form gives WB dS W BdV 0 displaystyle vphantom oint scriptstyle partial Omega mathbf B cdot mathrm d mathbf S iiint Omega nabla cdot mathbf B mathrm d V 0 which is satisfied for all W if and only if B 0 displaystyle nabla cdot mathbf B 0 everywhere Circulation and curl Surface S with closed boundary S F could be the E or B fields Again n is the unit normal The curl of a vector field does not literally look like the circulations this is a heuristic depiction By the Kelvin Stokes theorem we can rewrite the line integrals of the fields around the closed boundary curve S to an integral of the circulation of the fields i e their curls over a surface it bounds i e SB dℓ S B dS displaystyle oint partial Sigma mathbf B cdot mathrm d boldsymbol ell iint Sigma nabla times mathbf B cdot mathrm d mathbf S Hence the modified Ampere law in integral form can be rewritten as S B m0 J e0 E t dS 0 displaystyle iint Sigma left nabla times mathbf B mu 0 left mathbf J varepsilon 0 frac partial mathbf E partial t right right cdot mathrm d mathbf S 0 Since S can be chosen arbitrarily e g as an arbitrary small arbitrary oriented and arbitrary centered disk we conclude that the integrand is zero if and only if Ampere s modified law in differential equations form is satisfied The equivalence of Faraday s law in differential and integral form follows likewise The line integrals and curls are analogous to quantities in classical fluid dynamics the circulation of a fluid is the line integral of the fluid s flow velocity field around a closed loop and the vorticity of the fluid is the curl of the velocity field Charge conservationThe invariance of charge can be derived as a corollary of Maxwell s equations The left hand side of the modified Ampere s law has zero divergence by the div curl identity Expanding the divergence of the right hand side interchanging derivatives and applying Gauss s law gives 0 B m0 J e0 E t m0 J e0 t E m0 J r t displaystyle 0 nabla cdot nabla times mathbf B nabla cdot left mu 0 left mathbf J varepsilon 0 frac partial mathbf E partial t right right mu 0 left nabla cdot mathbf J varepsilon 0 frac partial partial t nabla cdot mathbf E right mu 0 left nabla cdot mathbf J frac partial rho partial t right i e r t J 0 displaystyle frac partial rho partial t nabla cdot mathbf J 0 By the Gauss divergence theorem this means the rate of change of charge in a fixed volume equals the net current flowing through the boundary ddtQW ddt WrdV displaystyle frac d dt Q Omega frac d dt iiint Omega rho mathrm d V W displaystyle scriptstyle partial Omega J dS I W displaystyle mathbf J cdot rm d mathbf S I partial Omega In particular in an isolated system the total charge is conserved Vacuum equations electromagnetic waves and speed of lightThis 3D diagram shows a plane linearly polarized wave propagating from left to right defined by E E0 sin wt k r and B B0 sin wt k r The oscillating fields are detected at the flashing point The horizontal wavelength is l E0 B0 0 E0 k B0 k In a region with no charges r 0 and no currents J 0 such as in a vacuum Maxwell s equations reduce to E 0 E B t B 0 B m0e0 E t displaystyle begin aligned nabla cdot mathbf E amp 0 amp nabla times mathbf E amp frac partial mathbf B partial t nabla cdot mathbf B amp 0 amp nabla times mathbf B amp mu 0 varepsilon 0 frac partial mathbf E partial t end aligned Taking the curl of the curl equations and using the curl of the curl identity we obtain m0e0 2E t2 2E 0 m0e0 2B t2 2B 0 displaystyle begin aligned mu 0 varepsilon 0 frac partial 2 mathbf E partial t 2 nabla 2 mathbf E 0 mu 0 varepsilon 0 frac partial 2 mathbf B partial t 2 nabla 2 mathbf B 0 end aligned The quantity m0e0 displaystyle mu 0 varepsilon 0 has the dimension of time length 2 Defining c m0e0 1 2 displaystyle c mu 0 varepsilon 0 1 2 the equations above have the form of the standard wave equations 1c2 2E t2 2E 0 1c2 2B t2 2B 0 displaystyle begin aligned frac 1 c 2 frac partial 2 mathbf E partial t 2 nabla 2 mathbf E 0 frac 1 c 2 frac partial 2 mathbf B partial t 2 nabla 2 mathbf B 0 end aligned Already during Maxwell s lifetime it was found that the known values for e0 displaystyle varepsilon 0 and m0 displaystyle mu 0 give c 2 998 108 m s displaystyle c approx 2 998 times 10 8 text m s then already known to be the speed of light in free space This led him to propose that light and radio waves were propagating electromagnetic waves since amply confirmed In the old SI system of units the values of m0 4p 10 7 displaystyle mu 0 4 pi times 10 7 and c 299792458 m s displaystyle c 299 792 458 text m s are defined constants which means that by definition e0 8 8541878 10 12 F m displaystyle varepsilon 0 8 8541878 times 10 12 text F m that define the ampere and the metre In the new SI system only c keeps its defined value and the electron charge gets a defined value In materials with relative permittivity er and relative permeability mr the phase velocity of light becomes vp 1m0mre0er displaystyle v text p frac 1 sqrt mu 0 mu text r varepsilon 0 varepsilon text r which is usually less than c In addition E and B are perpendicular to each other and to the direction of wave propagation and are in phase with each other A sinusoidal plane wave is one special solution of these equations Maxwell s equations explain how these waves can physically propagate through space The changing magnetic field creates a changing electric field through Faraday s law In turn that electric field creates a changing magnetic field through Maxwell s addition to Ampere s law This perpetual cycle allows these waves now known as electromagnetic radiation to move through space at velocity c Macroscopic formulationThe above equations are the microscopic version of Maxwell s equations expressing the electric and the magnetic fields in terms of the possibly atomic level charges and currents present This is sometimes called the general form but the macroscopic version below is equally general the difference being one of bookkeeping The microscopic version is sometimes called Maxwell s equations in a vacuum this refers to the fact that the material medium is not built into the structure of the equations but appears only in the charge and current terms The microscopic version was introduced by Lorentz who tried to use it to derive the macroscopic properties of bulk matter from its microscopic constituents 5 Maxwell s macroscopic equations also known as Maxwell s equations in matter are more similar to those that Maxwell introduced himself Name Integral equations SI convention Differential equations SI convention Differential equations Gaussian convention Gauss s law W displaystyle scriptstyle partial Omega D dS WrfdV displaystyle mathbf D cdot mathrm d mathbf S iiint Omega rho text f mathrm d V D rf displaystyle nabla cdot mathbf D rho text f D 4prf displaystyle nabla cdot mathbf D 4 pi rho text f Ampere s circuital law with Maxwell s addition SH dℓ SJf dS ddt SD dS displaystyle begin aligned oint partial Sigma amp mathbf H cdot mathrm d boldsymbol ell amp iint Sigma mathbf J text f cdot mathrm d mathbf S frac d dt iint Sigma mathbf D cdot mathrm d mathbf S end aligned H Jf D t displaystyle nabla times mathbf H mathbf J text f frac partial mathbf D partial t H 1c 4pJf D t displaystyle nabla times mathbf H frac 1 c left 4 pi mathbf J text f frac partial mathbf D partial t right Gauss s law for magnetism W displaystyle scriptstyle partial Omega B dS 0 displaystyle mathbf B cdot mathrm d mathbf S 0 B 0 displaystyle nabla cdot mathbf B 0 B 0 displaystyle nabla cdot mathbf B 0 Maxwell Faraday equation Faraday s law of induction SE dℓ ddt SB dS displaystyle oint partial Sigma mathbf E cdot mathrm d boldsymbol ell frac d dt iint Sigma mathbf B cdot mathrm d mathbf S E B t displaystyle nabla times mathbf E frac partial mathbf B partial t E 1c B t displaystyle nabla times mathbf E frac 1 c frac partial mathbf B partial t In the macroscopic equations the influence of bound charge Qb and bound current Ib is incorporated into the displacement field D and the magnetizing field H while the equations depend only on the free charges Qf and free currents If This reflects a splitting of the total electric charge Q and current I and their densities r and J into free and bound parts Q Qf Qb W rf rb dV WrdV I If Ib S Jf Jb dS SJ dS displaystyle begin aligned Q amp Q text f Q text b iiint Omega left rho text f rho text b right mathrm d V iiint Omega rho mathrm d V I amp I text f I text b iint Sigma left mathbf J text f mathbf J text b right cdot mathrm d mathbf S iint Sigma mathbf J cdot mathrm d mathbf S end aligned The cost of this splitting is that the additional fields D and H need to be determined through phenomenological constituent equations relating these fields to the electric field E and the magnetic field B together with the bound charge and current See below for a detailed description of the differences between the microscopic equations dealing with total charge and current including material contributions useful in air vacuum and the macroscopic equations dealing with free charge and current practical to use within materials Bound charge and current Left A schematic view of how an assembly of microscopic dipoles produces opposite surface charges as shown at top and bottom Right How an assembly of microscopic current loops add together to produce a macroscopically circulating current loop Inside the boundaries the individual contributions tend to cancel but at the boundaries no cancelation occurs When an electric field is applied to a dielectric material its molecules respond by forming microscopic electric dipoles their atomic nuclei move a tiny distance in the direction of the field while their electrons move a tiny distance in the opposite direction This produces a macroscopic bound charge in the material even though all of the charges involved are bound to individual molecules For example if every molecule responds the same similar to that shown in the figure these tiny movements of charge combine to produce a layer of positive bound charge on one side of the material and a layer of negative charge on the other side The bound charge is most conveniently described in terms of the polarization P of the material its dipole moment per unit volume If P is uniform a macroscopic separation of charge is produced only at the surfaces where P enters and leaves the material For non uniform P a charge is also produced in the bulk Somewhat similarly in all materials the constituent atoms exhibit magnetic moments that are intrinsically linked to the angular momentum of the components of the atoms most notably their electrons The connection to angular momentum suggests the picture of an assembly of microscopic current loops Outside the material an assembly of such microscopic current loops is not different from a macroscopic current circulating around the material s surface despite the fact that no individual charge is traveling a large distance These bound currents can be described using the magnetization M The very complicated and granular bound charges and bound currents therefore can be represented on the macroscopic scale in terms of P and M which average these charges and currents on a sufficiently large scale so as not to see the granularity of individual atoms but also sufficiently small that they vary with location in the material As such Maxwell s macroscopic equations ignore many details on a fine scale that can be unimportant to understanding matters on a gross scale by calculating fields that are averaged over some suitable volume Auxiliary fields polarization and magnetization The definitions of the auxiliary fields are D r t e0E r t P r t H r t 1m0B r t M r t displaystyle begin aligned mathbf D mathbf r t amp varepsilon 0 mathbf E mathbf r t mathbf P mathbf r t mathbf H mathbf r t amp frac 1 mu 0 mathbf B mathbf r t mathbf M mathbf r t end aligned where P is the polarization field and M is the magnetization field which are defined in terms of microscopic bound charges and bound currents respectively The macroscopic bound charge density rb and bound current density Jb in terms of polarization P and magnetization M are then defined as rb P Jb M P t displaystyle begin aligned rho text b amp nabla cdot mathbf P mathbf J text b amp nabla times mathbf M frac partial mathbf P partial t end aligned If we define the total bound and free charge and current density by r rb rf J Jb Jf displaystyle begin aligned rho amp rho text b rho text f mathbf J amp mathbf J text b mathbf J text f end aligned and use the defining relations above to eliminate D and H the macroscopic Maxwell s equations reproduce the microscopic equations Constitutive relations In order to apply Maxwell s macroscopic equations it is necessary to specify the relations between displacement field D and the electric field E as well as the magnetizing field H and the magnetic field B Equivalently we have to specify the dependence of the polarization P hence the bound charge and the magnetization M hence the bound current on the applied electric and magnetic field The equations specifying this response are called constitutive relations For real world materials the constitutive relations are rarely simple except approximately and usually determined by experiment See the main article on constitutive relations for a fuller description 44 45 For materials without polarization and magnetization the constitutive relations are by definition 2 D e0E H 1m0B displaystyle mathbf D varepsilon 0 mathbf E quad mathbf H frac 1 mu 0 mathbf B where e0 is the permittivity of free space and m0 the permeability of free space Since there is no bound charge the total and the free charge and current are equal An alternative viewpoint on the microscopic equations is that they are the macroscopic equations together with the statement that vacuum behaves like a perfect linear material without additional polarization and magnetization More generally for linear materials the constitutive relations are 44 45 D eE H 1mB displaystyle mathbf D varepsilon mathbf E quad mathbf H frac 1 mu mathbf B where e is the permittivity and m the permeability of the material For the displacement field D the linear approximation is usually excellent because for all but the most extreme electric fields or temperatures obtainable in the laboratory high power pulsed lasers the interatomic electric fields of materials of the order of 1011 V m are much higher than the external field For the magnetizing field H displaystyle mathbf H however the linear approximation can break down in common materials like iron leading to phenomena like hysteresis Even the linear case can have various complications however For homogeneous materials e and m are constant throughout the material while for inhomogeneous materials they depend on location within the material and perhaps time 463 For isotropic materials e and m are scalars while for anisotropic materials e g due to crystal structure they are tensors 421 463 Materials are generally dispersive so e and m depend on the frequency of any incident EM waves 625 397 Even more generally in the case of non linear materials see for example nonlinear optics D and P are not necessarily proportional to E similarly H or M is not necessarily proportional to B In general D and H depend on both E and B on location and time and possibly other physical quantities In applications one also has to describe how the free currents and charge density behave in terms of E and B possibly coupled to other physical quantities like pressure and the mass number density and velocity of charge carrying particles E g the original equations given by Maxwell see History of Maxwell s equations included Ohm s law in the form Jf sE displaystyle mathbf J text f sigma mathbf E Alternative formulationsFollowing is a summary of some of the numerous other mathematical formalisms to write the microscopic Maxwell s equations with the columns separating the two homogeneous Maxwell equations from the two inhomogeneous ones involving charge and current Each formulation has versions directly in terms of the electric and magnetic fields and indirectly in terms of the electrical potential f and the vector potential A Potentials were introduced as a convenient way to solve the homogeneous equations but it was thought that all observable physics was contained in the electric and magnetic fields or relativistically the Faraday tensor The potentials play a central role in quantum mechanics however and act quantum mechanically with observable consequences even when the electric and magnetic fields vanish Aharonov Bohm effect Each table describes one formalism See the main article for details of each formulation SI units are used throughout Vector calculus Formulation Homogeneous equations Inhomogeneous equationsFields 3D Euclidean space time B 0 displaystyle nabla cdot mathbf B 0 E B t 0 displaystyle nabla times mathbf E frac partial mathbf B partial t mathbf 0 E re0 displaystyle nabla cdot mathbf E frac rho varepsilon 0 B 1c2 E t m0J displaystyle nabla times mathbf B frac 1 c 2 frac partial mathbf E partial t mu 0 mathbf J Potentials any gauge 3D Euclidean space time B A displaystyle mathbf B mathbf nabla times mathbf A E f A t displaystyle mathbf E mathbf nabla varphi frac partial mathbf A partial t 2f t A re0 displaystyle nabla 2 varphi frac partial partial t left mathbf nabla cdot mathbf A right frac rho varepsilon 0 2 1c2 2 t2 A A 1c2 f t m0J displaystyle left nabla 2 frac 1 c 2 frac partial 2 partial t 2 right mathbf A mathbf nabla left mathbf nabla cdot mathbf A frac 1 c 2 frac partial varphi partial t right mu 0 mathbf J Potentials Lorenz gauge 3D Euclidean space time B A displaystyle mathbf B mathbf nabla times mathbf A E f A t displaystyle mathbf E mathbf nabla varphi frac partial mathbf A partial t A 1c2 f t displaystyle mathbf nabla cdot mathbf A frac 1 c 2 frac partial varphi partial t 2 1c2 2 t2 f re0 displaystyle left nabla 2 frac 1 c 2 frac partial 2 partial t 2 right varphi frac rho varepsilon 0 2 1c2 2 t2 A m0J displaystyle left nabla 2 frac 1 c 2 frac partial 2 partial t 2 right mathbf A mu 0 mathbf J Tensor calculus Formulation Homogeneous equations Inhomogeneous equationsFields space time spatial metric independent of time iBjk iBjk 0 iEj Bij t iEj Bij t 0 displaystyle begin aligned amp partial i B jk amp qquad nabla i B jk 0 amp partial i E j frac partial B ij partial t amp qquad nabla i E j frac partial B ij partial t 0 end aligned 1h ihEi iEi re0 1h ihBij 1c2 tEj iBij 1c2 Ej t m0Jj displaystyle begin aligned amp frac 1 sqrt h partial i sqrt h E i amp qquad nabla i E i frac rho varepsilon 0 amp frac 1 sqrt h partial i sqrt h B ij frac 1 c 2 frac partial partial t E j amp qquad nabla i B ij frac 1 c 2 frac partial E j partial t mu 0 J j end aligned Potentials space with topological restrictions time spatial metric independent of time Bij iAj iAj displaystyle begin aligned B ij amp partial i A j amp nabla i A j end aligned Ei Ai t if Ai t if displaystyle begin aligned E i amp frac partial A i partial t partial i varphi amp frac partial A i partial t nabla i varphi end aligned 1h ih if Ai t i if t iAi re0 1h i hhimhjn mAn 1c2 t Aj t jf i iAj 1c2 2Aj t2 RijAi j iAi 1c2 f t m0Jj displaystyle begin aligned amp frac 1 sqrt h partial i sqrt h left partial i varphi frac partial A i partial t right amp qquad nabla i nabla i varphi frac partial partial t nabla i A i frac rho varepsilon 0 amp frac 1 sqrt h partial i left sqrt h h im h jn partial m A n right frac 1 c 2 frac partial partial t left frac partial A j partial t partial j varphi right amp qquad nabla i nabla i A j frac 1 c 2 frac partial 2 A j partial t 2 R i j A i nabla j left nabla i A i frac 1 c 2 frac partial varphi partial t right mu 0 J j end aligned Potentials Lorenz gauge space with topological restrictions time spatial metric independent of time Bij iAj iAj displaystyle begin aligned B ij amp partial i A j amp nabla i A j end aligned Ei Ai t if Ai t if displaystyle begin aligned E i amp frac partial A i partial t partial i varphi amp frac partial A i partial t nabla i varphi end aligned iAi 1c2 f t displaystyle nabla i A i frac 1 c 2 frac partial varphi partial t i if 1c2 2f t2 re0 displaystyle nabla i nabla i varphi frac 1 c 2 frac partial 2 varphi partial t 2 frac rho varepsilon 0 i iAj 1c2 2Aj t2 RijAi m0Jj displaystyle nabla i nabla i A j frac 1 c 2 frac partial 2 A j partial t 2 R i j A i mu 0 J j Differential forms Formulation Homogeneous equations Inhomogeneous equationsFields any space time dB 0 displaystyle dB 0 dE B t 0 displaystyle dE frac partial B partial t 0 d E re0 displaystyle d star E frac rho varepsilon 0 d B 1c2 E t m0J displaystyle d star B frac 1 c 2 frac partial star E partial t mu 0 J Potentials any gauge any space with topological restrictions time B dA displaystyle B dA E df A t displaystyle E d varphi frac partial A partial t d df A t re0 displaystyle d star left d varphi frac partial A partial t right frac rho varepsilon 0 d dA 1c2 t df A t m0J displaystyle d star dA frac 1 c 2 frac partial partial t star left d varphi frac partial A partial t right mu 0 J Potential Lorenz Gauge any space with topological restrictions time spatial metric independent of time B dA displaystyle B dA E df A t displaystyle E d varphi frac partial A partial t d A 1c2 f t displaystyle d star A star frac 1 c 2 frac partial varphi partial t Df 1c2 2 t2f re0 displaystyle star left Delta varphi frac 1 c 2 frac partial 2 partial t 2 varphi right frac rho varepsilon 0 DA 1c2 2A 2t m0J displaystyle star left Delta A frac 1 c 2 frac partial 2 A partial 2 t right mu 0 J Relativistic formulationsThe Maxwell equations can also be formulated on a spacetime like Minkowski space where space and time are treated on equal footing The direct spacetime formulations make manifest that the Maxwell equations are relativistically invariant Because of this symmetry the electric and magnetic fields are treated on equal footing and are recognized as components of the Faraday tensor This reduces the four Maxwell equations to two which simplifies the equations although we can no longer use the familiar vector formulation In fact the Maxwell equations in the space time formulation are not Galileo invariant and have Lorentz invariance as a hidden symmetry This was a major source of inspiration for the development of relativity theory Indeed even the formulation that treats space and time separately is not a non relativistic approximation and describes the same physics by simply renaming variables For this reason the relativistic invariant equations are usually called the Maxwell equations as well Each table below describes one formalism Tensor calculus Formulation Homogeneous equations Inhomogeneous equationsFields Minkowski space aFbg 0 displaystyle partial alpha F beta gamma 0 aFab m0Jb displaystyle partial alpha F alpha beta mu 0 J beta Potentials any gauge Minkowski space Fab 2 aAb displaystyle F alpha beta 2 partial alpha A beta 2 a aAb m0Jb displaystyle 2 partial alpha partial alpha A beta mu 0 J beta Potentials Lorenz gauge Minkowski space Fab 2 aAb displaystyle F alpha beta 2 partial alpha A beta aAa 0 displaystyle partial alpha A alpha 0 a aAb m0Jb displaystyle partial alpha partial alpha A beta mu 0 J beta Fields any spacetime aFbg aFbg 0 displaystyle begin aligned amp partial alpha F beta gamma amp qquad nabla alpha F beta gamma 0 end aligned 1 g a gFab aFab m0Jb displaystyle begin aligned amp frac 1 sqrt g partial alpha sqrt g F alpha beta amp qquad nabla alpha F alpha beta mu 0 J beta end aligned Potentials any gauge any spacetime with topological restrictions Fab 2 aAb displaystyle F alpha beta 2 partial alpha A beta 2 g a ggamgbn mAn 2 a aAb m0Jb displaystyle begin aligned amp frac 2 sqrt g partial alpha sqrt g g alpha mu g beta nu partial mu A nu amp qquad 2 nabla alpha nabla alpha A beta mu 0 J beta end aligned Potentials Lorenz gauge any spacetime with topological restrictions Fab 2 aAb displaystyle F alpha beta 2 partial alpha A beta aAa 0 displaystyle nabla alpha A alpha 0 a aAb RbaAa m0Jb displaystyle nabla alpha nabla alpha A beta R beta alpha A alpha mu 0 J beta Differential forms Formulation Homogeneous equations Inhomogeneous equationsFields any spacetime dF 0 displaystyle mathrm d F 0 d F m0J displaystyle mathrm d star F mu 0 J Potentials any gauge any spacetime with topological restrictions F dA displaystyle F mathrm d A d dA m0J displaystyle mathrm d star mathrm d A mu 0 J Potentials Lorenz gauge any spacetime with topological restrictions F dA displaystyle F mathrm d A d A 0 displaystyle mathrm d star A 0 A m0J displaystyle star Box A mu 0 J In the tensor calculus formulation the electromagnetic tensor Fab is an antisymmetric covariant order 2 tensor the four potential Aa is a covariant vector the current Ja is a vector the square brackets denote antisymmetrization of indices a is the partial derivative with respect to the coordinate xa In Minkowski space coordinates are chosen with respect to an inertial frame xa ct x y z so that the metric tensor used to raise and lower indices is hab diag 1 1 1 1 The d Alembert operator on Minkowski space is a a as in the vector formulation In general spacetimes the coordinate system xa is arbitrary the covariant derivative a the Ricci tensor Rab and raising and lowering of indices are defined by the Lorentzian metric gab and the d Alembert operator is defined as a a The topological restriction is that the second real cohomology group of the space vanishes see the differential form formulation for an explanation This is violated for Minkowski space with a line removed which can model a flat spacetime with a point like monopole on the complement of the line In the differential form formulation on arbitrary space times F 1 2 Fabdxa dxb is the electromagnetic tensor considered as a 2 form A Aadxa is the potential 1 form J Ja dxa displaystyle J J alpha star mathrm d x alpha is the current 3 form d is the exterior derivative and displaystyle star is the Hodge star on forms defined up to its orientation i e its sign by the Lorentzian metric of spacetime In the special case of 2 forms such as F the Hodge star displaystyle star depends on the metric tensor only for its local scale This means that as formulated the differential form field equations are conformally invariant but the Lorenz gauge condition breaks conformal invariance The operator d d d d displaystyle Box star mathrm d star mathrm d mathrm d star mathrm d star is the d Alembert Laplace Beltrami operator on 1 forms on an arbitrary Lorentzian spacetime The topological condition is again that the second real cohomology group is trivial meaning that its form follows from a definition By the isomorphism with the second de Rham cohomology this condition means that every closed 2 form is exact Other formalisms include the geometric algebra formulation and a matrix representation of Maxwell s equations Historically a quaternionic formulation was used SolutionsMaxwell s equations are partial differential equations that relate the electric and magnetic fields to each other and to the electric charges and currents Often the charges and currents are themselves dependent on the electric and magnetic fields via the Lorentz force equation and the constitutive relations These all form a set of coupled partial differential equations which are often very difficult to solve the solutions encompass all the diverse phenomena of classical electromagnetism Some general remarks follow As for any differential equation boundary conditions and initial conditions are necessary for a unique solution For example even with no charges and no currents anywhere in spacetime there are the obvious solutions for which E and B are zero or constant but there are also non trivial solutions corresponding to electromagnetic waves In some cases Maxwell s equations are solved over the whole of space and boundary conditions are given as asymptotic limits at infinity In other cases Maxwell s equations are solved in a finite region of space with appropriate conditions on the boundary of that region for example an artificial absorbing boundary representing the rest of the universe or periodic boundary conditions or walls that isolate a small region from the outside world as with a waveguide or cavity resonator Jefimenko s equations or the closely related Lienard Wiechert potentials are the explicit solution to Maxwell s equations for the electric and magnetic fields created by any given distribution of charges and currents It assumes specific initial conditions to obtain the so called retarded solution where the only fields present are the ones created by the charges However Jefimenko s equations are unhelpful in situations when the charges and currents are themselves affected by the fields they create Numerical methods for differential equations can be used to compute approximate solutions of Maxwell s equations when exact solutions are impossible These include the finite element method and finite difference time domain method For more details see Computational electromagnetics Overdetermination of Maxwell s equationsMaxwell s equations seem overdetermined in that they involve six unknowns the three components of E and B but eight equations one for each of the two Gauss s laws three vector components each for Faraday s and Ampere s laws The currents and charges are not unknowns being freely specifiable subject to charge conservation This is related to a certain limited kind of redundancy in Maxwell s equations It can be proven that any system satisfying Faraday s law and Ampere s law automatically also satisfies the two Gauss s laws as long as the system s initial condition does and assuming conservation of charge and the nonexistence of magnetic monopoles This explanation was first introduced by Julius Adams Stratton in 1941 Although it is possible to simply ignore the two Gauss s laws in a numerical algorithm apart from the initial conditions the imperfect precision of the calculations can lead to ever increasing violations of those laws By introducing dummy variables characterizing these violations the four equations become not overdetermined after all The resulting formulation can lead to more accurate algorithms that take all four laws into account Both identities B 0 E 0 displaystyle nabla cdot nabla times mathbf B equiv 0 nabla cdot nabla times mathbf E equiv 0 which reduce eight equations to six independent ones are the true reason of overdetermination Equivalently the overdetermination can be viewed as implying conservation of electric and magnetic charge as they are required in the derivation described above but implied by the two Gauss s laws For linear algebraic equations one can make nice rules to rewrite the equations and unknowns The equations can be linearly dependent But in differential equations and especially partial differential equations PDEs one needs appropriate boundary conditions which depend in not so obvious ways on the equations Even more if one rewrites them in terms of vector and scalar potential then the equations are underdetermined because of gauge fixing Maxwell s equations and quantum mechanicsMaxwell s equations are valid in both the classical and the quantum realm In the Heisenberg representation of Quantum Mechanics the equations of the E and B operators are precisely Maxwell s equations Of course since the fields are quantum operators there are many aspects which differ from the classical fields For example the E field acts like the momentum conjugate to the spatial components of the vector potential A This of course leads to many aspects of the quantum electromagnetic field with differ from them as classical fields but they still obey the same evolution equations as the classical field does Of course once one examines the effects of the electromagnetic fields on charged matter and those effects then change the electromagnetic field are examined the field equations become non linear and the quantum behaviour of non linear field can be very different from the classical behaviour of the non linear fields That however does not alter the fact that if one remains in the linear regime the fields obey Maxwell s equations VariationsPopular variations on the Maxwell equations as a classical theory of electromagnetic fields are relatively scarce because the standard equations have stood the test of time remarkably well Magnetic monopoles Maxwell s equations posit that there is electric charge but no magnetic charge also called magnetic monopoles in the universe Indeed magnetic charge has never been observed despite extensive searches and may not exist If they did exist both Gauss s law for magnetism and Faraday s law would need to be modified and the resulting four equations would be fully symmetric under the interchange of electric and magnetic fields 273 275 See alsoElectronics portalPhysics portalAlgebra of physical space Fresnel equations Gravitoelectromagnetism Interface conditions for electromagnetic fields Moving magnet and conductor problem Riemann Silberstein vector Spacetime algebra Wheeler Feynman absorber theoryExplanatory notesElectric and magnetic fields according to the theory of relativity are the components of a single electromagnetic field In general relativity however they must enter through its stress energy tensor into Einstein field equations that include the spacetime curvature The absence of sinks sources of the field does not imply that the field lines must be closed or escape to infinity They can also wrap around indefinitely without self intersections Moreover around points where the field is zero that cannot be intersected by field lines because their direction would not be defined there can be the simultaneous begin of some lines and end of other lines This happens for instance in the middle between two identical cylindrical magnets whose north poles face each other In the middle between those magnets the field is zero and the axial field lines coming from the magnets end At the same time an infinite number of divergent lines emanate radially from this point The simultaneous presence of lines which end and begin around the point preserves the divergence free character of the field For a detailed discussion of non closed field lines see L Zilberti The Misconception of Closed Magnetic Flux Lines IEEE Magnetics Letters vol 8 art 1306005 2017 The quantity we would now call 1 e0m0 with units of velocity was directly measured before Maxwell s equations in an 1855 experiment by Wilhelm Eduard Weber and Rudolf Kohlrausch They charged a leyden jar a kind of capacitor and measured the electrostatic force associated with the potential then they discharged it while measuring the magnetic force from the current in the discharge wire Their result was 3 107 108 m s remarkably close to the speed of light See Joseph F Keithley The story of electrical and magnetic measurements from 500 B C to the 1940s p 115 There are cases anomalous dispersion where the phase velocity can exceed c but the signal velocity will still be lt c In some books e g in U Krey and A Owen s Basic Theoretical Physics Springer 2007 the term effective charge is used instead of total charge while free charge is simply called charge See magnetic monopole for a discussion of monopole searches Recently scientists have discovered that some types of condensed matter including spin ice and topological insulators which display emergent behavior resembling magnetic monopoles See sciencemag org and nature com Although these were described in the popular press as the long awaited discovery of magnetic monopoles they are only superficially related A true magnetic monopole is something where B 0 whereas in these condensed matter systems B 0 while only H 0 ReferencesHampshire Damian P 29 October 2018 A derivation of Maxwell s equations using the Heaviside notation Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences 376 2134 arXiv 1510 04309 Bibcode 2018RSPTA 37670447H doi 10 1098 rsta 2017 0447 ISSN 1364 503X PMC 6232579 PMID 30373937 The NIST Reference on Constants Units and Uncertainty Jackson John Science Video Glossary Berkeley Lab Archived from the original on 2019 01 29 Retrieved 2016 06 04 J D Jackson Classical Electrodynamics section 6 3 Principles of physics a calculus based text by R A Serway J W Jewett page 809 Bruce J Hunt 1991 The Maxwellians chapter 5 and appendix Cornell University Press Maxwell s Equations Engineering and Technology History Wiki 29 October 2019 Retrieved 2021 12 04 Solin Pavel 2006 Partial differential equations and the finite element method John Wiley and Sons p 273 ISBN 978 0 471 72070 6 J D Jackson 1975 10 17 Classical Electrodynamics 3rd ed Wiley ISBN 978 0 471 43132 9 Littlejohn Robert Fall 2007 Gaussian SI and Other Systems of Units in Electromagnetic Theory PDF Physics 221A University of California Berkeley lecture notes Retrieved 2008 05 06 David J Griffiths 1999 Introduction to electrodynamics Third ed Prentice Hall pp 559 562 ISBN 978 0 13 805326 0 Kimball Milton J Schwinger 18 June 2006 Electromagnetic Radiation Variational Methods Waveguides and Accelerators Springer Science amp Business Media ISBN 978 3 540 29306 4 See David J Griffiths 1999 4 2 2 Introduction to Electrodynamics third ed Prentice Hall ISBN 9780138053260 for a good description of how P relates to the bound charge See David J Griffiths 1999 6 2 2 Introduction to Electrodynamics third ed Prentice Hall ISBN 9780138053260 for a good description of how M relates to the bound current Andrew Zangwill 2013 Modern Electrodynamics Cambridge University Press ISBN 978 0 521 89697 9 Kittel Charles 2005 Introduction to Solid State Physics 8th ed USA John Wiley amp Sons Inc ISBN 978 0 471 41526 8 Jack P M 2003 Physical Space as a Quaternion Structure I Maxwell Equations A Brief Note arXiv math ph 0307038 A Waser 2000 On the Notation of Maxwell s Field Equations PDF AW Verlag Peter Monk 2003 Finite Element Methods for Maxwell s Equations Oxford UK Oxford University Press p 1 ff ISBN 978 0 19 850888 5 Thomas B A Senior amp John Leonidas Volakis 1995 03 01 Approximate Boundary Conditions in Electromagnetics London UK Institution of Electrical Engineers p 261 ff ISBN 978 0 85296 849 9 T Hagstrom Bjorn Engquist amp Gregory A Kriegsmann Eds 1997 Computational Wave Propagation Berlin Springer p 1 ff ISBN 978 0 387 94874 4 Henning F Harmuth amp Malek G M Hussain 1994 Propagation of Electromagnetic Signals Singapore World Scientific p 17 ISBN 978 981 02 1689 4 David M Cook 2002 The Theory of the Electromagnetic Field Mineola NY Courier Dover Publications p 335 ff ISBN 978 0 486 42567 2 Jean Michel Lourtioz 2005 05 23 Photonic Crystals Towards Nanoscale Photonic Devices Berlin Springer p 84 ISBN 978 3 540 24431 8 S G Johnson Notes on Perfectly Matched Layers online MIT course notes Aug 2007 S F Mahmoud 1991 Electromagnetic Waveguides Theory and Applications London UK Institution of Electrical Engineers Chapter 2 ISBN 978 0 86341 232 5 John Leonidas Volakis Arindam Chatterjee amp Leo C Kempel 1998 Finite element method for electromagnetics antennas microwave circuits and scattering applications New York Wiley IEEE p 79 ff ISBN 978 0 7803 3425 0 Bernard Friedman 1990 Principles and Techniques of Applied Mathematics Mineola NY Dover Publications ISBN 978 0 486 66444 6 Taflove A amp Hagness S C 2005 Computational Electrodynamics The Finite difference Time domain Method Boston MA Artech House Chapters 6 amp 7 ISBN 978 1 58053 832 9 H Freistuhler amp G Warnecke 2001 Hyperbolic Problems Theory Numerics Applications Springer p 605 ISBN 9783764367107 J Rosen 1980 Redundancy and superfluity for electromagnetic fields and potentials American Journal of Physics 48 12 1071 Bibcode 1980AmJPh 48 1071R doi 10 1119 1 12289 J A Stratton 1941 Electromagnetic Theory McGraw Hill Book Company pp 1 6 ISBN 9780470131534 B Jiang amp J Wu amp L A Povinelli 1996 The Origin of Spurious Solutions in Computational Electromagnetics Journal of Computational Physics 125 1 104 Bibcode 1996JCoPh 125 104J doi 10 1006 jcph 1996 0082 hdl 2060 19950021305 Weinberg Steven 1972 Gravitation and Cosmology John Wiley pp 161 162 ISBN 978 0 471 92567 5 Courant R amp Hilbert D 1962 Methods of Mathematical Physics Partial Differential Equations vol II New York Wiley Interscience pp 15 18 ISBN 9783527617241Further readingImaeda K 1995 Biquaternionic Formulation of Maxwell s Equations and their Solutions in Ablamowicz Rafal Lounesto Pertti eds Clifford Algebras and Spinor Structures Springer pp 265 280 doi 10 1007 978 94 015 8422 7 16 ISBN 978 90 481 4525 6Historical publications 1855 56 Maxwell s first paper Part 1 amp 2 Compiled by Blaze Labs Research PDF On Physical Lines of Force 1861 Maxwell s 1861 paper describing magnetic lines of force Predecessor to 1873 Treatise James Clerk Maxwell A Dynamical Theory of the Electromagnetic Field Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London 155 459 512 1865 This article accompanied a December 8 1864 presentation by Maxwell to the Royal Society A Dynamical Theory Of The Electromagnetic Field 1865 Maxwell s 1865 paper describing his 20 equations link from Google Books J Clerk Maxwell 1873 A Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism Maxwell J C A Treatise on Electricity And Magnetism Volume 1 1873 Posner Memorial Collection Carnegie Mellon University Maxwell J C A Treatise on Electricity And Magnetism Volume 2 1873 Posner Memorial Collection Carnegie Mellon University The developments before relativity Larmor Joseph 1897 On a dynamical theory of the electric and luminiferous medium Part 3 Relations with material media Phil Trans R Soc 190 205 300 Lorentz Hendrik 1899 Simplified theory of electrical and optical phenomena in moving systems Proc Acad Science Amsterdam I 427 443 Lorentz Hendrik 1904 Electromagnetic phenomena in a system moving with any velocity less than that of light Proc Acad Science Amsterdam IV 669 678 Henri Poincare 1900 La theorie de Lorentz et le Principe de Reaction in French Archives Neerlandaises V 253 278 Henri Poincare 1902 La Science et l Hypothese in French Henri Poincare 1905 Sur la dynamique de l electron in French Comptes Rendus de l Academie des Sciences 140 1504 1508 Catt Walton and Davidson The History of Displacement Current 2008 05 06 at the Wayback Machine Wireless World March 1979 External linksWikimedia Commons has media related to Maxwell s equations Wikiquote has quotations related to Maxwell s equations Wikiversity discusses basic Maxwell integrals for students Maxwell equations Encyclopedia of Mathematics EMS Press 2001 1994 maxwells equations com An intuitive tutorial of Maxwell s equations The Feynman Lectures on Physics Vol II Ch 18 The Maxwell Equations Wikiversity Page on Maxwell s EquationsModern treatments Electromagnetism ch 11 B Crowell Fullerton College R Fitzpatrick University of Texas at Austin Electromagnetic waves from Maxwell s equations on Project PHYSNET Taught by Professor Walter Lewin Other Silagadze Z K 2002 Feynman s derivation of Maxwell equations and extra dimensions Annales de la Fondation Louis de Broglie 27 241 256 arXiv hep ph 0106235 Bibcode 2001hep ph 6235S Nature Milestones Photons Milestone 2 1861 Maxwell s equations, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library, article, read, download, free, free download, mp3, video, mp4, 3gp, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, picture, music, song, movie, book, game, games, mobile, phone, android, ios, apple, mobile phone, samsung, iphone, xiomi, xiaomi, redmi, honor, oppo, nokia, sonya, mi, pc, web, computer